Another option to consider - Discovered by U.S inventor Jim Humble, you can download part 1 of his e-book for free from his site Miracle Mineral. Suppliers worldwide for the Miracle Mineral can also be found on this site. This is a very cheap & cost effective treatment & readily available throughout a number of countries.
Extract - "This Breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one.
Separate tests conducted by the Malawi government produced identical 99% cure results. Over 60% of the AIDS victims that were treated in Uganda were well in 3 days, with 98% well within one month. More than 90% of the malaria victims were well in 4 to 8 hours. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with colds, flu, pneumonia, sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth (it's the only thing that controls and cures abscessed teeth).
The inventor believes that this information is too important to the world that any one person or any group should have control. The free e-book download on this site gives complete details of this discovery. Please help make sure that it gets to the world free. There are many medical facts that have been suppressed and this invention must not be added to that list. The name of the e-book is The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. This book tells the story of the discovery, and how to make and use it. This book can save your life. Give it a try"
I came across this site when looking for suppliers in Australia. I recommend looking at it for its ease of viewing all the relevant videos which I originally had spent quite a bit of time sifting through Youtube to find separately. Videos - Miracle Mineral Solution, The MMS Experience - Brisbane, Australia
Love, Light & Blessings
Extract - "This Breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one.
Please read.
The answer to AIDS, hepatitis A,B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind's worse diseases has been found. Many diseases are now easily controlled. More that 75,000 disease victims have been included in the field tests in Africa. Scientific clinical trials have been conducted in a prison in the country of Malawi, East Africa. Separate tests conducted by the Malawi government produced identical 99% cure results. Over 60% of the AIDS victims that were treated in Uganda were well in 3 days, with 98% well within one month. More than 90% of the malaria victims were well in 4 to 8 hours. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with colds, flu, pneumonia, sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth (it's the only thing that controls and cures abscessed teeth).
The inventor believes that this information is too important to the world that any one person or any group should have control. The free e-book download on this site gives complete details of this discovery. Please help make sure that it gets to the world free. There are many medical facts that have been suppressed and this invention must not be added to that list. The name of the e-book is The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. This book tells the story of the discovery, and how to make and use it. This book can save your life. Give it a try"
I came across this site when looking for suppliers in Australia. I recommend looking at it for its ease of viewing all the relevant videos which I originally had spent quite a bit of time sifting through Youtube to find separately. Videos - Miracle Mineral Solution, The MMS Experience - Brisbane, Australia
Love, Light & Blessings
