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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • The Gentle Art of Blessing

    While I am posting this for all to enjoy, I am dedicating it to our precious Grace who blesses us daily with her gentle, powerful presence.

    YouTube - The Art of Blessings

    Namaste, Grace
    ZPoint Practitioner


    • Thank You!

      Thank you Peg,

      That was truly beautiful. I shall revisit that blessing often & think of Grace whenever I do so.Those sentiments fit her so well.

      I have been thinking for quite some time now how wonderful this technology of the internet is & this is no exception.

      In Gratitude,
      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • Gracie, my memoir

        Hi Gracie,

        Would you please do some corrections for me to help to get the publication of my memoir moving? Especially with respect to writing the query letter? I have a wonderfully polished, very effective query letter (in that it's gotten the book into the hands of agents and top shelf publishing houses) but I've come to realize that it focuses too much on the famous writers that I grew up with, and not enough on the fact that the book itself is about miraculous healing from childhood trauma and the gift of ongoing transformation, with the famous writers and that period of literary history really a backdrop or setting. I need to revise the query to make a shift in emphasis so that the agents reading it don't expect a book about the famous people, but rather a book about surviving, healing, and ultimately thriving -- with a deeply spiritual core to the narrative, set against an interesting literary-historical and cultural backdrop. And I'm having a really hard time imagining how to do that.

        Thanks in advance, beautiful spirit.

        And I am already celebrating with you in advance the way you effortlessly sail through your black belt test on friday

        Last edited by Chansonette; 05-15-2007, 04:11 AM.


        • Thank you Grace!

          Hi Grace,

          Sorry I haven't responded sooner, but the hard drive on my laptop died yesterday so I wasn't able to see your response until today.

          Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my message. I really appreciate your help and "corrections" regarding my allergies and asthma. My allergies haven't really acted up at all today even though I was out of the golf course all day. I had a little problem breathing earlier so I needed to take a puff of my medication.

          Thank you also for the recommendations for PATHS modules. I have a few questions so I'm going to PM you with them later.

          I wish you all the best of luck with your Black Belt testing! I can only imagine how brutal it can be. I use to take Tae Kwon Do and only got up to a level 2 blue belt (2 degrees below a black belt) but I know the black belt testing is really intense, not just physically but mentally. From everything I've read on this forum, you are amazingly strong, gifted and brave. Everything about you is impressive and I know you will kick some serious butt this weekend

          Take care,


          • I'm not Grace, but.....

            Originally posted by Chansonette View Post
            the book itself is about miraculous healing from childhood trauma and the gift of ongoing transformation, with the famous writers and that period of literary history really a backdrop or setting.
            Originally posted by Chansonette View Post
            a book about surviving, healing, and ultimately thriving -- with a deeply spiritual core to the narrative, set against an interesting literary-historical and cultural backdrop.
            These words of your's sound like excellent words to put in a query letter and would set *me* up quite well to read the book. Granted, I'm not a publisher, but I thought your words did a wonderful job of conveying what the book is about.

            Paths To Your Success


            • Thank You Ann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Hey Ann,

              What a wonderful post for me to find this morning! I was busting my hump last night trying to tweak that query letter...and I did pull some phrases from the post into it but they didn't seem to fit. But on the strength of what you say here (and it don't make no never mind that you're not in publishing, you're a reader and reader response is the most important response there is!) I'm going to try a different tack tonight, build the query around those sentences instead of try to put them into the existing query. I swear, writing the book was easypeasy. Writing the query letter is the hardest thing I've ever having to do it all over again is (that's a tantrum now, not rofl )

              So thanks, dear one, for the encouragement. Does my heart good!!!!!

              love & hugs



              • I am not sure what corrections are, but I would love to have their benefit as well. I am on paths and love it.
                Please count me in!


                • Hello everyone! This thread is just phenomenal!! I can't get over the postiive energy flowing here! You are all an inspiration!

                  To Grace - I just want to say you just amaze me (and I can't help but think of "Amazing Grace" when I say that! ) and I've been drawn to your posts ever since I first started coming to the PATHS forum. I've even checked out the Chinese Medicine site you've mentioned as all of this fascinates me. I want to be like you! LOL Anyway, not to take too much of your time, but I'd love any corrections on revealing my "life path" - hopefully you know what I mean. I've been drawn always as a child to "in some way help the world" (a little prayer I used to say as a kid) but have never figured out how. I've put myself on the back burner for years now with having kids and just dealing with paying the bills and all that and I'm just tired of it. I'm on four modules with PATHS and am hoping those will help things become more clear. Like everyone, I just want financial abundance to do things I love in ways that I can have fun as well as help others. I can't help but think that's "unrealistic" - but that's the old battle I'm always fighting with myself! I also have had a tendency to high blood pressure since I was 21 for no apparent reason so if you notice that feel free to "fix it". LOL

                  To everyone, all in all, I just want to say I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of this forum, this thread, this amazing experience we are all on. Thanks to you all for just being you. It's a joy to come to these forums every day.



                  • You're so welcome, Chansonette!

                    Just remember that you have a way with words and think of writing this query letter as though you're writing the introduction of your book (which was easypeasy for you). I know you'll ace it!

                    Paths To Your Success


                    • Grace,

                      Thank you so much for your gift of time and energy. I'm not sure what you did, or when you did it - but I went to bed the night after my original post with the most amazing tingling sensation throughout the entire left side of my face. I often have had similar sensations since surgery last summer, but never to this extreme. I am certain the tingling is the result of change in my facial nerve.

                      I will also read Aaron's DeVisE Method of Manifestation.

                      Sending blessings your way,



                      • Gracie has been doing corrections on a problem I had with my ear. She also kindly said she would do corrections for my financial situation. I posted over at the PATHS PI forum about my situation, but in a nutshell my situation was:

                        I have not worked for 18 months, I can't pay my mortgage, I have a pile of bills, I get £57 off the state and my situation about 12 days ago was just hell.
                        Gracie has started doing corrections for my situation and I have had lots of positive intentions from everyone on the PATHS forum over at PI.

                        Here is what I posted yesterday about what has happened within 10 days of my corrections by Grace:

                        " Hi all you wonderful people. Well its been 10 days since my original post about my dire employment and financial situation and it's time to tell of the most amazing result. Today was the day I should have been at my interview for the Prince's Trust. Here's what has happened:

                        As I mentioned earlier, since my original post I had a call out of the blue asking me to attend an interview for a job I originally applied for two months ago. It is a job working with unemployed adults in one of the worst areas for unemployment in the County. I job that I have a great passion for, very similar to the Prince's Trust job, but utilizing more of my skills and qualifications.

                        I attended the interview yesterday. I told my partner the interview went well and that the successful applicant would be informed as soon as interviews had finished. At dinner time I had not had a call and was a bit down, but still had the interview for the Prince's Trust arranged for today.

                        Just before going to bed last night I put my hand in my pocket and found my cell phone and said to my partner jokingly "It would be funny if they had called me on it" as I didn't think they had the number. I turned on the cell phone and there was a message to call about yesterdays interview. My partner's face lit up like the sun with happiness she was convinced I had the job, but I have had so many knock backs I just said I couldn't believe I had the job and I'd call them today.

                        Anyway I called today and was OFFERED THE JOB !!!!!!!!!

                        But I have saved the best till last. I had originally wanted the Prince's Trust job and had the interview arranged for today. Both these two jobs are working with people needing support. I still had the second interview to attend and could feel the stress of wondering whether to still attend. I weighed up the pros and cons of each and it was a draw, nothing between both the jobs - both of them great and valuable jobs.

                        Anyway my decision between the two was cemented when I was offered the job at a salary of $8000 MORE PER YEAR than the Prince's Trust job. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TALK ABOUT A TURN AROUND IN MY SITUATION


                        And I am sure the corrections the wonderful, wonderful Grace did for me have worked their wonders. She did say she would do a correction for my finances!!!!! THANK YOU GRACE

                        Once again thanks to everyone who sent me positivity XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

                        Lots of Love


                        So all I can say is I'm totally amazed what has happened to me since Grace started working her magic on me.

                        THANK YOU, THANK YOU GRACE




                        • Woooooooo Hoooooooooo!!

                          Originally posted by tezzaa View Post
                          Anyway my decision between the two was cemented when I was offered the job at a salary of $8000 MORE PER YEAR than the Prince's Trust job. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TALK ABOUT A TURN AROUND IN MY SITUATION
                          Congratulations, Terry!!!

                          What a wonderful turn of events for you!! I'm so happy for you!!

                          Here's to more wonderful surprises coming your way!

                          Paths To Your Success


                          • Congratulations Terry
                            Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                            Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                            • Hi Terry!

                              Just wanted to congratulate you on your new job and the abundant future that lays before you!

                              "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                              • Yay!!!

                                How Wonderful, Terry!!!

                                Things will only get better from here on!!!

                                Much Love
                                Moria x
                                Intuitive Readings
                                Web design by Hannah King

