Herbs for Amoebiasis
It comprises of five medicinal herbs, namely, Boerhavia diffusa, Berberis aristata, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia chebula and Zingiber officinale. The dried and pulverized plants were extracted in ethanol together and individually.
Oregon Grape Root/Mountain Grape (EleiganPutao)
Botanical Name: Western – Berberis (or Mahonia) nervosa, M. aquifolium, M. repens, M. fremontii. Eastern – B. sargentiana, B. thunbergii.
Oregon grape root is best known for treating infections and supporting the liver. These two particular strengths give this herb specific abilities with broad applications. The plant is well-known for its strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. For example, it can treat infections that have become resistant to antibiotics (including urinary tract infections and mouth infections) and a wide range of conditions arising from a sluggish liver or liver congestion. It is a classically bitter, bitter herb. While the plant Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) has similar properties, it is in fact an entirely different plant. Oregon grape (Berberis nervosa) is considered the stronger of the two species.
Below is an overview of Oregon Grape Root/Mountain Grape (Eleigang Putao), combining and interpreting the best of Western Science, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Shamanism, Folklore and more. Gain a balanced and thorough understanding of the healing properties of Oregon Grape Root/Mountain Grape (Eleigang Putao).
Herbs for Amoebiasis
It comprises of five medicinal herbs, namely, Boerhavia diffusa, Berberis aristata, Tinospora cordifolia, Terminalia chebula and Zingiber officinale. The dried and pulverized plants were extracted in ethanol together and individually.

Botanical Name: Western – Berberis (or Mahonia) nervosa, M. aquifolium, M. repens, M. fremontii. Eastern – B. sargentiana, B. thunbergii.
Oregon grape root is best known for treating infections and supporting the liver. These two particular strengths give this herb specific abilities with broad applications. The plant is well-known for its strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. For example, it can treat infections that have become resistant to antibiotics (including urinary tract infections and mouth infections) and a wide range of conditions arising from a sluggish liver or liver congestion. It is a classically bitter, bitter herb. While the plant Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) has similar properties, it is in fact an entirely different plant. Oregon grape (Berberis nervosa) is considered the stronger of the two species.
Below is an overview of Oregon Grape Root/Mountain Grape (Eleigang Putao), combining and interpreting the best of Western Science, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Shamanism, Folklore and more. Gain a balanced and thorough understanding of the healing properties of Oregon Grape Root/Mountain Grape (Eleigang Putao).