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How to make healing, hydrating water, inexpensively? Information overload!

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  • #16
    The layering is probably from the thermostat turning on and off as it keeps the freezer down to temperature.... maybe? The cracking is from the cups, I can tell as the bottom of the cup is pushed out by the ice, I need to find a different type of cup but didn't see any tonite. Maybe I will try our big freezer and see if different result. I froze a glass of plain distilled water, same cracking, some clarity, but lots of bubbles in the ice, looks carbonated in ice! Weird. The cracking may be from the thermostat coming on so many times, I'll know today from the other freezer if this is true or not.

    Portland cement is made from burned limestone and clay basically. So maybe no crystal energies in that, would just be an insulator I think. How many small coils do you put in the mix? Is your energy block large size or very small?

    I will try aluminum, or several layers like that kid did with 40 layers, very interesting experiments he did, orgone effect? I also should try a small pyramid wire frame I have too....
    Last edited by Crystalguy; 03-23-2011, 12:59 PM.


    • #17
      The layering may be showing layer of alternating polarity. So it could be because of different energy level. Here is what I get with white aquarium rock, same rock, one with up side down:

      With coil:

      See if you don't have crack with plastic container.

      I use around 300 coil in tubular container, 5cm diameter, 4.5 cm height.

      If you use alumunium, make sure to watch the weather, birds or cat reaction.


      • #18

        I froze some tap water in the same plastic glass in our big freezer, no layering, no cracking. This confirms for me that the layering and cracks are from unstable temperatures that fluctuate up and down. I'll do some more photos and will freeze in the big freezer from now on.

        I found a very good link describing structured water ideas. It seems structured water has a higher dielectric, so theoretically structured water would have higher electrical resistance, I should be able to take readings on my ohm meter to see if this is true, might be useful:

        Structured Water - Healing effects on the diseased state


        • #19

          Would you like a better camera? I have an old Coolpix 990 Nikon digital camera from maybe 8 years ago, 3.34 megapixel, but very sharp clear photos, and full professional capabilities. Uses a compact SD card so you would need a reader, I may have PC software and USB for it, not sure. The battery lid closure is broken so it won't hold batteries anymore but works if you plug it into the wall 120 VAC. If you'll pay for shipping I'll send it to you so you can take better pictures ;-) I have 2 newer cameras, the tiny Canon and a pro older Olympus so don't need the Nikon anymore....


          • #20
            That is nice camera. Unfortunately, I don't think I can pay the shipping. But many thanks for the offer .

            I will look forward for your results. I don't think the link explain the difference in ice results though, we can have opposite results and both are structured.


            • #21
              The link does have some different ideas I've not heard before, like the dielectric effects. Actually just freezing any water I think takes the molecular bonding into the hexagonl structure from what I understand. Send me a PM with your address and I'll see how much it would cost to ship the camera....


              • #22
                Here is regular tap water, full of chlorine and fluoride, from our big freezer. The cracks are because I wetted it with water so you could see inside. Top is very clear, no layering from the thermostat, frosty middle. I'm freezing a cup of distilled water for next test, no structuring on either....
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  I will look forward for your results. I don't think the link explain the difference in ice results though, we can have opposite results and both are structured.[/QUOTE]

                  Hello Sucahyo, I wanted to get with you on the work your doing with living water, specifically for helping me with a health condition I've started having. It's a form of fast occuring skin cancer that different members of my family have had to have treatments and surgery for. It is now starting to show up on me and I would like to learn how to and start using the water. I will go back and read the entire post, but would like if you will to start the process from the beginning and may need more of a hand holding help to get this going. If you can Thanks, Wally
                  Last edited by Rubberband; 03-25-2011, 12:17 AM. Reason: of my family


                  • #24
                    Rubberband I have a real good tip for you on skin cancer. I had a small skin cancer a couple years ago, a sore that just wouldn't heal and would bleed, not sure what version of cancer its called, don't remember. Since then I've had some other areas start up and knew it was cancer trying to take hold again. I did a ton of reading on the internet on home remedies and had some success with using highly saturated epsom salt solution. Then I read about D'Lemonene. I had a sore on my neck that wouldn't go away and was there for months, epsom salt didn't help it at all and I feared having surgery on my neck right next to an artery! I found out Orange TKO, a natural cleaner is pretty much pure D'Lemonene so I bought a bottle for about $20. Best money I ever spent on anything! I swabbed the orange liquid on the spot, it stung but oh well, apparently the more it stings the more it means its cancerous. Did this for a full week, and stopped. It disappeared! It tried to come back a few months later so hit it again for about 3 days and it disappeared again. Had another spot on my upper lip thats been bothering me for many months, next to my moustache, finally hit it with D'Lemonene and it pretty much disappeared only after a few days. If you read up on D'Lemonene you'll see that it stops cancer growth. Science knows about it but no one has done clinical trials and you will never see this happen because of the pharmaceutical industry. But it just plain works. It is a super penetrant, a couple drops on my neck and within minutes I can taste it in my mouth. All you do is swab it on, wait til you start getting a reaction then wipe it off with a damp cloth. It will sting and you'll feel it spread and maybe taste it in your mouth etc. Do once or twice a day for 4-5 days or so, then stop and see what happens. Now, from what I understand it works mostly on sun caused skin cancers. It works for me because I lived in Florida and got a lot of sun burns as a kid, so I don't know if it'd work for your situation or not but its cheap to try and if it works is very effective. Amazon has it, just search for Orange TKO Cleaner. Google around and you can read some testimonials about, but for ME, the stuff is priceless and a God send
                    Last edited by Crystalguy; 03-25-2011, 01:31 AM.


                    • #25
                      I had a very weird experience last nite with magnets. I read that if you hold a north pole magnet to the center of your forehead for ten minutes before you try to sleep it would help you get to sleep better. I have some small neo magnets that are about 4500 gauss, really strong, so did that. Then I stuck the magnet on my steel headboard right above my head where I sleep. I didn't feel anything from the magnet for ten minutes, but I could feel the magnet above my head and got a sort of metallic taste in my mouth, it was kind of uncomfortable to feel this beaming energy above my head but left if there all nite. I usually sleep for about 3 hours, wake up then can't get back to sleep. This time I would wake up as usual but didn't have any problems going back to sleep and slept pretty well all nite. I bought two books on magnets and bio systems to read up on, so will be doing more experiments.

                      I didn't post that link for information about ice but for information about water structuring that I haven't read anywhere else yet. The most interesting things Sucahyo has posted in photos is the "clear water" and the water with spiral bubbles, those really show some dramatic effect. The layering I think is from thermostat turning on and off during freezing as I am not getting that now in our big freezer because the thermostat is not constantly turning on and off trying to maintain cold temperatures. I am making a bottle wrapped with foil and newspaper to see if I can get the clear ice effect myself. Mostly right now I am freezing tap water, distilled water, some Penta water as a baseline to compare treated water against so I know what normal water is like first...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rubberband View Post
                        It's a form of fast occuring skin cancer that different members of my family have had to have treatments and surgery for. It is now starting to show up on me and I would like to learn how to and start using the water.
                        That is very serious.

                        Unfortunately, I still never do experiment with cancer. So I can only recommend what I believe from other experiment. I learn alternate health solution also because my mother in law pass away because of cancer but I can not do anything to help.

                        From what I read so far:
                        - Cancer appear because of virus and other supporting factors (Royal Rife)
                        - Supporting factors are emotion, stress level, food, environment. But I believe the energy that can alter ice also play big role (Hulda Clark).
                        - surgery or drug usually remove / reduce the effect, not the cause.
                        - Cancer virus can be neutralize with male energy, which can be electrical shock / jolt, alternating big magnetic field, HV DC pulse (radiant output), orgonite, herbal drug, chemical drug, laser, radioactive exposure, etc.
                        - However, depend on dose, application of male energy can produce condition suitable for cancer to grow again. Female energy need to be applied in this case.

                        I rarely heard application of female energy in cancer treatment. But alternative treatment usually require rest time between applicationt o allow the body to cast away "the toxic created by dead virus". I believe it is not dead virus that create the toxic, it is the male energy that create the toxic.

                        The symptom of overdose of toxic is all suspiciously similar, namely headache, stomach ache, prickling skin, high temper, very emotional, mental unstability, etc.

                        The above symptom is similar to male energy overdose. Some people refer natural herb and silver colloid, but I also read similar effect if anyone overdose.

                        Wally, I think the home has too many male energy source. You may need to do something to reduce the level of male energy in your house. Identify any kind of thing that people usually refer as headache causing. Electrical appliances, microwave, cellphone tower, spot that cat like to stay, electric bed, spring bed, etc.

                        For reducign effect of electrical device, try this solution:
                        October 2004
                        He discussed things that could upset health including electric blankets, maintaining that harmful electromagnetic radiation could be remedied by cancelling the magnetic component. During his talk, Frank explained his method. "In New Zealand, a sawmill owner got "butterflies" whenever he pushed in the switch to activate the whole of the sawmill wiring 415 V, three phase. I got a piece of wire, bent the two ends about the input power wiring, twisting the bared ends together [See Figure 2] After that, when the owner switched on, he felt nothing. Also in New Zealand, there was a hairdressers’ where the ladies complained they felt uncomfortable. We opened up the switchboard behind the meters, did the same thing around the incoming wires and no more trouble!"

                        If you never try to use radiant zapper, or even simple zapper, try it. But don't use it at the sick part because it can make it spread into many smaller one, although Puharich use electric spark to melt cancer on three dog.

                        I also suggest cemenite, maybe too weak but I think it is the safest. However, if you notice increased temper right after cemenite is made, destroy it right away.

                        You can also see some material I collect on cancer on alternate method:

                        Cancer on the above link is cured with high frequency, electric pulse, electric DC, pulse of light, alternating magnetic polarity, alternating electric polarity, ozone, ozone water, alternating radiating energy.

                        Basically my suggestion is about alternating male and female, with male treatment is 30 minutes maximum in total in a day and have to be in female environment the rest of the time.

                        Moon is male source so avoid or shield it. Sunrise and Sunset are female source, some exposing themself to sun at that cool condition as part of treatment.

                        Thanks for sharing the info on medication Crystalguy .

                        Originally posted by Crystalguy View Post
                        I didn't feel anything from the magnet for ten minutes, but I could feel the magnet above my head and got a sort of metallic taste in my mouth, it was kind of uncomfortable to feel this beaming energy above my head but left if there all nite.
                        I consider that as male energy. I think you should not repeat it too often.

                        Originally posted by Crystalguy View Post
                        I didn't post that link for information about ice but for information about water structuring that I haven't read anywhere else yet.
                        Ok. I still unsure about structured. Can you describe the difference of structured and unstructured water that can test easily?
                        Last edited by sucahyo; 03-25-2011, 07:29 AM.


                        • #27
                          Rubberband: I have NEVER read of any energy water or energy treatment that got rid of skin cancer, I think it would be dangerous to waste precious time looking in that direction. Your best bet is to do a Google search on "home cancer remedy" and similar search terms. I spent hours and hours researching skin cancer treatments that would actually WORK for people and reports from people who actually tried different treatments that worked for them. There are many sites I found with many ideas of things that have worked for many people. D'limonene is worth a try as it is scientifically documented to halt cancer tumors in its tracks, it has consistently worked for me in a miraculous way. D'leimonene is not a product name, it is the high concentrate from orange peels and is very powerful, its used in cleaners, food products, hair products and very common. The TKO Orange is almost 100% pure d'limonene so is the easiest way to buy some to try. You didn't say what kind of skin cancer you have, but if you find those websites where people are curing their skin cancers you can try to find some who have the same thing as you do. What I have I think is called basal cell carcinoma, which is very slow growing, very common, and caused by sun exposure early in life. This site has a little bit of info on d'limonene:
                          Topical Skin Cancer Treatment Home Remedies

                          The magnet I used was North pole (feminine side), not South. However, the back end of the magnet was on the steel bar so it was magnetizing the bar to South, but the North end is much more powerful than the South on the bar. In fact when you set a cylindrical magnet onto steel the magnet actually pushes out more gauss than before by itself, I use that in my work every day. I'll try it again and see what happens but it did help me sleep thats all I care about is SLEEP!

                          I'll try to find a good link on structuring water, your best bet is to buy Dr. Jhon's book that I posted a link to, but it may be hard to get where you are. I'll try explain simply but the subject is very complex. At room temperature, water molecules form bonds with other water molecules, the bonds are in rings or 3,4,5 and 6 molecules each. The rings form and break in the trillionth of a second, so water is constantly doing a dance of changing bonds. When you drop the temperature down to super cooling range, all the water molecules form bonds of 6 rings each, which is why its called hexagonal bonds. Now, normal water has a certain amount of hexagonal bonds in the liquid state, I think about 20% at any one time. "Healing" water like the Hunzas drink comes from glaciers of super cooled ice and the water is very cold so there is alot of hexagonal bonded water. Dr. Jhon discovered that the hex water is healing water and that pentagonal water of 5 bonded rings is found around diseased organs. Machines like the Vitalizer Plus produce a high percentage of hexagonal water and you can find alot of testimonials from people who have been using the machine for several years with many health benefits. The hex water isn't stable and must be consumed in about 8 hours or so. There are some hex waters documented that are stable and long lasting mentioned in the book. Highly hexagonal liquid water is really a liquid crystal. A good comparison is quartz. Regular quartz rock is unorganized and milky opaque white, quartz crystals are organized molecules and crystal clear. This is why your clear ice is so fascinating as it seems to point to hexagonal type water in my opinion. The hexagonal bonds can be made by temperature, electrical or magnetic engery, minerals, and I think someone said quartz crystals and some other things that didn't sound very scientific.

                          Here's a link, you can find others, this has some of Jhon's ideas:
                          Hexagonal Water, Hexagonal Water Crystals, Hexagonal Water Production

                          I looked at my distilled water ice and the Penta water ice, the freezer is also cracking the ice, maybe its the cups, the distilled is milky, the Penta has more clear areas, so maybe there is some structuring from what they are doing. My bottle with a few layers of aluminum and paper is full of tiny bubbles on all the bottle walls, I need to make some more layers when I have time.....then see if it makes clear ice....


                          • #28
                            Sucahyo, you were right, I accidentally had the South pole facing out on my bed post. I tried North last and still could feel it but less intense, had trouble getting to sleep but once I was it was easier to wake up and go back to sleep. I wonder if a magnetic sleeping pad would be helpful but they are expensive I think. I have 2 very powerful large neo magnets I may try under my mattress tonite, should have enough power to get through the thick mattress maybe.

                            I'm reading the Roy Davis books on magnetism, he is a scientist so his work is really well researched. He says South pole is energetic, seeds and baby animals treated in South polarity grow faster and bigger, healthier. North pole is negative, baby animals and seeds grow slow, small, produce very little fruit, contractive, limiting energy. Cancer cells can be retarded by North pole energy. S pole energy over heart strengthens the heart. I don't know why I was using North pole for water, plants and animals fed North pole water didn't do well, same as N pole treatments. I switched it to South pole for my water, will see how it feels. South pole electrons are spun clockwise, North pole counterclockwise. Its sad that his fellow scientists refuse to read his works and they say all magnetic poles have the same effect, but they refuse to look at the great work Roy did that proves this is very wrong.

                            Makes sense to use North pole for sleep to quiet things down instead of energize. I think the Vitalizer Plus must use South pole magnets as their water is said to be energizing.


                            • #29
                              OK, I used two very powerful neo magnets under my mattress North poles facing up. I won't do THAT again, I slept well but when I got up was dizzy! I think the orgone idea is a better idea, I think your small coils are a version of orgone generator. I froze some water from my water bottle with just a few layers of aluminum foil and paper and about half of the ice is very clear, so I think there's something very interesting happening there. This website has a very interesting idea for orgone generator, though the alien abduction blaster thing is a bit paranoid but who knows?
                              Make Your Own Orgone Blasters - Sherry Shriner


                              • #30
                                Uh Oh! I switched back to using North pole treated water, I found the Roy Davis website and they're saying S pole water is dangerous to health!

                                Scroll down to the bottom of this page:
                                Why should the North pole of a magnet be used and not the South pole?

                                This is confusing because South pole energy stimulates luscious plant growth while N pole retards it. I'm still reading their book from 1974. More later...

