This was amazing!!!
OMG! This was soooo amazing! Yesterday I called my X and asked him to come over, as I had decided to ask him to voluntarily raise his child support payment... He came up with better idea and is going to start sending me business deals that will more than make up for what he does not pay me, and I am sure as his financials get a little more stable, that he will decide to give me more money!
So we are talking and he was telling me that he was confused and that he really needed clarity in what direction to go with his job and stuff! I bravely asked him if I could help him on an energetic level, by testing for strength with my pendulum? He looked at me a little confused but played along. I had him ask questions guiding him in how to do so. After the first time he asked my what was making it move, so I gave him the quick explanation of quantum physics! He took me on my word, and we proceeded, and as he asked questions, more detailed answers would come to me as I connected more to his higher self. So for instance, one of his dislikes of where he works is the structure, and through the reading for him, I was able to tell him that in that structure is something he needs to learn (He has always ran away from structure). It was so amazing, the way he opened up to the whole process, and really trusted the information he got from the process!
I believe the reason, he was able to trust me was throughout the years of our marriage I would tell him not to do something and he would ignore me, and yucky things would happen to him!
It took him many years to learn to listen to me, and even then he would fight me all the way! Yesterday I explained to him that I have been learning to use that ability more and more and it is growing stronger and stronger! Oh the other thing that had happened is that he has a new girlfriend, and I not only told him I knew about her for a some time, but I was able to tell him how he met her, and where she lives! Talk about freaking someone out, who doesn't want to believe this stuff!
Actually he took home one of my books on quantum physics, and is going to read it!
But even more amazing it that a year ago, or even 6 months ago... I would not have even wanted to share this information with him, because I did not want him to grow! Now I am excited to share this with him! So I guess I am growing more than I could have ever imagined... I also shared with him about my Paths modules and how they could also help him!
Blessings Sallyjane
OMG! This was soooo amazing! Yesterday I called my X and asked him to come over, as I had decided to ask him to voluntarily raise his child support payment... He came up with better idea and is going to start sending me business deals that will more than make up for what he does not pay me, and I am sure as his financials get a little more stable, that he will decide to give me more money!
So we are talking and he was telling me that he was confused and that he really needed clarity in what direction to go with his job and stuff! I bravely asked him if I could help him on an energetic level, by testing for strength with my pendulum? He looked at me a little confused but played along. I had him ask questions guiding him in how to do so. After the first time he asked my what was making it move, so I gave him the quick explanation of quantum physics! He took me on my word, and we proceeded, and as he asked questions, more detailed answers would come to me as I connected more to his higher self. So for instance, one of his dislikes of where he works is the structure, and through the reading for him, I was able to tell him that in that structure is something he needs to learn (He has always ran away from structure). It was so amazing, the way he opened up to the whole process, and really trusted the information he got from the process!

I believe the reason, he was able to trust me was throughout the years of our marriage I would tell him not to do something and he would ignore me, and yucky things would happen to him!

Actually he took home one of my books on quantum physics, and is going to read it!

But even more amazing it that a year ago, or even 6 months ago... I would not have even wanted to share this information with him, because I did not want him to grow! Now I am excited to share this with him! So I guess I am growing more than I could have ever imagined... I also shared with him about my Paths modules and how they could also help him!
Blessings Sallyjane
