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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Hi Grace,

    Thanks for your work on both of us. I have been practising also but so far without wildly noticeable results...either I'm not doing this right or I have more layers than an onion but Gabriel is sounding better. Still battling the bed bugs though...

    I have a question for tomorrow's call: are there seven or six bodies to check for? I have(from Maggie's notes) Physical, Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Psychic/Spiritual. Let'splan to revisit that tomorrow becuase I'm a little confused.

    With love and gratitude,

    With love and gratitude,



    • Hi Joel,

      Yes please...I would very much like to know how to make the Comfrey cream.

      With love and gratitude and an aching right arm,

      With love and gratitude,



      • Soon to be ex-aching right arm

        Hello Allenm, It will be my pleasure.

        1) Take two large Comfrey leaves (be careful, at the base of the leaves they have sharp hairs) Ask permission, feel grateful.

        2) On the stove you have a pot of gently boiling water, inside the same pot you have a glass bowl. (or however you can rig a 'Double Boiler')

        3) Take one tub of Aqueous Cream and empty it into the 'glass bowl' inside the steadily boiling pot. (watch out for the steam)

        4) Now, gently lay the leaves on the surface of the Aqueous Cream. When the cream is hot enough, you will notice the chlorofill ooze out into the cream.
        When the oozing eases off, carefully remove the two leaves and put them into your compost bin (comfrey is an accelerator)

        5) Stir the cream with a wooden spoon so that the colour is consistant. Switch off the stove plate. (or remove pot from camp fire)

        6) Decanter all the cream back into original tub and let cool before replacing the lid. Store in cool place or fridge, for long periods, or make smaller portions more often. Fresh = Residual life force...don't push it.

        7)Apply to affected areas at will. (keep your intention focused)

        And that’s that.

        Notes to Observe: Most plants live on a long timeline, ie. hurt them today and next week they cry 'Ouch'. I have found that Comfrey has a 4 to 5 hour reaction time. Keep this in mind when handling or interacting with the plant. Plants generally no not like steel, they tolerate a break or pinch much better. (a plastic knife is great)

        Like all plants, Comfrey loves to travel, the evidence of this is, not only does it produce seed after a beautiful showing of a delicate bluish flower (fairy land) but the tiniest fragment of root left behind after transplanting will sprout (think of life boats when Titanic went down, very clever little plant)

        Best is to grow it in a pot Comfrey has a high moisture content (think Dr. Emoto -thoughts change water structure) You don't have to talk to them, as they feel as a first language. If this sounds strange to you please visit for photographic evidence. (When committing social suicide in font of the neighbors, it is always good the have pictorial evidence to compare with theirs...if any) Write the words Love & Gratitude on a card, laminate, then attach to watering vessel for extra mileage on you intentions. All good.

        Check out the links that Grace has graciously given –Re: Dr. Emoto…it does not get simpler than this. Beautiful, or not, It's how you perceive it…The ultimate 'buck stopper'. As it always stops with you. Wonderful, not so?

        Lastly please apply all of these optional finesses the whole way though the cream making process...for that matter the whole healing process. (your body has intelligent too)

        Happy healing. (without the bill)

        Say hi to the arm for me..Oh Oh..I was told from a BodyTalk side of things that left and right hand sides of the body correspond to female/ mail or mother, father. Just a thought, do to research if it appeals.

        CEM and self help…what a team.

        Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or any other form of qualified health practitioner, neither am I an auto mechanic, but I can still advise how to clean a windscreen. I naturally assume no responsibility if an angle grinder is used instead. As I automatically expect the best from most individuals.

        Love, Light & fix yourself when you can

        Ps. By the time you have read up to this point, Grace and merry menders have already done their bit on you.
        Last edited by Joel; 09-20-2007, 06:54 PM. Reason: typo


        • Relationships

          I plan to now spend much time this month strictly on Relationship "issues". The most important relationship is with YOURSELF!! So pay close attention to the "Mental Chatter" of how you talk to yourself, and also your DESIRES!! The desired result will be to manifest your greatest desires that serve YOU!!

          Please post all your desires even if they involve the same old mundane "issues"
          tension, pain, money issues etc.! BUT, I will also be focusing on RELATIONSHIPS with yourself and with others!



          • Thank You!


            • Originally posted by Grace View Post

              Please post all your desires even if they involve the same old mundane "issues"
              tension, pain, money issues etc.! BUT, I will also be focusing on RELATIONSHIPS with yourself and with others!

              Hi Grace,

              Thank you in advance for your work on our behalf--especially in the area of relationships with ourselves and with others. I need a better relationship--with my right arm! Help!

              Yesterday's Mastermind call was amazing and afterward my arm felt wonderful...flexible, no was really exciting. Thanks to everyone in the call for your focus and energy.

              Today I woke up the familiar stiffness and aching feelings...yikes! They're baaaack.

              Rats. And on top of that I felt all turned upside down inside my head...this has not been a wildly productive day...although I did take myself by the scruff of the neck and march myself outside for a long walk.

     while I enjoy the flavor of the onion I don't necessarily want to emulate one...too many layers!

              I'm practicing on myself but please feel free to jump in and work on this dratted arm. (Joel, I also spaced looking for Comfrey today...rats!)

              With love and gratitude,



              • Hi Allen,

                I think that Grace has a busy weekend coming up, so in the meantime if you would like me to put on my other "hat" & try some ME out on you for your arm just let me know. I am more than happy to help!

                You can post here or skype me a message. I can do it remotely if you're busy, or if you want over skype whilst talking! I just need to make sure that you're not driving during a session or for a while afterwards.

                Love , Light & Blessings
                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • Oh Man!!!!

                  Oh, sorry I was away for a few days! It has been quite a full week this week!

                  Okay, I don't here till the begining of the week that I have the job! But I have to tell you all what has been manifesting in my life!

                  So I went to the interview on Tuesday... Well, I got lost on the way there and then had to stop for gas cause I had forgotten to buy it... I got to the college right on time ! I am obsessive Compulsive about timeliness, so I take off running, but the only pair of dress shoes I could find that morning were a pair of HEELS (HIGH HEELS)... I am booking across campus and now I am lost on campus, so I decided to call and ask for instructions, but as I do I see an information office, so I start in there as I am calling the college... Then I see a sign that says HR, so I close the door and take off in that direction still talking to the receptionist... All of a sudden the guy on the phone says to me are you on the phone with me too? I am like Yes??? He gives me directions, but I miss the HR office and then ask two guys in suits where it is... I back track and now I am huffing and puffing when I get to the HR dept. Kathy the lady I had talked to before greets me and when I told her I was lost on campus, she said "yea, we figured that! Don't worry where I am taking you there will be water for you to drink!" I needed that! So I get there and I tell them my story about getting lost and calling for directions... Everyone laughs! I then sit in the wrong chair and have to move! LOL! Actually, by the time I sit down I am completely relaxed and the interview went fantastic! Afterwards the gentleman who will be my boss took me down and showed me around the area I will be working and introduced me to everyone there! I was the last resume they took and the first to interview. The HR lady said they got it and read it and just had to talk to me! It was actually fun experience!

                  So today I found out that once I have my job officially, there are a number of agencies and places that will pay all the deposits and move in expenses even the first months rent for me to move into a house ! Like so cool! Then I get a box from my Mom, and it had in it an entire work wordrobe in it for my new job! And the best part is it doesn't look like old lady clothes! She actually bought me clothes that I like! Oh Oh Oh, and she spent only twelve dollars on the entire closet full of brand new clothes on sale at JC Penneys! She said it cost her more to send it.

                  So then now I finally get to log on and spend some time catching up with all of you, and I read all these wonderful messages from you all! I have to tell you I am excited to hear what the offer will be!

                  Thank you all for your wonderful encouragement! Joel, nice to meet you! Thank you, and I love your icon that you sent me up there a ways! That was way cool! Man you have been doing a lot of reading to catch up on my story! I have come a long ways though!

                  OH! I have to tell you I am getting this Creation thing down really good! Yea, it turns out... That fear can create some very strange things in your life! Ever since I worked in a hair salon many years ago I have been paranoid of lice! OMG! Well before, I learned how to turn things into reality it really did not matter, but now that I turn my emotions into reality... Well my 8 year old son brought it home and shared it with his sister who shared it with me! LOL! Okay lesson learned... process your fears and get rid of them! You don't want to make them happen! Funny thing is that my extended self or spiritual self knew it was coming even two and a half months ago, because after years of wearing my hair clear down to my tush... I suddenly had to have it all cut off short short! Is that like funny! My daughter lost 5 inches the other day at the hands of MOM! I cut it so good she says I don't need to pay someone to fix it!! She likes it better now. Anyways emotions are a huge key to creating things in our lives... I am thinking I need to be very careful about keeping high energy or possitive emotions going and not the slower negative emotions that drive so many people's lives!

                  OMG! I am sorry... I did not plan to write a novel here tonight!

                  Love you all! Sj zartgirl


                  • I LOVE YOU and ME TOO!!!

                    Originally posted by Grace View Post
                    I plan to now spend much time this month strictly on Relationship "issues". The most important relationship is with YOURSELF!! So pay close attention to the "Mental Chatter" of how you talk to yourself, and also your DESIRES!! The desired result will be to manifest your greatest desires that serve YOU!!

                    Please post all your desires even if they involve the same old mundane "issues"
                    tension, pain, money issues etc.! BUT, I will also be focusing on RELATIONSHIPS with yourself and with others!

                    LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!
                    Hi Grace,
                    What can I say but I am on a whirlwind of exciting ideas and am writing up a storm!!! The Mastermind session on Thursday was once again amazing. My beautiful cheeks are doing just fine. After yesterday's writing and posting etc. my precious knee decided to revolt once again - so corrections, corrections, corrections. I told my little inner child everything was fine and this was going to be fun - no need to worry or fear anything - It is all good!!!
                    Thank you for working on Relationships! I LOVE YOU, Grace!

                    I Love You
                    I'm Sorry
                    Please forgive me
                    Thank YOU

                    Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
                    Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                    My Mystic PATHS Website
                    Word Whisperer
                    My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                    • Instant Healing!

                      Originally posted by Sharyn View Post
                      Hi Allen,

                      I think that Grace has a busy weekend coming up, so in the meantime if you would like me to put on my other "hat" & try some ME out on you for your arm just let me know. I am more than happy to help!

                      You can post here or skype me a message. I can do it remotely if you're busy, or if you want over skype whilst talking! I just need to make sure that you're not driving during a session or for a while afterwards.

                      Love , Light & Blessings

                      Hi Allen,

                      Having Sharyn work on you with ME would indeed be wonderful for you! There is a thread started by Stephen that is excellent and would be perfect for the both of you to discuss your experiences there. In fact I plan to post later (on the ME thread) about the wonderful experience I had when Sharyn worked on me with ME!

                      I also want all of you to know that I do have a busy schedule ALL THE TIME, BUT making Chinese Energetic Corrections (CEM) is simple, easy and instant!! I make corrections constantly throughout the day, and mostly in the morning and evening upon awakening and retiring.

                      I may be slow to post when I am physically away from my computer because of my schedule, but I check and read this thread without fail every morning and evening! I have even had people read me posts when I have not had access to the internet! I then make corrections whether I post or not! I have been practicing CEM so much lately that I even KNOW when someone has posted! It is uncanny and I am loving it!! Practicing CEM brings great awareness and knowledge. It is the Greatest work I do and I am forever Grateful for PATHS evolving my CEM to what it is now, and how it just keeps getting better and better!! LIFE TRULY IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!

                      I do this passionately because there is NO SEPARATION between YOU AND ME! The more I work on you the more I work on me! It is that simple, BUT don't forget that I spent 6 years before I even started this thread just working on myself. YOU MUST PUT YOURSELF FIRST!! I will talk more on this topic later.

                      CEM works extremely well at removing "layers" of issues instantly! The fact that some pain or undesirable results seem to take time to resolve is only an illusion. Light IS streaming forth from infinite potential and change IS happening. The desired Results may be very subtle or absolutely miraculous. I have seen it all!

                      We are infinite beings connected to the whole! Making corrections on Myself, Allen or anyone is making corrections on the WHOLE!!

                      So please don't ever feel I am too busy to make corrections!! That would be asking me to stop breathing, and even then I would find a way to continue bringing in the light!!

                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • Thank You!!

                        I would love some healing on my left leg please. It started playing up on a long walk, and now I'm pretty much "lame!" (really must stop playing with ponies so much LOL) Spirits are high, just hopping around the place

                        Thank You!!


                        • Hello everyone,

                          We didn't get the auction house. Someone didn't get our memo

                          Since then, Sandra has come up with the great idea of using travel cots for Kai and Zain, which we can fold away during the day.

                          Kai has loved the idea of his own bed.

                          Zain has had more trouble getting used to the idea, and the last few nights have been sleepless for most of the night. Sandra is having problems falling asleep during the few times Zain does fall asleep during the night.

                          Thank you for everyone practising

                          With love and gratitude
                          Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                          Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                          • Thank You!!!!

                            My leg is totally better already!


                            • The Most Important Relationship is With YOURSELF!

                              I have been working on "Relationship Issues" and cranking it up with CEM like never before! Last night while working on these issues I remembered the old saying "IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT" This is extremely important to understand so that you will begin to notice the subtle shifts (and also major shifts) that you will be experiencing.

                              In between the spaces of your energy is Infinite Potential. This infinite Potential is Infinitely perfect, whole, strong, powerful, loving, happy and harmonious!! This is what you are made from, and the truth of who you are!! This IS GOD!

                              When you are aware of aspects of your BEING that do not serve you anymore this is a time to REJOICE! You will notice that you are now more focused and blissfully and effortlessly working at Manifesting your truest desires with a "BEING" that does serve you!

                              It is POWERFULLY important to put YOURSELF FIRST! To pay close attention to yourself and to perceive truthfully what you know about who you are.

                              With any healing modality you choose to use, focus on YOURSELF FIRST! If you don't yet practice a "healing modality" such as CEM, Reiki, ME, etc then when you go to a "healer" (for example reading this thread)know that YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER! You are choosing this experience and creating it all!!

                              Here now is a PERFECT Article for you to read to understand more fully WHO YOU ARE! In this article "Actualizing your personal essence" is the same thing as having a "Correct Relationship with yourself" which is what I am focused on now for us!

                              I am still working on anything else you desire to post about so keep your requests coming, BUT PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE if you want to be more pro-active with receiving "corrections" and therefore Manifesting and experiencing THE REAL YOU!! So Remember "BE" in this world, but you are not of this world.

                              I would also like to thank Jamie for being the inspiration for this Post!!

                              "IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT"
                              Last edited by Grace; 09-23-2007, 03:59 PM. Reason: Jamie Kiner
                              IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                              • Thank you for this Grace!

                                I would like corrections for headaches, neck out of alignment, lower back & gum infection.

                                Many, many Thanks. (these are not new things but ongoing and having different treatments for aswell when I can, at the moment seem to have come to a head)

                                Off to read the article

