Hello everyone out there! I was wondering if there were any alternative energetic health practitioners out there who could give me some advice for my son? Please? He's 6 and he is ALWAYS getting sick! He also has asthma and allergies to dust. Anyways thing is whenever there is ANYTHING out there spinning around in the air, anything at all even a light cold bug, conjunctivitis, virus or infection of any sort he is ALWAYS picking it up. He seems to come down with EVERYTHING he comes in contact with. It's as if he didn't have an immune system, except that obviously he does because he has allergies. He's been this way ever since he was a baby but people said he would grow out of it, but so far he hasn't.
I really don't know why he is this way or what I can do to reinforce his immune system but without aggravating his allergies. I've tried many things, I used to give him propolis (propoleo) but it didn't do anything for him, so I stopped doing that because propolis is quite expensive. I haven't tried equinacea yet but I've heard it is expensive too, and I really can't afford expensive treatments right now as I am living on welfare. He has a healthy lifestyle and eats well, I don't expose him to the cold or to currents although I do take him out for walks. He eats plenty of yogurt and I just started giving him Actimel as a last resort, I don't know what Actimel is called in the US it's a special kind of yogurt that is available here in Europe that has this thing called L. Casei that is supposed to improve immunity. I didn't want to give him Actimel because I read some of that subversive hippie literature that said that Actimel was addictive and that in reality it weakened people's immune systems in the long run because it made people dependent on Actimel and made it so that their immune systems didn't work properly if they didn't take Actimel. However in the case of my son I don't think Actimel can make his immune system stop working because it already doesn't seem to work to begin with!
Anyways I don't have money to take him to a homeopath or naturopath, which is what I would've liked to do. So I was just wondering if someone out there could maybe give me some general advice to improve his immune system? Thank you!
I really don't know why he is this way or what I can do to reinforce his immune system but without aggravating his allergies. I've tried many things, I used to give him propolis (propoleo) but it didn't do anything for him, so I stopped doing that because propolis is quite expensive. I haven't tried equinacea yet but I've heard it is expensive too, and I really can't afford expensive treatments right now as I am living on welfare. He has a healthy lifestyle and eats well, I don't expose him to the cold or to currents although I do take him out for walks. He eats plenty of yogurt and I just started giving him Actimel as a last resort, I don't know what Actimel is called in the US it's a special kind of yogurt that is available here in Europe that has this thing called L. Casei that is supposed to improve immunity. I didn't want to give him Actimel because I read some of that subversive hippie literature that said that Actimel was addictive and that in reality it weakened people's immune systems in the long run because it made people dependent on Actimel and made it so that their immune systems didn't work properly if they didn't take Actimel. However in the case of my son I don't think Actimel can make his immune system stop working because it already doesn't seem to work to begin with!
Anyways I don't have money to take him to a homeopath or naturopath, which is what I would've liked to do. So I was just wondering if someone out there could maybe give me some general advice to improve his immune system? Thank you!
