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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Heather and Grace,

    Hi Heather,

    I'm sorry you're feeling this way. . I certainly know what you mean about feeling like a broken record here though! I don't dare go back and read my old posts....and see the patterns continue and continue...but I just have to keep trudging along and assume that there is growth even if it's only a little bit at a time, way down below the surface...

    Anyway, I just had one quick thought from your post - I was wondering if you do any kind of volunteer work, or just anything that kind of gets you out of your own head, if you know what I mean, where you can serve others in some way. I do therapeutic riding volunteering and it's one of my favorite parts of my week because for that 2 hours I'm able to completely forget my own 'story' and just focus on these people that I'm there to help. No other time am I able to just let go like that and forget everything else. And I had a lightening-quick manifestion happen there just yesterday, and I never notice any kind of intentions panning out for me... I was walking along next to the horse, and I'm always the 'quiet one' and not the best at making conversation, so I decided to casually set the intention "people easily talk to me". Within minutes, one of the pony handlers behind me, who isn't particularly friendly anyway, all of a sudden starts asking me all sorts of questions and seriously talked my ear off for the rest of the ride. It was completely surreal. All I could think of was it was related to being of service, I was not focused on anything about me aside from setting that little intention, and I must have just been more 'open' or something. Just a thought anyways... I hope you feel better....

    I'm hoping you can muscle test something for me. I'm wondering what you get on whether or not we should attempt sell our store, ASAP. We are fast spiraling down (well not any faster than before but we have no more money to subsidize it), despite are staffing situation now being absolutely perfect. Funnily enough, one of our best staff ever that quit due to wanting to 'move on' just asked for her job back as the grass wasnt' greener after all, plus another great staff member is asking to come back early from maternity leave, so our staffing situation is wonderful right now. It's just unfortunate that the rest isn't in place. The stress the financial situation of the store has caused though, despite so much else that is good about the store, leaves us in a place of some hard decisions, and I'd love it if you could test what the best route is.

    Thank you.
    Blessings and love.


    • For All!

      I am here, I promise that this weekend I will catch up on my replies. Know that I have been making the CEM corrections as requested with every post. I read EVERYTHING!!


      • Hello Heather

        I'm sending you a big Far from sounding like a broken record I think it shows great courage to reach out when you need help. And I know that it's not a matter of having to be perfect or better or anything to offer anything to others. Just being ourselves is enough. I know how hard it can be to feel the emotions you are feeling right now. I'm feeling plenty enough of my own I wish I could be of more help.

        Kim, it's brilliant that your staffing situation is now perfect. You've been wanting that for a long time and at last it's happened. So that's excellent. I do understand though about the financial pressure and can quite see your dilemma. I was just wondering if you've pictured how you'd feel if you sold your store? So, imagine people were ringing to ask to look round with a view to buying - how would you feel? And imagine signing the contract that handed over ownership - how would that feel? Would you feel sadness or regret or wonder if you could have made it work? Or just total relief. And how would you feel say 6 months later walking past and seeing someone else there? I've found it sometimes helps me if I have a decision to make between two things to imagine each scenario. Sometimes it doesn't! usually when there's a lot riding on it and I can't relax and let go and am worrying. Anyway, I'm sure Grace will be able to help.

        Grace, I still very much need corrections as regards the job situation etc. It's no better and I'm so weary of disappointment. The number of times I've had my hopes up, beenn all positive, got really excited about a job and thought, yes, this time it's going to happen, this is meant to be etc etc, only to come crashing back down with yet another door slammed. Happened again only today. I'm still waiting to hear on one job which I have to wait until Monday to hear which will have been a week. I've been keeping positive about it but each day is a battle to keep digging deeper to not give up with each knock I've been experiencing and to not allow negative thoughts to win. Thanks for your help.

        Transformational Paths
        Experience a Paths theater for free


        • Hi all out there!

          Anyways 3 months into Paths, just wanted to share my thoughts today.

          Well ever since I got Paths my life has been a great roller coaster ride but of the amazing kind! My life just keeps getting better and better! Wow!

          I don't want people who are having a hard time now to think that that means that I don't know what hard times are or that I've become one of those sect babies that are always going round saying, Wow that is so fantastic, wow that is so neat! Some guy says, I got mugged today, and I reply, is that ever groovy!

          Naw I haven't become one of those. I knew a few people who were like that, a real pain to live with, if you said, Oh I didn't get that job today! Instead of giving you a pat on the hand and a hug they would go like, wow life is so groovy!

          But that's getting off the topic! As I said ever since I got Paths my life has just become ever so great! Last year I was taking a course and having a real good time and when it was over I thought, oh no I'm NEVER going to be able to find anything so great and fun and enjoyable as this course and all the people taking the course with me! Hello boredom hello a life without meaning! Fortunately I was ever so wrong!

          Anyways I was thinking that my life has become so groovy, like it's like it was a train and the wheels were just spinning around and now they've found the track that is just right for them, the tracks that are just the right size and the right width for them, so they can go sliding down that track at full speed (I just hope they're not sliding into a concrete wall hehe! ). Well no I don't think they are sliding into a concrete wall, I have to think that even though it is my train that is doing the sliding, because they're on the right tracks for them, it is still ME who is doing the steering and where I steer them depends on ME!

          Anyways I was thinking that all these great things are only possible because of 2 things (okay well more than 2 things, like in addition to these 2 things also Paths and this forum and my Affiliate have a MAJOR part in doing this! ). Well I meant that these 2 things would be: just getting into the FLOW, and letting go of hang-ups and resolving issues.

          I am always reading that the universe wants us to have good things and is always sending us good things all the time so why aren't we receiving any goodies in our lives???

          I think we don't receive the goodies because, well like they say, we have blocks that prevent us from receiving these goodies. And I mean like MAJOR, Wall-of-China sized blocks! That's where Paths is soooooooooooo great and awesome, they clear up those blocks big-time like in the blink of an eye! Okay well maybe not that fast, but I mean weeks or even days, as opposed to years if you are just trying to remove those blocks all by yourself or even if you are trying something like therapy. Therapy usually takes years. That is if your pocketbook and patience can even stand it! Do you want to be waiting years before you start to live your dreams?

          So that's basically the resolving hang-ups and issues part of it. Sure even with Paths it still takes time so don't anyone out there fret if it is taking some time for Paths to work, it IS working it's just not a miracle balm that will take all your problems away overnight. It's pretty fast but not THAT fast lol!

          And then in addition to removing blocks I guess we have to get into the flow. My Affiliate has the BEST formula for how to get into the flow: just do what feels good, what feels best. If you're not sure what feels best just try different things and one thing will feel better than the others, it will feel like you put on a dress that was taylor-made for you, for you guys out there who don't wear dresses, well maybe a whatever that was taylor made for you.

          If NOTHING feels good then you just haven't found what is right for you, just keep looking, you will find it. When you do find it then just hang onto it like a dog hangs on to a ball. DON'T let go of it. And you will go into the flow!

          Of course in the meantime if we haven't found what feels perfect for us that doesn't mean we have to sit around twiddling our thumbs, we can still do other things in the meantime and not worry about it, it will show up one day. If we don't think about it too much or worry it to death we are more relaxed and that gives it a better chance for it to show up in our lives. Maybe one day it will show up in the form of a course that we take one night a week (like happened with Louise Hay), or maybe like happened to Grace we will go to a course with or for someone else and end up signing up ourselves, and it will turn out to be the right thing for us.

          And in the meantime don't sweat it, just do whatever and try to enjoy it, try to bring great things into other areas of our lives. For example regardless of how things are going I am always trying to give the kids a happy home full of love and peace (and lots of fighting and screaming too) and lots of fun things to do, fun places to go and fun things to see. In the meantime we could go out with friends, have a coffee with them and chat, make new penpals, get onto chats on the computer, etc. Go for long walks, go out to the country (or if we live in the country then go to the city and go shopping hehe!), have an ice-cream, ride on a boat, oh I don't know there are tons of things to do. Okay yeah that won't solve our problems, it won't get us a job or help us to make decisions or get that which is right for us into our lives, but it could help to change our vibrations and that is important.

          I just started up a new exercise routine (exercise routine haha! You'll think it's a joke of an exercise routine when I say what it is! ). Now I walk up the stairs to the top floor of the building every day. After all if you live in da inner big city and you can't go jogging through 10 km. of sweet-smelling scenic landscape every day, you can still find something to do, right? The building has 10 floors, pretty tiny compared to the big-city skyscrapers but then I wouldn't really enjoy it as much if I had to climb 50 floors up the stairs every day either! I live on the ground floor, poor me, where it's always cold, dark, gloomy, we NEVER see the natural sunlight in our apartment. As I go up it gets lighter and lighter and more and more sunlight starts to pour in through the windows. The air gets warmer and cosier. The air is fresher, cleaner, brighter. I can see more and more every time I look out the windows. But at the same time the street with all its mobs, nerves, stress and traffic jams (yeah I really do live in da inner big city) gets further and further away. In my apartment whenever there's a traffic jam (like 24/7!) and people are honking away non-stop it really gets onto your nerves, it seems like they are honking right in your living-room. Up there on the 10th floor the people and cars on the ground are like ants, okay well birds more than ants. If the cars are honking you can't even hear them! So I thought, so this is what it's like when you raise your vibrations, you get so high you are above all the problems and stress and misery that goes on below you. They are still there but they are so far away that they don't bother you anymore. They don't affect you anymore, they're not a part of your world any longer.

          So yeah I think it's worth the bother of trying to raise our vibes. Okay so the posting ticker has sounded and told me this post is getting too long now so I'll stop. Toottoot!
          Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
          Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


          • Hi Grace! I hope you are doing fabulous!!! Much love to you!!!

            I would like to ask you kindly for corrections on me being totally clogged!
            I'm continuing to make advances and experience transformations.....but I believe I'm banging myself against my most core and deepest piece of cr@*#y place where I'm really bound up.
            The universe is helping me out by making things really tough so I can't not deal with it!!!!!

            My body is like a battlefield...where I fight out my desires, what I know is good and nurturing to myself....vs what's been restricting me. Another 'victim' has been my finances. Recovering from the effects of ripping the tendons holding my sacrum (picking up my dog wrong while he was panicking at getting nails cut) both physically and financially...
            I'm having clients cancel b/f I can see them....something that usually is not a problem for me!!! I need to rustle up a miracle!!!!

            Thanks so much for all you do Grace!

            Life in Balance Ayurveda



            • For serenac!

              Hi serenac!

              Just wanted to post a quick thank you for your idea on how to make the 'big' decision! My first thought when I read it was, I would regret it, be a bit misty-eyed, etc. on signing the papers, etc., ... and then my second thought was I'd secretly smile to myself on walking by knowing I didn't have all the stress to deal with! So, as always, I go either way on the subject. I'll try it again though in a more 'meditative' space and see if I get a different feeling.

              I also wanted to say I loved your analogy of you going up the stairs in your apartment building and raising your vibration, things still 'existing' but you don't notice them, etc. It also made me appreciate more the fact that I'm blessed to live in a quiet house, on a quiet street, easily I can forget the 'little' things I can be grateful for.

              And since I'm still here , lastly, I want to thank you for your sense of humor, and yourfun, uplifting but 'real' posts. You remind me of Sallyjane. I can see you making big transformations in the same way she did. I wonder what's going on with her anyway?!!

              Anyway, I'll stop now but I just wanted to write that while I was inspired to! BTW, I just came across a free download audio technique called PSTEC at which apparently can 'erase' old fears, phobias, etc., so I thought I'd pass it along in case it can be of help in your job situation.

              Blessings and love!


              • Originally posted by serenac View Post
                I live on the ground floor, poor me, where it's always cold, dark, gloomy, we NEVER see the natural sunlight in our apartment. As I go up it gets lighter and lighter and more and more sunlight starts to pour in through the windows. The air gets warmer and cosier. The air is fresher, cleaner, brighter. I can see more and more every time I look out the windows. But at the same time the street with all its mobs, nerves, stress and traffic jams (yeah I really do live in da inner big city) gets further and further away. In my apartment whenever there's a traffic jam (like 24/7!) and people are honking away non-stop it really gets onto your nerves, it seems like they are honking right in your living-room. Up there on the 10th floor the people and cars on the ground are like ants, okay well birds more than ants. If the cars are honking you can't even hear them! So I thought, so this is what it's like when you raise your vibrations, you get so high you are above all the problems and stress and misery that goes on below you. They are still there but they are so far away that they don't bother you anymore. They don't affect you anymore, they're not a part of your world any longer.
                This is one of the most profound things that I have ever read in my life! I will never forget that wonderful analogy. Thank you so much for sharing your observations, Serenac! (And I agree with KimJ, you remind me a lot of another poster called Sally Jane, who made some really extraordinary changes in her life and was good enough to share them with us. Whatever happened to her, does anyone know?) Anyway, keep on keeping on!


                • Hello Everyone

                  Just catching up on alot of posts. I haven't been on here in a while. It's great to see us all helping each other out. Just wanted to say hello to you all.
                  Marnyka Z. Buttry
                  Divine Openings Giver & Healer


                  • Energetic help for my son?

                    Hi! Someone suggested that I post this here too, so here it is!

                    Hello everyone out there! I was wondering if there were any alternative energetic health practitioners out there who could give me some advice for my son? Please? He's 6 and he is ALWAYS getting sick! He also has asthma and allergies to dust. Anyways thing is whenever there is ANYTHING out there spinning around in the air, anything at all even a light cold bug, conjunctivitis, virus or infection of any sort he is ALWAYS picking it up. He seems to come down with EVERYTHING he comes in contact with. It's as if he didn't have an immune system, except that obviously he does because he has allergies. He's been this way ever since he was a baby but people said he would grow out of it, but so far he hasn't.

                    I really don't know why he is this way or what I can do to reinforce his immune system but without aggravating his allergies. I've tried many things, I used to give him propolis (propoleo) but it didn't do anything for him, so I stopped doing that because propolis is quite expensive. I haven't tried equinacea yet but I've heard it is expensive too, and I really can't afford expensive treatments right now as I am living on welfare. He has a healthy lifestyle and eats well, I don't expose him to the cold or to currents although I do take him out for walks. He eats plenty of yogurt and I just started giving him Actimel as a last resort, I don't know what Actimel is called in the US it's a special kind of yogurt that is available here in Europe that has this thing called L. Casei that is supposed to improve immunity. I didn't want to give him Actimel because I read some of that subversive hippie literature that said that Actimel was addictive and that in reality it weakened people's immune systems in the long run because it made people dependent on Actimel and made it so that their immune systems didn't work properly if they didn't take Actimel. However in the case of my son I don't think Actimel can make his immune system stop working because it already doesn't seem to work to begin with!

                    Anyways I don't have money to take him to a homeopath or naturopath, which is what I would've liked to do. So I was just wondering if someone out there could maybe give me some general advice to improve his immune system? Thank you!
                    Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                    Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                    • Oh going to get off this subject a bit now and get onto another completely different one. I just discovered the most AMAZING thing yesterday right here on this very same forum and I was surprised more people didn't know about it, so I thought I'd post the reference here:


                      I think it could be great for everyone, although wouldn't know from experience yet because I haven't read it yet. But it sounds really neat. I think maybe it could be especially good if you're feeling down, depressed, all out, blah! Maybe it could help you a lot especially Musingmus.

                      Speaking of which, I've read that sometimes long-term depression might be caused (or aggravated) by a lack of certain nutrients, certain vitamins or minerals, and that causes a chemical imbalance which makes you depressed. Maybe you could look into that.

                      Anyways I believe that Divine Openings is about how you can reach a state where you are permanently in contact with your Higher Self all the time, and can therefore let your Higher Self make all the decisions for you. Think that your Higher Self is always with G-d and therefore knows all the things that you don't know, and will always make the right choices for you, lead you in the right directions, etc.

                      Here's a quote from their testimonials page:

                      "Thank you again for everything Lola... It's so nice to actually love life and smile so much that sometimes my face hurts! I used to be depressed for months at a time and used to think happiness was a myth. Thanks for helping to shed the light, that deep down in my heart I knew existed, but lost hope in finding it again. Love,

                      Well if I find incredible things with this book I'll keep you all posted, probably on the Divine Openings thread.

                      Moving onto another subject I am still always so overwhelmingly AMAZED by how things are just soooooooooo incredibly FLOWING with this wonderful project that I'm doing right now! I give all the credit to Paths and my great and marvellous Affiliate Odille!

                      I keep getting inner urges that just go along telling me what to do next in the project, which direction to move in next, it's the works!
                      Last edited by serenac; 11-27-2009, 05:22 AM.
                      Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                      Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:


                      • Hello everyone

                        I wanted to stop by and say hello to all the awesome guys and gals here on this thread. I haven't posted in awhile so thought it was about time.
                        I hope that everyone had a great holiday and was able to find at least one thing that they were thankful for. I know for myself I am very grateful for everyone herefor being there for each other, I know that it is really hard sometimes to find people that you can open up to about some things. So thank you all for taking the time to listen when we all have praises to sing and when we just need to wine a bit(I know that I have done both) and everything in between.
                        A very BIG thank you to all the people here who spend time doing healings for all of use, even though at times it might not always feel like things are getting better, in fact sometimes they seem to get worse, I know that it is just a dark day for the soul before another breakthrough.
                        Even though I am not a daily poster I have come to consider all of you friends even though we might never meet in the flesh, or maybe we will, you never really know whats in store for you.
                        Anyways thats all for now I just wanted to thank everyone for being exactlly who they are, I truely love all of you so very much and I hope for nothing less than everything the universe has to give for all of you.
                        Untill next time. NAMASTE, THE LIGHT IN ME HONOURS THE LIGHT IN YOU.


                        • Well said gtrlvr83,
                          Much love to you too, man!
                          Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


                          • For All!

                            Originally posted by Grace View Post
                            I am here, I promise that this weekend I will catch up on my replies. Know that I have been making the CEM corrections as requested with every post. I read EVERYTHING!!

                            Please Forgive me for making a promise I was unable to keep. Early in November I noticed that every opportunity I made to post replies were constantly being interrupted by my friends and family here in town. It was as if I was being pulled away from my wonderful cyber-world with all of you, to pay more attention to family and friends here in my home town.

                            The first clue was that I had 4 different friends invite me in the same week to dinner, lunch, a show, and a house party! I love my friends and since I had not done anything with them in quite a while I found myself agreeing to every date, even though I had much work to do for my business "Begin Within Associates & Company" and the writing of my book "Winning Without Injury", the upcoming workshops I needed to make time for, and still give my Son and Daughter the time they needed from me.

                            Also my extended family were coming over to spend time with me in my home this year for Thanksgiving and this also took me away from most of you and my computer. After Thanksgiving I felt a sense of fatigue that I haven't felt before. I felt happy and excited but in need of more sleep, and time to myself.

                            I began to make CEM corrections on myself for this subtle sense of fatigue I was noticing, and BINGO, I found a major core issue within myself. (Which allows me to help all of you more as you will definitely resonate with these corrections, and allow me to energetically give more back).

                            I consciously chose not to use my computer or post replies until I got full strength with this core issue. I did not realize that it would take over two weeks. The distractions were intense, and I was constantly being interrupted with major problems my friends here in town were experiencing. I noticed a common theme, I would say to each of them, "You already know
                            what to do, we have discussed this many times before. Why are you focused on what you don't want?"

                            This core issue of mine was about "resisting change". I have always enjoyed change, but this time was very different. This time I was resisting the new me I was already experiencing. This has to do with all of you as you will soon notice a different manner in which I speak and write.

                            I Love this thread very much, but I now know that it is going to be much more about how YOU can raise your consciousness, with your chosen modality which assists you such as CEM, Matrix, Theta, Paths etc. YOU will be dong the work necessary to bring you peace. I will continue to make group corrections using CEM, and individual corrections for various issues I discover that you have posted about, but I will not do the work for you consciously.

                            There is no getting around the Mental work you must do in order to Succeed in raising your own consciousness, AND KEEPING IT THERE,which is our main purpose here in this beautiful holographic Universe we all are creating together.

                            I think "Dear Abbey" type columns are good, but if you go back to my very first post, I intended only to answer questions about Chinese Energetic Medicine and Paths. I wanted for you to experience the subtle energy shifts that Chinese Energetic Medicine can do for a person and is why I chose to make CEM corrections at no charge for the posters/viewers of this thread. Chinese Energetic Medicine has most definitely changed my life in a most amazing way, and I wanted all of you to know that If a person like me can do it SO CAN YOU!

                            I am not here to save the world, or Fix anyone. There is no judgment and I am very neutral about all matters. I am here to continue to raise consciousness. If this inspires even one person to do the same, then I am immensely fulfilled and grateful!!

                            From now on, I will muscle test what I need to post for the good of the whole, if someone's post muscle tests strong for me to reply to, then I most definitely will, knowing that it will serve the greater majority.

                            Know that I will read this thread throughout the day as I have done for close to three years now, and ALWAYS make the energetic corrections, but I may not post weekly. Also understand that this thread is number one in my book, and I will reply here more quickly than any private message or email. This thread comes first for me.

                            I will also make occasional posts about what I am doing so that you can see that I am involved in this world just as much as you all are. We must be in this world, but we are not of this world. This is why I love Facebook, It gives me more of an opportunity to show more of who I am as an individual, JUST LIKE YOU! So if you decide to join facebook I would love to be friends with you there too. If you become a Fan, you will learn more soon, as I will be video responding with all of my Fans on Facebook strictly from my Fan club page. It is going to be FUN FUN FUN!!

                            There I will be answering questions but these events will be announced from my Fan club page and it will be a Bi-Monthly event.

                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Originally posted by Grace View Post
                              "You already know
                              what to do, we have discussed this many times before. Why are you focused on what you don't want?"
                              This part really hit home for me. I have to admit I was a bit sad when I read this post. But I took a moment to think about why that was and realized why and that I wasn't actually saddend at all.
                              Maybe it is just me but I think that everyone will understand what I am saying.
                              I saw that how I was feeling was kinda like how I felt when I was younger and well realized that even though I now my parents and for me especially my mom loved me deeply and would always be there for me, that they couldn't hold my hand and lead me through life. I had to figure out who I wanted to be and how to get there on my own, just like they had to do the same thing. It mad me sad to realize that, but also excited, nervous, scared, hopefull and such and abundance of other feelings all mixed together.
                              Although every day that I travel the road I'm on after that transition in life is not always easy, in fact alot of them have been hard, and painful, and many times I have felt lost; I know that it is because I had to learn on my own that I was able to really grow as a person and become who I am today. And even with all the issues that i think I have I am proud of who I have become.
                              So Grace I hope this made sense to you. Thank you for letting go of my hand as it were, for me it was something that needed to happen. I have nothing but love for you.


                              • Hi Grace! Ooohh I'm so happy to hear that you are doing so great!

                                Anyways just wanted to comment on the free Platinum booster that I got with Paths special offer a while back. I decided to get the booster to help me make friends, because I'm a real shy violet type and I also have a lot of problems getting close to people, dunno why. So I had that programmed into the Platinum booster to help me make friends. I've only had that Platinum booster a little while and already it's making SUCH enormous tremendous effect, I'm sooooooo AMAZED! I'm so happy hehe!

                                I've started to meet some really cool people and we really started to hit it off, so out of the ordinary for me. It also seems that since I have this Platinum booster the people who come into my life are also not the same as the usual types I always had hanging around, seems that now people are coming into my life who are more my kind of people. Now I realize that we can get along with many different kinds of people, they don't have to be really similar to us or have similar vibrations to us. But with people who are vastly different from us, although maybe we can get along with them we won't have a lot to chat about, won't enjoy doing the same things together, get bored with each other's favourite topics, etc.

                                And even though I guess basically essentially I'm still a retiring violet type I find I really find it much easier now to chat with people than before, something I asked them to put into the Platinum booster. So now I can make more interesting conversation with people that I meet than I used to.

                                And curiously too it seems all of a sudden my old friends have also suddenly started to remember that I exist and they've started calling me up out of the blue or emailing me! So we can all renew our friendships and all get closer to each other. I'm so happy. LOOOOOOOOOVE that Paths Platinum booster! Yipeeeee!

                                Oh just wanted to remind everyone again about that amazing thread on Divine Openings here on this very forum, Now even though I don't find that it can beat Paths (nothing can beat Paths at least so far nothing else that I've found in my (humble and limited) experience hehe) but it does promise good things, so I think it's worth trying it out. I just got the book yesterday and if there's anything interesting going on I'll post about it on the Divine Openings thread.
                                Psychic Empowerment for Spiritual Growth:
                                Soul Realignment, Intuitive Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Travel, Walks in the Country and Just Some Good All-Round Blogging:

