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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Hello everyone,

    OK, who was slacking last night?

    Sandra didn't any sleep at all because she was intermittently woken up by Zain and Kai all night

    Oops, I forgot to do Zpoint on Zain last night so that would be me

    I'm off to do Zpoint on Zain just before bed tonight so hopefully Sandra can have a good night's sleep. We've also just tried the binaural beat sleep for Kai and it seemed to help him fall asleep ... but will it help him stay asleep??

    With love and gratitude
    Save over $1,000 on PATHS
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    • HI Gracie, Jamie, and Pammie

      hello ladies,
      Well, i am here this evening to ask for some corrections on my back (the whole thing), and hips.....I am in soooo, much pain and am having muscle spasms....if i do any deep breathing my back spasms, so i am stuck with shallow breathing.....feels like a lack of oxygen, and there for an inability to feel relaxed....this is an issue,YES

      As well as my right eye is flaring up Gracie since ya did a correction on me the other night, so please lovely ladies, use your magic.
      look forward to chatting with ya this weekend pamela, hopefully our paths cross....will leave the comp on for the day (sunday), so that that i can hopefully catch ya, or you me......

      OK, there is some stuff that i want to say, share, put out there.
      JUst started reading the book 'The New Revelations', 'A Conversation With God'...and OMG, it is hit me left, right and centre. I guess thats all i really have to say about that, and so much of what i am reading is helping make more sense of what many have said in there writting on here or in convo....thought i knew everything, although wasn't aware that i thought that.....geeze, talk about being humbled/humility....which is good...cuz we are all one in the same..not seperate and better or worse than anyone else
      BTW, i manifested these books into my life, how great is that.

      just wanted to share. and so much of what i've read in this book are things i knew inside me as a child....had very strong convictions about them, which seemed to paint me as the black sheep of the family, cuz i wouldn't conform. Although, somewhere along the way beliefs did become scewed.

      OK that is all, and i am forever grateful for the corrections, and the shoulder blade and mid back area too, please, this is why i say the whole it really practically is.

      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


      • Wow! How wonderful reading about all the corrections! Grace works miracles It is so wonderful to hear the feedback, it does so much good to hear how caring everyone is to each other and really humbling too. It's such an honour to be here.

        Hugs xx


        • Hello everyone,

          Previous to last night, there was a gap in the middle of the night where Sandra was undisturbed for 2.5 hours.

          Last night, there was a gap in the middle of the night where Sandra was undisturbed for 2.0 hours

          It looks like Zain is teething and the amount of sleep Sandra gets need to be balanced with her or my fingers getting bitten off while trying to apply some teething gel!!!

          With love and gratitude
          Save over $1,000 on PATHS
          Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


          • Hi Grace!

            Just checking in with a tally from last night:
            Woke up about 4-5 times, adjusted and went right back to sleep. And, yes, my knee did start hurting toward daybreak. Hopefully that was a release! (I suppose the foot is next, right? ) Otherwise, the level of discomfort was minimally better and my hip/leg are kinda stiff today.

            Thank you soooo much for all you give!
            Blessings on the journey, Glenn
            Handmade Ceramic Gifts


            • Hello everyone,

              Despite risking life and finger last night to put teething gel on Zain, he still managed to keep Sandra up most the night.

              Thank you to everyone who is practising

              With love and gratitude
              Save over $1,000 on PATHS
              Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


              • Just a quick note for this evening!

                Tomorrow when my daughter leaves for London I will be posting normally until I leave for Canada on July 4th. I have with great focus and discipline worked on this thread daily. I have chosen to not post in order to not get behind on all my other duties and obligations, but this has not kept me from working on all your requests and desires. I have also worked daily on Group corrections. (This allows me to include any viewers that have not posted who are resonating with any "issues")

                I have added to the Group Corrections since I got back from Vegas many corrections concerning Relationship issues. I have not stopped working daily on Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity and of course Health issues too. I have been able in doing the Group corrections to pick up on many of your individual "issues" that you have not even asked for, but you have asked for these corrections energetically! This is exciting for me, and I am so happy and grateful to all of you for being here!!!!

                I must go for now, but will be back tomorrow to be more specific!



                • good day/night all

         to report, and share....HEHE

                  first off, my right eye did get better and then worst again since the last post....grace did share what that issue is about , and it had been gone for about a few weeks till some more corrections were done on my lower back on the same type of issue, and then likes to live in my eye...geesh, but thats ok too, cuz i know it will go away, cuz of the amazing ability of CEM......and simply love and laughter too.
                  my back is a bit soar still, and it seems to be the front of my hips, rather than the whole hip....Ya and OMG Gracie...the issue that is living in my eye...WELL, let me tell you darling, what a day i had...I think it's hot in hear...HEHE
                  the upper back between my sholder blades is pretty soar and my neck. thanks alot.

                  Wellthings are shifting alot for me, and i haven't got alot of words to put up really, probably cuz most of them went up in the matrix energetics thread, cuz i have recently learned how to do some, a very little of that as well as experience the power of it .
                  I am definitly benifiting from both and think that i may a bit nuts to be doing both on top of other things....Ya, well
                  Tristan has been very angry the last few days, and for about a couple of weeks, he has had a bit of trouble breathing through his nose, always sniffing like it's plugged, says it's allergies, but what are allergies really...??

                  well, LOVE you gracie and really enjoy reading everyones posts...thank you, and love you all Off to bed i go....ADRIENNE
                  Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                  • Welcome back, Grace!

                    Lovely to read your post, Grace. I hope and intend your daughter has a fab time in London

                    Adrienne, I am glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I was thinking of you yesterday, I posted and it looked like I was ignoring you I wasn't, I just didn't see your post when I posted I saw it yesterday when I was checking the threads quickly, didn't have time to post then. Just wanted to let you know sending you lots of positive vibes, and to everyone on this thread. Sorry it's not much and probably not too healing but I hope it helps just to know thinking of you and wishing you speedy recovery I have bought the book you recommended, it hasn't come yet but I valued your recommendation thank you

                    And firehorse too, often thought of Sandra and your little boy, if I lived closer I'd offer to babysit for a couple nights so you could get some much needed sleep. I don't think you could all be in better hands then here and the effects of CEM though

                    Warm hugs everyone and Major thanks to Grace and everyone who has been helping us, it is very much appreciated.



                    • Originally posted by S.J View Post
                      And firehorse too, often thought of Sandra and your little boy, if I lived closer I'd offer to babysit for a couple nights so you could get some much needed sleep.
                      I've often had this very thought! Perhaps it's just as well we don't live near them, they'd never get to see their own kids!

                      I've missed ever so much Grace, and it's so good to see you back! (And don't you worry about your little girl, she'll be just fine!)


                      • It's so frustrating not being able to help, isn't it?! Even just giving people some healing would be nice. Better get practising my Reiki. The day I can do remote Reiki will be fab Speaking of healing If anyone feels like checking out my shoulders and back, I'd be ever so grateful. And a nice clearing of the air around me would be SUPER too Thank you


                        • Hello everyone,

                          Thank you Grace, Pamela, Jamie and everyone for continuing to work on Zain and everyone else on this thread!

                          Poor Sandra couldn't remember getting any sleep the previous night. Last night she couldn't remember much either except she was definitely awake between 2am and 5am!

                          Isn't he such a darling for getting us to practise our 'patience'
                          Originally posted by S.J View Post
                          And firehorse too, often thought of Sandra and your little boy, if I lived closer I'd offer to babysit for a couple nights so you could get some much needed sleep. I don't think you could all be in better hands then here and the effects of CEM though
                          Thank you for your kind thoughts! We've got a babysitting opening for between 12am to 8am

                          Originally posted by Rin View Post
                          I've often had this very thought! Perhaps it's just as well we don't live near them, they'd never get to see their own kids!
                          Shame I can't just teleport him over during our night time into your daytime, and whisk him back again when we get up ... ... hold on, let me practise my ME a bit and lets see what I can do

                          With love and gratitude
                          Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                          Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                          • Originally posted by firehorse View Post
                            Hello everyone,

                            Shame I can't just teleport him over during our night time into your daytime, and whisk him back again when we get up ... ... hold on, let me practise my ME a bit and lets see what I can do

                            With love and gratitude
                            LOL I would happily baby sit him too! I love little ones energy, they are just so easy to make smile and laugh Teleport him anytime lol

                            Hope Sandra gets more sleep tonight. I love your views on patience. Beautiful.

                            Hugs xxx


                            • Baby Zain!

                              Hi Alan,

                              I am going to spend most of my time this late evening on Zain! I also remember promising I would never give up until You and Sandra, and Zain got your desired results!!

                              Hi Rin, You are so Right Sophia is already having a blast!! She called me from the airport before they took off!! She is in heaven. Can't wait to hear from her when she gets in!

                              Hi S.J, I am so happy and grateful to read all of your posts!! Thank You!!

                              HI Adrienne, I am going to spend extra time on you and Tristan tonight too!! You both are so awesome! Please let Tristan know How much I think about him! Love you both!

                              Jeanie and Glenn, I can only say that you two are so important to me!! I of course have you on my mind always!! Please keep me posted Glenn! It helps others who resonate with you!! I will do more corrections now, and late this evening too.

                              Hi KimJ, I am going to be in St. Albert Alberta Canada! I will be thinking about you while I am in Canada!!

                              Nadine, Lama and Sharyn!! I have more to say to you beautiful women tomorrow!! Love you very much!!
                              IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                              • Hi,
                                Originally posted by S.J View Post
                                ... I love your views on patience. Beautiful.
                                I picked that up from Stuart Wilde

                                Thank you Grace so much for your time.

                                Sandra thinks the gaps are longer than one hour apart last night but she was too tired to remember clearly.

                                With love and gratitude
                                Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                                Live your dreams through choosing PATHS

