oooohhhh! This was sooo awesome!
I just got home from work at 9:37pm! Made a sell tonight it was a long one as the guy was a story teller, and told a story everytime we said something!
It was fun even though I was very tired!
So toay I was on the phones for many hours... late this afternoon I went into my trainers office and made calls in front of her... It was like pulling teeth, until I called this one couple, and I just connected with them (especially the husband)! It was awesome, we just started having a conversation and although the timing was wrong... he is looking forward to meeting with me this fall! From there on out everything had changed! Even my trainer was amazed at how it had all changed for me! She said that is how you are supposed to do it!
Then the calls became easier till I got wore out and had to stop!
From now on out setting appt's will be easier!
On another subject... Today I created a challenge with my neighbor! He has two big hunting dogs in his backyard that bark incessantly from 5am on all day long! My kids can not even use our back yard cause of the dogs, so I put a nice note on his door saying "I don't know if you realize this but your dogs bark incessantly... blah blah blah! Figuring he did not know cause he is at work then. I got a call from my daughter this afternoon, saying that the neighbor came over and was yelling at her, and threatening to complain to my landlord about every little thing...
Okay??? So I called my landlord and told them what had transpired and then took their suggestion and called the police. From now on out, I will not deal with the neighbor, but instead the police and the Humane Society. I was trying to be nice...
Anyways, any corrections you could do on me and he neighbor would be appreciated!
The only thing I can think of is that I must be on the edge of a major breakthrough, if I am creating all this kind of stuff in my life right now! Peeling off some huge layers of the onion skin, cause I seem to be bringing up more and more issues! I did put this through the BL process on my way home tonight! A very nice police officer will be taking care of the situation tomorrow for me. Actually, after talking to him I felt very blessed today!
Well I will talk to you more later... Sallyjane
I just got home from work at 9:37pm! Made a sell tonight it was a long one as the guy was a story teller, and told a story everytime we said something!

So toay I was on the phones for many hours... late this afternoon I went into my trainers office and made calls in front of her... It was like pulling teeth, until I called this one couple, and I just connected with them (especially the husband)! It was awesome, we just started having a conversation and although the timing was wrong... he is looking forward to meeting with me this fall! From there on out everything had changed! Even my trainer was amazed at how it had all changed for me! She said that is how you are supposed to do it!

From now on out setting appt's will be easier!
On another subject... Today I created a challenge with my neighbor! He has two big hunting dogs in his backyard that bark incessantly from 5am on all day long! My kids can not even use our back yard cause of the dogs, so I put a nice note on his door saying "I don't know if you realize this but your dogs bark incessantly... blah blah blah! Figuring he did not know cause he is at work then. I got a call from my daughter this afternoon, saying that the neighbor came over and was yelling at her, and threatening to complain to my landlord about every little thing...

Anyways, any corrections you could do on me and he neighbor would be appreciated!

Well I will talk to you more later... Sallyjane
