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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • For SallyJane, and Blake!

    Hi SallyJane, and Blake,

    I have to tell the both of you how utterly thrilled I was in reading your posts! I only wish I had made the time to post immediately! On May 27th I skyped Sharyn Hayes to thank her for posting her thread on the ArchAngels,.

    I knew that the energies of these magnificent beings were working heavily on all of us, and I had been feeling much of these energies personally, especially recently. I began making corrections for more of these energies to come through, but without too much "detox, and processing" that comes along with acclimating such energies into our consciousness.

    Then to my delight you both post about the Arch Angels!!! For me it was confirmation that what I had been receiving was indeed for all of us here!
    For one thing, I feel extremely connected to all that are aware of this thread.

    I am experiencing intense feelings lately and I wish I could explain what I have been experiencing, but it would take too long. Suffice it to say that, the CEM corrections I have been making and the work that you all have been doing is shifting us as a whole in MAGNIFICENT ways. In ways that we all need to be aware of!

    Do not try to look for miracles, just know that they are happening all around you, and some are so subtle that they are easily missed. So be calm and at peace and I guarantee, you will begin to experience them more and more!

    Thank you again SallyJane and Blake for your ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS posts!!

    Also, I have of course been making the requested corrections and more, because many times what you are asking for is not the major issue. Yet, with a simple request for whatever, the major issues always come forward first for corrections. Your HigherSelf always knows what you need.



    • For KimJ!

      Originally posted by KimJ View Post
      Well I'm breathing a big sigh or relief now! I've now got more staff than I know what to do with! I tried to let go, have faith in what I knew to be True, and just Be through that whole agonizing process that I was in and it seems to have worked. Thank you, Grace, for your support and diligence in your reminders of the Truth!

      Now, as perhaps a slight remnant of that stress, I've got severe neck pain like I've never had before! Physically speaking, I think it came from a bad cold I had this last week where I was coughing terribly and maybe I strained it, but I can't move my head to the right at all, and just being still hurts constantly. Can anyone help with corrections on that? I did some Z-point clearing and it worked momentarily (for about 10 minutes I was almost pain-free afterward) but seemed to come back with a vengence, even worse than before?!! I don't get that but that's what happened.

      Congrats Adrienne on passing your driving test!!!

      Love and light.
      Hi KimJ,

      You need more than to allow yourself a "sigh of relief", YOU NEED TO CONGRATULATE YOURSELF ON A JOB WELL DONE!

      You manifested exactly what you desired and SallyJane is correct, a much better staff indeed. The neck Pain is nothing more than residual stress stemming from your Mental and Spiritual Bodies. Another way of stating that your mind is still racing and you are still concerned about "when the other shoe is going to drop".

      The Staff "issues" have always been about relationship issues. Resolving Karma concerning, Betrayals, past life limitations, lack of satisfaction in relationships to name a few. Now that you have new people to "get to know" and who will also "get to know you", the neck pain was hanging around.

      The Cem corrections have been made concerning all of this for you, but I would like to know how everything is coming along when you get time to post again!

      I have worked on the pain already, just keep me posted on how you feel.

      Again congratulations on a SUPERB JOB!


      • For Timh and Pamela!

        Hi Pamela!

        Thank you for helping out!! You are my Soul Sister and I love you very much!! You always have wonderful advice, and I am always thrilled and in awe of your latest piece of art work!! You are DIVINE!!

        Hi Timh!,

        I am so glad you have posted! I have run out of time for this moment, to post more to you, so I will say what I can now, and post again soon to you. Your necklaces are VERY beautiful! Pamela has a wonderful thread on Healing through Art that you need to post your necklaces on as well!

        Here are the Four Paths Modules that currently "test" strongest for you to begin with:

        1. Successful Living 1
        2. Successful Living 3 (yes, you don't have to watch one before the other)
        3. Stand out at Work
        4. New Vision

        If you have any questions post them here, and I will get back to you very soon. I am so happy you are posting!

        I am excited because at 5pm tonight I am meeting with 11 other Paths affiliates and customers in my area, we are celebrating the fact that we are all in the same area and Love Paths!! I have to run now, but I will be back soon.


        • Are you sure about #4. I've always had really keen eyesight. The four Modules I was interested in were In spired luck and good fortune, increased synchronicity, stimulate intuition and insight, academic supercharger

          One other question I was wondering after I watched the four modules for a couple of months if I wanted to change the modules, Would the modules that I stopped viewing slowly start to wear off or are the effects mostly permanent?


          • Finally a new painting

            Finally I have finished a new painting! It is the first hand painted painting I have done in almost a year, since I left my husband... space was a problem at the shelter, but then I got distracted! This one is fun because it is the first one I actually intentionally plugged into intuitive guidance intentionally! Oh I know I always have not realizing what I was doing, but this time I did it with full knowledge and asking for assistance on it!

            Just to let you know I was so excited to show you that I actually just took a picture of it with my camera, so the lighting is a litte off and so is the quality... this is not a professional digitalization by any means! Just wanted to share it cause I have not finishe a painting in a long time...

            Last edited by zartgirl; 07-07-2008, 12:15 AM.


            • For Grace

              Hi Grace. Thank you for your kind words. As for the neck pain, unfortunately it's getting worse not better. As much as I dislike medicine, I've been popping Advil as often as I can per the directions and it just barely takes the edge off. I'm looking at going to a chiropractor in the next couple of days, at least for the placebo effect! Interesting though that as I read this thread it's feeling a bit better, at least not so sharp.

              My staff though are excellent!!! You are so right about that "when the other shoe is going to drop" mentality though - I was about to type something about "hopefully they continue to work out", etc. but stopped myself. Hellooo!!! Stop thinking like that! Is there anything in particular that I should work on clearing to get out of that mindset or deal with the likes of those issues you mentioned?

              Thanks for all your help.


              • For Timh651!

                Originally posted by timh651 View Post
                Are you sure about #4. I've always had really keen eyesight. The four Modules I was interested in were In spired luck and good fortune, increased synchronicity, stimulate intuition and insight, academic supercharger

                One other question I was wondering after I watched the four modules for a couple of months if I wanted to change the modules, Would the modules that I stopped viewing slowly start to wear off or are the effects mostly permanent?
                Hi Tim,

                I love the quote that Sharyn Posted:

                Believe nothing
                No matter where you read it,
                Or who has said it,
                Not even if I have said it,
                Unless it agrees with your own reason,
                And your common sense


                Another belief of mine is "to thine own self be true" Shakespeare

                So with this in mind, Yes it still tests strong for you to be on the New Vision Module along with the others I tested for you. Here is a list of the bullet points from the New Vision Module, I have highlighted in green the bullet points that you mainly need assistance with, and why this Module tested strong for you to be on:

                # Increase lens system focusing power

                # Increase absorption of Vitamin A, B2, and Niacin

                # Promote optimum eyeball shape for optimum vision

                # Increase resistance to inflammation

                # Increase lens health

                # Increase tear duct health

                Muscle Testing bypasses the Ego/Mind and tests strong when it is the Truth. When something is "not truth" then it muscle tests weak.

                If you have not read the book Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, M.D., PH.d then I highly recommend all his books. For now you can listen for free to some of his radio interviews. You will need to download for free real player RealPlayer

                Here is the site for the radio interviews: DAVID HAWKINS M.D. Ph.D.

                It IS important for you to follow your intuition though, and follow your own counsel. We gain from EVERY experience.

                The Paths modules in general have lasting affects even when you have stopped viewing. I recommend staying on the modules for min. three months, but Paths allows you to switch out of a module to another once a month. I have noticed many many times that when I shift and change (raise my consciousness) that Getting back on a module like Successful Living 1, assists me in my new level. So rotating your favorites is also fun.

                The main thing is to stay aware and notice even the smallest changes in you, because these small changes build! Before you know it, and in many cases in less than a year you will look back and see that you have shifted tremendously.

                "I’ve been reading a lot of the posts on this forum and I’ve heard it said that there really isn’t something that is good or evil" timh651

                We are One. This is Truth. IF GOD IS THE OCEAN THEN YOU ARE THE WAVE.pdf

                Your true Reality is not the projection of this World/Universe that we created by thinking incorrectly. God created us (the Christ/the Son) by extending himself. We have the same power as God, but as the extension of God we (in a blink of an eye that has already been healed but we perceive as eons of time of Dualism) projected ourselves instead of extending ourselves into a false reality that is called Dualism and is also a false thought that we are separated from God. It is also what the Ego/Mind is, a false thought in separation.

                Our only purpose in life is to extend who we are which is love. To project Dualism is insanity and is what we see mainly in this world.

                We are no more separated from God than the Wave is from the Ocean. Perception is a creation of the Ego/Mind so as to give insanity validity. In This projected World we perceive Dualism as Truth. When it is no more the Truth than a scary movie that you watch on T.V. is real. Or a dream that you wake up from is real.

                Dualism is a belief in Good/Evil, Yin/Yang, Male/Female, Right/wrong etc. The truth is that it is only an illusion. So to see evil or good in another is to project a part of you onto them. Or to project a part of you onto the collective/outer world. When you perceive something as bad, you are giving your power away to an illusion. When you perceive something as Good, you are still giving your power away to an illusion, for the Ego/Mind will immediately fear losing that which it perceives as good. Or fear that which it perceives as bad.

                The Ego/Mind is a false thought, a split from the Whole Mind/One Mind. To undue its effects you must remember the Truth. You and I are ONE. You are an extension of God, and to see another and think correctly for them,(no matter what insanity they are involved in) will undue this incorrect thinking not just for you but for them since there is no such reality as separation.

                To Fight or be ANTI/against anything is to fall into the illusion that there is anything but Perfection. Ghandi and Mother Teresa new the Truth. We all know How Ghandi used the Truth to every ones benefit. Mother Teresa also in her infinite wisdom exclaimed " I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."

                What you Focus on will Expand. Your Mind is part of the Whole Mind. So to think anything other than the Truth will cause suffering and pain. Yet no matter how much you suffer, the TRUTH IS. You can easily wake up from this projected nightmare by remembering the Truth of who you really are.

                I love Paths/ CEM/ Matrix/ Theta etc because it gently removes illusion. Many are so invested in Dualism that they would be unable to handle transcending the ego instantly. But it can be done instantly. IN ANY INSTANT. Yet it does not matter how long you take, because Time is an Illusion as well.

                So Tim I hope this gives you something to chew on concerning why there is no such thing as Good and Evil. There is only the complete, whole, perfection of God. Practice focusing your Mind in every moment on the Truth and when you perceive differently, gently and with Love Forgive yourself and others that you perceive are thinking incorrectly, for even if they are, you can think correctly for them since there is only ONE. "To err is human to forgive Divine" Alexander Pope.




                • State Exam

                  Saturday, two days from now I am taking my state exam for my insurance license for my new job. Please make any corrections that are needed for this exam needed! I have a number of practice exams I need to run through as many times as possible in the next few days before I go to take the exam! I just need to retain all the information I have been studying! Thank you Sallyjane


                  • Hi KimJ!

                    Originally posted by KimJ View Post
                    Hi Grace. Thank you for your kind words. As for the neck pain, unfortunately it's getting worse not better. As much as I dislike medicine, I've been popping Advil as often as I can per the directions and it just barely takes the edge off. I'm looking at going to a chiropractor in the next couple of days, at least for the placebo effect! Interesting though that as I read this thread it's feeling a bit better, at least not so sharp.

                    My staff though are excellent!!! You are so right about that "when the other shoe is going to drop" mentality though - I was about to type something about "hopefully they continue to work out", etc. but stopped myself. Hellooo!!! Stop thinking like that! Is there anything in particular that I should work on clearing to get out of that mindset or deal with the likes of those issues you mentioned?

                    Thanks for all your help.

                    Hi KimJ,

                    I have made more corrections on your neck issues. (Mental and Spiritual Body issues). The most important thing you can work on is staying "aware". When you catch yourself thinking thoughts that do not serve you, then focus your mind on Gratitude or anything that brings you Joy. It helps for me to see your power, but it is greater for you to see it! The more you recognize your power the greater your Faith will be. This is how Miracles are manifested, with Faith in yourself.

                    Even though the "issues" come forward with Muscle testing, and I know what is going on, I make corrections to bring in more light vs making corrections to remove darkness. It is infinitely more powerful to focus on the Light. Your immense Light!

                    I make CEM corrections to expand your strengths! This automatically takes care of the "issues" I mentioned before. I don't always mention what the issues are, and there are always many more than the few I mention, but this is so that you can feel the connection, and others can resonate and also pick up the corrections as well. Once again, having faith in Cem is wonderful, but having faith in the knowing that you are creating it all, and that you can create complete and total Peace will leave you in Awe, and creating more of this Bliss.

                    Another way of saying the same thing is to remember to expand your light/power vs trying to get rid of your problems. The problems automatically disappear when you Remember who you are! Focus on the Truth, that you are Peace, Perfection, Power, Harmony, Wholeness, and swimming in Infinite Potential that is at your disposal and you are completely connected to.




                    • For Sallyjane!

                      Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                      Saturday, two days from now I am taking my state exam for my insurance license for my new job. Please make any corrections that are needed for this exam needed! I have a number of practice exams I need to run through as many times as possible in the next few days before I go to take the exam! I just need to retain all the information I have been studying! Thank you Sallyjane

                      Hi Sallyjane,

                      First of all let me Ditto Pamela Sweda's love of your new work!! Absolutely Fabulous! I am so happy we have the Healing Art's thread to showcase the amazing talents that are consistently surfacing here on this forum. I love when you post them here on the CEM thread, so that we can pick up on all this fabulous light/energy too!

                      I have been making plenty of Cem corrections for you, and I am happy to say that I resonated once again with you. I too have a major "test" on Saturday.
                      As many of you know I am heavily involved into Martial Arts. This Saturday I will be competing in the Sunshine State games here in Florida. I will be in two divisions, Kata(demonstration of skill) and Kumite (sparring). So, I have been making corrections for you and me to be Calm and at Peace, and to remember EVERYTHING and much more.

                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • Grace!

                        Thank you! for the corrections and the wonderful comment about my painting!

                        I am much more at peace about my test today. I went through all of the practice quizzes yesterday till I passed each of them! I will be doing the same thing again today!

                        Well on another topic, I have been having some major cog dis on the mindset for money! OMG!!! It has been bringing up some really old stuff going all they way back to my parents and growing up and never having enough, and this huge fear of not having enough money! Of course then I got extremely tight on money, and started going back to some old habits of hiding from it afraid to check my bank account for fear of not having enough money! Yesterday I thought I would have a 150.00 dollars in the mailbox, but when I got there it was not there! I started to panick! Then I grabbed hold of myself and went home and online to my bank, and looked at it... caught it at 13.50 dollars in the green! I then moved the little money I had in my other accounts to this account and managed to go back up to 85.00 dollars. Called my X who had promised to cover my daughters overages on the cell phone that I had already paid for, and he agreed to bring me 50.00 dollars to get to my test on Saturday and through the week, with more to come. My food is all paid for with food stamps card, so I don't need any of that!

                        So this morning, I got up and suddenly the fear was gone and I was feeling totally blessed and that there would be plenty of money. Walked out to the livingroom and on my eating table (diningroom is art studio) was sitting 100.00 of the 150.00 checks I was expecting! I think the other 50 may be under the table as I just noticed a couple of more envelopes on the floor under the table! (my kids had thrown them there and not told me I had gotten them).

                        So yesterday as all of this was happening, I realized that some major layers are coming off, and very soon I am going to go soaring to a new level of financial prosperity! Paths and CEM and all of you are soooo awesome, because never before have I been able to move through areas like this. I am also on the communication at home, and have been having some major cog dis on that one, and am looking forward to something awesom between my kids and myself, and I have a feeling this is also including a certain friend of mine too, because of the intense fears that have come up for me concerning this friend and myself!

                        There is some awesome stuff coming! Today on my break between quizzes I will be preparing a new canvas and starting a new painting called "Fire Dances" normally the name comes afterwards, but this painting came to me very clearly last night as I was listening to music... That and when I do my guided writing sessions or just talking to my guides... I always like to light a candle, and the fire has been seeming to be asking to be painted, and so a few days ago I turned to it as I was painting and said you are next, and it seemed to start to dance! Sounds completely crazy and such, but the spirit is in everything and we are all one with the spirit, sooooo... in that talking to the fire in the candle or even my car does seem quite natural to me!

                        Blessings Sallyjane


                        • Well an update on my Exams...

                          I passed three of the exams, and I have to go back and take the 4th one again! I "failed" it (in the words of the state) by 1 question! The funny thing is that it is only 25 questions long, and I passed the identical exam for the life portion! So I will set it up for Thursday night. Normally they are not open, but my higher self and my spiritual helpers went ahead of me and scheduled a thursday night just for me (well I am sure there will be others there too). Ain't I AWESOME! My X husband is paying for me to retake the one test also! I am completely at peace and know I will pass it the next time... I will go over everything once before I go on Thursday night!

                          Today, I woke up at 5am in anticipation of the test and not wanting to be late for my 10:30am test That is something I need to stop doing, because now I am exhausted tonight! My alarm clock was set for 6:30 so I could get some exercise this morning... Well that did not quite happen!

                          Well just an update on my test, and I am pleased as pie that I passed 3/4 of the exams, and all of the long ones! It will actually take me longer to get to the exam than to take it and the same back home that night! LOL!

                          So I have started another painting, and I have to tell you... I am excited about it as it is already looking great, and I have only done the background! Hehehee

                          Blessings All, and thank you so much Grace for the corrections...

                          Oh on another note, I told you in the post above that my modules were bringing out some old insecurities, and those insecurities included my friend... Well I faced off with my bank and then last night I told my friend how I was feeling, because I know that when I get like that I tend to run! OMG! I could not believe his answer!!!!! He told me that he not only looked forward to our conversations but when he talks to me on the phone, he does nothing else, but talk to me (well mostly listen... he is a quiet one who only talks when he has something to say). He sets aside an hour and a half for our conversations every week! Okay that got rid of the insecurity as far as that person goes, and I am feeling fine in the financial part too... I know I am about to come into a new part of the transformation in my life! I also picked up the phone and called another friend of mine today and had a great talk with her! Hmmmm, funny how the ego can mess with you really badly if you start listening to it!

                          Blessings Sallyjane


                          • Corrections please!

                            Hi Grace. I need some corrections.

                            I've been experiencing a lot of fear lately. (Could be some cognitive dissonance too) I want to add the Unconditional Love module, but I don't remember what you told me when we talked Thursday night. I remember you said my problem is that I lack confidence and you hit the nail on the head... I've been afraid that PATHS isn't working for me anymore, so I included the Self Esteem - Confidence Builder module in both my Platinum and as a separate module! How's that for a lack of confidence?

                            I've got to move in 2 weeks. I still don't know where I'm going and I need more income. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude and keep the faith, and I'm watching my modules every day, but I'm having intense bouts of fear. I've always been afraid of being homeless, and I wonder if subconsciously I am trying to attract the experience? If so, can you PLEASE do corrections for that?

                            Would you muscle test and tell me if I should take melatonin and if so, how much? I'm still having trouble sleeping. I'm wide awake at 2 am. I've taken up to 70 mg of melatonin per night 30 mins before going to bed, and still don't feel sleepy. I'm working on the sleep/wake issues in my Platinum, but it's only been a couple of weeks and no results so far.

                            Any and all corrections are appreciated!

                            With love and gratitude,



                            • what's this two point thing I've heard about?

                              I was reading a lot of the threads and I heard some people mention something about two point. I was just wondering what it was and how it's done. I just ordered Geralds remote viewing remote influencing course yesterday. I look forward to getting it.


                              • pqrs037,

                                I think you're in the wrong place here, this is not about watches and/or replicas, this is a place for people with a life.

                                With wishes that you may get one too.

                                Moria x
                                Intuitive Readings
                                Web design by Hannah King

