i'll be a guinea pig
[QUOTE=serenac;100976][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Hi everyone! Oh I know it’s been sooooooo long since I was last on here, never even had a chance to congratulate Grace! Lots going on lately.
Well now I’m back for a minute or 2. I wanted to tell everyone about this amazing thing that I discovered, I want to share it with everyone!!!
It’s a fairly new modality, it’s only been around for a very few years, it was always passed down personally from teacher to student until now a lady named Andrea Hess now offers the course online. It’s called Soul Realignment, I don’t know if anyone here has heard of it?
You can read all about it here: Soul Realignment: Akashic Records Wisdom for Soul-Level Healing. But I'll try and give a summary of it.
Anyways I'm learning this technique right now, and I need guinea pigs! Would you like to receive a practice session from me for free? It's totally harmless and very beneficial. Here is some more information about this:
What is Soul Realignment
It's an intuitive/healing modality, sort of like a cross between an in-depth intuitive reading and a long-distance healing session. The practitioner would read different information about the client using mainly the Akashic Records, but also visualization to "see" the person's energy and problem spots. Then the practitioner would carry out a cleaning and clearing session to heal/remove these problem spots, this is the actual realignment part of the healing.
Problem spots could be anything from persistent limiting negative beliefs, negative karma which is no longer serving us because we've already learned our lesson, vows and pacts which we made in the past, perhaps in another life, and which no longer serve us today but are still active in our vibrations and therefore affect our lives today. An example of this could be, for example, a vow of chastity made in a past life or a vow of poverty made in for example an incarnation as a monk/nun, whose effects would be noticed today as an extreme difficulty in finding satisfactory relationships, in the case of the first vow, or terrible problems attracting abundance into our lives (aka poverty, misery!) in the second case.
The reading would also include a brief spirit guide reading.
Who is Soul Realignment for?
Well personally I always say Soul Realignment is for everyone hehe! That it could benefit everyone! But in reality some people would be more interested in it and get more from it than others. Soul Realignment could be for you if:
- you're interested in your spiritual development, you would like become a better person and you want your life to be better, smoother, flow more, etc.
- you have specific problems that no matter WHAT you do it seems they just WON’T shift no matter what, you feel like you’re beating your head up against a wall, the problems may be emotional, related to certain areas of life (relationships, or finances, or job/profession, or family, or health, etc.)
- you may have tried EVERYTHING to try and resolve these problems, you may have been using Paths, following Abraham-Hicks, watched The Secret, tried every form of therapy imaginable, maybe even personal coaching, and still NOTHING is improving
- you would like to know about your life path and purpose, your natural talents that you brought with you with the intention of using in this lifetime
Of course there are zillions more reasons to get a Soul Realignment session, but these are some of the main reasons that people seek them out.
So, feel like signing up? Once I finish training in this technique I will probably start by charging around $100 for a session (other practitioners will probably kill me for this hehe! because most charge over $150, unfair competition from me, whoa!
Not to worry I won’t put them out of business, as I get better at it I’ll be raising my prices too
). I hope a few of you are interested! I’ll be accepting “guinea pigs” for a short time only, because I’ve got almost enough practice clients already from among my friends, and I’ll accept them in chronological order.
I would need your full name, your name at birth, your date and place of birth. That’s all I would need to know. In order to access your Akashic Record.
Well that’s it, this is a loooong post, so I’ll shut up now. Okay chatty me, before I do so I’m going to tell you my personal experience with Soul Realignment. I’m really weird, I actually signed up to take the training course without ever having received a Soul Realignment session from anyone. Most people learn the technique because they received a session from someone, and were absolutely blown away by it.
But as I was learning the course I just COULDN’T resist, I had to get a session for myself too. Especially since the course takes about 3 months to complete. I just couldn’t wait 3 months to do a complete session on myself! Oh no!
So I contacted David Topi, the only practitioner I know of here in Spain. David is totally amazing! I encourage anyone who can read Spanish to check out his blog at David TopÃ*- Evolución Personal y Espiritual..
Anyways, if you’ve read previous posts by me you’d know that I had a BIG, HUGE, MAJOR issue with money and jobs. I did EVERYTHING to try and materialize a job into my life, short of threatening the boss of some company at gunpoint to hire me hehe!
I’ve been using Paths for about a year now, I’ve been following Abraham-Hicks, I went to counselling, followed Gracie’s advice, practiced gratitude like mad, read Lola Jones’ Divine Openings and did her Divine Openings, etc. etc. etc. And after a year, STILL NO JOB!!!
It was like I was battering up against this humungous wall of China that just wouldn’t be moved!
Well David Topi did a session for me. He said I had 3 major reasons why I couldn’t manifest a job or even the bare minimum amount of money needed for basic survival. One was, unsurprisingly, a big stubborn negative limiting belief which I actually was aware of but had been unable to get rid of in spite of using Paths, affirmations, etc. etc. etc.
However the main reason was something I could NEVER have guessed or expected, something NO other technique or modality I know of would have been able to solve. It was a curse! Now I never much believed in curses, or rather I didn’t think they could affect you if you didn’t believe in them. But apparently, for some reason or other, I accepted this curse, which occurred in a past life. Since I accepted it then it never got dissolved or went away, these things apparently don’t disappear just because you die and change incarnations!
They continue to affect you in lifetime after lifetime, and you don’t even know they exist! So you can’t do anything about them. It just feels like a humungous wall of China!
So David did the session for me, and he got rid of the curse forever. Now folks, here’s what happened next: The day after David did the session for me, I went to a job interview, my first job interview ever! (I’d received other interviews but they weren’t for “legitimate”, normal, steadily paying jobs, they were you know Herbalife/Avon type things, not that there’s anything wrong with Herbalife or Avon, but only if you’re good at commissions-only sales……….) The people giving me the interview felt so relaxed with me, THEY OFFERED ME THE JOB right off the bat! It’s a part-time job and they’ll be paying me a full-time wage! WOW!
Only catch is the job begins in October, so I still have to find some way to eat until then. But on the other hand my little home business is bumping along, not really prospering or anything, but I get enough to feed the family, so I guess it can do until October, if nothing else comes along.
And hopefully soon within a few months I’ll be getting oodles and oodles of Soul Realignment work! So…………….
Well now I really will shut up! See ya folks! Take care! I do love reading everyone here on this thread!
I'll try it!!! : )
[QUOTE=serenac;100976][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Hi everyone! Oh I know it’s been sooooooo long since I was last on here, never even had a chance to congratulate Grace! Lots going on lately.

Well now I’m back for a minute or 2. I wanted to tell everyone about this amazing thing that I discovered, I want to share it with everyone!!!
It’s a fairly new modality, it’s only been around for a very few years, it was always passed down personally from teacher to student until now a lady named Andrea Hess now offers the course online. It’s called Soul Realignment, I don’t know if anyone here has heard of it?
You can read all about it here: Soul Realignment: Akashic Records Wisdom for Soul-Level Healing. But I'll try and give a summary of it.
Anyways I'm learning this technique right now, and I need guinea pigs! Would you like to receive a practice session from me for free? It's totally harmless and very beneficial. Here is some more information about this:
What is Soul Realignment
It's an intuitive/healing modality, sort of like a cross between an in-depth intuitive reading and a long-distance healing session. The practitioner would read different information about the client using mainly the Akashic Records, but also visualization to "see" the person's energy and problem spots. Then the practitioner would carry out a cleaning and clearing session to heal/remove these problem spots, this is the actual realignment part of the healing.
Problem spots could be anything from persistent limiting negative beliefs, negative karma which is no longer serving us because we've already learned our lesson, vows and pacts which we made in the past, perhaps in another life, and which no longer serve us today but are still active in our vibrations and therefore affect our lives today. An example of this could be, for example, a vow of chastity made in a past life or a vow of poverty made in for example an incarnation as a monk/nun, whose effects would be noticed today as an extreme difficulty in finding satisfactory relationships, in the case of the first vow, or terrible problems attracting abundance into our lives (aka poverty, misery!) in the second case.
The reading would also include a brief spirit guide reading.
Who is Soul Realignment for?
Well personally I always say Soul Realignment is for everyone hehe! That it could benefit everyone! But in reality some people would be more interested in it and get more from it than others. Soul Realignment could be for you if:
- you're interested in your spiritual development, you would like become a better person and you want your life to be better, smoother, flow more, etc.
- you have specific problems that no matter WHAT you do it seems they just WON’T shift no matter what, you feel like you’re beating your head up against a wall, the problems may be emotional, related to certain areas of life (relationships, or finances, or job/profession, or family, or health, etc.)
- you may have tried EVERYTHING to try and resolve these problems, you may have been using Paths, following Abraham-Hicks, watched The Secret, tried every form of therapy imaginable, maybe even personal coaching, and still NOTHING is improving
- you would like to know about your life path and purpose, your natural talents that you brought with you with the intention of using in this lifetime
Of course there are zillions more reasons to get a Soul Realignment session, but these are some of the main reasons that people seek them out.
So, feel like signing up? Once I finish training in this technique I will probably start by charging around $100 for a session (other practitioners will probably kill me for this hehe! because most charge over $150, unfair competition from me, whoa!

I would need your full name, your name at birth, your date and place of birth. That’s all I would need to know. In order to access your Akashic Record.
Well that’s it, this is a loooong post, so I’ll shut up now. Okay chatty me, before I do so I’m going to tell you my personal experience with Soul Realignment. I’m really weird, I actually signed up to take the training course without ever having received a Soul Realignment session from anyone. Most people learn the technique because they received a session from someone, and were absolutely blown away by it.
But as I was learning the course I just COULDN’T resist, I had to get a session for myself too. Especially since the course takes about 3 months to complete. I just couldn’t wait 3 months to do a complete session on myself! Oh no!

Anyways, if you’ve read previous posts by me you’d know that I had a BIG, HUGE, MAJOR issue with money and jobs. I did EVERYTHING to try and materialize a job into my life, short of threatening the boss of some company at gunpoint to hire me hehe!

It was like I was battering up against this humungous wall of China that just wouldn’t be moved!
Well David Topi did a session for me. He said I had 3 major reasons why I couldn’t manifest a job or even the bare minimum amount of money needed for basic survival. One was, unsurprisingly, a big stubborn negative limiting belief which I actually was aware of but had been unable to get rid of in spite of using Paths, affirmations, etc. etc. etc.
However the main reason was something I could NEVER have guessed or expected, something NO other technique or modality I know of would have been able to solve. It was a curse! Now I never much believed in curses, or rather I didn’t think they could affect you if you didn’t believe in them. But apparently, for some reason or other, I accepted this curse, which occurred in a past life. Since I accepted it then it never got dissolved or went away, these things apparently don’t disappear just because you die and change incarnations!

So David did the session for me, and he got rid of the curse forever. Now folks, here’s what happened next: The day after David did the session for me, I went to a job interview, my first job interview ever! (I’d received other interviews but they weren’t for “legitimate”, normal, steadily paying jobs, they were you know Herbalife/Avon type things, not that there’s anything wrong with Herbalife or Avon, but only if you’re good at commissions-only sales……….) The people giving me the interview felt so relaxed with me, THEY OFFERED ME THE JOB right off the bat! It’s a part-time job and they’ll be paying me a full-time wage! WOW!

Only catch is the job begins in October, so I still have to find some way to eat until then. But on the other hand my little home business is bumping along, not really prospering or anything, but I get enough to feed the family, so I guess it can do until October, if nothing else comes along.
And hopefully soon within a few months I’ll be getting oodles and oodles of Soul Realignment work! So…………….
Well now I really will shut up! See ya folks! Take care! I do love reading everyone here on this thread!

I'll try it!!! : )