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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Grace, thank you

    I showed my husband the response you sent and it makes alot more sense to him now and explains the need for his little friends at school to touch his hands.

    I had a hunch you were continuing work on Chase I've picked up on how he acts when it is occuring. I'm so glad that I have met you and all the other wonderful people on this forum.

    I'm slowly starting to understand when you say that I am perfect and whole.
    Marnyka Z. Buttry
    Divine Openings Giver & Healer


    • Originally posted by Rin View Post
      Grace, as you suspect, a few days ago I started the hormone therapy to give myself a much-needed respite from the bleeding and other annoyances during this busy festive season. However, the good news is that it is only a 10-day course (gyno is rightfully cautious about side-effects) and I need not continue after the intial ten days are up, if I don't want to. And you can just bet that I don't want to!

      After starting, at first I felt rotten, because of side-effects. Then yesterday (I guess after you began to work on me) I felt a bit better. And today - I feel GREAT! Please continue whatever you are doing. I will continue the HT until this coming weekend (busy week ahead), and then I will STOP FOR GOOD!

      Grace, earlier this year when we spoke on Skype you mentioned that my gyno problems are largely caused by a fear of intimacy. I acknowledge this, and I want you to know that I totally take responsibility for this issue, and that in the past few months I have been making great progress and taking great strides, letting people into my life and my heart in ways that I'd never imagined possible. I know I have a ways to go, but I'm working on it as hard as I can! And I'm having a wonderful time in the process.

      Thank you so much for your kindness, it means so much to me!
      Rin, if you must use HRT there is Bioidentical Hormone Repacement therapy. It is all natural and acts just like what your body produces and will have better effects! You won't have the side effects you are having and the benefits will be much better. Suzanne Sommers is a big advocate for the natural hormone replacement. You can get it through a lot of doctors who practice both western and eastern medicines... They typically call themselves anti aging doctors. I was going to try them, but decided to try it the paths way, although I have not tried that particular module yet. I am finding my body naturally balancing out on its own, but will still do the paths module when I get a second account for myself. If you want more information you can go to suzanne somers website and get it. She has actually put a lot of study into this stuff and really knows a lot about it. I believe is the website address but I may have spelled her name a little off... You can contact me at if you need more help.

      Thanks Sallyjane zartgirlsj


      • Dear Sallyjane zartgirl,
        The pics I made from my artwork is to big of size for downloading to the post of this thread.
        Do You have software for converting large jpg file into a more comprised file? I can send to Your email address the pics.


        • For Jan

          Hi Jan!

          I use a very simple viewer called Irfanview. You can download it at:

          IrfanView - Official Homepage - one of the most popular viewers worldwide

          It's free!

          Anyway, you open you photo/picture there and you can change the size of it to a smaller version. No need to change your format.

          "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


          • This is awesome!

            This is awesome! Yesterday Iza asked me to do some energy work on a friend of hers who has been absent from school for most of the year! She had some mysterious "disease" that was causing her to throw up all the time. So I did it... No big deal! My daughter just got home from school and reported that her friend was at school today! All of sudden yesterday afternoon her stomach stopped hurting and she was able to eat regular food! Her parents are taking her to Seattle the end of this week in hope of finding out what it was and why it just went away so fast! I believe she just needed to clear some emotional blockages that were causing the sickness... The cool part is all I did was lead her through the process of this, and she did the real work without even knowing she was doing it! Well I just had to share this with you... This afternoon I am going to spend some time working on some issues with my kids... They fight, and my little guy gets soooo frustrated at everything that does not go his way... They have a lot of anger, so I thought we would would work on that together!

            By the way, with each passing day since I did the first work on myself pertaining to my sugar cravings... I am eating less and less sugar, but more importantly the cravings have left! The brain has stopped suggesting sugar, and I have this wierd craving for yogurt??? Hmmmm, must be enzymes my body is wanting cause I have never like yogurt before! Very strange! Hehehe...

            Jan if you are still having trouble after you have tried the website she mentioned, then I have Photoshop and can optimize and resize for you and send back to you or post for you!

            Blessings Sj zartgirl


            • Over 1000 Posts!!

              Just a quick thank you and post about how ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS it is that we are the top posters of this forum!! Yes there is no other thread that posts more than we do!! We have over ONE THOUSAND POSTS!! This makes me incredibly happy, because the more of us that post the more we help each other!!

              I am forever grateful for all of your posts!!! The courage that you express when you post helps more people than you will ever know!! With Chinese Energetic Medicine, the "corrections" that are made help EVERY viewer!! So, when you post and any one viewer resonates with this, they pick up the corrections as well!! The more I practice this the more I see the amazing truth in all of it!!




              • Hi Grace,
                Originally posted by Grace View Post
                Alan! YOU MADE ME JUMP FOR JOY when I read this Tuesday night!!! I wish all of us could get together in a group and High five each other!!

                Thank you for all your help and support.

                More good news, I 'think' we've cracked it.

                His test for all connected bodies melatonin balance to help sleep through the night is 'holding' now.

                And the last few nights he's been consistently sleeping through the night more like a normal baby. He wriggles and cries in his sleep every now and then but that is just normal wriggling and dreaming.

                So provided he's fed late at night before bed, sleeping is much more normal and less stressful

                Thank you to everyone who has practised on Zain

                With love and gratitude
                Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                • Best Modules


                  Would you test for the best modules for me? I currently have four.
                  Thank you, thank you!



                  • God am i missing on a lot here ...

                    Grace is such a wonderful amazing soul ... everytime i pop in here i cant stop praising her among me myself and i ... i sooo much appreciate what you are doing to help people ..

                    why am i getting overwhelmed with life's happenings .. i want to spend more time reading and participating on our lovely forum ... i will make it a point to do so this place really feels like home .. its the website i keep open all the time whenever i am on my pc or laptop .. Love you guys so much

                    Dear Gracie can u include me in your amazing correction work with all the unbelievable things im reading here it makes me sooooooo wanna feel you CEM me ... is it that you set a time for every person or do u do it when they dont have to be alerted while you're doing it ? ...

                    i wanna be getting the most of my 32 paths modules (8 theatres) + my Recently Started Platinum Package ....

                    and if it is possible, i wanna get rid of any blocking thoughts/suppressed emotions ..etc that could be delaying me meeting my perfect match in life and getting married to him

                    Love & Gratitude


                    • My artwork and HELP!

                      Dear Grace,

                      I am considering to quit with Medical School. The last two weeks I got more and more tensed and stressed and feeling insecure which makes me more unhappy then I already was. I feel sick of my insecurity. I feel as insecure as I was in Nursery School for 20 years ago and in this period I was often very insecure which made me so tensed that I could not think clearly anymore or did the wrong things or was not able to learn or showing progress. Also I was very unhappy at that time but with will power I succeeded to become a RN. But now I am not able to study anymore and it is if the most I learned I forgot and everytime some MD ask me a question I am afraid to give him the wrong answer (and ofcourse I gave him often the wrong answer). There is so much resistance in me to study or to learn.
                      If I decide to quit I do not know what to do then. I do not want to be a full time nurse again. There are no many options I see as possible or which I like. When I quit I feel it as if I failed again and can not make some dreams come true. I also wonder why I got here in the first place.
                      I need some help You probably understand and I hope You can help me through this difficult time again in my life.

                      Two samples of my artwork are attached in bmp format. I hope that will do.


                      Attached Files


                      • Hi Grace!!! You are so wonderful, I wanted to let you know that.. I'm on now... I'm so excitied, I can't wait to learn more about Chinese Energetic Medicine...
                        With love, Sherry


                        • Jan your artwork

                          Jan, your artwork is awesome! I love the colors you use on them!!!! Very awesome! We have a thread that is called Healing art, and you should definitely join us over there too!

                          Blessings Sj zartgirl


                          • For Bobi!

                            Originally posted by Bobi View Post

                            Would you test for the best modules for me? I currently have four.
                            Thank you, thank you!


                            Hi Bobi,

                            The top four in order that I test strong for you to be on now are:

                            1. HoOponopono

                            # Increase your perspective of oneness

                            # Increase desire and ability to forgive

                            # Increase ability to create your world responsibly

                            # Increase desire and ability to incorporate more love into your life

                            # Increase ability to heal your world

                            # Increase acceptance and appreciation of “yourself” and “others”

                            2.Eat right

                            # Increase your ability to select healthy foods for your body

                            # Increased ability to select healthy portions

                            # Desire to only eat when your body needs food

                            3. Synchronicity

                            # Increase in awareness of the present moment. Fully appreciating the here and now

                            # Have future self send information back through time to current moment. This is specific for the following periods of time...1 minute, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months

                            # Have current self send current information back through time to past self. This is also specific for the following periods of time...1 minute, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and months

                            # Increasing unity/harmony between past, present and future self

                            4.Stand out at work

                            # Increase your ability to understand other points of view

                            # Increase motivation to finish tasks quickly

                            # Increase organizational skills

                            # Increase ability to prioritize

                            # Increase ability to handle more jobs

                            # Improve communication skills

                            # Increase problem solving abilities

                            # Increase confidence

                            # Increase mental clarity

                            # Desire to be a team player

                            # Improve memory

                            The bullet points that are highlighted in blue are the reasons that these modules test strong for you right now. I also test that for these four, you need to stay on them for three months and then switch out to whatever you choose, and I will be happy to test again for you then.

                            I remember getting on Public Speaking simply because I tested strong for it. It is one of my favorite modules to date. After I got on Public Speaking I realized that It should be called the "release of intense fear" module!

                            These are the bullet points for the Public Speaking Module:
                            # Increase feelings of calm when speaking

                            # Increase desire to speak in public

                            # Increase ability to connect with your audience

                            # Increase self-certainty

                            # Stimulate an attitude of peace when in front of people

                            Most people would rather die than get in front of crowd and speak!! I have practiced Martial Arts for this very same reason to release fear and bring out the peace within me!

                            I would never have gotten on this module if it weren't for the fact that I decided to test again and see what modules I needed to be on! Logically you would think you would know what you need, but testing always gives you the truth!

                            I am still on public speaking and I still test strong that I need all of these bullet points!! I really have noticed such a sense of peace and calm since I have been on this module. I have been asked to do many things involving being in from of many people and I truly don't feel the slightest bit of anxiety like I used to!

                            So enjoy Bobi, and remember, your intuition is more important than any Testing I can do for you, if you feel the need to be on a module that I have not listed then please do so, and add the ones I tested for you when you desire!
                            Last edited by Grace; 12-05-2007, 11:37 PM.
                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Thank you!

                              Grace - Thank you for the module tests. They all sound and feel good to me! I've sent my request for changes and look forward to viewing. I've had a resistance to watching for about two months and feel ready to leap in with all fours again.

                              I think Public Speaking is considered the #1 fear or certainly in the top 3. I joined Toastmaster's for a couple years to face some of those same issues. What a powerful and joyful experience.

                              Could you also check thyroid for me - or hormones? I've been dragging tired for a week (or two? -I forget) and then whimpy-whiney all yesterday. About 9pm I felt a shift -the malaise was gone. I've had similar experiences in my life and am quite certain the shift was the moment of ovulation or some completion in the process. The difference of the last week and today is astounding. I'm a powerhouse again! I so want to stay in powerhouse mode and put the draggy/whinies behind me. A lifetime of easy menses has become somewhat challenging with pre-menopause.

                              Thank you for this opportunity to not only recieve your help and, just as importantly, also helping many of us clear a lifetime of training not to ask for such things by allowing 'helping others in the process' to light the way.

                              joy in all things,


                              • Jan's ARt~

                                Thank you for sharing your art with us! I agree with Zatgirl - I love the colors - and flow of the 2D peice. It's lovely,delightful. Can I ask what are the materials for the flying birds and the red disc? Very enticing!

                                again, thanks - and yes, mosey on over to Healing Art as well.


