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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Update..

    Hmmmm... I am finding an interesting thread here... First I posted, then Belle, and then Nancy??? There seems to be an energy pattern here, and my feeling is that something big is about to happen for everyone here on this thread in the way of finances!!!! I don't believe in coincidence, but more in energy patterns and transformations here are happening as a collective! Wow! This is going to be powerful, cause we are all working through this in unison!!!

    Well I decided I needed to go in and talk with my FSM today, and I needed to let her see who I am... Who I really am! We came to an awesome agreement, and she totally understood. Sent me home to relax and get a little sleep today... I told her I needed to help her help me, by letter her get to know who I am and how I work!

    After I posted earlier, I did a fearie reading and the first card was telling me to come back to earth, and be grounded, and the second card was friends, and when I turned it over I saw her as a friend, and not an enemy!! Not that I thought of her as an enemy, but I felt she was judging me!

    Well I am off, so have a great day...


    • Invisible...

      Hey all... This may seem a bit wierd, but I have been looking at my life lately and noticing a tendency in my life that I want to get rid of. I can totally see how I create it too!

      I have the tendency to create myself as invisible to people... Here is the problem, I have set the intention to have more friends in my life that are not just on the internet. This is not congruent with that intention! I have also noticed that in person, I tend to stay very private... I am a great listener, but most people don't know what I am about... especially around here, because I live in an area that is very religious, and it is easier to just not talk about what I believe... But that leaves me distant and aloof... not to mention because I don't feel I can share who I am with these people I know I have no desire to be around them...

      Today one of the things I decided to do with my FSM was let her see some of who I am... I believe I need to start to let people see who I am, and they will either like me or not...

      Any corrections would be nice in this area...
      Blessings Sallyjane


      • Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
        I have the tendency to create myself as invisible to people... Here is the problem, I have set the intention to have more friends in my life that are not just on the internet. This is not congruent with that intention! I have also noticed that in person, I tend to stay very private... I am a great listener, but most people don't know what I am about... especially around here, because I live in an area that is very religious, and it is easier to just not talk about what I believe... But that leaves me distant and aloof... not to mention because I don't feel I can share who I am with these people I know I have no desire to be around them...
        Hi Sallyjane,
        This is the same problem I have been experiencing facing religious people. Religious people I interact with are really nice people, but religion is something that makes someone believe in something without pondering what is that one believes in, because each religion brings a belief set with itself which creates a BARRIER in one's mind to see the truth. I am very careful when I get into a conversation not to cause discomfort by stating some facts in my mind which may hinder the belief system of the person I am interacting with. At the same time I practice seeing them as a reflection of my self (and aspect of my personality), which they are, and treating them as i would treat that aspect of my personality.

        It is really big problem, to question the most fundamental beliefs of one, which I agree may cause panic in some people for some time, so if one loves them one would not cause that to happen, but one can give some clues so that they might be able to gradually understand that the universe is not a very known place, and unknowns are vast and unending. And the universe is absolutely MAGNIFICANT.

        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


        • Truth?

          Hi Elias;

          I agree the universe is a magnificent creation!

          What I am wondering is what is this Truth you speak of that is hidden by barriers thrown up by religion?



          • Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
            Hi Elias;

            I agree the universe is a magnificent creation!

            What I am wondering is what is this Truth you speak of that is hidden by barriers thrown up by religion?

            Hi Al,

            I don't mean a particular truth, and in general, open mindedness is a real gift for someone who is in the search for truth. When your religion tells you a statement X as a fact you don't even start questioning it because you consider it being as the truth. For example when your religion tells you man is the most special being in the universe, now isn't this somewhat egotistic? Or if your religion tells that you must do X,Y,Z and otherwise you are doomed, isn't this belief disastrous? You accept something as a universal truth because your religion tells you, and you cannot think otherwise.

            Mulsims don't believe in reincarnation and I never questioned it, because it seemed so ridiculous to question it, because it seemed to me as a FACT that reincarnation is impossible, you know what I mean? This belief results in some obstacles for one's spiritual evolution which I prefer not to go to the details here. It is obvious to me that reincarnation must be true, but not then, because I had accepted something without thinking about it.

            I hope this can help somebody ...

            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


            • For Rin!

              Originally posted by Rin View Post
              Dear Grace, my back hurts so much these days. It's the lower left part. It tends to "go out" at random intervals throughout the day, and when that happens it hurts so much that I can barely stand up straight. Please spare a healing thought for me! I don't want this problem to interfere with my daily work, and therefore my ability to spread my love and light to others. By the way, in almost all other respects my life is wonderful, partly thanks to you. I never imagined I could be this happy! I now spend a large portion of my waking hours being grateful and giving thanks for my wonderful life. I can hardly believe how much my life has changed for the better since March of 2007, which is when I first started PATHS, joined this forum, and made your acquaintance. Thank you so much for all the wonderful work that you do, Grace!

              Hi Rin!!

              I have been making corrections on your back. I still do not have full strength yet with you, so keep me posted! On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the worst pain, and 10 being perfectly healthy. I have you now at a 2 , Which to say the least, means more corrections necessary.

              Do not forget you are a Light Body, and it would be very helpful if you also visualized (when you feel the pain) little beams of light coming from the innermost part of your being. Beam these rays of brilliant white light directly onto the source of this pain. In this case your back, but let it go beyond as well. See the Darkness causing the pain vanish instantly, and allow this light to illuminate your whole being. Recognize this is your true reality, and believe that you are already completely healed. Remember the truth, that you are Whole, Perfect, powerful, strong, harmonious, loving and Happy.




              • For Sallyjane!

                Originally posted by zartgirl View Post
                Hmmmm... I am finding an interesting thread here... First I posted, then Belle, and then Nancy??? There seems to be an energy pattern here, and my feeling is that something big is about to happen for everyone here on this thread in the way of finances!!!! I don't believe in coincidence, but more in energy patterns and transformations here are happening as a collective! Wow! This is going to be powerful, cause we are all working through this in unison!!!

                Hi Sallyjane!!,

                You are absolutely spot on!! I am going to make a general post about what is happening later today, and to finish posting my reply's to all of you.



                • For Sallyjane, Belle99, Nancy, Elias, Al, and All!

                  These past few days, as I proceeded to make corrections on the individual issues of the most recent posts, I was impressed with the fact that all were resonating with one main core issue! The emotional body kept coming up weak for each one, and the main core issue was Confusion, and the attached smaller issues were all stemming from this. For example, if you feel any sense of fear, it leads to confusion, and when you feel frustration it also leads to confusion, etc.

                  It looks like this:

                  Fear<-> confusion
                  Frustration<-> confusion
                  Confusion<-> Anger
                  Confusion<-> guilt
                  Confusion<-> Sadness

                  I am still making individual corrections (for those that have posted) and group corrections (for those that are viewing) for this core issue of confusion, but in order to help all of you understand, I will give you an analogy.

                  The ego/mind is like a rubber band. It wants you to believe that you are bound by this rubber band. As you grow in Consciousness, you begin to "stretch" this rubber band. In the beginning, you realize that you can stretch this rubber band (this limiting belief that you have no power), BUT, because the Ego/mind has such cunning ways of fooling you, you stretch the rubber band, and when you least expect it, the rubber band snaps back, and pulls you back into old limiting beliefs, and old habits (temptation).

                  Now, your faith in yourself starts to take hold, because of tools you begin using(such as Paths, Cem, Matrix, Theta,and so much more) and so you choose to stretch your mind again, because you just "Know" that there is more that you are not aware of yet. (mysteries of the Universe)

                  Now, you become elated because you realize, and experience a greater stretching of this old Yucky Rubber band, and the resulting wonderful feelings of Freedom, BUT, the rubber band wins momentarily again and snaps you back to your old ways of thinking and being. You begin to doubt, and CONFUSION sets in once again, but it feels as if the "snap back" this time is worse.

                  This is because the Ego/Mind is REALLY trying to not DIE! Now I want to pause here and explain this phenomenon. The higher you raise your consciousness (according to Hawkins 1 being the level of consciousness of shame, despising, miserable, humiliation, and elimination, and 1000 being, Self, Is-ness, Enlightenment, Ineffable, and Pure Consciousness) the more the "snap-back".

                  In other words you can not afford to focus on anything you perceive as "not good"!! The higher your consciousness the more instantly you will manifest what is in your Mind! Good or Not Good! Get it? God/Universe does not Judge! You will attract always what you are BEING, good or not good!! Your Mind creates it all. Your thinking is part of your Mind power, conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious! Super-Conscious Mind being that part of you with immense Faith that KNOWS that it is within the Mind of God.

                  Now here comes the GREAT part and the TRUTH! (Al's question) This rubber band (ego/mind) is an ILLUSION! All you have to do is stretch it to the point that you snap it!! Once snapped, YOU ARE FREE!! The beauty of it all is, you were never bound by it to begin with!! What is also fabulous, is that there are those, that intuitively know this (even from birth) and don't even push against the rubber band until it snaps, they are aware of the knife, or scissors in their possession and they simply cut the rubber band instantly! What is the symbolism of the knife and scissors? It is FAITH!!

                  Now, the next question is, Why am I creating snap-backs when I know the truth? Until you have transcended your ego/mind, you will perceive snap-backs. You must realize these snap-backs are wonderful opportunities to forgive yourself and others. To KNOW that you are truly Free, and that these snap backs, are the last attempts and temptations of the Ego/Mind to force you to believe in Dualism.

                  This Confusion stems from Dualism, the belief in Good and Not Good. Stop investing your magnificent energies on Dualism. You are More than this projected Reality! YOU are CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! The ONE BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER! AN EXTENSION OF GOD, AND THE LIGHT OF THIS WORLD.

                  This Knowing will alleviate all the sins of this world. "Sin" meaning, the belief that you are separate from God. You have ALL, because you are ALL! This also alleviates the need to desire anything, because you ARE everything! LOVE IS ALL THERE IS!

                  When ever you see with your physical eyes anything in the outer world that you perceive as "not good", think again. This is a projection of what you are putting out there, so that you don't have to take responsibility for. There is only ONE, and We are creating it all as ONE. I ask you to take responsibility for this created reality, because YOU are the LIGHT that makes you able to see/perceive anything. Focus the ONE MIND/YOUR MIND on the TRUTH that will set you FREE! LOVE/LIGHT IS ALL THERE IS.




                  • For Grace

                    Fear<-> confusion
                    Frustration<-> confusion
                    Confusion<-> Anger
                    Confusion<-> guilt
                    Confusion<-> Sadness

                    Dearest Grace, I learned that all emotions come from two places. Fear and Love. Everything stems from that. I think you are saying this about Fear in the quote above.

                    I am getting more and more caught up in the FEAR of these abdominal attacks of pain I am getting now about once a month, lasting a week or two, (started before Paths), and today I have been terrified that these attacks will just get worse. I know I am contributing to this, but cannot stop it. I don't know what to do........ All the logic in the world doesn't seem to help the fact that stuff is going on in my body I feel I can't least at this stage of the game,and it could take years, and I can't suffer years of this kind of pain.......I am CONFUSED and very SCARED.

                    Sorry, don't know what to do....
                    Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                    • For Val!

                      Originally posted by VJoy View Post
                      Fear<-> confusion
                      Frustration<-> confusion
                      Confusion<-> Anger
                      Confusion<-> guilt
                      Confusion<-> Sadness

                      Dearest Grace, I learned that all emotions come from two places. Fear and Love. Everything stems from that. I think you are saying this about Fear in the quote above.

                      I am getting more and more caught up in the FEAR of these abdominal attacks of pain I am getting now about once a month, lasting a week or two, (started before Paths), and today I have been terrified that these attacks will just get worse. I know I am contributing to this, but cannot stop it. I don't know what to do........ All the logic in the world doesn't seem to help the fact that stuff is going on in my body I feel I can't least at this stage of the game,and it could take years, and I can't suffer years of this kind of pain.......I am CONFUSED and very SCARED.

                      Sorry, don't know what to do....

                      Hi Val!

                      The reasoning mind is not enough to transcend the ego/mind hence the illusion of dis-ease. So stop beating yourself up for not experiencing in this moment complete and total health. One does better as one knows better. Your experience to date has been a great deal of physical pain. This is a challenge for you, but with persistence, practice and perseverance you WILL SUCCEED in realizing perfect health.

                      I know this because I test the strength in YOU! You are a spit-fire of perseverance!! Do not focus on the pain of tomorrow, stay focused on the NOW, see with unquestionable faith little light beings within your physical body shining the power that is YOU, onto your dis-ease.
                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • Grace

                        Thank you Grace........I don't have faith.....don't know if I ever had it.
                        Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                        • For Val!

                          Originally posted by VJoy View Post
                          Thank you Grace........I don't have faith.....don't know if I ever had it.
                          Hi Val!

                          I don't test that you have had faith, but I test that you are capable of having Faith! So this is your choice. I have so much faith in YOU, but I understand that you have no faith in yourself. This is nothing! No thing! With your power Val, I know that you can turn this around! Yet, this is your choice. I am here for you, I see your power, but if you don't see it in yourself, then there is little I can do. The corrections "will not stick", I know who you are, but I can do little if you don't have any faith in yourself. Yuen taught me to be neutral. I am not bothered if I can't be of assistance. This is your choice.

                          There are three key items to accepting corrections, and they are able, willing and ready. you are Able and willing, but not ready. Because you are not ready I will patiently wait until you are. The ego/mind will fool you into believing that you can not be whole. (healed)! It is going to be up to you if you stick around to experience your wholeness! I recommend that you stick around. IT IS WORTH THE WAIT! I understand that you have been waiting long enough, hence the "I have no faith" belief, yet with faith you will "move mountains!"

                          Give yourself just a bit more time. It will be worth the wait! I guarantee it!

                          YOU are LOVED AND ADORED!
                          IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                          • Awesome Val!!!!!!

                            Valerie - you know, you still make me smile when I read your posts Your exuberance, zeal, and enthusiasm in what you're talking about. I hear the kid being scared and confused, that's all and it's cute. Scared and confused because in a way it's being abandoned!? You're learning some powerful ways and means with awesome info from Grace, Paths -- (Paths is working so well, you're seeing major cog- diss) and everyone else who loves you (ok sneak me in there too) You really need to pat yourself on the back with the pain creation, you are powerful - take note! What about distracting yourself, sidestepping into creating something that feels good? Hmmm??? I did hear a slip of the tongue statement that "It could take years for it (pain) to go away or get worse" I think you'd get bored with it way before that!!! The ego wants to be a pain controller. Ease up on the "control" and be creative instead w/your imagination! Did you know your imagination is the quickest link to the god-force/cosmos/all that is/love/wondrousness that's everywhere?!?!?! (look in the mirror, you'll see it too!) That can be done 24/7 anywhere!!
                            As far as love and fear, those are based on your beliefs. What are your beliefs???? A great thing to do is write them down. I mean, you could have twenty or thirty. You are very matter of fact which is cool and that will make it easier to get those on paper.
                            These can be beliefs about: you,marriage, parents, children, friends, co-workers, your world, the universe, he he (I didn't mean to go so far!) I decided to go with one called "I believe in a safe Universe" and that one is serving me very well -- I'm talking about that 2' -3' area around me. If everyone did that, guess what would happen....
                            You might see a bunch of your life experiences correlating with those beliefs. If you have rose colored glasses on you're gonna see a rose colored world -- what "belief" colored glasses are you wearing?????
                            Part of the confusion could be stemming from not having to talk about it when the pain's gone, there's a comfort zone there. (I know the ego is fereaking out on that one!)
                            I smile when I read your wonder, excitement and expectation of PATHS working, like a kid. We "kids" need to learn patience. Being a kid myself and a perfectionist - (are you one too?) - I learned patience a year ago!
                            Amidst the turmoil you are still learning in this game of life we're in (your turn isn't over) . We've thrown in some new rules!!! Are you comfortable with them, inside and out or agree with 'em??? Maybe not. AND THAT'S OK!!!!! Game On! Give yourself a chance -- having patience to learn patience??? -- waaaaait a minute, now there's a challenge.... Go for it

                            If only a sliver of this makes sense, that's great. Lemme know!

                            I only wish you the best,

                            Last edited by Doug; 09-07-2008, 12:21 PM.
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                            • thank you

                              Thank you Gracie for everything. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off me but I feel as if I have so much more to say. I feel like I have a life long friend I can tell anything to. I recently lost a long time friend. I have so many things I just want to tell someone. I have so much more to tell but from what you told me previously I feel as though I'm just wasteing your time. I really want to talk to you again. I really want to get to the next level. I hope you get your web cam fixed.



                              • For Tim!

                                Originally posted by timh651 View Post

                                Thank you Gracie for everything. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off me but I feel as if I have so much more to say. I feel like I have a life long friend I can tell anything to. I recently lost a long time friend. I have so many things I just want to tell someone. I have so much more to tell but from what you told me previously I feel as though I'm just wasteing your time. I really want to talk to you again. I really want to get to the next level. I hope you get your web cam fixed.

                                Tim! You and I are ONE, never forget this!!
                                IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE


