Wow, this forum site is incredible. I got here in an odd way, looking at Flannagan's Crystal Energy water treatment and then ran into the Vitalizer Plus and hexagonal water, etc. etc. and landed here.
I am trying to absorb alot of information quickly and trying to figure out an inexpensive way to make my own healing water that actually works. The Vitalizer Plus is interesting but $500 for a blender with magnets and a mineral cube? If it was half that price I'd buy one. I put 2 big bar neo magnets on my Vitamix container last nite and had N and S poles facing inwards and ran it on slow for awhile just to see if anything happened. The PH didn't change, but I noticed the water felt "smooth" on my mouth, maybe its just the oxygen it gained, dunno, but it did peak my interest. The Vitamix spins water counterclockwise. I bought a Tornado Tube toy and will be putting magnets on it and using 2 soda bottles to make a cheap vortex device. I think I understand that having N and S poles facing inwards, erases the information in the water, rather like a demagnetizer does. But what effect would having both N poles facing in, or both S poles facing in? BTW, I make my living winding coils and using magnets, wonder if there's some energy uses for this...
My health isn't very good, I'm 61, I have lower digestive problems for 30 years or more, I don't feel like the water I drink is hydrating me very well, I drink Crystal Geyser Natural Alpine water as its the only decent water I can get here. Our tap water is pure poison. I got a Berky water filter with fluoride reducer and the water made me sick, so I'm stuck with bottled water. I just never really feel very good, and eating anything that irritates my gut makes me anxious, dizzy and drained.
So, I am looking for a PROVEN method to change my water into healing water with good hydration. If the Vitalizer Plus is the only easy way to get it I'll fork over the money and just grit my teeth as I get ripped off I guess. Its really discouraging to see so many products claiming to make healing water, with alot of price gouging, pyramid and multi-level marketing schemes, all screaming at eachother saying the other's products don't work etc. How to make sense of it all is what I am trying to do. Any help and advice on easy things to build or buy will be much appreciated. Thanks
I am trying to absorb alot of information quickly and trying to figure out an inexpensive way to make my own healing water that actually works. The Vitalizer Plus is interesting but $500 for a blender with magnets and a mineral cube? If it was half that price I'd buy one. I put 2 big bar neo magnets on my Vitamix container last nite and had N and S poles facing inwards and ran it on slow for awhile just to see if anything happened. The PH didn't change, but I noticed the water felt "smooth" on my mouth, maybe its just the oxygen it gained, dunno, but it did peak my interest. The Vitamix spins water counterclockwise. I bought a Tornado Tube toy and will be putting magnets on it and using 2 soda bottles to make a cheap vortex device. I think I understand that having N and S poles facing inwards, erases the information in the water, rather like a demagnetizer does. But what effect would having both N poles facing in, or both S poles facing in? BTW, I make my living winding coils and using magnets, wonder if there's some energy uses for this...
My health isn't very good, I'm 61, I have lower digestive problems for 30 years or more, I don't feel like the water I drink is hydrating me very well, I drink Crystal Geyser Natural Alpine water as its the only decent water I can get here. Our tap water is pure poison. I got a Berky water filter with fluoride reducer and the water made me sick, so I'm stuck with bottled water. I just never really feel very good, and eating anything that irritates my gut makes me anxious, dizzy and drained.
So, I am looking for a PROVEN method to change my water into healing water with good hydration. If the Vitalizer Plus is the only easy way to get it I'll fork over the money and just grit my teeth as I get ripped off I guess. Its really discouraging to see so many products claiming to make healing water, with alot of price gouging, pyramid and multi-level marketing schemes, all screaming at eachother saying the other's products don't work etc. How to make sense of it all is what I am trying to do. Any help and advice on easy things to build or buy will be much appreciated. Thanks
