We also need to recognize that Vax passports are, in truth, de facto global ID's. These ID's are coming at the cost of millions of people lives. The people behind this mass murder are agenda driven. Again, we need to recognize the deep cross connect between billionaires and their associations with the Chinese Government via their slave factories and other investments.
The release of this bioweapon has been carefully calculated for maximum benefit, and just as in all previous epochs of time we are all insects in the minds of those behind this project: We all only exist to serve their needs and desires.
Further, just as in so many other epochs of time the plan has been openly exposed, and just as in other epochs of time most are still living in denial of that plan. Like so many others monsters in history, the monsters of our own epoch of time have also openly explained their plan, and which can I think be seen with just a cursory glance. More than 20 years ago the Club of Rome openly stated that humanity was itself the problem and that there was a need to cull the global population. We've had the warning from the failed Zika project and now a Crop Circle depicting a human turned into a bug, and finally a billionaire who said that gene therapy could turn you into a "butterfly".
That crop circle clearly forecast the employment of this falsely labeled vax as a gene altering program; a billionaire who specializes in technology and who specifically refer's to that crop circle in relation to what a gene therapy is capable of doing to life basically warned everyone of the danger, and then we have these other eugenicist billionaires and their projects
I must put this question to you: What do you do when you have a bug infestation that you can't directly attack and destroy with pesticides? Why you would spray them of course, or a farmer might decide to do some crop dusting.
What are the odds of all these things being cross related you may ask, and I would say what are the odds that all these things would all happen at the same epoch of time? Today we know that the rise of Adolf Hitler was not purely accidental, nor the success of the communist revolution either, and yet today with history at our side we still have the gullible living in denial.
History is not a case of accidents and incidental occurrence that by random chance form a confluence to produce a disaster any more than it's random chance that a team of scientists were assembled to produce an atomic bomb. One may plausibly deny a cross correlation but you cannot statistically deny the odds of coincidence as being astronomically beyond belief; that a crop circle would feature a human with insect features, combined with eugenicist bio-engineered projects (Zika Virus) + comments from the richest human on the planet stating outright that this Vax could turn you into a butterfly, and then have all these facts applied as accidental occurrance's caused by random events defies rational thought. This so called vax, as applied to a genetics program, is apparently designed to be sufficient such that it will alter the DNA of humans such that humans may be rendered de facto insects and thereby exterminated, and if necessary wholesale by aerial means.
I'm wondering if the defense intelligence agency has figured all this out for themselves just yet or if I should clue them in. Maybe I'm lucky and they also read the material here on Energetic fourm, but whether they do or do not I think this conjecture is reasonable and if correct it probably does pose a potential threat to national defense. Just guessing off off hand that it might be of some concern, but so anyways it seems to me that the billionaires have a plan, and among other things that plan includes themselves holding a very large can of Raid.
The release of this bioweapon has been carefully calculated for maximum benefit, and just as in all previous epochs of time we are all insects in the minds of those behind this project: We all only exist to serve their needs and desires.
Further, just as in so many other epochs of time the plan has been openly exposed, and just as in other epochs of time most are still living in denial of that plan. Like so many others monsters in history, the monsters of our own epoch of time have also openly explained their plan, and which can I think be seen with just a cursory glance. More than 20 years ago the Club of Rome openly stated that humanity was itself the problem and that there was a need to cull the global population. We've had the warning from the failed Zika project and now a Crop Circle depicting a human turned into a bug, and finally a billionaire who said that gene therapy could turn you into a "butterfly".
That crop circle clearly forecast the employment of this falsely labeled vax as a gene altering program; a billionaire who specializes in technology and who specifically refer's to that crop circle in relation to what a gene therapy is capable of doing to life basically warned everyone of the danger, and then we have these other eugenicist billionaires and their projects
I must put this question to you: What do you do when you have a bug infestation that you can't directly attack and destroy with pesticides? Why you would spray them of course, or a farmer might decide to do some crop dusting.
What are the odds of all these things being cross related you may ask, and I would say what are the odds that all these things would all happen at the same epoch of time? Today we know that the rise of Adolf Hitler was not purely accidental, nor the success of the communist revolution either, and yet today with history at our side we still have the gullible living in denial.
History is not a case of accidents and incidental occurrence that by random chance form a confluence to produce a disaster any more than it's random chance that a team of scientists were assembled to produce an atomic bomb. One may plausibly deny a cross correlation but you cannot statistically deny the odds of coincidence as being astronomically beyond belief; that a crop circle would feature a human with insect features, combined with eugenicist bio-engineered projects (Zika Virus) + comments from the richest human on the planet stating outright that this Vax could turn you into a butterfly, and then have all these facts applied as accidental occurrance's caused by random events defies rational thought. This so called vax, as applied to a genetics program, is apparently designed to be sufficient such that it will alter the DNA of humans such that humans may be rendered de facto insects and thereby exterminated, and if necessary wholesale by aerial means.
I'm wondering if the defense intelligence agency has figured all this out for themselves just yet or if I should clue them in. Maybe I'm lucky and they also read the material here on Energetic fourm, but whether they do or do not I think this conjecture is reasonable and if correct it probably does pose a potential threat to national defense. Just guessing off off hand that it might be of some concern, but so anyways it seems to me that the billionaires have a plan, and among other things that plan includes themselves holding a very large can of Raid.