Originally posted by Grace
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its been a while since i have posted and i have been having an exciting time as well as moments in fear... however today i find my fear is less, although it shows up i seem to have come to a place of letting it be.. and say to myself "this too shall pass" i am on page 79 on the thread, and read where Salley Jane used this term to deal with tough times... i also use it when i wake up at night and can't sleep, and then i find myself waking up cuz i have fallen asleep. Fabulous!!
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i was reading this post and was inspired to share, although now specifically cant remember what. so i will wing it!!
I was/am really resinating/synchronizing with the bit on Vibration that grace
spoke about. I look at my world today and i am amazed, by the grace of god today i am able to look at my world objectivily and know what ever shows up is what i am creating.. and i am creating some amazing things.. i am feeling really ok no matter what is going on with me inside or out. Mind you sometimes it takes a bit to adjust to the truth of the situation, which is that i am being reflected something here and just wait for it, it will reveal itself. It is me speaking to me.
I was reading and came across Musingmus' posts
I was there and very often and sometimes continously.. I never thought it would end and had times of wanting to end it.. I am so grateful that something did change, but it seems to have changed when i let go of the need for it to change..
this reminds me of something a friend shared with me in his excitement, "surrender the need to surrender"
or however one would like to put it
i could even say "let go of the need to let go"
when i am pursuing something i am trying to get to an end result... in my attachement to getting to somewhere i seem to always be chasing it.
when am i not already there...
In every single moment i am there.. It is the journey not the destination that makes life what it is.
I Met a guy in Hawaii who had just come out of a month long Oath of silence, and was intrigued and inspired by this... this was nearly two yrs ago, this particular thing (the oath of silence) never was far from my consious thought.
i have recently played around with it and what i found is that when i have no intention of speaking... i also have very little reason to be thinking.. it really gives my mind very little to do..
as the mind is so concerned with what is outside of us cuz it beleives that that is whats real and what matters...
in this execise i spent two hours silent around my boyfriend, i was very tierd, cranky, even hurting.. and i realy didn't want to enter into the drama that would have come with being in this state.
so i announced that i was going in to a moment of silence and wow... it took sometime for my mind to get quite cuz well i was always so used to speaking.
i would just tell myself i have nothing to say.
I found that there really is very little reason to use as many words as we do... cuz we speak from the heart mostly, or we can, and also energetically be in tune with each other..
after that two hours i was clear, had tones of energy, was in absolute delight, was less concerned about myself, was able to allow what ever passed through my mind, well to pass....
it was amazing.
I am not sure where vibration fits in with any of this other than I chose a different vib.. i strongly resinat with this. And i see how my outer world shifts so much with my vibration...
I am in awe and so grateful...
thanks for being here to read my words and take this journey with me...
althoguh i may not be around much i am often thinking about the people and their posts.
thanks grace for the correction that jump out of the page at me
Love you all
you are all me.
hey this made me thingk too that when i read someones post and it rubs me the wrong way.. well mirror, i am either seeing something i haven't accepted about myself so therefor am judging it... well actually thats it, what a great tool.. the best one i find with a million little ones for when things get intense.