those are powerful words... beautiful words
thank you
well as it seems i am projecting much stuff, and the theme seems to be about taking my power back
with the guy i was dating, with the women at work, and with my son
not sure what words to use to describe what i mean...
but a huge sense of,I am worth it
And the voice i have felt i hadn't had most of my life is surfacing amazingly
wow... the public speaking modual was a great choice i made, and wow, how remarkable of me to create paths to give me these great tools
even tonight.. when i was speaking loudly
with tristan (not liking the tough love) I am not being nice... but i am being kind
loudly... well firmly and through the door... and also just after a time where he resisted hard and i stood my ground... You know
the power in my
my voice sounds different
and it isn't just the sound but the feel of it, the energy i guess
and i wake up in the morning and i feel so strong and energized... and i feel this ecstacy oozing in me
i feel it now
it is beyond desciption of words
so i do see the perfection, in what at times i haven't been able to see
i am creating my own freedom
interesting side note...
in standing up for myself.. and expecially so close to home (tristan).. I have always had that fear of the other shoe dropping...
and a couple of weeks ago my girl friend said to me " Adrienne it seems like you have grown up beleiving in a punishing,condeming, angry god"
(something like that)
and i never really saw it befor.. or heard it
and in being afraid that the other shoe will drop... i asked my self today who is gonna drop it on me???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
well it would be me..
so to speak
althoguh i do come here and vent and share, i am aware.. although sometimes(or often have been) unable to see clearly
anyhow, once again.. not sure if that is coming out how i am feeling it... but it has been some very profound times.. and is... I am blown away
OH SallyJane
I am on the family communication modual
i have noticed things... thing that weren't in my awareness.. or like me to be in regards to my family
it has seems to come with more simplicity.
I am reading this book.
I am looking at things like what is my pay off in the thing i continue to create/do
cuz... man if there is a payoff.. i'd like to be aware of it..
and if it isn't really useful... which the things i experience (like the financial frustrations) well is it really matching anymore
Hmmm, that statement makes me think of the power of intention tapes
I guess i did have something to say...
and I am also accessing the tool of looking at alll of tristans wonderful qualities... when i remember
Honestly, since i am putting my foot down..
he is displaying behavior that says "i feel loved"
although he is pushing to see if i am serious or mean it
it has been an amazing place
of healing
of insight
of love
of joy
of OMG
kind of neat
and here is another wondrful thing that is happening this may long weekend... also know as Victoria day...
yup we have a heiarchy of royal dead people in canada
and holidays to go with them
I am going into the mountains (Jasper, BC) with my dad, who invited me.. OMG.. i haven't spent time with him in yrs
at least three
and then who knows when befor that
so i am shocked, and kind of nervous about that
although thrilled
my gut is tense.. thats what i am noticing when i think about it
three days with him and my son... I spent so many yrs of my life feeling so hurt by my dad....
and desperatly wanted his attention as a kid/youth.
anyhow... I am excited to see what this shows me about me NOW
those are hugs for me... cuz i love me so much when i think and see how wonderful i truly am.
thank you so much grace for your wonderful words
a matirx thing that has stuck out for me
the matrix movie... there is no spoon
the matrix seminar... there is no shoulder
adriennes experience in the matrix.... there is no shoe....LMAO
well i get it
Matrix rocks
Thank you so much for your help and corrections Grace
I Love You
night all.... have less and less of a need to be on the computer... i miss out on my life... so i am becoming aware
good bye
those are powerful words... beautiful words
thank you
well as it seems i am projecting much stuff, and the theme seems to be about taking my power back
with the guy i was dating, with the women at work, and with my son
not sure what words to use to describe what i mean...
but a huge sense of,I am worth it
And the voice i have felt i hadn't had most of my life is surfacing amazingly
wow... the public speaking modual was a great choice i made, and wow, how remarkable of me to create paths to give me these great tools
even tonight.. when i was speaking loudly

with tristan (not liking the tough love) I am not being nice... but i am being kind
loudly... well firmly and through the door... and also just after a time where he resisted hard and i stood my ground... You know
the power in my
my voice sounds different
and it isn't just the sound but the feel of it, the energy i guess

and i wake up in the morning and i feel so strong and energized... and i feel this ecstacy oozing in me
i feel it now
it is beyond desciption of words
so i do see the perfection, in what at times i haven't been able to see
i am creating my own freedom
interesting side note...
in standing up for myself.. and expecially so close to home (tristan).. I have always had that fear of the other shoe dropping...
and a couple of weeks ago my girl friend said to me " Adrienne it seems like you have grown up beleiving in a punishing,condeming, angry god"
(something like that)
and i never really saw it befor.. or heard it
and in being afraid that the other shoe will drop... i asked my self today who is gonna drop it on me???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
well it would be me..
so to speak
althoguh i do come here and vent and share, i am aware.. although sometimes(or often have been) unable to see clearly
anyhow, once again.. not sure if that is coming out how i am feeling it... but it has been some very profound times.. and is... I am blown away
OH SallyJane
I am on the family communication modual
i have noticed things... thing that weren't in my awareness.. or like me to be in regards to my family
it has seems to come with more simplicity.
I am reading this book.
I am looking at things like what is my pay off in the thing i continue to create/do
cuz... man if there is a payoff.. i'd like to be aware of it..
and if it isn't really useful... which the things i experience (like the financial frustrations) well is it really matching anymore
Hmmm, that statement makes me think of the power of intention tapes

I guess i did have something to say...
and I am also accessing the tool of looking at alll of tristans wonderful qualities... when i remember
Honestly, since i am putting my foot down..
he is displaying behavior that says "i feel loved"
although he is pushing to see if i am serious or mean it
it has been an amazing place
of healing
of insight
of love
of joy
of OMG
kind of neat
and here is another wondrful thing that is happening this may long weekend... also know as Victoria day...
yup we have a heiarchy of royal dead people in canada
and holidays to go with them
I am going into the mountains (Jasper, BC) with my dad, who invited me.. OMG.. i haven't spent time with him in yrs
at least three
and then who knows when befor that
so i am shocked, and kind of nervous about that
although thrilled
my gut is tense.. thats what i am noticing when i think about it
three days with him and my son... I spent so many yrs of my life feeling so hurt by my dad....
and desperatly wanted his attention as a kid/youth.
anyhow... I am excited to see what this shows me about me NOW

thank you so much grace for your wonderful words
a matirx thing that has stuck out for me
the matrix movie... there is no spoon
the matrix seminar... there is no shoulder
adriennes experience in the matrix.... there is no shoe....LMAO

well i get it

Matrix rocks
Thank you so much for your help and corrections Grace
I Love You

night all.... have less and less of a need to be on the computer... i miss out on my life... so i am becoming aware
good bye