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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Help, I need some serious strength

    Oh man everything was going really good till today. We had to take this stupid parenting class on how to get along in divorce and custody battles. Well we were working together really great till this stupid class, and now he thinks we should do mediation It is not because he loves the kids or anything else it is to continue to hold me hostage in this God forsaken place!

    The good things was for the first time in months and months I talked with one of the Pastors from our Church! The associate pastor is also the counselor at my daughters school. I went there to pull the kids out of school to register them here were I live because I live across stateline and the deal was they only go to school there as long as he signs the papers, and he backed out!

    The real reason I believe he is balking at signing the papers is because he does not like the amount of child support he will have to pay! That is when the real trouble started, but I was willing to sign off on a much smaller amount at least for now to get the papers signed!

    Well in talking with the Associatiate Pastor today I told him everything that has been going on! All the lies he told, and everything else... He said he would try to talk to Keith and get him back on track for me! I told him if I have to file without his signature and go through the process then I will put into the papers that will become publicly accessible forever, and ruin his ability to get re-elected and to ever get elected to any higher office! I have am so tired of trying to be nice and getting the raw end of the deal with this jerk! He has had his chance! I only have about 10 days here till I become homeless (although they will probably extend it) so he will have to find other housing because the kids and I will probably move into the house this week! My advocate wants to file the restraining order that I had been putting off also, so I may do that also!

    So am I on the right track? He has emotionally, and physically threatened me for 16 years... Is the only way to fight back to fight with force? Please send me lots of possitive energy tonight and tomorrow! Could you send the X some peaceful energy and some co-operation energy! His name is Keith. Please help me and my kids get to California in ten days!!!
    Blessings Sj


    • Well the good news is I have calmed down tonight! I am going to watch my relax module also! You know over the weekend I heard all of you talking about the deserving module and I think I need that one too! The only module I can think of replacing is the goal setting module, but you know that one just might be adding to my stress right now anyways and I have been watching it for awhile... not as long as I should, but right now I think I need the deserving module more. It seems like it would help me get to where I need to get by knowing I deserve to be there, and especially after all I have been through.

      Well I have not heard back from the associate pastor yet, but the idea hit me that I should suggest to Keith that we set up a mediation with the Pastor and work out exactly what we should sign and then get it signed immediatley before he can change his mind! I tried to call him at both of his numbers and could not reach him so I am thinking that the Pastors are still talking to him...Either that or he is over at his drinking buddies If that is the case then he will not be home till tomorrow morning. I know that great things await me and I know I do not belong up here, so it will all work out for me. As I was sitting in one of my groups it suddenly hit me that I can contact the agency that handles child support and file with them to start collecting and it will take it out of the divorce case period! Then he won't have a choice in how much or when or how he pays! I think I will wait and see if I can work this out first peacefully, because I do not believe that this is about me and the kids going to Calif but it is about controlling me! He never said he wanted to go to court, he just wants to drag it out with court mediation before he signs! It is about control and money his two most important loves in life!

      Hmmm... Sorry if I am going on and on, but I am really trying hard to not talk to the kids about it at all! They do know that their Dad did not keep his promise, but I told them that I am going to try to work it out with him peacefully before I change their schools! I am feeling really calm about this tonight so you all must be doing some serious work on me and the situation! Thank you and big HUGS!

      Don't you just love how I am growing in this... I use to freak out and need someone else to calm me down... Now I freak out and with your energies work through it on my own and start to see the right solutions all on my own well through you all !

      Blessings Sj Zartgirl


      • Zartgirl... you are soooo awesome.

        I just LOVED watching you turn your self around right here on this forum! You are an incredible example..........and I have an incredibly strong FEELING that things are goingwork out even better than you could have possibly imagined!

        Much love and peace.......and some giggles coming your way today!

        Pura Vida (Pure Life!) , Vineyard Nancy
        Pura Vida! Vineyard Nancy


        • Shauna,

          I'm sending positive energy to you right now. Hang in there!

          Lots of love,

          With love and gratitude,



          • Just passing by to appreciate each and every person, and to send you lots of love and let you know that I love you all Also sending you a virtual hug each, packed with Reiki goodness


            • I am on my way!

              I am leaving to go sign the papers for the divorce with my husband in a few minutes!

              Man you all sent me some serious strength! Over the last 16 years he has been able to twist and turn everything around on me and turn me into a sobbing mess! Today, I squared off with him not even backing down! I was firm and direct and to the point! I told him I had nothing to loose, and he had everything to loose! I was so strong you all would have been so proud of me! I was awesomely strong! Okay I am proud of me!!!!

              Well, I know you all were sending lots of strength my way! I could feel the energy here! I did not even cry! You are awesome! Well WE are awesome! What a team we are! I love each and everyone of you! Got to go get those signatures! Blessings to you!!!! Zartgirl


              • Zartgirl

                This is for you and please sing along!!

                California here I come, right back where I started from!!!!! Ok, You finish the song because it is yours!!

                Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                • What an Inspiration!

                  Oh, Zartgirl!!!

                  You are such an AMAZING example of POWERFUL FEMININE ENERGY and a HUGE INSPIRATION!!!

                  We are ALL sending you even MORE PFE and MUCH LOVE, Darling Girl!!!

                  Bless You, Sweetie...Today and Always...In ALL WAYS!!!

                  With Much Love and Gratitude,

                  My PATHS Website
                  My Art Website
                  My Paintings As Prints
                  My Facebook


                  • Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                    I am leaving to go sign the papers for the divorce with my husband in a few minutes!

                    Man you all sent me some serious strength! Over the last 16 years he has been able to twist and turn everything around on me and turn me into a sobbing mess! Today, I squared off with him not even backing down! I was firm and direct and to the point! I told him I had nothing to loose, and he had everything to loose! I was so strong you all would have been so proud of me! I was awesomely strong! Okay I am proud of me!!!!

                    Well, I know you all were sending lots of strength my way! I could feel the energy here! I did not even cry! You are awesome! Well WE are awesome! What a team we are! I love each and everyone of you! Got to go get those signatures! Blessings to you!!!! Zartgirl

                    Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                    Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                    • YEah Zartgirl!!!!

                      You are amazing!!! What a wonderful outcome you have created. I am sooooo happy for you and so humbled to have been a part of the Mastermind group sending healing and strength your way.
                      Have a wonderful weekend Sj.
                      We are all cheering for you
                      Lots of Love,
                      Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                      My Mystic PATHS Website
                      Word Whisperer
                      My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                      • Zartgirl,

                        You are so wonderful and powerful! I am so proud of you!!!!


                        • Way to go Zartgirl!!!!!!!

                          California, here she comes!!!

                          "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                          • Zartgirl,

                            I don't know much about your situation aside from what I've seen the last few posts, but can see clearly how strong you've become and just wanted to add my congratulations to you as well. You are an inspiration!!



                            • Psych

                              Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                              I am leaving to go sign the papers for the divorce with my husband in a few minutes!
                              Psych! Boy was I wrong! Well the notary was a lawyer who totally did not disclose herself and when I figured out what was going on she accused me of freaking out!

                              Well both Keith and I talked with our Pastor and our Pastors Dad, and he said that he wanted to go to legal mediation. He wants me to have a job and an appartment in Calif. Well I am going to go and talk and work it out, and when we come to a agreeable terms then I am going to tell them I need my attorney to look them over before I sign anything. I will do that and make sure that anything I sign I can take him back to court on. His elderly Dad is paying for the lawyer, and Keith is not paying him rent on the house either. It is only a matter of time till he tells Keith to go take a hike. Iza will get her chance in mediation to say who she wants to live with and she has said me and Nat will stay with her.

                              In the meantime I am going to get a good job here in the area, I am going to get my website up on the web and making money, I am going to get my art into Galleries and selling and I am going to get a line of handbags onto the market.

                              When I get to making lots of money I think I will make sure I take my kids on some awesome trips to some really fun places.... I will make sure that they have the most awesome bedrooms at my house and that we have the most fun ever! I will hug them and cuddle with them every night I have them and shower them with love! In the meantime I will just visualize my awesome relationship with my kids! You should have seen the look on their faces when they found out what their dad did to me today! He is screwing up his already rocky relationship! Then he refused to let them come stay with me tonight! If he does not stop this they are going to hate his guts and do what my nephew did and tell the judge they never want to talk to their Dad ever again! My x brother in law has ruined his relationship with two of his kids and he only has three. The third one could care less if he sees his dad or not!

                              So I am going to take the higher road and as my father always said you give a man enough rope he will hang himself! My sister says Wow! You are smart! I spent 15,000 dollars to learn this lesson.

                              Big Hugs and Huge Blessings
                              victorious zartgirl


                              • My heart is breaking

                                Help, my heart is breaking! My X husband served me with a restraining order saying that I am not a fit mom and that his house is the best house. He has been plotting this since August and lieing to me and the kids.

                                He is loosing the respect of the kids and he will loose whether he wins in court or not... He says he wants to go to legal mediation, but he has no intention of doing that, so Monday I am going to go to Pendleton and hire an attorney and get him to help me fight this!

                                I need to learn to use energy in a powerful way! Is there anyway we can change his heart and get him to see what he is doing to the kids? There is part of me that wants to get a vodoo doll and start messing with his and his attorneys heads so they go completely mad in court? My daughter told me straight up yesterday that she does not want to live with her dad and they both keep asking about when we will be going to California? They want to know why he is doing this. I told my teenage daughter to ask her Dad and tell him to stop it because he is hurting her!

                                Keith called and is bringing the kids up here to stay the night and I am going to take them tomorrow to church and then out to lunch or something. I offered to sit down and write up the papers and sign them anyway he wants to work it out... I said I will write them up just the way you said in front of the Pastors yesterday, and he says that won't work we need to do this in legal mediation... My sister says if he really wanted legal mediation he would not have hired an attorney to say I was a bad Mom! He is going to try to get the kids away from me, but he is loosing their respect and love. Iza is big enough that the judge will let her go anywhere she wants to, but not Nathaniel. I have to fight for him. Both kids want to be with me! I can not talk any sense into him either, but you know I think he will loose when it comes out that I was totally willing to work this out and did not want to go to court or even legal mediation.

                                God Bless and love Sj zartgirl
                                God will make me so strong through this it is not even funny!

