is CEM have to do with changing unconscious beliefs? do you do sessions or stuff like that, or is it an individual thing?
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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace
For Grace, and anyone who can help
Hi Grace,...
May I ask for corrections for two? I don't know if that is okay, but here goes.
1) I ask for corrections for my cousin, Vicki. She lives in Staten Island, NY. She just found out that she has a very badly suspicious breast abnormality, and needs a biopsy. It doesn't look good. I ask for corrections for her health, and/or her MENTAL state.......
2) I ask for corrections for my cat, Dani. (she is a girl)
I humbly thank you, and if asking for 2 is too much, I apologize. I just love them both so much, and I am very worried for them.
I also ask anyone who can do healing, if you wouldn't mind, for these two very beautiful souls.
Thank you!!
Blessings and Peace to All --Val
For Beautiful Viviana!
Originally posted by Viviana View PostHello Grace, thank you for all the corrections you do for everybody on this thread! I know they are very much appreciated by everyone!
As you know, I have not been one to ask publicly for corrections but I do have a request now.
Yesterday my uncle Beto had a tumor removed from his stomach as well as 70% of said organ (it was only to be 20% but the tumor turned out to be much larger than previously thought). The surgery went well but his body really took a beating and he is besieged by desperation as he taking ill, his diagnosis, surgery and now recovery has taken place in less than a week's time!
He is usually very positive and energetic but now he is experiencing emotions he is not at all too familiar.
His wife is also scheduled for surgery to remove a tumor in a few weeks and well, she is also in a "state."
I am humbly requesting some of your time for them and I thank you very much for your dedication and willingness to help.
Thank you!
~Viviana -
I would love an update on your Tio and Tia! It made me very happy that you asked. I am sorry that you are so concerned for them, I also made corrections on this matter for you to maintain neutrality. We are much more effective when we maintain neutrality and remember the truth for others. Once again thank you for your post!
For Pam and Val!
Originally posted by prose10 View PostThank you Grace for the corrections.
I had a yard Saturday and did quite well.A friend came over and helped me. I acted like it was a game and I manifested buyers for all of my furniture. I told my friend which piece I wanted to sell next, and it sold! What fun!
I have an appointment with the vet on Wednesday to have Dude checked out. I am grateful to have manifested the money to pay for it. Please continue doing corrections for him. He's a sweet little dog.
Sallyjane, thank you for your words of encouragement. You have been an inspiration for me.
Love and blessings to all,
I am grateful for your posts, I will continue to work on Dude, and congratulations on your successful yard sale!
Hi Val,
Never hesitate to ask for what you need, it is never too much. I am not the only one that reads these posts, and others are also aware and resonating with your posts. All this creates unity and will also benefit Vicki and Dani. I am always happy and grateful to make Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections for your requests.
For bmlyeryk!
Originally posted by bmlyeryk View Postis CEM have to do with changing unconscious beliefs? do you do sessions or stuff like that, or is it an individual thing?
Yes, Chinese Energetic Medicine will instantly change an unconscious belief that is not serving you. It is like a light switch, making corrections is similar to "turning the switch on" to what strengthens you and "turning the switch off" to what is weakening you.
I do not do private sessions, yet I have spoken with many people from this forum on skype/cell. This is something that I do on occasion. I do this, because of the gifts I receive from connecting with such amazing people such as yourself. I am certain that some day soon you and I will also talk.
Chinese Energetic Medicine is deeply individual, and yet it encompasses the whole. When I make CEM corrections on myself, it is very personal, but it also assists all that resonate with me and the issues I am working on. This is also true for you, when you post a request and I make corrections for you, all that are resonating with your issues will automatically "pick up" those corrections they need to assist them in their personal issues.
When I say "resonate" It does not mean another has manifested identicle experiences as you have, but it does mean that if they are having a similar issue "fear of being loved" then they will pick up on the correction. They will no longer have this particular fear, and they will notice results in a very personal manner unlike the way you would notice the results of no longer "fearing being loved".
Now that you are able to make your own CEM corrections, make sure you do this daily and as often as you can. I spent 7 years working on myself before I made the commitment to offer CEM corrections on this Forum. The more you work on yourself the more you can assist the whole.
Hi Grace,
Can you do corrections for grieving and loneliness?
Sadly, Dude passed on Wednesday. He got sick Tuesday night, which was his first night in our new home. I figured it was the stress of moving. He just kept walking around in circles, confused and disoriented, and he didn't want to be touched. In the morning I discovered he had wet his bed, which he had never done before. The vet said he most likely had a brain tumor, on the brain stem, and there was nothing she could do. I decided to have him euthanized. I had about an hour to say goodbye to him. Our vet has a lovely serenity garden and he passed peacefully in my arms.
My ex offered to pay for Dude's final expenses and I am grateful for how kind and supportive he's been. He told me I can come over an borrow Snickers whenever I need a "dog fix". lol
I am running the full gamut of emotions. I know Dude is happy and he is not really dead, since energy can't die, and I know he is here with me... but I miss him. The house seems so empty. This is the first time in my life I have lived alone without a pet. I've decided to volunteer at a no-kill shelter. And I'll just keep looking for the good.
Love and Blessings,
Dear Pam,
I cannot do healing, but I am very moved by your loss. I have a sick cat, and she is the world to me. I don't know how long she will live.......I understand where you are.
I feel very deeply for you, and I just wanted to say I send you my best thoughts and wishes, and my heart grieves deeply with you hon.
I used to volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter. It is very rewarding.
.Blessings and Peace to All --Val
Originally posted by prose10 View PostHi Grace,
Can you do corrections for grieving and loneliness?
Sadly, Dude passed on Wednesday. He got sick Tuesday night, which was his first night in our new home. I figured it was the stress of moving. He just kept walking around in circles, confused and disoriented, and he didn't want to be touched. In the morning I discovered he had wet his bed, which he had never done before. The vet said he most likely had a brain tumor, on the brain stem, and there was nothing she could do. I decided to have him euthanized. I had about an hour to say goodbye to him. Our vet has a lovely serenity garden and he passed peacefully in my arms.
My ex offered to pay for Dude's final expenses and I am grateful for how kind and supportive he's been. He told me I can come over an borrow Snickers whenever I need a "dog fix". lol
I am running the full gamut of emotions. I know Dude is happy and he is not really dead, since energy can't die, and I know he is here with me... but I miss him. The house seems so empty. This is the first time in my life I have lived alone without a pet. I've decided to volunteer at a no-kill shelter. And I'll just keep looking for the good.
Love and Blessings,
The other night my daughter came in without her glasses on, and the only thing she can see clearly with out her glasses is spirits. She is legally blind otherwise (she can see with glasses or contacts though). She said "Mom, Tuxedo is laying on the bed next to you!" It gave me a smile as my landlord does not allow pets. It is my first time in twenty years that I have not had a dog either! I still go visit my other dog that my X kept in the divorce, Moses though. Sometimes he tries to get into my car and come home with me and the kids! But he is good for my X, and I can not have him. So just know you are not without Dude! He is still there with you!
Blessings Sallyjane
Thank you's
Okay as many of your read a few posts back I have been having some issues waking up and not going back to sleep in the middle of the night. Well it happened again last night, but I found the solution!!!
I don't know where it came from, but I started saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." Till I fell sound asleep. I completely shut up my ego that was chattering a mile a minute and later awoke in the morning in the most wonderful state of gratitude and mind. I have been feeling a little under the weather the last few days so today I started in all day long saying thank you thank you thank you... Tonight I feel better than I have all week! What a powerful tool to shut up the ego mind as it can not keep chattering in the presence of gratitude. I did not say thank you for any one thing, just said thank you!
Goodnight all my friendsSallyjane
Val and Sallyjane, Thank you for the love and support.
Val, I'm not a healer either, but I am sending healing thoughts your way, for both you and your cat. Animals are such a blessing in our lives. They give us unconditional love and I think they can be a source of healing also.
Sallyjane, What a wonderful gift your daughter has to be able to see spirits! When I am still and quiet, I can feel Dude's presence, sitting beside me, smiling. This is a totally new experience for me.
Something strange and wonderful happened when Dude passed. I felt something shift inside of me. His passing was such a beautiful experience... and I had never thought that death could be a good experience... but I knew that even though he had passed, he was still with me.I felt peaceful. And the constant fear and worry that I've been living with just dissipated! I don't understand it and I can't explain it. But then again I don't have to understand it. I'm just thankful.
Love and Blessings,
Originally posted by zartgirl View PostOkay as many of your read a few posts back I have been having some issues waking up and not going back to sleep in the middle of the night. Well it happened again last night, but I found the solution!!!
I don't know where it came from, but I started saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." Till I fell sound asleep. I completely shut up my ego that was chattering a mile a minute and later awoke in the morning in the most wonderful state of gratitude and mind. I have been feeling a little under the weather the last few days so today I started in all day long saying thank you thank you thank you... Tonight I feel better than I have all week! What a powerful tool to shut up the ego mind as it can not keep chattering in the presence of gratitude. I did not say thank you for any one thing, just said thank you!
Goodnight all my friendsSallyjane
Sallyjane, Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to try it tonight.
Pam and SallyJane
Dear Pam-
thank you so much for your offer of healing thoughts!
You are very kind..
I am so glad that you have found a positive and healing experience with Dude.
Someone on a forum somewhere told me that when pets pass, they take negative energy with them. Not that THEY are negative, they just draw it away from us, and maybe that is what happened with you! Maybe Dude helped you with your grieving. I don't know if this makes sense to you, I am only passing on what someone told me, who had many experiences like this with her cats who had passed.
Dear SallyJane,
I am so glad that your daughter can see your beloved dog. That is awesome, and how that must give you comfort!!
Pam and SallyJane
Last edited by VJoy; 10-11-2008, 10:20 PM.Blessings and Peace to All --Val
Finally Peace and Quiet!
I am not sure what is going on and if it is permanent or what, but today and yesterday have been completely free from barking dogs! Actually the dogs were gone early yesterday morning and stayed gone till 1:30 am, and then were gone by early this morning. The neighbor man has been loading a truck up with household stuff and leaving and coming back and taking more. It is very weird as only the man is doing this and not the lady. The old quiet dog stays in the yard. At first we thought he was going hunting, but he kept loading things in the car, and then leaving and why come home at such a late hour to turn around and leave?
I am not sure what is happening, but I am enjoying every minute of the peace and quiet. It is soooo beautiful! The Universe is so beautiful!
Blessings Sallyjane