Hi Sallyjane!
Congratulations!! I was very glad to read Saturday night how well you did on your Exams! I too "failed" a bit on Saturday. Although I know that you and I really don't see it as failure, because there is always a valuable lesson underneath all of our magical experiences.
I took home a silver medal for Kumite (sparring) in the Sunshine State games on Saturday, but it wasn't as important as the real Lesson I received that same day. There were no advanced women (training 3 years or longer as a black belt) other than me, and so I had to go up against the men! Well in Kata (demonstrating technique in flowing choreographed movements) I have always placed in all the tournaments I have been in. This was the first time I had not.
I felt calm and peaceful, even when I realized that I had to go up against the men, but something was off. I thought in the moments before it was my turn to demonstrate, "well this is different, and all I can do is my best." I also knew that the men were not happy with me being there. When I realized they were not happy that they had to compete against a girl, I lost my desire to win. I didn't realize this until later, but once I had lost my desire to win, (I essentially gave up) I wondered why did I do this?
I performed well, but with no passion.
As I looked within for the answer, I began making corrections for the anger-frustration I uncovered. Just yesterday the light bulb went off! Once I corrected the anger-frustration, and I was able to forgive myself for giving up, the answer came!
Three of the four advanced males that I had to compete against were Spanish. The one reminded me of my Father, charismatic, handsome, and powerful (He came in second with a silver medal). My father passed away when I was just in my mid twenties. I loved my father dearly, and I always wanted to see him happy. It was such an unconscious thought, but I wanted my father to be happy, and so in understanding the sentiments of these men, I chose to let them be happy.
The Miracle for me here, is that, I had not yet "let go" of trying to make my father happy. It was an awareness that I had not seen before until now. So the experience was/is such a blessing for me that I am forever grateful.
One of my favorite quotes is "Do or Do Not, There is NO TRY" Master Yoda
Trying to do anything muscle tests as "not truth" (weak). I only needed to remember the TRUTH! My father is perfect, whole, powerful, strong, happy, loving and harmonious, just as I am and Just as YOU are!
We have the opportunity in every moment to realize the TRUTH! If we forget to do this, there will always come a moment when our Higher Self (Christ Consciousness etc.) will begin gently nudging us to remember. If we choose to continue ignoring the truth and seeing anything but the truth, then the nudges will become stronger and stronger until we finally recognize, and realize our true reality.
We are all (already) self realized! We just forget that we are, it is similar to being asleep or unaware. Every moment is your point of power. NOW is when you create.
"The Past is History, The Future a Mystery, but this moment is a GIFT and why it is called the PRESENT" Deepak Chopra
"To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner, to waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to either spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it" Bruce Lee
There is no loss in life unless you believe there is. Choose NOW to experience your Greatness! Choose NOW to BE at PEACE! Choose NOW to LOVE.
Originally posted by zartgirl
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Congratulations!! I was very glad to read Saturday night how well you did on your Exams! I too "failed" a bit on Saturday. Although I know that you and I really don't see it as failure, because there is always a valuable lesson underneath all of our magical experiences.

I took home a silver medal for Kumite (sparring) in the Sunshine State games on Saturday, but it wasn't as important as the real Lesson I received that same day. There were no advanced women (training 3 years or longer as a black belt) other than me, and so I had to go up against the men! Well in Kata (demonstrating technique in flowing choreographed movements) I have always placed in all the tournaments I have been in. This was the first time I had not.
I felt calm and peaceful, even when I realized that I had to go up against the men, but something was off. I thought in the moments before it was my turn to demonstrate, "well this is different, and all I can do is my best." I also knew that the men were not happy with me being there. When I realized they were not happy that they had to compete against a girl, I lost my desire to win. I didn't realize this until later, but once I had lost my desire to win, (I essentially gave up) I wondered why did I do this?
I performed well, but with no passion.
As I looked within for the answer, I began making corrections for the anger-frustration I uncovered. Just yesterday the light bulb went off! Once I corrected the anger-frustration, and I was able to forgive myself for giving up, the answer came!
Three of the four advanced males that I had to compete against were Spanish. The one reminded me of my Father, charismatic, handsome, and powerful (He came in second with a silver medal). My father passed away when I was just in my mid twenties. I loved my father dearly, and I always wanted to see him happy. It was such an unconscious thought, but I wanted my father to be happy, and so in understanding the sentiments of these men, I chose to let them be happy.
The Miracle for me here, is that, I had not yet "let go" of trying to make my father happy. It was an awareness that I had not seen before until now. So the experience was/is such a blessing for me that I am forever grateful.
One of my favorite quotes is "Do or Do Not, There is NO TRY" Master Yoda
Trying to do anything muscle tests as "not truth" (weak). I only needed to remember the TRUTH! My father is perfect, whole, powerful, strong, happy, loving and harmonious, just as I am and Just as YOU are!
We have the opportunity in every moment to realize the TRUTH! If we forget to do this, there will always come a moment when our Higher Self (Christ Consciousness etc.) will begin gently nudging us to remember. If we choose to continue ignoring the truth and seeing anything but the truth, then the nudges will become stronger and stronger until we finally recognize, and realize our true reality.
We are all (already) self realized! We just forget that we are, it is similar to being asleep or unaware. Every moment is your point of power. NOW is when you create.
"The Past is History, The Future a Mystery, but this moment is a GIFT and why it is called the PRESENT" Deepak Chopra
"To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner, to waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to either spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it" Bruce Lee
There is no loss in life unless you believe there is. Choose NOW to experience your Greatness! Choose NOW to BE at PEACE! Choose NOW to LOVE.
