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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • One more request for help...

    I am amazed at how peaceful I have become, and how much more I approach everything with a peaceful attitude and calmly.

    There is just two situations I need help with... The first one is with my kids, as every once in a while especially or mostly when they ignore me and do not do the things I ask them to do... I go off on them! For some reason, I just get so frustrated with them and then I get frustrated with myself and start feeling like a failure as a mom... I know I am not a failure, but that is the old pattern that comes up! I know there is something down inside of me that needs dealing with!!! HELP!!! I did this two days ago... Just went off ragging at my daughter who is a teenager cause she was not ready to go when I had asked her to get ready long before this... Thanks in advance! I will also work on it on my own.

    There is a girl at Iza's School who has for the last two years been bullying her (well it kind of started back in second grade). I have moved Iza to different schools several times, to only have her mom move her to those schools! So now Iza will be moving up to Walla Walla schools, and I find out her family is thinking of putting her in Walla Walla schools too! This freaks me out, as I don't know what to do about it! Part of me then says, Hey your intention is to have the freedom to move to California... so by the time H.S starts Iza and you will probably be in Calif.! Then there is this other part that says what if we are still here and this girl transfers to this school. I hear that her parents plan on lying about where they live to have her up in these schools, and if that is the case... I just have to tell the school district where she really lives, but there is a chance her Mother is leaving her Dad and planning to move up here as I did!

    I just need to find peace in my heart and decide that the girls will get along and she will be a nice person for the first time in her life if they end up at the same school or me and the kids will be in Calif. and never have to deal with this child again. I also want to forgive this child for all she has done to Iza! I think I have and then I hear something she is pulling or moving up this way and I freak out! I get so angry and start plotting again! My X can't make me this mad any more, so why can this teenager do this to me!

    Thanks Sallyjane zartgirl


    • Dr. Darren Weissman and then rambling...

      Hopefully I got his name right, but has anyone ever read Infinite Love and Gratitude by Dr. Darren Weissman about the Lifeline Technique? I was listening to a show on Hayhouse Radio yesterday with him and while I don't know his technique specifically, he did say when you are feeling anything negative, stress, anger, whatever, make the hand sign for I love you, hold it over your heart, and say to yourself, "Thank You, Unconditional Love and Gratitude". I was trying it all day yesterday and I'm not sure if it was that or what but I just woke up this morning and those were the first thoughts that came to me and I have a great sense of peace this morning, which is fantastic considering I woke up practically having a panic attack yesterday!

      Grace, aside from waking up thinking that, I often wake up with a fast heartbeat which I can hear in my ears, no matter how I'm feeling (relaxed or not). It's been an ongoing thing for years and I've had medical tests for high blood pressure (24- hour monitors) and I'm supposedly fine, but it really bugs me as that doesn't seem right! I'm really trying to intend wellness for myself in all areas but an extra push in that direction would be appreciated.

      Sallyjane. I totally relate to your frustrations with your kids as I do the same thing and then wonder what the heck I just did - who was that crazy lady?!! LOL I intend for you calmness and peace in dealing with your kids, as I do for myself.... this is all for our benefit, helping us let go of our egos... Thank You. Unconditional Love and Gratitude.... Same with the other situation too. How very odd that is that she keeps coming to the same schools, but nonetheless, it's happening for a reason so Thank You and let it go....

      LOL Now here I am giving advice! Clearly some shift has happened!!!

      Love and blessings to you all.


      • Grace

        I sent you a PM letting you know when I will be in FL in March. Can't wait to meet you!
        for gratitude, Inika


        • What wonderful posts...I stay away because I have so busy and then visit to fill up again. Thank you all for your sharing. Adrienne and Sallyjane, I been have particularly enthralled by the distance you have come...I'm humbled.

          Hello Grace, my dear, could you please make corrections for my lovely friend Karen who it turns out does not have cancer but a serious staph infection in her blood and sho is stilll exhausted I suspect. Also, could you keep working on my blessed right elbow and forearm please? Such stubborness this pesky apendage displays.

          Things have improved with my nephew's health but if you could continue to make corrections for my brother-in-law also please?

          Thank you in advance for your love and support and endless corrections!
          With love and gratitude,



          • Grace, another request....could you please work on complete health, happiness, and abundance for yourself...I would really appreciate it!

            Thank you


            • Ooooh, I just had to share this with you...

              Oooh! this is so exciting... Well as you know I am starting a new business, right! Hehehee! So today I got in my car and was going to Walmart to get some stuff... no big deal just wanted to get myself out of the house.

              I get in my car and start to move forward and my cell phone rings... I go to answer the call on my blue tooth and realize that it is not on... I have to answer my call on the actual cell phone (if you can imagine that! ) More importantly I had to pull back over cause it is illegal to talk on the cell phone and drive w/out hands free! Ok to the point... It was someone calling me for graphic design work! I did not approach this person personally as I did not know she would be looking for my talents! Just a phone call out of the blue!

              Okay that is some serious manifestation, and it is only the begining! Watch out world here I come!!!! Isn't that exciting! Okay I just had to share that with you!

              Now on another note... I did some work on the little girl (teenager who hassles Iza and gets under my skin. I cleared everything to the point of forgiveness. I also cleared the issues in this girl that was causing her to do these horrible things to Iza! Today I realize that I need to clear Iza to the point of forgiveness of this girl. Either way it will not matter if they go to the same school next year as she is not going to be a problem to Iza and I any more! I tested to find out if this girl should ever be accepted as a friend by Iza, and it tested NO! Hehehe... So this issue is finally a non issue!

              As far as my kids pushing me to the breaking point... I have to work on that still, but I will get on that tonight!

              I have also had a big EGG come up for me to deal with recently and it has to do with how much I weigh and how much I want to weigh. I also came to the realization that I am somewhat causing Iza's weight gain, as it goes back to when I was her age and was by no means overweight and my Mom freaked out on me and decided that I was going to be overweight, so started putting me on diets. Well now after years of messed up thinking about my weight... I believe I am passing that EGG on to my daughter. So I am going to start to clear alot of these issues too! Especially, my issues with weight!

              Well this turned out to be a novel post... my appologies!

              Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl


              • For Zartgirl!

                Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                I am amazed at how peaceful I have become, and how much more I approach everything with a peaceful attitude and calmly.

                There is just two situations I need help with... The first one is with my kids, as every once in a while especially or mostly when they ignore me and do not do the things I ask them to do... I go off on them! For some reason, I just get so frustrated with them and then I get frustrated with myself and start feeling like a failure as a mom... I know I am not a failure, but that is the old pattern that comes up! I know there is something down inside of me that needs dealing with!!! HELP!!! I did this two days ago... Just went off ragging at my daughter who is a teenager cause she was not ready to go when I had asked her to get ready long before this... Thanks in advance! I will also work on it on my own.

                There is a girl at Iza's School who has for the last two years been bullying her (well it kind of started back in second grade). I have moved Iza to different schools several times, to only have her mom move her to those schools! So now Iza will be moving up to Walla Walla schools, and I find out her family is thinking of putting her in Walla Walla schools too! This freaks me out, as I don't know what to do about it! Part of me then says, Hey your intention is to have the freedom to move to California... so by the time H.S starts Iza and you will probably be in Calif.! Then there is this other part that says what if we are still here and this girl transfers to this school. I hear that her parents plan on lying about where they live to have her up in these schools, and if that is the case... I just have to tell the school district where she really lives, but there is a chance her Mother is leaving her Dad and planning to move up here as I did!

                I just need to find peace in my heart and decide that the girls will get along and she will be a nice person for the first time in her life if they end up at the same school or me and the kids will be in Calif. and never have to deal with this child again. I also want to forgive this child for all she has done to Iza! I think I have and then I hear something she is pulling or moving up this way and I freak out! I get so angry and start plotting again! My X can't make me this mad any more, so why can this teenager do this to me!

                Thanks Sallyjane zartgirl
                Hi Sallyjane!

                When you "go off" on anyone, in your case it is stemming from your emotional and spiritual bodies. I am happy to make corrections for this, since it is a major issue for many people! So thank you so much for posting this!

                On a scale of 1 out of 10 (10 being absolutely fabulous mother) YOU ARE A 10! So you are not only "not a failure" as a mom, but you are absolutely fabulous!

                At times when people (especially the ones living with us) reflect back our emotions and feelings they are not always the emotions that we want to see.
                When we have an emotion, let's say frustration (that we have not noticed in the moment) a person will come along with the same emotion building inside and will be drawn to connect with this like emotion. Many people have referred to this as "button" pushing. You have a button of frustration that another person pushes to get your attention on YOU.

                This is such an incredible blessing! I always say "bring the button pushing on" for it helps me clearly see, what I need to work on within myself! You always know too when it is button pushing or when it is another person's buttons and not yours, because if they act up in front of you and you maintain peace, calm and neutrality with absolutely no care in the world except for compassion then it is just their stuff. In this moment you can choose to help them or not.

                The truth is, when someone goes off on you and you are at peace, you really don't need to say or do anything; you have already expressed the divine light of peace, and I assure you they will be the one to walk away with a special gift of light that you have bestowed upon them!

                So go and practice blessing all those that push your "buttons" because after a very short while you will feel ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS when another button is discovered (they will be far and few between) but it will be a JOY! You will see another Grand opportunity to BRING FORTH THE LIGHT that is within you and instantly light up the dark! Awareness is all it takes, and with greater and greater Awareness well then, you will BE greater than the SUN shining your magnificent light for all to benefit from!!

                This practice will help you and Iza immensely concerning this other teenager.




                • For KimJ!

                  Originally posted by KimJ View Post
                  Hopefully I got his name right, but has anyone ever read Infinite Love and Gratitude by Dr. Darren Weissman about the Lifeline Technique? I was listening to a show on Hayhouse Radio yesterday with him and while I don't know his technique specifically, he did say when you are feeling anything negative, stress, anger, whatever, make the hand sign for I love you, hold it over your heart, and say to yourself, "Thank You, Unconditional Love and Gratitude". I was trying it all day yesterday and I'm not sure if it was that or what but I just woke up this morning and those were the first thoughts that came to me and I have a great sense of peace this morning, which is fantastic considering I woke up practically having a panic attack yesterday!

                  Grace, aside from waking up thinking that, I often wake up with a fast heartbeat which I can hear in my ears, no matter how I'm feeling (relaxed or not). It's been an ongoing thing for years and I've had medical tests for high blood pressure (24- hour monitors) and I'm supposedly fine, but it really bugs me as that doesn't seem right! I'm really trying to intend wellness for myself in all areas but an extra push in that direction would be appreciated.

                  Sallyjane. I totally relate to your frustrations with your kids as I do the same thing and then wonder what the heck I just did - who was that crazy lady?!! LOL I intend for you calmness and peace in dealing with your kids, as I do for myself.... this is all for our benefit, helping us let go of our egos... Thank You. Unconditional Love and Gratitude.... Same with the other situation too. How very odd that is that she keeps coming to the same schools, but nonetheless, it's happening for a reason so Thank You and let it go....

                  LOL Now here I am giving advice! Clearly some shift has happened!!!

                  Love and blessings to you all.
                  Thank you Kimj for the wonderful information! It is always great to hear about things that are new for me. Anything concerning Love and Gratitude is a topic I am always interested in! Dr. Weissman sounds fabulous!!

                  I test that your fast heartbeat is stemming from your Mental body, "When the Mind races, the body works hard to keep up". I will continue to make corrections for this.

                  I love your advice, and am so happy and grateful that we all can shift!!



                  • For Inika!

                    Originally posted by Inika View Post
                    I sent you a PM letting you know when I will be in FL in March. Can't wait to meet you!

                    I sent you a Pm back! I was hoping you would add to your signature your website! I am so looking forward to meeting you and attending your workshop! It would be very cool for everyone to know what we are talking about!!



                    • For Allen!

                      Originally posted by allenm View Post
                      What wonderful posts...I stay away because I have so busy and then visit to fill up again. Thank you all for your sharing. Adrienne and Sallyjane, I been have particularly enthralled by the distance you have come...I'm humbled.

                      Hello Grace, my dear, could you please make corrections for my lovely friend Karen who it turns out does not have cancer but a serious staph infection in her blood and sho is stilll exhausted I suspect. Also, could you keep working on my blessed right elbow and forearm please? Such stubborness this pesky apendage displays.

                      Things have improved with my nephew's health but if you could continue to make corrections for my brother-in-law also please?

                      Thank you in advance for your love and support and endless corrections!
                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • For my gorgeous sister of light Nadine!

                        Originally posted by nadine View Post
                        Grace, another request....could you please work on complete health, happiness, and abundance for yourself...I would really appreciate it!

                        Thank you


                        You have touched my heart more than you'll ever know!! I have to admit when I first read your post on Friday, I did not see "for yourself"! Now that I have come back to reply, I realized that you were requesting corrections for ME!

                        I will most definitely do these corrections for you, and I thank you from the deepest part of my BEING! WE ARE ONE!

                        IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                        • For Zartgirl!

                          Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                          Oooh! this is so exciting... Well as you know I am starting a new business, right! Hehehee! So today I got in my car and was going to Walmart to get some stuff... no big deal just wanted to get myself out of the house.

                          I get in my car and start to move forward and my cell phone rings... I go to answer the call on my blue tooth and realize that it is not on... I have to answer my call on the actual cell phone (if you can imagine that! ) More importantly I had to pull back over cause it is illegal to talk on the cell phone and drive w/out hands free! Ok to the point... It was someone calling me for graphic design work! I did not approach this person personally as I did not know she would be looking for my talents! Just a phone call out of the blue!

                          Okay that is some serious manifestation, and it is only the begining! Watch out world here I come!!!! Isn't that exciting! Okay I just had to share that with you!

                          Now on another note... I did some work on the little girl (teenager who hassles Iza and gets under my skin. I cleared everything to the point of forgiveness. I also cleared the issues in this girl that was causing her to do these horrible things to Iza! Today I realize that I need to clear Iza to the point of forgiveness of this girl. Either way it will not matter if they go to the same school next year as she is not going to be a problem to Iza and I any more! I tested to find out if this girl should ever be accepted as a friend by Iza, and it tested NO! Hehehe... So this issue is finally a non issue!

                          As far as my kids pushing me to the breaking point... I have to work on that still, but I will get on that tonight!

                          I have also had a big EGG come up for me to deal with recently and it has to do with how much I weigh and how much I want to weigh. I also came to the realization that I am somewhat causing Iza's weight gain, as it goes back to when I was her age and was by no means overweight and my Mom freaked out on me and decided that I was going to be overweight, so started putting me on diets. Well now after years of messed up thinking about my weight... I believe I am passing that EGG on to my daughter. So I am going to start to clear alot of these issues too! Especially, my issues with weight!

                          Well this turned out to be a novel post... my appologies!

                          Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl

                          I am going to put some special attention, individually for you and Iza on your perfect bodies! Allowing the love from the truth of who you are to infiltrate every spectacular cell in your physical body, your beautiful temple, that expresses your magnificence!
                          IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                          • A True Master Maggie!

                            I had to post another of Maggie's Poems here again today! Once again I have been touched by the hand of GOD! THANK YOU MAGGIE!!

                            What If…

                            What if in this holographic dance in time and space
                            Freeze frame came into play
                            Reversing time but for a moment
                            What would you change

                            What if in that one speck of time
                            We manifested peacefulness
                            A moment of silent reflection
                            Gratitude and joy

                            What if we took the time
                            To see with clear vision
                            Those in our presence
                            In their truth and wholeness

                            What if when the moment ended
                            And we moved on our way
                            We brought forth in our NOW memory
                            What we had seen this day

                            Would it change -
                            A thought
                            A shared experience
                            A remembrance of a time

                            When we saw truth and wholeness
                            In everyone in that moment

                            And then what if we made it

                            Moments of Imaginings

                            Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,

                            Here is the link to the HEALING ARTS THREAD, and this new Poem. Notice the fabulous name of Maggie's website, "WORD WHISPERER"

                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Grace,

                              Thanks for posting that poem. I've been struggling with a common cold that I just can't seem to knock out of my system, but something about this poem reminded me that it can be gone in a flash, that it is "already gone" as The Eagles would tell you, that it is just one of those illusion things....

                              I think I know what the recurring cold is about. I'll PM you...

                              Lots of exciting things going on here--Zartgirl, congrats on getting that design work!


                              • Originally posted by Grace View Post
                                Bobi, With Cem I ask for permission directly from the higher self of each of us, I can't make any corrections "stick" if it is not for the highest and best good for the soul. You asking for assistance for your mother is beautiful and prayer filled. You are not only helping your mother, but many other people who have parents that feel the same way that you do, and are reading these posts. I can also tell you that exercise is not the priority here with your Mother. She is in need of being of service. If you can find something that she has to offer to others, she will feel fulfilled and valued. Exercise is wonderful, but she needs to maintain her purpose.

                                oh my goodness that *zinged* right to my heart. Of course! Of course! Mom's life has been very much about service. If she knows/feels she can still be of service the various challenges of aging can be dealt with, taken in stride.

                                It came into play in the simpliest of ways today. We're having a snow storm so we cleared ice & snow, drove to moms, picked up some things along the way and cleared and salted her walk/driveway. I knew she'd want to feed us. She's like that. I was anxious about the weather, eager to get home but I knew before setting out I would gladly stay because of your words. Gathiering for food is so fundamental in all cultures and is but one way she enjoys being of service.

                                More snow pretty much covered all we cleared but we had a lovely visit and felt served and servicing on both sides. I will keep aware of how else to help her keep that vital in her life. Though, for the life of me, not sure how. I already have a hard time keeping up with her in that regard.

                                Thanks once again. If corrections can be done for keeping clear the channels of inspiration in this aspect (well, in all aspects actually ) would you please include that in your list?

                                We're going to make snow ice cream soon! Rare treat in the desert

                                with much joy,

