That thing is so life like I thought it was a photograph the first time I looked at it.
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Healing through Art
beautiful painting!
Very beautiful Pamela! Absolutely incredible!
Aaron Murakami
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Finally a new painting!
Finally I have a new painting! I literally just finished it! As a matter of fact the varnish is still drying!I just could not wait to share it! So the picture I took of it is just a pic with my camera and it is not a professionally digitalized version at all... Just to warn you! But the excitement was too much! You see I did not have a place to paint at the shelter, and then since moving in here I just got distracted!
So I finally set everthing up and started painting. Actually this one was particulary fun as I was intentionally plugging into my intuition vs. just kind of running with it... Okay before when I painted it was intuition too, but I did not know what I was connecting to!This time it was intentionally askinig for help and following the suggestions and guidance I got!
Its name is ribbons, because throughout the whole thing I kept hearing ribbons and eyes!Had a hard time adding the face because I wanted to put it where convention would have said to, creating a head above, but again the voice in my head kept saying "no, think out of the box" Don't add a head above and make it look like a traditional angel!
Well here it is!
Last edited by zartgirl; 07-07-2008, 12:15 AM.
Originally posted by Pamela View PostHi My Sweet Ones!
It is such a synchronicity that you have chosen these four beautiful words tonight to illustrate your feelings about the painting "Gems"...Gratitude, Energy, Magic and Serenity...I was just about to post my latest painting here and when I looked to your post and saw the words you wrote, I immediately sighed because....
The name of my new painting is......are you ready, girlfriend? "Prayer of Gratitude"!!!YEP...That's right, my Maggie!!!
I just LOVE IT when these synchronicities happen, don't you???!!! Now...tell me if you think it is an appropriate title for this new creation?
"Prayer of Gratitude" Watercolor on Arches Cold Press 300 lb paper, 9x12
I hope all of you wonderful Lovies enjoy looking to this one!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Here are some interesting tidbits - that I am sure will 'FEEL' right !!!
The second chakra perspective is animated by magnetism. What attracts you and what you attract to yourself is related to the naval chakra . This chakra is where pleasure is sought and where balance is of prime importance. When you experience a balanced second chakra you have a creative and controlled passion for life. Your senses come alive and you have a strong urge for some type of creative activity. This comes with a deep appreciation for beauty and a desire to bring more of it into your life, so focussing on a Prayer of Gratitude can only bring more of it to you.
You attract what you focus on!
Last edited by CeCee; 06-09-2008, 01:06 PM.Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy
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Thank You, My Lovies!
Hi My Lovies!
I want to drop in to Thank all of you Beauties for posting your thoughts!
Dear Tim...That was a fantastic post explaining about the different stones and what they do! It led me to a book on them which I am now looking to. I have always been interested in crystals and gemstones, but I haven't yet learned that much about them, so seeing the pics of your beautiful creations and reading your post allowed me to know that this is my perfect opportunity to increase my knowledge on the subject. From what I have read so far, there is an extensive history on all crystals and gemstones and how they have been used throughout the ages. They were and are often used in chakra meditations, using the appropriate color stone for each chakra... It is a facinating subject and I am so happy and grateful that you took the time to explain about the ones you have created! Thank You, Tim, for sharing your knowledge with us and inspiring me to delve deeper into the subject!
Oh, Sweet Sallyjane... Honey...Thanks So Much for your post and email!Yep... "Pamela's Secrets" IS one of those all time favorites for lots!!!
But Darling Girl... I must say I am VERY impressed with the new painting you have posted... I can see you had fun going with your intuition and I just want to say... KEEP GOING WITH IT!!! There's a delicious spontaneity about this one that is fresh and inviting. I am so pleased for you that you finally are able to have the space to create again! After all you have gone through and accomplished in the past year, you DESERVE it, Baby-Doll!!!
And Aaron...I guess you really like my "Prayer of Gratitude" and THAT makes me feel FABULOUS!!! Thank you so very much for popping in to extend your appreciation for my work, Dear Aaron...It means more to me than I can express in words...
My Grace...That is just another synchronicity about your mom...You never told me that she was called Lily... As you know, I often feel her Powerful Feminine Energy around me and I know she is so delighted that we have found each other... Perhaps it was she who guided me to the lilies at this time... I say "lilies" because I was drawn to paint yet ANOTHER lily which I completed today and will post shortly... And Grace...Thank You for your Beautiful comments... You make ME cry those same wonderful kinds of tears...
My Maggie... When I read your post I got shivers! I was thinking of calling this one "Chakra #2"! I think you know that I am focusing on the different chakra colors as I develop this "Flowering of Human Consciousness" collection, but I have approached it all intuitively and have painted whatever colors I happen to be resonating to at the moment. So far it looks like it has been mostly the yellows and oranges with "Awakening", Delicate Being" and now this one. My intention is that by the time I finish the collection, I will have a few paintings to represent each chakra. The new one that I will post shortly also has the oranges as the center of interest and I do believe that the next one will focus on a new one... Maybe blue for the Throat Chakra, or green for the Heart, or maybe red for the Root... Who KNOWS... at this moment it is even a mystery to me!!!That is one of the things I LOVE about creating...You NEVER know What will come from the depths of your soul, or When!!! I ALWAYS LOVE the surprise! Thank you, Darling Maggie, for your beautiful and thoughtful post!
I'll be back soon to post the newest one... In the meantime...MUAH!!!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
The newest one...
Hi Sweeties!
Here is the newest one as promised... I had a wee bit of a difficult time trying to get the image to show the colors as they really are (I guess my image software is experiencing some resistance these days...), but this one is pretty close...
This one is a little more subtle than usual, thus the name...
Here it is... Enjoy!
"Subtle Energy" Watercolor on Arches, 140 Lb. Cold Press, 8x11
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Originally posted by Pamela View PostHi Sweeties!
Here is the newest one as promised... I had a wee bit of a difficult time trying to get the image to show the colors as they really are (I guess my image software is experiencing some resistance these days...), but this one is pretty close...
This one is a little more subtle than usual, thus the name...
Here it is... Enjoy!
"Subtle Energy" Watercolor on Arches, 140 Lb. Cold Press, 8x11
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Thanks to you Sweeties!
Hi Lovies!
Just popping to extend my Thanks to Sweet Sallyjane and Gorgeous Grace for your very lovely comments about my most recent painting!
And YES, Grace... There will be LOTS more to come!!!In fact, I should be able to post the next one VERY soon as it is almost half finished and I just can't seem to tear myself away from my brushes and paints these days and am working into the wee hours of the morning!
Just keep intending that this run of sunny days that I have been enjoying will continue so that I won't have to wait to make the pic of this new one when do I complete it!!!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Representing the 5th Chakra...
Hi Lovies!
This time I resonated to the color blue and made my first painting of this collection to represent the 5th chakra, also known as the Throat chakra and the center through which we communicate and express ourselves. It governs the vocal chords, the lungs and the bronchial tubes. Since this is also the chakra of judgement and expression, if harboring ill-feelings toward another, it helps greatly to meditate upon this center in order to let go of any feelings of hate, anger, alienation or resentment. And when we are able to let these feeling go, relief and love flows in and that brings the clarity that love is indeed the glue that holds everything together as well as the channel of communication and communion between souls, not just people!
Meditating on each of the colors the chakras represent opens a path to the feelings one wants to explore within. If there is a blockage in the throat chakra, it can be caused by fear of speaking your own truth. To constantly attempt to please others while sacrificing one's own true expression can lead to a deep frustration of communication.
As I consciously grow and evolve as an artist and a soul with a body, I find that through meditation, as well as PATHS, and other healing modalities, the ability to speak my own truth personally and artistically becomes easier and more joyous as the days, months and years unfold. As I continue to develop this collection of paintings that focus deeply within the flowers, I find that each one bears a special significance for me that adds to my sense of purpose. My desire is that my viewers take the time to REALLY look at the flowers that I paint and REALLY look at the flowers that they see... In doing so, a greater level of consciousness begins to grow within and with that "Flowering of Human Consciousness" comes a sense of peace, healing, love and joy.
Oh...Yes...Here she is! Enjoy!!!
"Clarity from Within" Watercolor on Arches 140 Cold Press, 9x11
With Much Love and Gratitude,
P.S. A Special Thanks goes to our wonderful Maggie for the title of this piece!!! You are Brilliant, My Maggie!
Thank You, Pammie!
Thanks SO Much, Dear Pammie!
I am so happy you are enjoying the recent images of my paintings!!! You honor me with your sweet comments!
I have not shown any of the images for this collection to my dealer yet...I decided that I want to wait until I have at least one to represent each chakra first. I still have to complete one for the 1st chakra which will be predominanently ruby red, one for the 7th, and complete the one I am working on for the Heart Chakra. Once I have those 3 finished, I will schedule an exhibit and hopefully, by the time that opens, I will have more than one for each chakra. But since I am so inspired by the concept of this collection, I plan on adding to it for quite some time!
It's interesting that you asked this question last Sunday as that was the day that it occurred to me that my dealer has not even seen these and that I need to get in touch with her... I guess that I have been so wrapped up in the creation of them that I wasn't even thinking about it exhibiting them!How's THAT for not being attached to an outcome?!?!
Thanks again, my Dear Friend!
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Never cease to amaze!
Pamela, you never cease to amaze with your beatiful paintings!!! The last two are both exquisite also! Keep them coming!
I have a new that just needs a signature, and then I need to figure out where I can take the best pic possible and make it look good! I am really liking this one especially!
Talk soon!
Sallyjane Woods
Thank You!
Honey...I am so anxious to see your next painting!But wait...I am assuming you are taking your pics with a digital camera, right? Do you have Photoshop? If not, you can go to this free place called Picnik ( Picnik - edit photos the easy way, online in your browser) and you can have some fun with your pics there. I like to try to take my pics on a sunny day
with the "close-up" function and then play with them using the Photoshop program to get the image to appear as it should, but I have tried this Picnik site and it works VERY WELL!!! I have a feeling you are much better with a computer than I am, but let me know what you are doing for your editing, okay? In the meantime, I am sending you a bunch of these...
With Much Love and Gratitude,