For Aaron!
Hi Aaron,
Yes, it completely involves the Law of Attraction which is also the Law of Love!
I read this book back in 2005 when a very good friend gave it to me. I just recently re-read it due to another good friend that ordered it and is in the process of reading it. It gave me the impetus to read it again. I am so incredibly grateful you can't even imagine! I have not felt this way since I first got on Paths Mood Elevation module back on Jan. 4th of 2007, which as you know shifted me in such a profound way, and also helped me evolve my Chinese Energetic Medicine skills!!! All I can say at this moment is LIFE JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!! I also can't end this post without saying once again LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!
Originally posted by Aaron
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Hi Aaron,
Yes, it completely involves the Law of Attraction which is also the Law of Love!
I read this book back in 2005 when a very good friend gave it to me. I just recently re-read it due to another good friend that ordered it and is in the process of reading it. It gave me the impetus to read it again. I am so incredibly grateful you can't even imagine! I have not felt this way since I first got on Paths Mood Elevation module back on Jan. 4th of 2007, which as you know shifted me in such a profound way, and also helped me evolve my Chinese Energetic Medicine skills!!! All I can say at this moment is LIFE JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!! I also can't end this post without saying once again LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!
