For KimJ!
Hi KimJ,
There is nothing you need to do, only to BE. This is easier said than done, when you are being round house kicked to the face! ( I have been there, so I know the pain of it) yet, your feelings are only based on your perception of the situation. You perceive this as Bad. Change your perception and you have changed your outer world (projected reality) instantly.
Yes, you have created this, but it only shows how powerful you truly are! Once again change your perception and you will use the power that is you in a way that will project more of what you are. Breathe and "give up" the idea that you can control what you are projecting if you are unaware. Become AWARE and you will create what you truly are. Peace, Love and Joy.
As I make corrections on "focusing on what you desire", vs focusing on what you don't want, I ask you to pay attention to how often you can focus your mind on "correct thinking". I am not talking about visualization. I am talking about what you really believe. Focus on what you are grateful for, what you really believe to be true for you and what you are grateful for. This will get you started onto creating more of what you desire (extending the love that you are) .
Originally posted by KimJ
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There is nothing you need to do, only to BE. This is easier said than done, when you are being round house kicked to the face! ( I have been there, so I know the pain of it) yet, your feelings are only based on your perception of the situation. You perceive this as Bad. Change your perception and you have changed your outer world (projected reality) instantly.
Yes, you have created this, but it only shows how powerful you truly are! Once again change your perception and you will use the power that is you in a way that will project more of what you are. Breathe and "give up" the idea that you can control what you are projecting if you are unaware. Become AWARE and you will create what you truly are. Peace, Love and Joy.

As I make corrections on "focusing on what you desire", vs focusing on what you don't want, I ask you to pay attention to how often you can focus your mind on "correct thinking". I am not talking about visualization. I am talking about what you really believe. Focus on what you are grateful for, what you really believe to be true for you and what you are grateful for. This will get you started onto creating more of what you desire (extending the love that you are) .
