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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Oh Gracie It's So Good To Hear Your Voice!

    What a lovely thing to log on and read your post Gracie...I enjoyed imagining the scene you described and was delighted to know that you were enjoying your travel...I sort of got confused about the dates you all would be in Vegas. If you check these messages during your trip please send our warm reagrds to the group. I'm sure it will be an amazing time.

    Thank you also for your sweet comment. Fond regards to the lovely Pamela (and you know we are all waiting with baited breath to hear of her Vegas conquests!) and to my faithful Pammie and the majestic Illusions (who I hope to meet one day). And of course, Aaron and Kevin and everyone else!

    But having said all of that, I can't wait until you are all home again and you, Grace, are back at your chores and working on the lot of us!

    Have a lovely meeting and celebration and then hurry safely home to the rest of us!

    And Moira, I have found a site that tells me what time it is in England so that I can better estimate when you might be availble for a call...I'm saving up for the Tarot reading and continue to read and re-read your excellent report. I find something new each time.

    With gratitude and anticipation,

    With love and gratitude,



    • Hi All!
      I just wanted to share that I had the honor to go to NYC yesterday with a busload of new and old friends from my yoga class. We went to experience a class at The Universal Healing Center with Gurunam. It was amazing! HE was MORE than amazing! The energy of the group was unreal! If you are ever in the area and get a chance, try to get to one of his Wednesday night classes. AHHH

      He spoke of so many things but what stood out the most for me is something that has been spoken about here quite a bit and that is having a completely open heart. Maybe you can do some work on us in this area Grace... opening our hearts fully to serve and to receive from others and from the universe. I remember reading a post here about someone telling of their experience of feeling as if their heart was actually opening up and the joy and love they felt and shared since... I love that!

      I also have a request to work a bit on my oldest son. Owyn is 7 and he gets very worried, frustrated and I get concerned about him being strong enough to be his own person. I'm certain that he has felt a lot of my husband's and my struggles over the years and I want so much to help guide him toward self-love and confidence. I pray that he can work through and learn from all that he has experienced in our family. He is such an amazing person!! These thoughts came to me when I was reading Moira's post. Thank you for sharing!

      Hope all is well! InJoy, peace and Love! Tracy


      • hey grace

        Originally posted by Tracy View Post
        Hi All!

        I remember reading a post here about someone telling of their experience of feeling as if their heart was actually opening up and the joy and love they felt and shared since... I love that!

        Hope all is well! InJoy, peace and Love! Tracy
        i thingk this is a great request for group work.....i know that my heart has opened up alot since being on paths, and also with the CEM that grace has done with me...thanks Gracie.

        on anothter son is going into a ear infection, chest cold, and soar throat with cough, and perhaps this is viewed with the norm of everyone gets sick. My sone since talking with you grace has had the painful feet (haven't heard anymore complaints....since the email you sent me)
        then his back, and then from constipation to diareah (yikes, hope he don't see this...hehe...poor guy) constipation, as well as pink eye, then some soarness in his ears and swelling...and now the cold i just described....

        SIGH....this has been a pattern with my son to display psycological symtoms, been to the doctors a million times, and either antibiotics or they say nothing is wrong with him...and sometimes, the symtoms will come and go in a well as sleep issues, and eating issues.

        SIGH..... i know this sounds like alot, but in the scheme of seems like just kid stuff, and people stuff....but i watch him and listen...and also notice how things go based on how much attention i give to certain ailments.....
        the less i fuss over each symtom and let him know what he can do to feel better and take care of himself (11 yrs old) the shorter the duration of the illness.....
        yes , attention seeking...and yes i do the best i can....i used to fuss over him alot, and coddle him...and do EVERYTHING for him, and in/on my path i have decide/learned it is not what is best for him and sucks me bone dry of energy....when he is 100% capable of doing things and having responsibilities...and of course i've made mistakes as we all have..... can anyone pick up on my guilt... SIGH....
        well, i wonder grace if he is creating these things to gain a payoff (so to speak) then are they also layers, ???????
        Thank you...... I am concerned, cuz i am his mom.... SIGH.... and it is hard to see him not feeling well, cuz i want to baby him, and that is also what he wants me to kinda breaks my heart....

        Ok, as for me Gracie.....well i am pretty much good, have some lower abdomen disconfort, and thought it was cuz i was ovulating, (very sensitive to my cycle) but it was longer and different and way past when i should be experiencing this discomfort, if and when i would.....
        this is my theory.....been listening to the frontal lobe BB and read the link about frontal lobes and them popping,
        what stuck out for me the most was the creativity.

        OK, well as a survivor of SA.....which will also break the spirit and stunt our creativity, which i understood as a huge part of the frontal lobe function....not sure if it means in regards to our sexuality/creativity....
        Well, i was diagnosed with minimal my early 20's and if you at all follow what i am getting at....i think something is going on down there...some healing for sure of the body....and for a while now of the spirit.....

        I think this is a really important subject, and as well as how women and there creative power have been supressed for 100's of year....because we are soooo, powerful.
        And i am not talking about the exstremist feminin movement stuff...but tapping in and acknowleging, and healing....
        Now i think i am getting off from what i was oringinally started with....any interest to discuss further...PM me.

        I am vague for a reason....unsure of the kind of response i'll get....
        Cheers...and I love you all.... ....

        Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


        • Hi everyone! Grace taught some of us this weekend how to begin practicing CEM ourselves. I am loving it!!!!! I powerfully intend that from now on, each time I do corrections and practice and perfect this, my corrections will benefit all of us very powerfully and bring great light into each of our lives.


          • Jamie, how kind of you!! Was it difficult to learn? I read a little on the website, but it seemed a little confusing.


            • Creating more Light!

              I will Never ever forget the moment I saw my first Module (Mood Elevation) for it changed my life in a most desirable way in 3 1/2 minutes!!! What Paths has done for me I am eternally grateful for!!

              On the way home from the Paths Conference I had time to read Aaron Murakami's newly released Book Synthesis of Matter. This book (as the Paths modules have done for me) has brought me to a level of such extreme Faith and Hope that all I can say is I KNOW I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!!!!

              I purchased 5 copies knowing that I wanted to give this book to my closest friends here in town. I now know I must buy more. This book needs to be in the mainstream of consciousness!! We, with this fabulous forum will most definitely increase the vibration of this planet in a most certain and loving way. With Aaron's book (you can get it from Energetic Science Ministries™ | Energetics) Paths, CEM, The Magic Pill e-book by Odille, Trv'ing, The Tibetan Five Rites, etc etc etc (there is so much on this forum to know about) we can make such a HUGH difference so quickly!!

              I plan to devote more time on teaching Cem now to all of you!! This is priceless information (I spent over $12,000 learning CEM over 6 years ago), this will come in time, but reading Aaron's book will most definitely prime you for understanding the power you are made of and the reason why CEM and other energy work is so incredibly powerful. But most importantly reading Aaron's book will show you why YOU ARE SO POWERFUL!!!!!!!

              Rin, Ray, Allen, Tracy, Adrienne, Jamie, and Nadine Thank you for your posts!!

              It is what keeps me focused on making corrections. But now after the Paths Convention, and teaching CEM, and witnessing the powerful effects we all had as a group making corrections together, well I can not deny this knowledge to all of you anymore!!

              I see so clearly now (due to Aaron's Book) that as a GROUP we are exponentially powerful!! ONE person can make such a huge difference, but combined well there is no question that we can change the world instantly!! With this information OUR POTENTIAL IS MIND BOGGLING!!

              Rin, your posts always make my day!! I think of you often!

              Hi Ray, No your dry left eye is not related to your desires for manifesting consistent abundance etc. The dry left eye is about your Mental Body. You have too many thoughts that do not belong to you. In other words you pick up thoughts from other people, dimensions, etc. This is fairly common. Picking up thoughts that are not serving you. Other people's thoughts. I have done quite a few corrections now for you, so keep us posted.

              Hi Allen, I just arrived today at 4pm my time eastern. It was another sleepless night in Dallas airport, but yet gave me the opportunity to meet a lovely couple and to Read Aaron's book. All is beautiful!! I will be gone again June 10th to June 17th. I will be in Austin Texas with my Son for a Karate Workshop. I will bring my lap top again, and I will continue working on all of us without fail. You are precious to me, and thank you for skyping me this week. I was on top of it because of you!

              Hi Tracy, I read your post the same day you posted about Owyn, I have been working on him, and was hoping you could give us feedback on how he is doing. I am grateful to work on opening our hearts up!! I have done much Chakra work and this will be a pleasure for me to continue. I have also begun on the relationship work on all of us too. This ties into exactly what you are asking for.

              I lived in Manhattan till I was 11 years old, I plan now to visit "The Universal Healing Center with Gurunam." when I visit with the kids again. Thank you!!

              Adrienne, I also have been working on Tristan, but I would love to talk with him again before I go to Austin, so I will look for you both on skype this week.

              Jamie, Rooming with you in Vegas this week was PERFECTION!! You are so amazing!! It makes me so incredibly happy that you love CEM so much!! You truly are a natural at it, and I can't wait to teach you more. I do believe you are going to surpass me very quickly in skill and proficiency!! This is my prediction and I am sticking to it!! When the student is ready the Master will come!!

              Nadine, CEM is not difficult to learn, but it does take practice. More to come in the future. Love to all of you!!



              • Welcome Back Grace!

                It is so lovely to hear from you again. I can't wait to learn more about CEM from you.

                Thank you, also for working on my lower back, it has been feeling good (pain free) for the past few days.

                Love & Abundance,

                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • How wonderful to continue to read this thread....

                  I looked back at the first page, just to remind myself of how long ago it started, and how long ago it was when I first mentioned my right shoulder pain. That was late April - WOW!

                  Grace's healing has continued to be life-changing for me. My shoulder pain is a thing of the past, as is my phobic issue, and though I hadn't contributed to this thread for almost a month, I keep checking in to enjoy the energy and refresh my feelings of awe.

                  Grace, I'm with Jamie, in that I'd LOVE to learn CEM... so any way that I can assist and support you in that goal, please let me know...

                  With love and thanks to all of you!
                  Follow your path to joy!


                  • And all I can think is, she got to room with Jamie??? I'm so jealous!

                    P.S. Grace, welcome back! You have been sorely missed, especially by me!


                    • Rin,

                      I always enjoy your posts and so frequently read them and laugh out loud...this was was no exception.

                      I'm with you...I'm jealous and sorely missed Grace--and everyone else...

                      Keeping posting Rin, you're fabulous!

                      With gratitude and giggles right now,

                      With love and gratitude,



                      • WOW - the energy is Popping

                        So excited to open up the forum and see your post Gracie
                        When I read about you and Jamie rooming together - I was so happy for you. I so wanted to be with you all. I told my friend about it and she agreed with me that maybe next time I can join you. I will have to get those affiliate papers sent in.
                        I would so love to learn CEM from you and with this group it would be amazing, so please, please count me in.
                        I have been working on setting up a new library in my home and looking at all my books and journals. It has been an amazing journey down this Mystic Path and I am so grateful to have this group travelling with me.
                        I am a Reiki master and am sending out reiki energy to all of you along with Grace's CEM. What an amazing team we are.

                        What a wonderful day! What a wonderful group! What a glorious energy - can't you just feel it popping right through the screen. I am doing the happy dance!
                        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                        My Mystic PATHS Website
                        Word Whisperer
                        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                        • Moxie, you are right on about the energy!!! It has been very quiet around here since the convention got started. Grace it is wonderful to have you back....everything feels better when you are around!!

                          I am really looking forward to hearing more about CEM, and Jamie if Grace says you will be brilliant I am sure you will be!! Good luck!!

                          Rin, you are very funny...I think you say what most people are thinking!! I am sure everyone would have loved to stay with Grace, as she is so special. Not that everyone else isn't, which I didn't mean at all....oops I am sticking my foot in my mouth

                          What I mean is, and I am only speaking for myself, but I think I/we feel a certain connection to Grace.

                          That's it before I make this worse!!LOL


                          • Thank you Gracie for the mention...and I am very interested in learning about the CEM as well.

                            Good luck with the karate seminar with your son. Enjoy Austin, it's a wonderful music city.

                            With gratitude,

                            With love and gratitude,



                            • Hi Grace, I am so relieved to hear doing all these corrections, does not drain your energy. I have been reluctant to request a correction for fear of draining you. But knowing it does not harm you in any way, I will ask for help with a problem. I have had a painfull left shoulder for a couple of years now. I pratice Tai Chi everyday and will now add the 5 Rites to my daily workout(thank you so much for sharing looks exactly like what I have been searching for.) Thank you for all you have done to make this such a wonderful group of people to be around. You never fail to inspire me.
                              Love and Light, Bob


                              • Rin, You make me blush.

                                It was my privilege to room with Grace. I couldn't have planned a more perfect weekend EVER!!!

                                Joy - are you on skype? I'm PM'ing you so we can talk!

