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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • Oooh this is powerful

    I just have to share this with you all... I shared it on Grace's facebook, but wanted you all to experience it too!

    This last week I hit a wall. I suddenly started focusing on money what was coming in and going out... I paniced and the fear killed my prosperity I had been experiencing. What you focus on is what you get and I got limitation and shortage. It got ugly, and it was hard to get my focus back off of it. I was working at it, and getting better and better, when I got a bill last night (that may or may not even be legal, but is not ethical by any means) and this just put me over the top... As I was crying and trying to figure it all out I heard my guides saying "PAY IT WITH JOY!" I really did not like that, but finally after quite a fight I agreed. Then with this morning my shortage took me even deeper into my panic, and took me sometime to get out... Then it hit me... "pay it with JOY!" Pay everything with joy, and I will never have this shortage again!

    Blessings, but I have to go pick up some money...


    • Hi Sallyjane

      What you said is really interesting. I have been struggling with something similar. It's like, just when you think you're doing well with something and getting it, you suddenly experience another blip! And you're really tested.

      Grace, please could you do some corrections for me? I'm hoping you'll just know what to correct as there seem to be quite a few things all mingled in together. I've got the surveyor here right now and I am finding it a VERY difficult experience. I've been struggling too with fear and worry about my situation. Any help you can give to help clear these things would be much appreciated. Thanks.
      Transformational Paths
      Experience a Paths theater for free


      • Hi Sunshine and others

        I just wanted to post some suggestions for staying on gratitude that I find very effective.

        The first one I started as I found myself hitting that proverbial wall last week or so ago... I came into my office and had to change my attitude, so I sat down with a sheet of paper and started writing down a list of things I am grateful for. I just list everything I can think of on the sheet of paper.

        The second one I have been doing was recommended by a reiki healer. I make two lists. One is things I want to release and the other is one that I am intending to bring into my life. So on the first one I would put down all my fears and shortages and what not. I write them down and then I burn them as physical act of sending them to God. Then the second list is my list of intentions, and then I burn them sending them off with love and gratitude. The act is powerful as it really helps you to release and set intentions. Then you just have to trust! She also does this on the full moon, and so this Saturday is the full moon and the kids and I intend to have a special event with it to just send to God what we intend into our lives.

        Both of these have helped me, so I thought I would tell you about them. Sometimes we just need to put things into action, and this is what both of these do.

        Blessings love light and joy


        • For Grace and Sallyjane

          Hi Sallyjane. Thank you for those tips. I just need a bit of clarification though...after you set and release your intention, do you not think of it again? This is where I get hung up - do you keep daily working on having the feeling of having whatever it is your intention is, or once you've done it once do you just let it go? I so admire you in this journey... you just keep digging and working at the issues as they come up. I need to work on consistency and remembering in the moment. How much time do you think you spend in a day setting intentions, sending love, etc.?

          Also, Grace, thank you so much for your reply regarding my boys' school situation. I have to be honest though, much to my surprise, on reading that you test strongly to keep them there I was disappointed!?! One reason is because it's a Christian school and I'm not feeling like I'm living with integrity since I don't believe the teaching or at least the religious side of the teaching (though I take from it what I want and leave the rest) so I've kind of been looking forward to taking them out for my own "selfish" reasons - and isn't that just pure evidence that you truly do get what you really intend, whether you know that's what you're doing or not...!! Secondly of course the fear aspect came up of what if I take them out because of what I just said, and I really shouldn't have, it's not in their best interest....and the guilt that goes with that... Or what if I decide to keep them in and work on manifesting the money but it doesn't show up in time or who knows what, and again I have to take them out, again not in their best interest, and again the guilt. I'm so hung up on what's best for them (which is what a parent should do, don't you think?!), so I'm stuck on the never-ending battle of what's best for them versus what's true for me, and I'm brilliantly creating this "can't win either way" conflict within myself!

          So, when you get another free moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. I feel like I'm intending this conflict of desires into being, but I'm not sure why.

          On a positive note, I had set an intention of having $0 balances on credit cards, and it's beginning to manifest! It's not come about by a windfall of money but more financial wizardry which is going to save us lots of money and interest, etc., so that's a sign to me that my deliberate intentions are finally starting to manifest outwardly. Now, I'm going to be a bit more specific and see how that works!

          Thanks again to you both for your dedication to this thread.

          Love and light.


          • The Lesson!

            Okay, I was banging my head up against the wall again tonight... I have known there was a lesson I had to learn right now! So I kept banging my head up against that proverbial wall, until I gave myself a migraine... Finally, after fighting with the Universe the voice came.... TRUST! I am being asked by the Universe to TRUST it completely!

            I know this is a fear based issue, but as I look at it, it goes way back and this is the layer I am peeling off! I have to just trust that if I go to work everyday and I do everything that the universe asks me to do with my blessings... That all of my bills and things I need will be taken care of! This is a new layer I have gotten down to, and it is very important.

            Through this lesson and the bashing my head up against the wall trying to force my way through the wall... I learned that I have some awesome friends not just on the internet (you all), but I also have actual friends in person! I have not had this in years!!!! This is soooo awesome... Even in my head banging I am still manifesting!

            Kim, this should answer your question above.... Yes, I release things and then I have to re-release them again. Until I finally learn the lesson the Universe is trying to teach me...

            Blessings Sallyjane Love light and joy!


            • My Fan Page...

              Hey everyone, I now have a fan page on Facebook. I am having a little competition or well drawing for a Faery Reading there. Your first entry is easy, just become a fan. The second one is also easy send me an email from my web-page, and the third way to get entries is to refer friends to my pages... Make sure they tell me who sent them. They can enter the same way. The Faery reading will be given away on May 15th, well of course! Its my Birthday, so I have to give a cool gift! Anyways I just wanted to make sure all of you had a chance at the Faery Reading too! Here is the link to my fan page or you can search Sallyjane Woods / hand painted Blessings Sallyjane Woods - Sacramento, CA | Facebook

              Have fun with this! Love you all! Sallyjane


              • Hi grace

                can you do corrections for being happy.
                Too release anger and to feel peace and happiness.

                thank you so much.



                • and a big...

                  ...THANK YOU for those who reached out and gave me energetic emotional support. It means a lot. Im still going through the emotional whirlwind, but im feeling OK. i dont want to jinx myself, so ill end here.

                  i just wanted to let you know that i really appreciate all your words.

                  i just hope that we can all benefit greatly from all the corrections that grace does for us, its truly amazing that she goes far and beyond to help us all.
                  simply amazing saving grace!


                  • Happy Mother Day to all the mothers here!!!

                    Hi Grace

                    Well I guess is Mother's day everyday... I come home to a mess lol really had a hard time being grateful but I'm looking within me so all I ask is to help me always be grateful no matter what I notice asking to keep the place clean and all that comes out of my mouth is "please be organize and help out!! Only to see the same results.. A MESS! very frustrating when all you want is order at home. So I will focus how I can change this. I do want to ask for corrections for more energy and focus please. I have a lot of chores to do tomorrow and also my feet are hurting a lot.. Mi Vida is getting better and Sebastian attitude is better now that he has boxing!! Yamari is doing ok too.. Jonathan seems to be very out of focus with balancing family,music,responsbility, and showing me attention. If you can please make some corrections for him too please!! Sometimes is hard on me and I know he doesn't realized it.. thanks so much on helping me choose the rt milk 4 Mi Vida and my issues at work!!! Oh I almost forgot to tell you that Sebastian is reading a know one without animation..WOW he could never read a book because he couldn't focus. So thanks for correcting his focus!!! Yeah!!

                    Lots of love and Graditude!!


                    • Hello Grace!!

                      Haven't posted on this thread in a while...

                      I am here to request a favor...corrections on a friend of mine who really REALLY needs it...his name is Pedro and well, you will "know" what is going on in his mind/body....

                      Thank you soooooooooo much for this my friend!!!

                      ~Viviana -
                      "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


                      • Hi Grace

                        [U][HTML][QUOTE] I need your help with Sebastian again. This morning he started to push the matter with the book again. he wanted to turn in to his school. He even woke me up with rudely. So I started to remember all the times he intentionally embarrass me with the school. All the times he brought the cops to my home. The times he was sent to the hospital. All the times he looks at me with hate. He's not caring how much I'm trying to help him. So I cried I didn't want to and I'm crying while I writing this to you. He being difficult because he knows that I'm tried and I have a lot to do so he gets more hard so that I give up so I let him take the book when I didn't wanted him too. He go to counselling to discuss that that we are family and that we suppose to help each other and that I put him in that school for a reason. He put me through hell since I put him there. He really had no mercy about us being homeless or when we lived with other people. He would rip the bible he would say and do things to embarrass me and if that didn't work he would vebally attack me and if that didn't work I would call the cops and even that didn't help because he would con them and if that didn't work he would fake hurting himself. I'm sick of this I'm really am. I doing the best I can but he just doesn't care he rebelling big time. I have two little girls that I need to take care of and ME also. I know to send him love and light. But today I'm full of unforgiveness. He's just not giving a **** of how he affecting the whole family. He stuck with wanting to push every button with me and the school . I don't know what else to do I've talked so much to him but now I can see that he just not listening, I feel like I lost control of my child.
                        Im gona try again what I did yesterday but my intuition feels that I have to bulit a lot more courage because this is gona get harder as I keep enforcing displine.
                        I already starting to feel better as I'm realizing that I do have power within me to overcome this Grace can you please send love and light to Sebastian and continue make corrections on my feet and energy. Ill continue to work on Graditude as I know it created some breakthroughs yesterday. Thanks so much for ur time and dedication!!
                        Thank you very much!

                        With love and lots of Graditude!


                        • depression hits hard

                          i dont know how to shake it. i cant stop crying. i cant stop feeling sad. even hearing good news, i have no emotion to it. im miserable, lonely and simply depressed. im so tired. i have no energy, and i just cant stop crying.
                          i cant take it. its too much for me to handle. i havent been able to lift from this at all.
                          i dont know what corrections can be done.

                          why is depression so hard to beat. WHY did god punish me this way. WHAT THE HELL did i do that deserves so much pain. WHAT did i do.

                          i dont understand why.


                          • Musingmus and Yari

                            I am sending you lots of LOVE! Know that this too shall pass. Depression is FEAR and is the flip side of the coin of LOVE. Try this... I have been doing this when I wake up in the night and can not get to sleep again...

                            I flip the energy over... You know when you go to a football game and the audience has cards and when they hold it up one way it is one picture, and the other way it is another... Well picture your depression the same way and flip it over! For right now you will have to keep doing in over and over. Don't look at the big picture or the whole day. Work on moment by moment! Right here right now. Then when that moment passes focus on the new moment and flip that energy. It will take a little work for a while, but we all need to learn to live in the NOW! This will help you to just focus on each moment, and soon you will have a moment here that is joy filled and then two moments joy filled, and then three moments joy filled... Then one day you will have a day of joy filled moments, and a week of them and on and on and on...

                            I am wrapping you in a warm blanket of Love! Blessings Sallyjane

                            What you resist will persist! Really meditate on Sebastion being loving and kind and balanced. Ask the question when you are meditating "What does Sebastion look like calm, and quiet, and loving and balanced?" This will be tough, but you need to do this. Also visualize yourself filling his heart with love and wrapping him in love and see him asorbing love and his heart opening to love. Right now his energy is very off balance. His heart is closed to love, so you will have to open it up again. Send forgiveness to him and to yourself, as you need to forgive yourself as much as his, and probably even more. Love commands the smallest of particles and will always win out over control! Really focus on just fillilng his heart with love, and he will come back around to you. He just does not know how to fill it yet. He can not remember, so you will have to guide him. Also visualize yourself taking him to a pond with a waterfall... This water is special water that is pure love. Walk him into the water and wash him in this LOVE. Let the Love pour over him and soak him in this love!

                            Hope this helps,


                            • Corrections Please

                              The awesome part of coming here and requesting corrections is that we get to help others at the same time. When we post our requests here then everyone who reads them and resignates with them receives the same corrections!

                              I have already asked Grace for these corrections, but want to post my request here so you all can receive them too.

                              I have come down to a new layer. I can only describe this the way I see it. I am in a cage, and I am trapped (although the door is open). The cage is hanging, I am not sure how high it is off the ground or above all my dreams. I just need to jump and free fall into my dreams, as they are all awaiting me. Fear is holding me back! Wow, a huge realization just came to me... I have this intense fear of heights and falling in this paradigm! I am now realizing a connection! Anyways, I need to make that jump, and realize what I have been working on for so long.

                              I think many of you may be feeling the same way, so I wanted to post here so you can benefit from the corrections on me.

                              Love Light and JOY


                              • For All!

                                These past 2 weeks, I have recieved 3 skypes, and 4 voicemails with people upset and crying. All different individuals. I posted this on Facebook in response to these fear based experiences these individuals are temporarly having, and now here. At first I was going to respond to each post like I prefer to do here with all of you, but I now see clearly that the answer is the same for all of us. I have been making corrections constantly for many different types of Fear issues that keep popping up over and over again. If we all focus our powerful minds on Love and Gratitude as often as possible, we will get through these perceived difficult times effortlessly. Do not beleive what you see currently in the outer world. Know the Truth, and you will "Be At Peace".

                                Feeling is the language of the Soul. In this dualistic world of good feelings and not so good feelings in which we live in, Feelings are how we communicate with the whole, and how we create what we desire. We are not separate from each other. It looks this way, but energetically we are united. We are connected by the vibration of all that is. All that is, is the vibration of Love. We are One.

                                Feelings of all types have within each type a unique vibration. The vibration of Love is the finest vibration of all. The vibration of love is understood by everything. There is not a tree, flower, or being that does not understand the language of Love. Love is the vibration that creates everything. It is understood by the smallest of particles to the greatest of intellects to be "Good". Love is constructive, it is growth, it is Truth. We are aware of what we are made of by Feeling our own vibrations. What vibrations are you feeling right now? Who are you BEING right now? Being is the vibration you are feeling at any one moment.

                                I am asked often, WHY? Why am I suffering? Why is this happening to me? When you understand that Vibration is the language of the soul, then you will understand why you are choosing to be at peace or to suffer.

                                Vibration is the sound of Energy. Vibrations calls out, "here I am". More simply, vibration is "I am". Reality is only a mirror. Vibration speaks, "I am" and Reality mirrors, "You are". The equation then is, "I am that I am". I see myself (my vibration) as my "outer world".

                                What then are you vibrating at, in this moment of now? For what you are vibrating at now, is creating your future. Over 90% of the population do not understand this. Over 90% of the population vibrate at the lowest of vibrations, this is the vibration of Fear. The mirror they see (the result of past thinking/vibrations) is Fear, so then, Fear becomes self perpetuating.

                                There are infinite experiences of the vibrations of Fear as there are infinite experiences of the vibrations of Love.

                                The finest vibration next to the finest vibration of Love is Gratitude. Love is the vibration that calls out "There is Light". Gratitude is the vibration that calls out "I see the Light". Love is the giving, and Gratitude is the Receiving. both these vibrations are complete. They are One and the same.

                                What you are feeling Now is what you are creating NOW! What you are feeling is communicating out into the universe what you will "mirror", what you will attract, what you will see in your outer world. Time is a thought. It is man-made. It is an illusion, a label for now. You may see what you vibrate now, or later. It is truly up to you. The degree of Faith you have in your vibrations will determine how instantly you are mirrored. If you have faith in Fear, if you vibrate nothing but fear based feelings, then you will continue to attract this. If you change your vibration and focus your thoughts on nothing but feelings of Gratitude, you will be mirrored more vibrations of feelings of gratitude.

                                What would you rather feel? Feelings of Fear or feelings of Gratitude? It's obvious isn't it? Quite a simplistic question. The answers are always simple, once you understand.

                                In order to change your outer world right now, you must change your vibration. The only way to change your vibration is to think of higher, finer vibrations. Thoughts that are constructive, powerful, living, truthful, courageous, Light filled. Thoughts that are filled with the vibrations of Love and Gratitude. The Finest vibrations in existence, and the Truth that will set you free. Free from the illusion of Fear.

                                This is also how you can attract Health, Wealth and Abundance of all kinds. Focus your mind, your thoughts on high vibrational feelings of Love and Gratitude. If it's Wealth you desire then focus on the feeling of Gratitude for the Wealth you have NOW. This will attract more wealth. Like attracts Like. It is a mathematical fact. You can not fail. What causes people to fail, is they don't practice this. They focus on feeling grateful for their wealth for a few moments in any one day.

                                Can you learn to play a musical instrument proficiently with a few moments a day? Maybe in 100 years, but if you practiced for an hour a day, NOW you are going to make progress. It is the same with focusing your mind and thoughts on the powerful feelings of Love and Gratitude for what you desire.

                                Do you desire Love? Then Focus and hour a day on being grateful for how much you love yourself! Truly get into the feeling of loving yourself. Be grateful for the fact that YOU are YOU! Be grateful for how fabulous you are!

                                Only the top 10% of the population will do this work of feeling Love and Gratitude for what they desire. The rest will focus on the outer world, and continue to feel fear. This is why 10% of the population control the masses. The person that focuses on the best will "BE" the best. The best at being a failure or the best at being Great. It is up to you, and what you focus on. Here is also a clue as to why you experience good things fleetingly. If you have conflicting thoughts then you will have "Hit or misses" constantly in your life. For example "I love this, but I hate that". Do not focus on anything but what you Love, and be grateful for EVERYTHING!

                                In quantum physics, it has been discovered in no uncertain terms, that what you focus on expands. What do you wish to expand? Fear or Peace? Love or Hate? Stop being complacent, and get off the mental couch and focus your thoughts and feelings on HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!! Take the hour or more each day and exercise your MIND with Love and Gratitude! If you do this each day, YOU WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS!!

                                What do you Love, what are you grateful for? If you don't know this yet, then you better get busy! Do you want to create your reality, and be the master of your destiny, or do you want to be tossed around like a rag doll?

                                This analogy may help. If you do not focus your thoughts on Love and gratitude you will be on the outside rim of the wheel. You will ride up and down the roller coaster of life. If you focus your mind on Love with the feelings of Gratitude, you will forever be comfortably riding in the hub of the wheel. You will be in the center of the wheel where you can enjoy the ride. You will be centered and at Peace.

                                Be at Peace.

                                IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE


