Originally posted by belle99
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Glad to hear that very cool. I'm on the third one now and it's excellent. At the Halloween party I did notice some extra attention from the ladies -- more then the few parties with this group previous. Now, I'm not the guy singing "One is the loneliest number" there, but I did notice more hugs, laughter and all that good stuff while having a great time!

You might get a chuckle from this one... Back in High school, I went to go see the movie Friday the 13th (which Kevin Bacon was in) Near the end when I thought it was all over and you may know what happened, Mr. macho Cool guy let out a scream the whole theater could hear and that even made my girlfriend laugh after she recovered from the shock...
Well, it gets even better. Later that year our Environmental Studies class took a 5 day bicycle tour to neighboring towns out and around State College where Penn State is. Our first day was really short, only 15 miles or so. We camped out at Stone Valley which is up on Pine Grove mt. and I've been there many times as a kid, etc. There's cabins, a lake, small beach, yeah - trees too -- you got it. And late at night, crawling out of my tent to use the facilities all of a sudden it was...... the movie set of Friday the 13th!! I'm not exaggerating. They could've filmed it there easily -- just never realized, well anyway I'm a senior and a movie has me scared???
