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Dr. Lorraine Day about bird flu

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  • Dr. Lorraine Day about bird flu

    The Bird Flu HOAX - How One Wicked Nation Can Kill Billions
    Several months ago, I called the CDC and spoke with one of the doctors in the “Flu Division.” I identified myself by name and as a physician, and he gave me his name and position. I asked him how a physician like myself could possibly differentiate “Bird flu” from “regular flu.” He answered, “You really can’t.”

    I asked him if we physicians were asked to go house to house to check for people with bird flu with the possibility of quarantine of the patient (for how long?) and the potential for the quarantine to cause the person to lose income or even to lose his job, how could we distinguish “Bird flu” from the “regular flu”? He agreed it would be virtually impossible.

    Then I asked him why President George W. Bush was publicly contemplating QUARANTINE for these patients? His response was, “He didn’t get that from us here at the CDC. That’s ALL politics!”

    But Now The CDC IS Talking About Quarantine (I guess they got the message!)

    Recently, Julie Gerberding, M.D., Director of the CDC, publicly discussed the possibility of quarantine as a method of controlling the “Bird flu” even though, by their own admission, it’s impossible to tell “Bird flu” from “regular flu.”
    Last edited by sucahyo; 12-21-2009, 08:15 AM.