YouTube - Fluoride added to water the proof
Now come on we are not getting purposely poisoned and an infant with no teeth needs fluoride so that their no teeth can be stronger and therefore more healthy..

The federal reserve is government owned, free energy is a fraud and there is no such thing as a UFO truth embargo. And reality TV is good for you. Im off to get a MSG burger with a fluoridated drink and watch the lovely condensation trails ,might do some shopping with the dioxin toxic sweet shop products and come back for a hydrocarbon oxygen walk.
Corporatocracy and secret societies are great!! Mmmm more fluoride water..... yum yum
Now come on we are not getting purposely poisoned and an infant with no teeth needs fluoride so that their no teeth can be stronger and therefore more healthy..

The federal reserve is government owned, free energy is a fraud and there is no such thing as a UFO truth embargo. And reality TV is good for you. Im off to get a MSG burger with a fluoridated drink and watch the lovely condensation trails ,might do some shopping with the dioxin toxic sweet shop products and come back for a hydrocarbon oxygen walk.
Corporatocracy and secret societies are great!! Mmmm more fluoride water..... yum yum