For Terry!
Hi Terry,
It is my pleasure as always to make corrections for you. Love, Passion, and Sex are collective consciousness' desires, and many here resonate greatly with these.
These four Paths modules muscle tested strong for you.
Mood Elevation
Enhanced Sexual Pleasure for Men
Stem Cell Health
As for your desires of Love, Passion, and great Sex, remember first that you already have these within you. You have already created these things, they exist in tact, completely and fully in your Mind. Not the ego/mind but the Whole Mind. With this great knowledge and understanding of this, you can feel immense gratitude for this fact.
Gratitude is all it takes to pull in all the tools necessary for you to manifest your desires, Love, Passion, Great Sex, etc. You have pulled in already, Paths, CEM, greater faith in yourself, and most importantly more love for yourself. This makes me very happy!! All these tools are working synchronistically to bring forth that which is within.
Like attracts Like, is universal Law, not man's law. You are the light (the whole Mind), that projects energy. The vibration of this energy within you will manifest itself as like.
Gratitude, next to Love, is a finely tuned powerfully attractive force.
When you remember to Focus on Gratitude for EVERYTHING, you will pull in at lightning speed even more to be grateful for, because we are not our physical bodies, it is the MIND which creates.
This is why guarding our thoughts and only focusing on Gratitude will plant the powerful seeds into our Sub-Conscious (the collective) and we no longer have to "think" how can I get what I want. We are at Peace
. Which makes focusing on Love and Gratitude in every moment even more effortless.
When we focus on that which we wish to expand, we begin to attract little by little the tools necessary (people, places, experiences, books, healing modalities) that will ultimately allow us to self realize the amazing magnitude of our incredible power.
Thank you Terry, for having the courage to ask for these wonderful experiences on this Forum!
You have made many people very very happy
and they don't even know it yet!
Originally posted by tezzaa
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Hi Terry,
It is my pleasure as always to make corrections for you. Love, Passion, and Sex are collective consciousness' desires, and many here resonate greatly with these.
These four Paths modules muscle tested strong for you.
Mood Elevation
Enhanced Sexual Pleasure for Men
Stem Cell Health
As for your desires of Love, Passion, and great Sex, remember first that you already have these within you. You have already created these things, they exist in tact, completely and fully in your Mind. Not the ego/mind but the Whole Mind. With this great knowledge and understanding of this, you can feel immense gratitude for this fact.
Gratitude is all it takes to pull in all the tools necessary for you to manifest your desires, Love, Passion, Great Sex, etc. You have pulled in already, Paths, CEM, greater faith in yourself, and most importantly more love for yourself. This makes me very happy!! All these tools are working synchronistically to bring forth that which is within.
Like attracts Like, is universal Law, not man's law. You are the light (the whole Mind), that projects energy. The vibration of this energy within you will manifest itself as like.
Gratitude, next to Love, is a finely tuned powerfully attractive force.
When you remember to Focus on Gratitude for EVERYTHING, you will pull in at lightning speed even more to be grateful for, because we are not our physical bodies, it is the MIND which creates.
This is why guarding our thoughts and only focusing on Gratitude will plant the powerful seeds into our Sub-Conscious (the collective) and we no longer have to "think" how can I get what I want. We are at Peace

When we focus on that which we wish to expand, we begin to attract little by little the tools necessary (people, places, experiences, books, healing modalities) that will ultimately allow us to self realize the amazing magnitude of our incredible power.
Thank you Terry, for having the courage to ask for these wonderful experiences on this Forum!
