Relax, Release and allow! You are trying to hard to hear it! Oh it is there, but you are not trusting yourself. With my Faerie oracles I shuffle twice, cut the cards into three sections and switch them around, and I deal the cards out! At this point I would just try a three card reading... Past on the left, Present in the middle, and future on the right. Realizing ofcourse that past, present and future are all the same because there is no time... Time is our limitation that we create to separate past present and future! Lay them out and then listen for that small still voice within you. It will not be a loud speaker and no chinese gongs will go off to tell you to listen... It will be that knowing within you, that your ego will tell you that ain't it! Cause it does not want you to start to trust yourself.
When you listen to that voice inside you all sorts of things can be evaded and you will start to make better decisions. I remember one time, I had driven to Reno with a friend to visit another friend... They wanted me to stay and party, but something said NO! So I listened and said No, I can not... Then my friend and I were goofing off before leaving, when I suddenly exclaimed "We have to go and NOW!" He thought I was crazy till we got off the mountain and down to the valley and 35 miles of road had washed out litterally right behind us! He was like how did you know? I just listen to my inner knowing and your antenna is just as good as mine, but you have trained yourself to not listen to it!
Okay one more thing... We create what we focus on... And what we appreciate the most...
So with the barking dogs, that were driving me crazy for a while... I stopped focussing on them barking and thanking the Universe/God for the peace and quiet that I so enjoy... I am now enjoying peace and quiet for the first time in a long time. By the way I was thanking the universe for the dogs the whole while they were barking for the peace and quiet I wanted to create. I did not wait till they shut up to appreciate their peacefullness!
You need to start thanking God/Universe for the inner knowing and being able to hear it. Thank you for quieting the chatter of the egoic mind that is telling me to not listen. Also thank you for all the changes in my life that are coming from my Paths Modules!!!!! My feeling is that you are focussing on all the wrong things and you are creating exactly what you are focussed on, and not noticing the changes in your life. You are not hearing that voice that is probably yelling at you...
One more thing, spend sometime talking to your inner self, and ask yourself for forgiveness for not listening to it. Ask it to help guide you, and tell it you are trying to listen better now. Let it know that you are learning and ask yourself for patience. When we ignore our innerselves for too long sometimes they stop talking to us... Till we forgive ourselves for not listening.
Originally posted by KimJ
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Relax, Release and allow! You are trying to hard to hear it! Oh it is there, but you are not trusting yourself. With my Faerie oracles I shuffle twice, cut the cards into three sections and switch them around, and I deal the cards out! At this point I would just try a three card reading... Past on the left, Present in the middle, and future on the right. Realizing ofcourse that past, present and future are all the same because there is no time... Time is our limitation that we create to separate past present and future! Lay them out and then listen for that small still voice within you. It will not be a loud speaker and no chinese gongs will go off to tell you to listen... It will be that knowing within you, that your ego will tell you that ain't it! Cause it does not want you to start to trust yourself.
When you listen to that voice inside you all sorts of things can be evaded and you will start to make better decisions. I remember one time, I had driven to Reno with a friend to visit another friend... They wanted me to stay and party, but something said NO! So I listened and said No, I can not... Then my friend and I were goofing off before leaving, when I suddenly exclaimed "We have to go and NOW!" He thought I was crazy till we got off the mountain and down to the valley and 35 miles of road had washed out litterally right behind us! He was like how did you know? I just listen to my inner knowing and your antenna is just as good as mine, but you have trained yourself to not listen to it!
Okay one more thing... We create what we focus on... And what we appreciate the most...
So with the barking dogs, that were driving me crazy for a while... I stopped focussing on them barking and thanking the Universe/God for the peace and quiet that I so enjoy... I am now enjoying peace and quiet for the first time in a long time. By the way I was thanking the universe for the dogs the whole while they were barking for the peace and quiet I wanted to create. I did not wait till they shut up to appreciate their peacefullness!
You need to start thanking God/Universe for the inner knowing and being able to hear it. Thank you for quieting the chatter of the egoic mind that is telling me to not listen. Also thank you for all the changes in my life that are coming from my Paths Modules!!!!! My feeling is that you are focussing on all the wrong things and you are creating exactly what you are focussed on, and not noticing the changes in your life. You are not hearing that voice that is probably yelling at you...
One more thing, spend sometime talking to your inner self, and ask yourself for forgiveness for not listening to it. Ask it to help guide you, and tell it you are trying to listen better now. Let it know that you are learning and ask yourself for patience. When we ignore our innerselves for too long sometimes they stop talking to us... Till we forgive ourselves for not listening.
