Wow - getting better
Hi Grace,
I wrote to you late the other evening after having my little-me ego flare-up. The next morning, while I was still sleeping, or quasi-sleeping, I recognized something changing and a quietness to the situation/feelings flow in. Quite vivid though I wouldn't be able to explain it. I'm thinking that was your corrections and since it was morning on your coast and 4 hours earlier on mine that make a bit of sense too. Thank you!
All day yesterday as we were setting up for an event and through the event there was no sense of the ego tantrums. None. Nadda. Zip. At one point when I felt we were losing focus, lost in the big picture, I was able to speak my part, have discussion to clear it to a really good place together. I know we all gain when we speak our Truth. This time I didn't have a fitfull ego stamping it's foot!
Just the place I want to be, supportive, doing my part and riding that pony of a larger vision without smallness coming into play.
There were other "ah-ha's" that came up for me in the last few days that seem to be nearing the core of the thing. Not sure I can express it at the moment. It's vague to me in words but feels quite solid inside. It relates to the little-sister baggage but feels older than this lifetime. A desire to be taken seriously, to stand in my power. With it came an idea of why I have been carrying extra weight for 18 years --I wanted to be person of substance - whoa!
I hope this makes sense. It's still in process, however it doesn't feel like I need to work at it. More as if a boil has been lanced and it can heal on it's own.
Thank you, Thank you to everyone who's kind thoughts and support help this happen.
Hi Grace,
I wrote to you late the other evening after having my little-me ego flare-up. The next morning, while I was still sleeping, or quasi-sleeping, I recognized something changing and a quietness to the situation/feelings flow in. Quite vivid though I wouldn't be able to explain it. I'm thinking that was your corrections and since it was morning on your coast and 4 hours earlier on mine that make a bit of sense too. Thank you!
All day yesterday as we were setting up for an event and through the event there was no sense of the ego tantrums. None. Nadda. Zip. At one point when I felt we were losing focus, lost in the big picture, I was able to speak my part, have discussion to clear it to a really good place together. I know we all gain when we speak our Truth. This time I didn't have a fitfull ego stamping it's foot!

There were other "ah-ha's" that came up for me in the last few days that seem to be nearing the core of the thing. Not sure I can express it at the moment. It's vague to me in words but feels quite solid inside. It relates to the little-sister baggage but feels older than this lifetime. A desire to be taken seriously, to stand in my power. With it came an idea of why I have been carrying extra weight for 18 years --I wanted to be person of substance - whoa!
I hope this makes sense. It's still in process, however it doesn't feel like I need to work at it. More as if a boil has been lanced and it can heal on it's own.
Thank you, Thank you to everyone who's kind thoughts and support help this happen.
