Kim J.
Kim, just wanted to start with a Big HUG for you!
As I read your post, two things came up...
1. was resistance! Hmmm... How to put this? Resistance is when you are fighting against things trying to make them happen instead of letting them happen. You had several words in your post that kept pointing to that... "WANT" When we want stuff or talk of wanting stuff we create more WANT! Unfortunately the Source sends us more want! You mentioned a BATTLE! Well this one is kind of self explanatory, but when we fight or battle against something we create more of what we don't want. It is like once you start to fight with someone... it just keeps escalating... I remember when I was a kid, my mom and her sister started fighting, and it ended with them not talking to each other for years! I loved my aunt and so one day while visiting my grandma I decided to take a very long walk to m aunts house... I was maybe 10 or 11 if that! Well I freaked out my parents and surprised my Aunt, but taught all the adults a good lesson, and they have been talking ever since! LOL It is important to not fight or battle against anything! As Grace stated to me "Let Go and Let God!"
2. Was that if you go back a few months in this thread you will read my very first posts! Read through them and you will see a progression from resistance to acceptance of who I am! I think my journey through that went extremely faster than it sometimes does for others because I was so far down, and I had nowhere to go but up! My old ways had clearly failed and I was at rock bottom, and yet at the same time in the best place I have ever been, for growth!
One of my biggest battles have been wanting a job and a house (currently living in a shelter). No matter what I did and how hard I fought I just could not get that job! Till finally, I came to the realization that I needed to start a business of my own. So I am very much working on the business... Today, without any effort I was given a job! So weird! Not only that but the interviewer saw more than just entery level... Sooooo weird! Remember all is perfect!
All is perfect!!! Even the stuff we think is bad, is in fact perfect! Hmmmm... How can living in a domestic violence shelter be perfect? It brought me to a point where I could learn who I really am and how powerful I am! You are just where you need to be right now! Stop fighting it... it will come in perfect time! Don't worry about how you think it should look, because as I learned what is perfect is often not what we think perfect should be!
Okay this was really long and laborious! So now I will go do some work on you too... clearing some issues that are blocking you from moving on! You too are awesomely powerful, but not as a warrior, but in peace and creativity and awesomeness. Don't judge things as either good or bad, but just as events to learn from! You will do fine and keep coming and talking to us here! You have found the greatest group of people to chat with! I am honored to be in their presense everytime I come here!
Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl

As I read your post, two things came up...
1. was resistance! Hmmm... How to put this? Resistance is when you are fighting against things trying to make them happen instead of letting them happen. You had several words in your post that kept pointing to that... "WANT" When we want stuff or talk of wanting stuff we create more WANT! Unfortunately the Source sends us more want! You mentioned a BATTLE! Well this one is kind of self explanatory, but when we fight or battle against something we create more of what we don't want. It is like once you start to fight with someone... it just keeps escalating... I remember when I was a kid, my mom and her sister started fighting, and it ended with them not talking to each other for years! I loved my aunt and so one day while visiting my grandma I decided to take a very long walk to m aunts house... I was maybe 10 or 11 if that! Well I freaked out my parents and surprised my Aunt, but taught all the adults a good lesson, and they have been talking ever since! LOL It is important to not fight or battle against anything! As Grace stated to me "Let Go and Let God!"
2. Was that if you go back a few months in this thread you will read my very first posts! Read through them and you will see a progression from resistance to acceptance of who I am! I think my journey through that went extremely faster than it sometimes does for others because I was so far down, and I had nowhere to go but up! My old ways had clearly failed and I was at rock bottom, and yet at the same time in the best place I have ever been, for growth!
One of my biggest battles have been wanting a job and a house (currently living in a shelter). No matter what I did and how hard I fought I just could not get that job! Till finally, I came to the realization that I needed to start a business of my own. So I am very much working on the business... Today, without any effort I was given a job! So weird! Not only that but the interviewer saw more than just entery level... Sooooo weird! Remember all is perfect!
All is perfect!!! Even the stuff we think is bad, is in fact perfect! Hmmmm... How can living in a domestic violence shelter be perfect? It brought me to a point where I could learn who I really am and how powerful I am! You are just where you need to be right now! Stop fighting it... it will come in perfect time! Don't worry about how you think it should look, because as I learned what is perfect is often not what we think perfect should be!
Okay this was really long and laborious! So now I will go do some work on you too... clearing some issues that are blocking you from moving on! You too are awesomely powerful, but not as a warrior, but in peace and creativity and awesomeness. Don't judge things as either good or bad, but just as events to learn from! You will do fine and keep coming and talking to us here! You have found the greatest group of people to chat with! I am honored to be in their presense everytime I come here!
Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl
