Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF) added February 9 2011
“PROVEN cancer cures like black salve and Medical marijuana remain none mainstream for treatment because of suppression and a profit motive- nothing else. It is for this reason the trustee’s will now create open source information on the Panacea university to get real time progress".
A complete FREE and open source alternative cancer cure course will be added into the new alternative medicine section on the Panacea University some time in 2011. This document is a preview of what is to come.>Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF) added February 9 2011
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“PROVEN cancer cures like black salve and Medical marijuana remain none mainstream for treatment because of suppression and a profit motive- nothing else. It is for this reason the trustee’s will now create open source information on the Panacea university to get real time progress".
A complete FREE and open source alternative cancer cure course will be added into the new alternative medicine section on the Panacea University some time in 2011. This document is a preview of what is to come.>Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF) added February 9 2011
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