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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • thanks, grace!

    I appreciate your feedback and all your help. THANKS!!!

    I think my friend is getting better, but he's really bummed about the stock market and mutual funds. i would really like to see him relax, and just know that everything will be okay! i try to be really supportive, but have to try really hard not to advise too much. sometimes people dont want advice. you know?

    also.... i have a recent ex boyfriend that i was trying to stay friends with, but it was causing some problems. the ex still has hopes for us and the new boyfriend doesnt really feel comfortable with me hanging with the ex. corrections for this situation would be very helpful. i don't wanna hurt the ex but it just doesnt seem right for us to be hanging out. he's having alot of other problems and i was scared he couldnt handle being left alone during this time. i know he will be fine, but i can be a worrier.

    as for me i am reading a book called the passion test. its suppose to help you get clear about what your passions are so you can realize your purpose.
    i am finding it helpful.

    some things i'm passionate about:

    being of service to others
    being creative
    helping others, by listening to them when they are having a tough time.
    would love to make enough money to help my parents out finacially.
    having a loving, fun, exciting relationship with an encouraging person.
    traveling whenever i want.
    i love things that smell good, and would love to make perfumes, soaps, and lotions.
    i would love to be healthier, and more enegetic!
    i think it would be cool to be a healthy gourmet personal chef.
    i love writing poetry/songs.
    i love to sing and dance.
    i love tasting food and wines.
    i would love to inspire youth to find their purpose at a young age, maybe with art, music and creativity.
    it might be fun to learn and teach tantra.
    i love taking pictures and editing them on the computer
    i love decorating and shopping.
    i love kitties!!!
    i love astrology, and zen tarot.
    i love seeing live music.
    i love being nurturing to others.
    i love dressing up with wigs, and makeup.

    ok...thats all for now. thanks for inspiring, listening, and helping to correct imbalances.

    love heather


    • Muscle testing help?

      Hi Grace,

      Just wondering if you can muscle test something for me, as I can't come up with a clear answer. In addition to our business, I do medical transcription as we're not yet clearing enough to pay ourselves through the business. However, transcription has been very unpredictable in terms of work availability and, in addition, the company I contract with is wanting me to commit to a set schedule, which is not something I can readily do when I'm trying to also run a business. I'm wondering if it is time to let go of the transcription, take a leap of faith about the business. If I'm wrong though and the business doesn't do grow quickly, our financial situation will be not good () without the extra income from the transcription.

      Of course all the while I'm working on clearing any resistance and creating abundance, but while that's 'in process', I'd love to hear what you have to say!

      Thanks a bunch!



      • Dear Grace

        I know I only posted the other day. I'm posting again, not because I'm being impatient or anything, please don't think that. It's purely because something occured to me. What I wanted to say is

        Dear Grace - please would you help me? I really do need help and am so very very weary of how things have been for longer than I care to remember. I am worn down with it all and long to be free. Anyway, what occured to me is to ask if you could please do a correction for my fear - or almost terror - that this won't work, that nothing will work and that no matter how hard I try things won't change. That I'm stuck. I think I mentioned that I've tried many many therapies, including EFT, TFT, acupuncture, Psych-K, EMDR - you name it, I've probably tried it!!! I don't think I can even easily put into words what is going on. I'm crying my eyes out now just typing this. Maybe that's good, I don't know. Anyway, like I say, I'm just posting because I realised there's this big subconscious terror that I need help clearing to hopefully make way for the next thing to be cleared. And at least I've crossed one hurdle - asking for help!!

        Thank you.

        Transformational Paths
        Experience a Paths theater for free


        • Sunshine

          Dear Sunshine........I understand totally how you feel, I have tried EVERYTHING, and I am relying on Paths to help me. I also feel like it is the last resort.

          I hope it helps you, and I just wanted to let you know you are not alone in how you is a scary place to be.

          Blessings and Peace to All --Val


          • hi again.

            ok....i feel like i'm taking over now with all my post....just kidding.

            i'm struggling. i'm finding that the relationship i'm in is going up and down and i don't know what to do. i really do like this person but he is stressing, now i'm stressing, and trying to give to much advice. i guess its a pattern of mine to put too much energy into my relationships, and worry way too much about the other person. i'm starting to think that its ruining them all together.
            i'm actually wondering now if i should call it quits, but that makes me feel really sad.

            not sure what to do.



            • For Sunshine!

              Hi Sunshine!

              The Trauma Module does test strong for you. It would be a good idea to stay on the this module for at least 6 weeks. I have been making corrections on many of your core issues. The one your last post was about is also a strong collective conscious issue. It is a classic "Fear of Success".

              It is wonderful that you posted this, as many will resonate and pick up on these corrections.

              You can read more on Chinese Energetic Medicine from my teacher's website. Dr. Kam Yuen. Yuen Method: Full Spectrum Healing

              youtube video on Dr. Yuen



              • Dear Val

                Thank you for your words and hugs. I hope with all my heart that Paths works for you and that your dreams come true.

                I know one of my fears is that things work for others but not me! And I know you're supposed to picture what you want and focus on the positive and not the negative and it's very easy to beat yourself up and think that if things remain "bad" in your life then you're creating it and there's something you're not doing right and you should try harder! But really, the last thing you need if you have low self esteem is to blame yourself! And even with my Paths I worry that I "should" be doing something more. That if I just added another module it would speed things up. But I think with me that's just part of the "nothing I ever do is good enough" syndrome!!

                Don't know if this makes sense? I'm learning to accept that I'm doing my best. Ok, so at this moment I have issues and problems left right and centre and going back 20 years or more and majorly (not sure if this is a word - looks a bit weird!! ) affecting my life and nothing but nothing I have done seems to have changed it and I feel I live a kind of groundhog day sort of life - but I have stopped judging myself. I know I am doing all I can in each moment to do the best for myself and therefore for others and am trying to balance always striving to heal and create the life I want with accepting what is. I think I am at the stage of stopping struggling. On every level - money, relationships, health, emotional, spiritual, physical I have needed to control things and "do my best" and if it doesn't achieve the desired results then I "need to try harder". But it hasn't worked!!!!!!!!! So I think I am finally accepting that things are far far from how I want but I cannot "do" anything about it because all my doing isn't working!

                As usual, seems once I start to type, words just come out. What I'm maybe trying to say is that I don't have any answers. I'm just choosing to believe that we're in the right place. That things will start to happen. Why they haven't before, I don't know. But I don't believe it's because we did anything "wrong".
                So Val, I'm with you every step of the way.

                I'm "lucky" enough to be unemployed at the moment. So I have lots of time to spend on my computer and read through these posts. I just so love reading about people's lives and how they have changed for the better. I feel like I know Sallyjane from reading what she says and am cheering her on and celebrating her successes. Heaven knows what I'll do when I actually get a job!

                Hi Grace. Thank you for testing on my module. I will stay on it for another 6 weeks. If you get chance would you be able to let me know if you think I should stick with just this one module or add another? I'm torn between choosing another to "help things along!" and just sticking to this to clear out the "junk" and having a solid platform to build from. I've tried to muscle test myself but don't trust it and also it's clouded by two separate experiences with therapists - one of whom gave me contradictory information and the other who told me I wasn't advanced enough to be able to test myself! And thank you so much for making corrections for me. I really appreciate it. I've been reading loads of the posts on here and love how so many people share things and help each other. I'm going to read up on CEM too so thanks for the link.
                Transformational Paths
                Experience a Paths theater for free


                • Just a quick note

                  Sunshine, I want to welcome you... I typed out this long post to you, but my computer is having power troubles and needs a new battery and power cord, so the post disapeared when as I was about to hit submit the computer shut down!

                  The good news is that I have manifested both parts for my computer for free! They will be here in 4 -5 days! I was soooo excited that it was not going to cost me a hundred to a hundred and fifty to fix my computer!

                  Right now I have duct tape holding the power cord in place hoping it will stay... So you may not see me around much this week!

                  WELCOME to the Forum and the CEM thread! Paths does work it is magnificent! Remember you are powerful too even if you don't feel like it!

                  Blessings Sallyjane


                  • Sunshine

                    Sunshine, you said.~~~~~~~~~~~I know one of my fears is that things work for others but not me! And I know you're supposed to picture what you want and focus on the positive and not the negative and it's very easy to beat yourself up and think that if things remain "bad" in your life then you're creating it and there's something you're not doing right and you should try harder! But really, the last thing you need if you have low self esteem is to blame yourself! And even with my Paths I worry that I "should" be doing something more. That if I just added another module it would speed things up. But I think with me that's just part of the "nothing I ever do is good enough" syndrome!!

                    Don't know if this makes sense?

                    Yes it does!!! That is just the way I am.

                    I'm learning to accept that I'm doing my best. Ok, so at this moment I have issues and problems left right and centre and going back 20 years or more and majorly (not sure if this is a word - looks a bit weird!! ) affecting my life and nothing but nothing I have done seems to have changed it and I feel I live a kind of groundhog day sort of life - but I have stopped judging myself. I know I am doing all I can in each moment to do the best for myself and therefore for others and am trying to balance always striving to heal and create the life I want with accepting what is. I think I am at the stage of stopping struggling. On every level - money, relationships, health, emotional, spiritual, physical I have needed to control things and "do my best" and if it doesn't achieve the desired results then I "need to try harder". But it hasn't worked!!!!!!!!! So I think I am finally accepting that things are far far from how I want but I cannot "do" anything about it because all my doing isn't working! ```````````````````

                    In this you are ahead of me. I have not learned to stop judging myself at all. I have guilt about everying!! And I don't know how to stop it. I applaud your progress, and that is a WONDERFUL step!!!

                    Sunshine, I wish you all the luck and success in the world, and I hope Paths works for you!!! You are a very sweet person, and I appreciate your kindness.

                    Blessings and Peace to All --Val


                    • i'm really sad

                      it seems things are not gonna work out with my relationship. i'm trying to just look at it as a learning experience, but its breaking my heart right now. i'm sobbing like i baby.


                      • For Heather!

                        Heather, YOU ARE LOVED!!!
                        IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                        • words

                          thank you, grace! i appreciate that.

                          a far cry from my desire...
                          to be everything and then some...
                          life can flip things upside down...
                          impulsive from beginning to end...
                          will i ever understand?
                          let it go before you try...
                          awake to a dark sky...
                          absorbed by a bitter kiss...
                          to linger on with swollen eyes..
                          can't see whats real anymore..
                          everything is changable..
                          nothing can be secure..
                          I've learned this before..
                          so I'll lock the door..
                          to my room..
                          cause its cold out there...
                          and sleeping in makes it easier.

                          just how i'm feeling


                          • For KimJ, Heather, Sunshine!

                            Originally posted by KimJ View Post
                            Hi Grace,

                            Just wondering if you can muscle test something for me, as I can't come up with a clear answer. In addition to our business, I do medical transcription as we're not yet clearing enough to pay ourselves through the business. However, transcription has been very unpredictable in terms of work availability and, in addition, the company I contract with is wanting me to commit to a set schedule, which is not something I can readily do when I'm trying to also run a business. I'm wondering if it is time to let go of the transcription, take a leap of faith about the business. If I'm wrong though and the business doesn't do grow quickly, our financial situation will be not good () without the extra income from the transcription.

                            Of course all the while I'm working on clearing any resistance and creating abundance, but while that's 'in process', I'd love to hear what you have to say!

                            Thanks a bunch!


                            Hi KimJ,

                            Yes, it tests strong for you to let go of the Transcription work. It is a leap of faith but you will be very grateful that you did. Focus attention on viewing your bank accounts while opening your heart and sending a beam of light to your accounts. Do this daily. If you want to know more about this please read "The Messenger". Blake posted about this book, and I think it's fabulous. (living on Love)

                            Hi Heather,

                            Once again a very beautiful and moving poem. It is an excellent way to help you continue to release emotions that are no longer serving you. Keep up the great work.

                            Hi Sunshine,

                            It tests strong for you to stay on one module right now. Stay aware. Notice everything. Also take a look at the book "the messenger" as well. You, Val, and a few others on this forum are resonating, so I will be working on your issues most of the day today.
                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Hi everyone,

                              The advice to read the Klaus book is very good advice. I was a little skeptical but I am so glad that I am reading it. What a difference I am seeing when I do apply myself to the process. It is making a lot of other information "click."

                              I'm still struggling with some mood swings; doc said my hormones were totally fine. I might get muscle tested for some different mood support supplements on Monday. I hope that this is an easy fix.


                              More than ever I'm just totally intolerant of the bad, unloving moods. I think they're actually NOT worse over the past few weeks and months, I'm just seeing more contrast--because when I feel good, I am feeling what life is supposed to feel like. The Universe is showing me how good it could be, in tiny little glimpses. I'm overall much more aware of my feelings....Sometimes that totally sucks.

                              I've decided to switch out of Self-Esteem and Trauma Release to Mood Module and Unconditional Love, so that now I have the Klaus material I can be supported and on an even keel, and then hopefully expand the Love aspect. I'm staying on Stand out at Work, Faith (still need help with that one), and the unreleased mini-module for social anxiety.

                              This has been a real rough week of ups and downs! Thanks for all that you do here in our little corner of the Universe!


                              • Thanks so much, Grace. I'm not sure I have the confidence to give up the transcription but I'm going to allow the idea of it and see where that goes...

                                Yes, I've read "The Messenger" and loved it. The man who wrote it lives on the island right next to the town I'm in which I just kind of like knowing, even though that doesn't matter, plus he sounds exactly like my dad which is kind of weird. Anyway, I'm loving the simplicity of his message. Thank you for the reminder as I'm not being consistent about it and haven't sent love to my bank accounts consistently.


