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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • For Sunshine

    Don't worry- you didn't come across too strong. I understand completely. I'm a big animal lover myself, but just grew up in a family that never took animals, not even dogs, to a vet so taking a guinea pig was a very new concept to me!

    Sparki is still not moving, but he is eating hay. He was doing okay out of the cage yesterday when we brought him home, not moving but being somewhat interactive, but then as soon as I put him in his cage he got all timid again, and he didn't even go into his house all night.... I'd love some Reiki done for him - thanks!

    I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll send some love your way too. I'm not confident in my "ability" with that yet, but I'll do it anyway.

    Blessings and thanks.


    • For Retta!

      Originally posted by red_retta View Post
      Hi - I just joined up here after reading for several days. Grace, it sounds like you are doing some great healing..... and I certainly can use help. Where to start????

      Today my greatest frustration is my eyesight. I wore glasses since about 2nd grade......had RK surgery perhaps 15 years ago....don't remember for sure when........loved being able to see so naturally.

      Well, since then my vision has deteriorated.......can't see close or far and have terrible astigmatism. My right eye is complicated by Graves disease caused by an overdose of Synthroid. (long story)

      I do use EFT and have tapped about fears of 'seeing' but haven't seen changes.

      Any help, insight and advise you have for me is welcomed.

      Thanks for being here.
      PS, I'm not on facebook and am not ready to join so can't read the article on prosperity you posted there.
      Hi Retta!

      I am happy to assist. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and so, many layers of "issues" are necessary to correct when it comes to improving eyesight. I will continue making CEM corrections for you until I get strength, but I also recommend highly using the Paths Module "New Vision" this is the link:

      PATHS | New Vision | Optimum Eye Functioning

      I am glad you are taking action by using your skills at EFT. This is great, keep it up!

      I also posted on my profile page here on Energetic Forum the note I wrote on Facebook titled "Raising your Prosperity Consciousness" this is the link to my profile page here, scroll down a bit, it's in the center:

      I am very happy and grateful you have posted! I do not believe anyone has asked for energetic corrections for the eyes before!

      Please keep us posted.



      • For KimJ!

        Originally posted by KimJ View Post
        What a new twist to work with! I've never heard action put that way, in terms of "collecting". Very cool! Now can we do that on a pure mental level as we're going about our day, or should we write our actions and what we're collecting down? Of course since there are no "rules", I guess it doesn't matter what we say we're collecting, but should it be somewhat "believable" to our conscious selves, or does that not matter at all?

        I called the Lost and Found again but it hasn't "popped back in" yet. Thank goodness I have you guys here to say this stuff too - my husband will go only so far with me before he just nods and smiles at me.


        Hi KimJ,

        Here is a link to Imagining the 10th Dimension.

        This will help in understanding how to "pop" desires into this dimension. I agree with you about your husband. I have many friends that had know idea that I have been practicing Chinese Energetic Medicine since January of 2001! It is actually posting in this Forum that has freed me to "BE" myself with all in neutrality!

        The answer to your questions is Yes to all. Some will need to write it down to remember what you are collecting others will simply remember. It is important to make it believable for the smaller effortless actions, but assign a larger "collection" to more challenging actions.

        For example, every time I drink a glass of water I collect $10 dollars plus healthier more youthful hair and skin.

        Every time I do a set of sprints up a grassy hill nearby my home, I "Collect" $100,000!! Why? Because it's EXTREMELY CHALLENGING, or so I thought! Today I did 5 sprints up the hill, and it was much easier! Now it seems I have surpassed my goal, and will now do 6 sprints up the hill. Today I smiled big walking home, as I have already expanded my mind to achieve 10 sprints in the near future!

        I have three Karate Tournaments coming up, one this Saturday, 2nd on March 22nd in Gainesville, and 3rd in June (Uechi Ryu World Cup for Peace) here in my Karate school and THE most exiting Tournament for me to date!

        I was extremely motivated by the $100 grand, but the icing on the cake is my endurance has jumped tremendously in the short Month I have begun sprinting.

        I am making Corrections on your little one, and I am also glad you took him to the Vet for peace of mind. It does not test strong that the rabbit traumatized him, but that he needs a larger new cage.

        I will continue to make corrections. Please keep us posted!


        • For Pamela and Sallyjane!

          For Pamela and SallyJane!!

          Imagine by John Lennon



          • For Sunshine!

            Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
            Hi Kim
            I'm so glad Sparki is ok and went to the vet. I worried I might have come across too strong but I've seen guinea pigs go downhill so fast that I really hoped he'd go to the vet. I'm glad that you're pleased you took him and with his supplements and CEM corrections and 2 pointing he should soon be right as rain. I am sending Sparki lots of love and I will send him some Reiki too if you are happy with that.

            And Pamela

            I hope you do post about your twin. Sounds really interesting!

            And Sallyjane

            Thank you for sending me love. I especially need some today because I'm not feelign good. I think it's because I used a new duvet cover last night and it must have had nasty toxic chemicals in. I have a really crashing headache and can't think straight and feel disorientated and I ache all over and feel completely wiped out and have tingling and fizzing in my limbs and feel all sea sick and not able to function properly. Just a few of the lovely symptoms I get And I think it makes me depressed too and I think nothing will ever change and I'm not making progress and lots of other things. Will be ok once it clears but it's not nice
            Hi Sunshine!

            I am very happy you posted! I will make corrections now, and again this evening individually for you. It does not test strong that it is the chemicals in your new cover, but the "thought" of the chemicals in your blanket. I am making corrections for your Mental, and Spiritual bodies with many related issues.

            The more layers that are corrected, the more rapidly one recovers from an Ego/Mind attack. Saturday Valentine's Day was wonderful for me, Sunday I got out of bed and could not walk! The fear set in instantly, I feared, "how am I going to train for the tournaments with my left knee (ligament) in incredible pain. (I have a high degree of pain tolerance too so this was very scary for me)

            In less than a minute, I said to myself, enough!! This is simply ego/mind talk! There is an opportunity here. So I sat down, (my daughter catered to me most of the afternoon ) as I made CEM corrections on my left leg. Within one hour, I was approximately 40% better. Not good enough. I let it go for awhile and put it all out of my mind as I worked and played from my computer.

            As I became relaxed and forgot about the pain, a thought came forth to "group" the Layers of the 6 different Body issues, together! I began to make corrections again in this new manner, and presto! I was 80% better in less than 10 min. Monday I woke up fine with only a twinge. Tuesday I went to Karate Class and won all three of my practice Sparring matches!

            The Truth is that our Minds our whole and perfect, but if you are alive on this Dualistic plane of ours, then it is 100% certain that your ego/mind will attack in one way or another. The trick is to look away from the suffering as much as you can. Focus on that which you wish to expand, and to always look for the opportunity! Also to Ask for what you need, and so Beautiful Sunshine, I am so happy and grateful that you have posted!!



            • Kim,

              I'm popping in this thread per Grace's request. She wanted me to share something she recently helped me with for my kitten.

              The kitty had used the litter box at first but then started going next to it.

              I have another cat so I tried getting a 2nd litter box. I took her to the vets to make sure she didn't have a bladder infection or anything. The litter I use is natural so I didn't think she was having problems with it.

              I was getting really worried and I prayed about the problem. At the time I really thought I had exhausted the options and had no logical reasoning about how this would be solved. But I was sincere in my prayer so part of me hoped there would be some kind of resolution somehow.

              I happened to be in touch with Grace about then and asked her about it. She tested that it had to do with the feeling in my kitten's paws.

              So I was on the web searching for solutions. I came across Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract on Only Natural Pet Store - Dogs Cats Holistic Supplies Products Food Treats Vitamins Medicine Supplements . I got some from a local shop and it had this booklet which gave a lot of info. It agreed with Grace's info about the feeling in the paws, especially for kittens. It said to put her in the box but NOT to move her paws for her.

              The problem is totally solved by using that litter and doing the simple things it recommended at the beginning.

              Anyway, I just wanted to reinforce Gracie's idea about changing to a larger cage. Maybe incorporate that info into whatever you are thinking and feeling and it will take you to the perfect solution

              XO Jessica
              Keep your mind on the aether


              • Grace

                Can you include me too pls? Having ups and downs
                With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                • Sunshine

                  I will two point your chemical sensitivities... There is something else behind them... I am testing Spiritual. We will have to work on clearing those issues so you can have a more normal life. Well not normal, but Awesome! Only people who are stuck in dualism have normal lives, we all have Freaking Awesome Lives!

                  Blessings Sallyjane


                  • Grace, thanks so much for your kind thoughts, love that you share so generously and corrections!!!

                    Kim, please feel free to pm me about your little piggy....I have a couple chinchillas and through friends might have some suggestions for you, esp for inexpensive bigger piggy cage. I'm glad the vet gave the ok and no teeth problems! You're a good mommy!!!

                    Grace, I'll be getting a BUNCH of mercury taken out of my mouth, and while doing pre-removal chelation, am getting really sick! I've actually 'lost' a few days due to fatigue and needing to sleep most of the day...just when I want to be out there full force and need to be making money!!!

                    I really want to start making corrections for myself...and others! Thank-you for the 10th dimension link...I get lost after 7th dim, but understand it intuitively. A while ago out of the blue, I was able to like pull an outcome out of thin air felt like a cord or choice out of unlimited choices....and it worked! Is this anything like Matrix Energetics? A training is coming here in April and I think I'll at least check out the opening lecture.

                    Thanks so much...
                    In LOVE and Gratitude,
                    Life in Balance Ayurveda



                    • Thank you.

                      Thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts and help with Sparki. This hand-feeding is making me a little crazy as how they want me to administer it, via syrninge, makes no sense as it's clogging the syringe and not working no matter how much I dilute it, plus it seems way too much for him or at least with how hard it is to feed him. I've resorted to spoon feeding which is a SLOW process!

                      Thank you, Grace, for testing the issue. I'm glad it doesn't seem that bunny didn't traumatize him, but I'll have to figure out the bigger cage thing... I bought the biggest one they had for guinea pigs when we got him so it's not a little cage, plus I spent a small fortune on it to begin with. This will be a challenge due to space as well, plus it won't make sense to my husband... Thank you, Nancy, for your offer to PM you for your suggestions on this - I'll do that in a bit! And thank you, Jessica, also for your information as well. There can be so much more than we are first aware of, hey?!!

                      Grace, I also watched the 10th dimension link. I got a little lost in the specifics, but I understand the point it's making. Mind boggling to say the least, though at the same time I find it no surprise.

                      Thank you again, to everyone who has posted to me. I so appreciate your help and taking the time to post.

                      Blessings and thanks.


                      • Hi

                        I can finally leave a post. YES. Lol gracie I'm going through a difficult time
                        Right now. I've been practicing graditude but I missing something?? I feel I
                        Need some kind of clarity. I want to learn so much and I'm willing to do what it takes
                        Thank you so much for your help on my son. I see how much he has change

                        Your a wonderful gifted person



                        • Grace and everyone

                          I just broke down at work, can you psl. send some love my way? Thank you forever!!!
                          With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                          • Christine ~
                            Sending you some light and love, some grounding energy to help keep you going strong and steady! As well as some Shaka Vinsiya mantra for heart chakra and mind clearing! Big hugs, I'm sorry you had a hard day today!!!

                            Love & Gratitude,
                            Life in Balance Ayurveda



                            • Originally posted by KimJ View Post

                              Thank you, Grace, for testing the issue. I'm glad it doesn't seem that bunny didn't traumatize him, but I'll have to figure out the bigger cage thing... I bought the biggest one they had for guinea pigs when we got him so it's not a little cage, plus I spent a small fortune on it to begin with. This will be a challenge due to space as well, plus it won't make sense to my husband... Kim
                              Maybe he needs a play-pin

                              XO Jessica
                              Keep your mind on the aether


                              • Hey, look they really make them for pets:

                                Small Pet Playpen with Mat/Cover

                                Small pet containment pens allow pets to safely exercise and explore
                                Keep your mind on the aether

