For Ayurved and cassiopeias_dream!
Hi Nancy and Cass,
The reason for these experiences you both have had is the same. I have made corrections for your Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies. I usually don't go into the "why" this happened, because It is more important for you both to focus on what you do desire instead of what you don't. I also don't go into the "Why's" because then people tend to blame themselves which is also another form of fear based thinking. It is also true that what I discover when peeling off layers of fear via CEM corrections is not pretty, and also not worth expressing in words. It also takes minimum an hour for me to make such a post explaining the "why's", and would not give me the time I need for my family and work. Initially when I began this thread, I offered to make CEM corrections, and to answer any questions concerning Chinese Energetic Medicine, and any questions concerning Paths. It is extremely challenging to go beyond this. I may not reply, to a post, email, skype, facebook message right away, but I will make the necessary CEM corrections immediately.
Tonight I felt inspired to explain a bit on Why one attracts and experiences life as they do. As I have explained before, your courageous posts, help thousands of people, so I will go into detail when it muscle tests strong for me to do so.
I would like to bring to your attention that you both have been focused on Fear based thoughts, and any fear based thought will vibrate within you, and attract outer experiences of like vibration. It may look different at any given time, but the vibration is the same, slow and stagnate. Fear of anything will attract undesirable experiences.
It is very important, especially when in the middle of "not so good" experiences, to remain calm and focused. Remember, that what is happening in your outer world now is a result of past, thinking, feelings, and emotions, and to begin immediately to focus as often as possible on Higher vibrational thoughts, feelings and emotions. Affirmations work when you use your thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions together as One powerful force.
For example,
Thoughts - "I am Whole, Perfect, Powerful, Strong, Loving, Harmonious, and Happy" my favorite mantra straight from the book The Master Key Systems by Charles F Haanel (read part 24 first, then Part 23, 22, etc).
Feelings - GRATITUDE!!!
Emotions - Energy in Motion
I want you to understand what emotions are truly about , so let's go into a little explanation.
"An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Emotions are subjective experiences, or experienced from an individual point of view. Emotion is often associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition. The English word 'emotion' is derived from the French word émouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere, where e- (variant of ex-) means 'out' and movere means 'move'.[1] The related term "motivation" is also derived from movere" I took this from Wikipedia
Thoughts and Feelings have their own vibrations, high and low, depending on the respective thoughts and feelings, and they attract like vibrations like magnets. Emotions on the other hand emit vibrations. Emotions are like pulses of light coming out of your being. Dim or bright depending on what kind of emotions are clumped together.
The total sum of experiences any individual has had will emit a certain pulse. Emotions are "seekers" looking for like vibrations. Your sub-conscious mind will interpret thoughts and feelings as requests, whereas it will interpret emotions as how strong or weak is this request? Do I need to manifest this NOW or later. Emotions are also tied into the amount of belief and Faith a person has in the fact that their requests are already answered, already given. This also determines the speed in which like vibrations are manifested.
In order to change your outer world, you must first change your inner world. Will this happen overnight? Most likely not, but it's possible. In reading both your posts, I saw immediately the low vibrational words you used to describe your respective experiences.
unbalanced energy
bad neighborhoods
Low Self Esteem
Short tempered
lack of respect
One spoken or written word equals 1000 in thought form. This means you have been creating in your innerworld a vibration that is not very constructive or desirable in your outerworld. What you are giving is not what you want to receive.
NOW, begin to focus on Higher finer vibrational thoughts and feelings as often as possible throughout the day, for just one of these will wipe out a million negative thoughts just as effortlessly as turning on the closet light wipes out darkness!
I highly recommend focusing on Feelings of Gratitude, but also visualizing with your mind on Clear, Brilliant, White Light if you don't have an idea what else to do in the moment. This is challenging at first but the more you practice focusing on empowering thoughts, feelings and emotions the easier it becomes, and experiences begin to change effortlessly into extremely desirous ones. You will begin to be inspired more and more often into taking action that will bring more good things into your life. You will be "shown the way" with a greater sense of peace and calm.
You will begin with noticing much more going around you than meets the eye. You will more often attract great people, books, CEM, Paths, etc, and experiences of all kinds.
So fear NOTHING, No-thing in your outer world has any power over your inner world, and your inner world is what creates your outer. This Truth will set you Free!
I am happy to make CEM corrections, but you also must take action. You must work as hard as you can, in focusing your thoughts, feelings and emotions into Harmony. Focus your Minds on creating beautiful music. (a beautiful outer world)
Never be afraid of anything going wrong. Fear (illusion) is just the slowest vibration of Love. Gratitude is the finest vibration next to Love. Remember this Truth! You are Love Giving AND You are Gratitude Receiving. You are not your physical body, it is the body/temple that allows God to express Love!
The only way to connect with God is via your MIND. Thinking creates because your mind is ONE with Divine Mind. Thinking is work, and this work is what you are giving to the world. You are serving the world by thinking correctly, Positively, constructively, courageously, passionately, kindly, lovingly, and above all truthfully. The absolute Truth is that everything is Perfect, because everything is Love. See past illusion to the Truth, and you will see perfection. YOU Nancy and Cass are Perfection!!

Pamela Sweda's Newest Work of Art "Honoring a Master" this inspires PERFECTION!
Sort of on that same wavelength, Grace would you please do some corrections for me, and daughter Liz. We were broken into last night! They took the curvey part of brass mailbox to jimmy open the outer halldoor, got in the basement and took all the bikes!!! My daughter is devastated.
I'm wanting any insight how/why I manifested this..or is unbalanced energy coming from somewhere else? Is it because of my frustration with being here? I've had 3 minor break-ins the last year! In the past, when young I've lived in 'bad' neighborhoods and was never bothered even when everyone else around me thats what I always expect!
Much Love and Gratitude,

I'm wanting any insight how/why I manifested this..or is unbalanced energy coming from somewhere else? Is it because of my frustration with being here? I've had 3 minor break-ins the last year! In the past, when young I've lived in 'bad' neighborhoods and was never bothered even when everyone else around me thats what I always expect!
Much Love and Gratitude,

One thing I've found lately is that i've become pretty agressive!!!! I suspect the Self Esteem module - being relatively low self-esteem my whole life, I've never really been an angry person, if somebody did something bad to me i'd always on some level feel I deserved it and I wouldn't get upset. Well lately I've been becoming progressively more short-tempered and likely to express it. This didn't really worry me before as I assumed it would pass relatively quickly, but yesterday I nearly got beaten up by a random crackhead when I was out with my friend! He didn't hit me or anything, but he was close to it, for hardly any reason. I was a bit drunk admittedly, and perhaps displayed a bit of atitude, but I didn't provoke him enough to warrant an attack like that, he just randomly started swearing at me, poked his finger into me quite violently, grabbed my wrist really hard and threatened to bite me - had to push his head away to stop him from doing so. A taxi driver ended up intervening, and my friend called the police. It's a bit scary, because I've lived in London for four years, and although this kind of thing happens all the time here, I've never encountered it even when walking alone at night in dodgy areas. I have the feeling that me becoming more agressive has opened me up to more agressive vibes, thus attracting agressive people.I hope the Ho'oponopono kicks in soon, because I may not be as lucky next time!!!!!
I am struggling with this at the moment, and I have the perfect job in which to learn this! I am a waitress in the financial district, so the clientele has tended to be stressed, cold and often snobbish bankers who either treat you like you're a robot who exists only to serve them, or a piece of meat with nothing but a pretty exterior. Lately I have realised how much dislike I carry for them, but also that this is my issue and not theirs. Also, my dislike for them obviously attracts a different experience than it would if I felt nothing but compassion for them. Finally, it's also a self-esteem thing - I am insecure about getting a lack of respect, and so that's exactly what I get! I've actually started realising lately how large a part of my day goes to thinking hostile and negative thoughts about the people that surround me (customers only, as I have no problem with my workmates), and it's shocking!
Then again, it's one thing to "know" something, and a completely different one to live it. Once i'm in the zone of negativity, I struggle to get out. But often, while working a particularly difficult shift, I think to myself "if I can get further down the path to enlightenment in this job, I can do it almost anywhere!!" Also, I think I will try doing affirmations. It's difficult to send love when you're feeling nothing but hostility, but at least mental affirmations are just words that you can tell yourself, and even if you don't believe them at all, I have found them to have some effect over time.
Then again, it's one thing to "know" something, and a completely different one to live it. Once i'm in the zone of negativity, I struggle to get out. But often, while working a particularly difficult shift, I think to myself "if I can get further down the path to enlightenment in this job, I can do it almost anywhere!!" Also, I think I will try doing affirmations. It's difficult to send love when you're feeling nothing but hostility, but at least mental affirmations are just words that you can tell yourself, and even if you don't believe them at all, I have found them to have some effect over time.
The reason for these experiences you both have had is the same. I have made corrections for your Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies. I usually don't go into the "why" this happened, because It is more important for you both to focus on what you do desire instead of what you don't. I also don't go into the "Why's" because then people tend to blame themselves which is also another form of fear based thinking. It is also true that what I discover when peeling off layers of fear via CEM corrections is not pretty, and also not worth expressing in words. It also takes minimum an hour for me to make such a post explaining the "why's", and would not give me the time I need for my family and work. Initially when I began this thread, I offered to make CEM corrections, and to answer any questions concerning Chinese Energetic Medicine, and any questions concerning Paths. It is extremely challenging to go beyond this. I may not reply, to a post, email, skype, facebook message right away, but I will make the necessary CEM corrections immediately.
Tonight I felt inspired to explain a bit on Why one attracts and experiences life as they do. As I have explained before, your courageous posts, help thousands of people, so I will go into detail when it muscle tests strong for me to do so.
I would like to bring to your attention that you both have been focused on Fear based thoughts, and any fear based thought will vibrate within you, and attract outer experiences of like vibration. It may look different at any given time, but the vibration is the same, slow and stagnate. Fear of anything will attract undesirable experiences.
It is very important, especially when in the middle of "not so good" experiences, to remain calm and focused. Remember, that what is happening in your outer world now is a result of past, thinking, feelings, and emotions, and to begin immediately to focus as often as possible on Higher vibrational thoughts, feelings and emotions. Affirmations work when you use your thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions together as One powerful force.
For example,
Thoughts - "I am Whole, Perfect, Powerful, Strong, Loving, Harmonious, and Happy" my favorite mantra straight from the book The Master Key Systems by Charles F Haanel (read part 24 first, then Part 23, 22, etc).
Feelings - GRATITUDE!!!
Emotions - Energy in Motion
I want you to understand what emotions are truly about , so let's go into a little explanation.
"An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Emotions are subjective experiences, or experienced from an individual point of view. Emotion is often associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition. The English word 'emotion' is derived from the French word émouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere, where e- (variant of ex-) means 'out' and movere means 'move'.[1] The related term "motivation" is also derived from movere" I took this from Wikipedia
Thoughts and Feelings have their own vibrations, high and low, depending on the respective thoughts and feelings, and they attract like vibrations like magnets. Emotions on the other hand emit vibrations. Emotions are like pulses of light coming out of your being. Dim or bright depending on what kind of emotions are clumped together.
The total sum of experiences any individual has had will emit a certain pulse. Emotions are "seekers" looking for like vibrations. Your sub-conscious mind will interpret thoughts and feelings as requests, whereas it will interpret emotions as how strong or weak is this request? Do I need to manifest this NOW or later. Emotions are also tied into the amount of belief and Faith a person has in the fact that their requests are already answered, already given. This also determines the speed in which like vibrations are manifested.
In order to change your outer world, you must first change your inner world. Will this happen overnight? Most likely not, but it's possible. In reading both your posts, I saw immediately the low vibrational words you used to describe your respective experiences.
unbalanced energy
bad neighborhoods
Low Self Esteem
Short tempered
lack of respect
One spoken or written word equals 1000 in thought form. This means you have been creating in your innerworld a vibration that is not very constructive or desirable in your outerworld. What you are giving is not what you want to receive.
NOW, begin to focus on Higher finer vibrational thoughts and feelings as often as possible throughout the day, for just one of these will wipe out a million negative thoughts just as effortlessly as turning on the closet light wipes out darkness!
I highly recommend focusing on Feelings of Gratitude, but also visualizing with your mind on Clear, Brilliant, White Light if you don't have an idea what else to do in the moment. This is challenging at first but the more you practice focusing on empowering thoughts, feelings and emotions the easier it becomes, and experiences begin to change effortlessly into extremely desirous ones. You will begin to be inspired more and more often into taking action that will bring more good things into your life. You will be "shown the way" with a greater sense of peace and calm.
You will begin with noticing much more going around you than meets the eye. You will more often attract great people, books, CEM, Paths, etc, and experiences of all kinds.
So fear NOTHING, No-thing in your outer world has any power over your inner world, and your inner world is what creates your outer. This Truth will set you Free!
I am happy to make CEM corrections, but you also must take action. You must work as hard as you can, in focusing your thoughts, feelings and emotions into Harmony. Focus your Minds on creating beautiful music. (a beautiful outer world)
Never be afraid of anything going wrong. Fear (illusion) is just the slowest vibration of Love. Gratitude is the finest vibration next to Love. Remember this Truth! You are Love Giving AND You are Gratitude Receiving. You are not your physical body, it is the body/temple that allows God to express Love!
The only way to connect with God is via your MIND. Thinking creates because your mind is ONE with Divine Mind. Thinking is work, and this work is what you are giving to the world. You are serving the world by thinking correctly, Positively, constructively, courageously, passionately, kindly, lovingly, and above all truthfully. The absolute Truth is that everything is Perfect, because everything is Love. See past illusion to the Truth, and you will see perfection. YOU Nancy and Cass are Perfection!!

Pamela Sweda's Newest Work of Art "Honoring a Master" this inspires PERFECTION!