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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Job Interview

    Originally posted by Grace View Post
    Hi Terry!,

    I am very happy you are feeling better as I read in your post to Belle99!

    I also want to thank you very much for this courageous post as MANY resonate with this, hence many will pick up on the corrections I have been making for you.

    Your Career is on the right track It doesn't feel as such because of your most recent experience.

    The ego/mind is exactly like the paparazzi. It will build you up to knock you down. The only reason why the ego/mind will allow you to have excitement and fun, is to set you up for the next fall. The ego/mind revels in this. Always attacking itself, never loving itself. The only reason why the ego/mind attacks itself is because it believes it is separated from God. Fear is its main tool for attack in this Dualistic projected Reality of the Ego/mind. The ego/mind wants you to believe in good and bad.

    Remember the Truth of who you are, you are light, and light is love. There is only love. Anything else is an ego/mind made illusion.

    The fear you had about telling the whole truth and the outcome of not telling the whole truth is an experience that you can NOW use to your complete benefit.

    Forgive yourself completely for this small "faux pas", you are now going to turn this into an even greater opportunity. First of all you believe the ego/mind and it's insane notions much less now, knowing that fear only brings pain and suffering. Next, you are going to focus your powerful mind into visualizing that door closing, and another door open and in full view. This door is golden, and has more to offer you than anything your ego/mind could possibly imagine.

    Stay focused on the good qualities of the job you thought you wanted, and visualize now the gratitude you feel when you walk through this golden door, that would never have appeared if the other had not shut. As you walk through this door in your blazing brilliance, and the constant remembrance of your greatness, you will begin to settle your vision on magnificent outcomes.

    It is so incredibly beautiful, light filled and serene through this golden door that it takes a few minutes to become accustomed to the view. Much like the Sun shining brightly in your eyes. As you see the TRUTH, that you needed this perceived "negative" experience to further let go of the ego/mind, You realize that this new job brings you much more than the other on many levels!

    Stay focused in Love and Gratitude for who you truly are, and for what this "Golden Door" will reflect back to you! Be vigilant with your awareness when it comes to fear based emotions. If it does not feel peaceful then you know the ego/mind is at work again, so just ignore the illusion and focus again in the moment on the light that is YOU.

    Thank you so much again Terry for posting!!

    Hi Grace,

    The above is what you posted back in August. I just wanted to let you know a door has opened and I have an interview on Thursday 13 Nov at 3pm GMT (the day of a Full Moon). This job really feels right , in fact it's a job that I was going to apply for before I had my "Faux Pas" last time round.

    Any corrections, prayers, positive intentions, love, light sent my way (by anyone reading this) to help me at the interview will be gratefully accepted and returned with interest!!!!!!

    Love and Light xx



    • Now

      This is why Grace gets paid the big bucks around here!!!!!

      Thank you for all the love, light, and gratitude you bestow upon all of us and for reminding us that we are all of us - each and every one - amazing people capable of extraordinary and wonderful things not because of who we are, but because of what we are. All we have to do is believe without doubt or fear, embrace this truth, and - as you say - live in the light.

      Originally posted by Grace View Post
      Hi Heather,

      You do not need to get on Spiritual Enlightenment Module again, when I say that I am making corrections concerning your Spiritual body, it means I am correcting imbalances such as Macro cosmic Energy Fields, Intrinsic energy Fields, and Miscellaneous Issues such as Inner-dimensional integration, Parallel Universe integration, and many other issues that you need not even concern yourself with.

      When I was learning Chinese Energetic Medicine, I asked Dr. Yuen, "how can I make corrections for issues I don't beleive in?" He told me, "You don't need to believe you only need to stay neutral, If one being believes in such a thing it is true for all of us."

      This is also why I don't get into the "why's" of the many "issues" I am correcting. Knowing why you are manifesting an uncomfortable issue is unimportant, getting desired results is all that matters.

      It is also important to remember that in this projected reality in which our mind creates effortlessly, WE are creating it all. ONE mind. The part of this ONE mind that seems as if it has split from the ONE/mind is the Ego/mind. This is simply the thought of separation. Which is what also manifests itself as an experience of Linear/Dualistic projecting. For example, Love or the absence of Love. This moment, that moment. inner , outer etc.

      With this knowing, you can choose in any given moment to experience your immortality or your mortality. You can choose to think a good thought or a not so good thought. You can choose to feel good, or not. Pain and suffering or Perfect health and Harmony. Sooner or later it will inevitably show up.

      The One Mind is Consciousness. Consciousness is of the Light which is an extension of God. God being more power than is imaginable. The light has this same power. The Light is what is projecting. Each one of you is of this light. Each one of you has the capacity to project the Light, and to project this Light into anything you imagine. Bright white Light or complete Darkness. Good or not-good. The Light is projected as you see fit. In this Light of Truth comes great Faith, and why the great Napoleon Hill wrote "What the mind of Man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

      You are experiencing this projected reality, and YOU are making up all the rules. Your Mind is of the Whole Mind. Remember this when you are having a "not so good" moment. Remember you are LIGHT more powerful than all the suns in all the universes. Begin now to feel the immense gratitude for realizing who you truly are. The immense power that is YOU!

      You do not need to know why you are having a "not so good" moment, you just need to remember the truth of who you are and in this moment create what you wish. It will show up! It has to because YOU have the power to manifest anything.

      If you are experiencing pain/suffering of any kind (physical, emotional etc)
      you have allowed your mind to wander into unguarded territories. Forgive yourself immediatly and focus once again on what you choose. Know that everything exists now, there is a YOU that is experiencing complete harmony and abundance NOW. You can change your world and create any life you choose, but you have to feel the gratitude first. You have to project the Light first.

      If you don't know what you want, or what to do simply visualize yourself as clear brialliant white light. Your world will begin to flow effortlessly, miracles, fabulous synchronicities, and more will begin to show up. Perhaps an idea, a book, a person will show up and assist. Never limit your power.

      It takes practice, at first you may have more "not so good" thoughts than good ones. Or maybe you fall completely asleep and you are shocked into waking up by some tragedy. Either way, in your thoughts or in the outer projected reality, what you have been thinking or not thinking will show up. See it for the projected reality that it is, and begin again to shed light on the matter!As you grow in awareness of your true consciousness (higher self, Christ consciousness) you will not only be shedding light on your issues, but you will see clearly that it assists EVERYONE.

      Paths, CEM, Matrix, Theta etc all shed light on the matter. The shifts can be subtle or extreme. Either way you must remember the truth of who you are in every moment, or as many moments as possible, and Feel the Love and Gratitude of your true Nature. YOU are the LIGHT!
      Blessings on the journey, Glenn
      Handmade Ceramic Gifts


      • No Worries

        You have the job, if you want it!

        Originally posted by tezzaa View Post
        Hi Grace,

        The above is what you posted back in August. I just wanted to let you know a door has opened and I have an interview on Thursday 13 Nov at 3pm GMT (the day of a Full Moon). This job really feels right , in fact it's a job that I was going to apply for before I had my "Faux Pas" last time round.

        Any corrections, prayers, positive intentions, love, light sent my way (by anyone reading this) to help me at the interview will be gratefully accepted and returned with interest!!!!!!

        Love and Light xx

        Blessings on the journey, Glenn
        Handmade Ceramic Gifts


        • Perfect!!!!!

          This job really feels right , in fact it's a job that I was going to apply for before I had my "Faux Pas" last time round.

          Any corrections, prayers, positive intentions, love, light sent my way (by anyone reading this) to help me at the interview will be gratefully accepted and returned with interest!!!!!!

          Love and Light xx

          Hey Terry!
          Send Love to the workplace where you'll be!! With a smile on your face, keep asking yourself this question, "Can it get any better than this?" I'm psyched for you and your job. (that question is working for me)
          Why is this happening now?? Because you're Ready for IT!!!

          Way to go!
          Love & Light back atcha,

          With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

          Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


          • Originally posted by Doug View Post
            This job really feels right , in fact it's a job that I was going to apply for before I had my "Faux Pas" last time round.

            Any corrections, prayers, positive intentions, love, light sent my way (by anyone reading this) to help me at the interview will be gratefully accepted and returned with interest!!!!!!

            Love and Light xx

            Hey Terry!
            Send Love to the workplace where you'll be!! With a smile on your face, keep asking yourself this question, "Can it get any better than this?" I'm psyched for you and your job. (that question is working for me)
            Why is this happening now?? Because you're Ready for IT!!!

            Way to go!
            Love & Light back atcha,

            Doug you are sooooo RIGHT! The question "Can it get any better than this?" is just an awesome question! It is working so awesomely for me too! You know the real power in it is that it puts you in a place of total gratitude with where you are, and then invites the Universe to make it even better! One thing, no matter how good it gets... don't say "it can't get better than this!" cause then the Universe will say "OK" and it won't!

            Sending love to the employer who is interviewing you on Thursday is exactly what I was going to recommend also! To send love go into a meditative state, and first focus on growing you love center within you. This is important cause you will fall in love with yourself, and then you can send out the love to the employer... I would recomend reading the Klaus Books "Living on Love if you have not yet!

            Also I am finding that looking at what money looks like to you has imensely helped me. Sending money love is also important... Moria posted an article on "If money were a person what would Money look like to you?" Good read and I have found it interesting... Since this is not just a career, but also the way you will live and how much you will get paid, I thought it would be a good fit for you. I have also an e book that Moria shared with me (with Authors aproval to share it), so I can share it with you too.

            OMG! This got long... Sorry...

            Love Sallyjane


            • thank you grace!

              Thank you so much! You are very wise!

              Its true... its still a process for me to remember that i am creating all the time whether i realize it or not....and it is true that i get really upset when i realize that i have created something that i am unhappy with. i just dont know where the deep pain, and sadness is coming from sometimes. i really have been working on filling myself with love, and sending that love out to others. it feels really nice, and is very helpful. there are just times when it feels like too much for me to let go. i'm still learning, and i'm beginning to feel like that is what relationships, especially this one is about. reflections, projections, understanding, and of course feeling more connected to god.
              i do feel that i am becomming more connected.

              anyway.... thank you so much for the way you put things....and all your advice. i really feel suported here.


              • Heather

                This may seem weird, but both Doug and I have found it extremely helpful... We posted it above to TESSA, but I think it will really help you too.

                Ask the question (no matter how bad it may seem or how good it may seem) "Can it get any better than this?" It will change the way you look at the world, men, everything, and it will change what you create in your life.

                It has been very beneficial to me, as it is helping me to appreciate where I live now, so I can move to where I want to live! I have to always be focussed on gratitude and love because when I am focussed on what I don't want, then I am creating more of what I don't want! I have to say since I started the whole love and sending love and then the question and and and... I am starting to manifest all kinds of cool stuff into my life!

                Lately I have been manifesting a whole new wardrobe to go with my new skinnier body. I have a new pair of designer jeans and a pair pants by the same designer (paid 2 dollars for them) and today it was a new pair of boots for under 10 dollars! That is just plus the money to buy my daughter birthday gifts for her Birthday next week! Life is sooo Good! Can it get any better than this! I am possitive I just heard the Universe say "Just wait sweetheart".

                Very exciting stuff! Just remember that you are just as powerful at this manifesting and creating as I am, as Grace is, and everyone else here... And you are the one who gets to choose what you create, so start focussing on the most gorgeous, handsome, sweetheart you can possibly imagine... See him sitting next to you everywhere you go... Opening doors for you, and taking you anywhere you want to go... Start creating your Prince!

                Make him real... He will manifest before your eyes soon enough!!! In the meantime work on LOVING YOURSELF! Build your love center and send out as much love as you can! This will heal all that old baggage, and help you forgive yourself! Ask the LOVE to take it all away from you cause you don't need it anymore!

                Now comes the hard part... Let the other guy go! There is a favorite poem I grew up with:

                Johnathon Livingston Seagul
                If you love something
                Let it go

                If it comes back to you
                It is yours

                If it does not come back to you
                It never was

                It seems shorter now than I remember it being but the truth is there. Let him go, and let him go with no agenda to get him back. It may not be you as much as him, as it may be that he is not ready to allow love in. So it is time to move on, and let it go and start focusing on that Handsome Gorgeous hot guy... Actually focus on what is most important to you. What makes a guy gorgeous and hot to me is what is on the inside not on the outside... Although I have to say there is something special about a guy who rides up on a horse in a cowboy hat

                Well sweety, I will be sending you lots of love and filling your heart with love tonight!!!! Healing love to heal a broken heart... You can do the same with growing your love center!

                Blessings Sallyjane


                • sallyjane

                  Thank you sooo much. I really appreciate your feedback.
                  I the reason why i was crying so much the other day, was because i am not ready to let this person go. i understand the poem. it makes perfect sense. its just that i may not be there yet. infact.. i went to see someone that day, someone to talk to. there is this awesome little spiritual book store in Santa Barbara. They have tarot readings and stuff like that too. So i went there to get a reading, but the lady was clairvoyent, not a card reader. she told me alot of things that were really true, and my understanding of things has improved greatly. she just kept saying...step back...step back. she said i didnt need to let go, but to step back. maybe i just needed to hear it that way...i dont know, but i felt a whole lot better. she also mentioned my art which i have been having trouble with. she said that i just needed to go crazy. not to try to make things perfect, but to just let my emotions flow out. i'm still feeling a little inhibited, but i will try it, and see what happens.

                  thanks for all your advice!!!! lots of love!!!


                  • Thanks

                    Thanks Glenn, Doug and Sallyjane,

                    Doug, I like the question "Can it get any better than this?" that really resonates with me, I been saying it all day, thanks for that.

                    Sallyjane, I have been reading the books by Klaus they are amazing. I'm sending love out as much as I can these days!! I'll also take a look at Moria's post about Money. The e-book you mentioned; if I send you a PM with my e-mail addy could you email it to me?

                    Love and Light



                    • Thank you, Grace.

                      For the information about the 7th chakra. It's interesting to watch him from a new perspective... I'm still surprised though as between him and my other son, I always felt he was more open as he's the one that always seems to quickly 'get' some of these things that I talk about. For example, he jumped onto sending love when I described it to him and immediately set out to try to do it. My other son, on the other hand, is extremely intellectual and wasn't particularly interested... Oh well, I'll let it go and just focus on my intentions rather than intellectualizing it too much!

                      Thank you also for all your amazing wisdom in the other posts too. I lap it up!



                      • Here I go again.

                        Hi again. I'm feeling the need to post because I think I need some help clearing some fear energy. I'm doing the sending love like in Klaus' books and feeling really good while I'm doing that, it's all seemingly going well in that regard, but it's not translating in my experience at all yet. I almost feel like I'm 'clogged' with many fears, even though while I'm sending love I don't feel like that at all.

                        I'm having business and financial difficulties again, which is so hard to 'ignore', and those bring me back to the fear-based feelings. Even though I'm diligently focusing on what I 'should' be, it feels like there's some undercurrent going on that I can't get rid of regardless of what I do. I've booked a Theta session with Sharyn in a couple of weeks so I'm excited about that, but in the meantime can anyone tell me if they get the same sense. I have this belief that I'm sabotoging myself or at least have this undercurrent of fear, yet perhaps that belief is what is causing it to begin with... How do I convince myself once and for all, at a subconscious level, of what I choose to believe? I guess that's the big question though, hey - why we're all here?!

                        I KNOW that I create what I think/feel/say, and I feel like I'm thinking/saying/feeling the 'right' things, yet here I still am in the thick of it.

                        Okay, I at least feel better having gotten that out! Thanks for not only giving advice, but also being my sounding board!



                        • For Kim...

                          Hi Dear Kim...

                          I think this might be another one of those synchronistic moments that just happened between you and me where we were both thinking on similar lines. I was just looking to this thread: and remembering almost a year ago when I was feeling that similar fear energy you describe and then tried out the Unconditional Love module which really helped me with that. I no sooner finished looking to that thread and I saw this post from you, so I wanted to jump in here and ask if you have tried it yet.

                          I know just what you mean by feeling "clogged" with fear, but the Unconditional Love module managed to eliminate that funny feeling I was having in the pit of my stomach so many months ago and I figured that once that was gone, the module had done all I needed it to do. So after a few months of it, I switched to something else and have recently switched back and now I see that it offers even MORE than I expected!!! After reading the books by Klause Joehle, I wanted to amp up the power of sending Love and I am overwhelmed by how transforming this module is in so many ways! GONE are ALL those feelings of fear (Oh...They were so terrible! ) and the feelings of Love and Light are more and more consistant...Even if I get my knickers in a twist about something, I manage to recognize my misperception within minutes and my thoughts immediately begin to be replaced by those of my divinity and infinite, loving power. Thus the sending of Love is becoming easier than ever! I am also experiencing the Faith module and, as you know, working my way through A Course In Miracles, so it could be that this combo-plate is causing all this blessed magic, but since you have a general knowlege of ACIM and are so obviously diligent in your inner growth, I am thinking that you might greatly benefit by adding this fabulous module to your theater at this time! It really IS Awesome!!!

                          In the meantime, I want you to know that I am sending you and your family, as well as your finances MUCH Love!!!

                          With Much Love and Gratitude,

                          Last edited by Pamela; 11-13-2008, 09:18 PM. Reason: spelling
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                          • Hi Pamela

                            Ahhh, you are such a sweetie. You must be picking up on me as I seem to have no tuner! LOL

                            I have tried the Unconditional Love module, but to be honest I've not felt much on any of my modules, which is part of where my belief of being "clogged" is coming from too... that frustration of "why won't this (and this and this) work??" Right now I'm on Faith, Allow Healing, Increased Business, and Effective Goal Setting... I started on all but the Increased Business only about three weeks ago, but maybe I can switch out that for Unconditional Love...

                            I bought a set of Doreen Virtue oracle cards the other day to help me with hearing/feeling guidance, but I can't even get a feeling of when to stop shuffling the cards! I'm thinking okay... anytime now.... waiting to feel or hear something here about when to stop shuffling but not getting anything... LOL It's funny but frustrating and I'm just not sure how to clear myself to even hear myself! I have no problem meditating, sending love, etc., but when I 'ask' myself something, for guidance or whatever, I just get back silence. Hmmm, not sure how I got on that topic...

                            Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. You always inspire me and I will diligently continue on my quest regardless of the apparent setbacks!



                            • Kim hangs in there!

                              Hi again, Sweet Kim!

                              I never had one doubt in my mind that you will diligently continue on your quest and the fact that you meditate is a BIG Plus! And... I know that you continue to remember that there are ALWAYS setbacks along this path and that they arrive as opportunities to learn more and provide for us another reason to practice forgiveness.

                              But I forgot to mention before that you will LOVE LOVE LOVE your Theta session with Sharyn!!! She is absolutely AWESOME and I expect that she will help you immensly in many ways. She has such a gentle essence , yet her Theta healings are VERY POWERFUL !!! I have a feeling that after she works her magic with you, you will be "hearing" that divine inner voice that keeps eluding you lately! Please make sure you check back in after your session with her, okay? I am anxious to hear how it goes!

                              Okay...Here's some more of that Love for you, Honey!!!

                              With Much Love and Gratitude,

                              My PATHS Website
                              My Art Website
                              My Paintings As Prints
                              My Facebook


                              • Terry,

                                Good luck on the job! I am definitely pulling for you!


                                Miss talking to you! Yes I have still been sending light and love and I am getting better with practice! We have got to catch up, I am sure you are way ahead in your reading now!!!!!!


                                This comment you made: "You do not need to know why you are having a "not so good" moment," is so true. I used to endlessly analyze why I was having crappy thoughts rather than just switching my focus to something that feels good to think about. Now this quick switch is getting easier. I also discovered some stuff and I'll write you privately.

