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Fluoride added to Infant water the proof

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  • Fluoride added to Infant water the proof

    YouTube - Fluoride added to water the proof

    Now come on we are not getting purposely poisoned and an infant with no teeth needs fluoride so that their no teeth can be stronger and therefore more healthy..

    The federal reserve is government owned, free energy is a fraud and there is no such thing as a UFO truth embargo. And reality TV is good for you. Im off to get a MSG burger with a fluoridated drink and watch the lovely condensation trails ,might do some shopping with the dioxin toxic sweet shop products and come back for a hydrocarbon oxygen walk.

    Corporatocracy and secret societies are great!! Mmmm more fluoride water..... yum yum

    Last edited by ashtweth; 08-01-2010, 05:14 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    YouTube - Fluoride added to water the proof

    Now come on we are not getting purposely poisoned and an infant with no teeth needs fluoride so that their no teeth can be stronger and therefore more healthy..

    The federal reserve is government owned, free energy is a fraud and there is no such thing as a UFO truth embargo. And reality TV is good for you. Im off to get a MSG burger with a fluoridated drink and watch the lovely condensation trails ,might do some shopping with the dioxin toxic sweet shop products and come back for a hydrocarbon oxygen walk.

    Corporatocracy and secret societies are great!! Mmmm more fluoride water..... yum yum

    Actually they are pretty damn shrewd in what they are using in the waters and food supply. Removal of Fluoride from water is not all that easy and the filters do not last long. Many people think that distillation is the great answer to all problems and this is so far from the truth.

    At Stiffler Scientific we have a specific process for the normal risk contaminants such as bacteria, protozoa, cysts and so forth. We pretty much have the sand filter and accessory filter systems down and here is how strict we are with even the simple problems.

    1) Pre-filter before sand filter. This removes the solids and material that will clog and reduce the effectiveness of the filter as well as removal of larval stages for water borne and breading stage insects.

    2) Sand/charcoal/gravel filtration with primary charcoal layer.

    3) Secondary Charcoal filter.

    4) Tertiary bacterial filter.

    5) Reserve tank has chlorine added and allowed to stand for two hours before using.

    It is obvious that in many third world countries they use the sand filter as the sole filtration stage and we appear to be going overboard - yet this is not the case when one examines what is being added and some of the resistant strains that are appearing.

    Now none of this has done much at all for the metals that the powers are adding. They are indeed still present. It further appears that the atmosphere spraying is in part insuring that rain water will soon be unavailable for a potable source. We think is is on purpose also. Now what is left?

    Things do not look good on the horizon and that is for sure.

    When we address food, help us all as you could eat a handful of dirt and in many cases be safer.


    • #3
      Example of what Conrad was saying

      Here is a perfect example of what is going into our water in the name of control the people.

      YouTube - Mandatory Service Bill and Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply - Alex Jones Tv 1/6


      • #4
        Ran across this video today.

        Looks like a great way to protect yourself from the water you drink:

        BEST 5 MINUTES : AQUATHIN® Water Treatment Professional

        RO/DI = reverse osmosis and deionzation water treatment.

        YouTube - BEST 5 MINUTES : AQUATHIN® Water Treatment Professional



        • #5
          remove fluoride

          This is one of the few systems made for fluoride remove that actually work.

          Most filters can't do it.

          You can see the binder is MCHC, proving fluoride does bind to calcium,
          which causes brittle bones, etc... lol

          FluorideMaster Whole House Fluoride Water Filtration System
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Very helpful guys as usual Check this out, guess who said fluoride IN INFANT water is not safe, yet those prodcuts are there.
            YouTube - FLUORIDE TRUTH hits the TV in AUSTRALIA
            looks like ACTIVISM is the only, way.



            • #7
              it gets worse, now there is lithium in japans water
              YouTube - ‪Media Pushes mass drugging of population... Injections , Lithium in water‬‎
              And there is a reason for fluoride and others,
              YouTube - ‪TheAntiTerrorist on Poisons for Profit Part 1/4‬‎

              Making a big page on the site ATM guys we had volunteers do our own fluoride tests to put on there to help educate people.



              • #8
                Most people have been so dumbed down with the fluoride they would probably think that lithium will really make them feel good.

                Speaking of feeling good I hear that we have some new vaccines coming out. Well actually they are not really a vaccine but no matter we will call them that anyway just so people feel good about taking them. They will remove any worries or anxieties you might have, they will make you at peace with the world.

                They will do this by simply chemically lobotomizing that portion of your brain that controls self-preservation and survival. You will be turned into the perfect slave but that's OK cause you will be unable to get angry.


                • #9
                  Not many people realize that Howie Mandell is the leader of the World Illuminati and plans to depopulate the world using genetically altered bird flu.
                  Hydraulic jacks Hydraulic jacks Hydraulic jack


                  • #10
                    remove flouride

                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    This is one of the few systems made for fluoride remove that actually work.

                    Most filters can't do it.

                    You can see the binder is MCHC, proving fluoride does bind to calcium,
                    which causes brittle bones, etc... lol

                    FluorideMaster Whole House Fluoride Water Filtration System
                    Aaron - you are right on target with the FlourideMaster Whole House filter system. I have one hooked up to my water supply and I had the water professionally tested by a 3rd party to make sure that the filters were living up to their claims.

                    They are and thank goodness! I think it is criminal for our government to allow the intentional contamination of our water supply.

                    And they put it into babies' drinks now too as pointed out by Ash. It is unbelievable at times just how determined some people, corporations and governments are to make a buck at our expense.... and the expense of the planet's future.
                    In gratitude and love, Jeanie
                    Ceramic Christmas


                    • #11
                      Great info guys added it all too
                      Evidence of Concern

                      Panacea did our own volunteer work too, i even educated a mother on changing her infants toothpaste snap on the site soon. A good START.



                      • #12
                        Kettering Labs did a beagle study back in the early 1960s that proved conclusively that flouride has deliterious effects on the body. The bastards in charge have known this for a long time.

