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Panacea open source Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF)

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  • Panacea open source Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF)

    Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF) added February 9 2011

    “PROVEN cancer cures like black salve and Medical marijuana remain none mainstream for treatment because of suppression and a profit motive- nothing else. It is for this reason the trustee’s will now create open source information on the Panacea university to get real time progress".

    A complete FREE and open source alternative cancer cure course will be added into the new alternative medicine section on the Panacea University some time in 2011. This document is a preview of what is to come.>Black Salve Cancer Cure (PDF) added February 9 2011

    back to work for me


  • #2
    Guys here are 2 research DVD's on known and proven cures local to me. One click file hosting: One Answer To Cancer (DVD rip).mkv One click file hosting: CanHelp Cancer Cure (DVD rip).mkv

    We need a documentary film maker to take a qualified doctor not in bed with the FDA to get exposure of these, look at the testimonials here.


    • #3
      Here's something interesting, since you mention medicinal marijuana:

      I always corrected people when they used the word crystal to refer to the oil glands of the plant, and let them know that they were not crystals, but called trichomes. They ARE called that, but I just realized I was wrong, they ARE crystals, LIQUID CRYSTALS! Look it up! I came to this conclusion on my own, and then verified it afterward. That is one of the root causes of its healing properties. And remember, it's a great skin cancer treatment, applied topically. If you're brave enough to do the reading, then after you look that up, check out my thread entitled "electric field detox"

      This is just the tip of the iceberg for the subject of marijuana. Most of what I know I don't think people will want to hear, or will even be able to relate to, so it's not going to be posted unless people ask me to go deeper.

      Here's an other thing: Did you know that the ONLY legal source of marijuana for testing sanctioned by the corrupt federal government comes from MONSANTO? the damn stuff isn't even natural, probably genetically modified, so they can't even test the real thing. CORPORATE MONOPOLY CIRCLE JERK

      And to top it all off... THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS THE ONLY PATENT (that I know of) GRANTED FOR THE USE OF CANNABINOIDS (the various chemicals in cannabis [marijuana] including and related to THC)

      Check out the patent: Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - Patent 6630507


      • #4
        Very useful info thank you for posting my friend will be able to put this to good use . How can it be a schedule one drug if they admit it has medicinal uses?
        Isn't that against the law?



        • #5
          Since when do the criminal 'elite' called the government play by their own rules?


          • #6
            THANK YOU ASH, until now, I have not found anyone who can or is willing to use this information, never mind listen to it. Since when do the criminal 'elite' called the government play by their own rules? I'm sending you a private message now, we need to get in touch, I have a lot of respect for you; I've only seen good from what you do and say, and I think we might be able to work together outside of this arena.


            • #7
              locating the herbs?

              Does anyone know a good place to order the herbs from to make the black salve?

              I've been looking around a little on the net to try and find a place where I can get all four herbs from a single place. But so far I have only found two places to get the herbs. Which is okay, but if anyone knows an excellent place for me to get all four in one go then I would prefer doing that.

              I've also only been able to find the chapparal (larrea mexicana), instead of the chapparal (larrea mexicata). Is there a difference in the two? Or is the, "mexicata", just a typo in the pdf?

              Thanks for the guidance and help.

              Also here's the two sites I've found the herbs so far, if anyone has any experience with these places let me know. Or if they know a better place to order them from please let me know. Oh yeah, I'm in the U.S. btw if that makes a difference as to where I can order from.

              Bulk Herbs A-F Pound - The Natural Health Alliance --- has graviola and chapparal


              Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs --- has bloodroot and galangal
              If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


              • #8
                Is this Black Save another cure against skincancers like, MMS1/2/3 and the lately ASEA?


                • #9
                  Hello Majestic, if you need to know about B/S you have got to see the dvd 'one awnswer to cancer' Ashweth has got a free download listed above.Not only does it explain in full detail all about Black-salve, it shows how to make it in you own kitchen. The hard part may be sourcing the seven ingredients,
                  but they re available.
                  Not really akin to mms, in as much as this is almost totally a 'old' herbal recipe.
                  The product is really cheap, and your first mix will most likely supply you and many friends over a long time.
                  These herbs pinpoint the cancer if it is there, and no harm done if the beast is not there.
                  Hope this helps, it worked for me.

                  Regards, Bren.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Bren,

                    I've downloaded the docu's.

                    My main question is, why use Black Salve if MMS also removes Cancers? Which is best?

                    I do see that it works specifically for Skin Cancers, the cocktail only reacts with the skincancer, handy for detection and treatment purposes.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wantfreeenergy View Post
                      Does anyone know a good place to order the herbs from to make the black salve?

                      I've been looking around a little on the net to try and find a place where I can get all four herbs from a single place. But so far I have only found two places to get the herbs. Which is okay, but if anyone knows an excellent place for me to get all four in one go then I would prefer doing that.

                      I've also only been able to find the chapparal (larrea mexicana), instead of the chapparal (larrea mexicata). Is there a difference in the two? Or is the, "mexicata", just a typo in the pdf?

                      Thanks for the guidance and help.

                      Also here's the two sites I've found the herbs so far, if anyone has any experience with these places let me know. Or if they know a better place to order them from please let me know. Oh yeah, I'm in the U.S. btw if that makes a difference as to where I can order from.

                      Bulk Herbs A-F Pound - The Natural Health Alliance --- has graviola and chapparal


                      Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs --- has bloodroot and galangal
                      Hi Brenie, ray, WantFE et ALL

                      Thanks for those resources will ad them in with your credits my friend will try and find some and send to you , see here we have the latest who has pathology records of black salve working and we have a full production on the way. -

                      ill seek out as many trusted sources as i can, try here my friend this guy might give you his sources
                      Freedom to Choose Alternative Treatment for Cancer

                      Ray, all as i can say is black salve is safe and almost instant, not sure how long MMS takes or any data on ASEA, if you try it please document it for us


