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Healing through Art

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  • this kinda fits in with the art thread

    i just posted this in the cem thread, but i thought i would share with my fellow artist incase you miss it in the other thread....

    hi grace. hi everyone.
    I just started my new modules today.

    spiritual enlightenment
    stand out at work
    successful living phase 2
    stay young

    wow...its been a crazy evening.

    first of all... i wanna say that i was thinking of going to new york to see some friends, and a concert, of a band that i used to listen to quite alot in my youth. then i found out from a friend who was also planning to go, that our friend who lives there has been having a rough time. he's been getting extremely drunk and has been using an extreme amount of coccaine. when i heard this it really bummed me out. i mean.. i was going to be visiting with him on this trip, but then i thought maybe nows not the time, because its possible that his wife could leave him. she's totally not in to that scene. i just felt so bad for him and his wife, and felt like theres nothing i could do. it just made me really sad.

    after that... i felt tired and didn't wanna go to my oil painting class that i just recently started. a friend was on his way to pick me up, so i didn't wanna flake. when i got to class i really wasn't prepared. i was going to print out a photograph from my teachers computer, and she wasn't really cool with that, so she told me to pick a painting from the box. the boxes basically just have pictures of paintings that are mostly impressionistic or they are just out right boring to me. i guess i tend to be into realism, modern art, and surrealism. i'm really just a beginner, but i have this weird perfectionist thing going on. its like i wanna do what i wanna do. i want it to be perfect and i wanna feel completely comfortable at all times. ugh... what is that??? so i felt myself turning into a five year old , and i was battling with the teacher. i told her i didn't like what was in the box, but i did choose a few that were alright. i was just so resistant. before i new it i was crying in class, and i couldn't control it. i was so embarrased . all of these emotions were coming up, about not finishing things, being resistant to challenges, resistance to being told what to do. feelings of failure that i couldn't do what was being asked of me. feeling like i just i can't be good at anything, because i am impatient. ugh... so much stuff came up.
    the thing is it needed to come up!!! these are my blocks to creating success in my life. I mean after all this is why i'm using paths in the first place. i wanna work on things. anyway...i'm feeling alot better now. i just wanted to share.
    thanks for listening/reading.
    love you


    • Shiver...

      My Lovies...

      You all have me sighing right now... From the bottom of my heart I send my deepest appreciation for your delightful posts!

      Beautiful Belle... I feel so fulfilled to know that looking to my painting uplifted you! Bless you for your comments!

      And Dear Sallyjane and Heather... I have some things to say to CeCee about the precious poem she has written that, as artists, you may resonate to...I am going to try to express myself with as much clarity as I can muster up...

      Dearest CeCee... When I looked to your poem last night I broke out in a shiver. Your poem touched me so very deeply as it reflected exactly my own thoughts about this painting and my journey. If I had your exquisite talent in writing, I could not have expressed it better myself...

      The fact is, creating this painting was initially disconcerting. I chose the reference pic which depicted a very pink rosebud, but I consciously wanted to deepen that color and make it more violet in order for it to represent the crown chakra, which, as I stated in an above post, is affected by our thoughts and feelings about God, Spirituality, Divine Guidance and Trust. I initailly painted the bud blue and while doing so, I was content and thought I would keep it blue, but upon completion, it did not resonate with me, so it was back to my original intent and I added more glazes to create the violet. Now...once I was in the process of doing that...I STILL did not feel exactly good about the color because I simply am not a "purple" person. I stated to Grace, Jamie and Sharyn on a few late evening skype calls that I wasn't too sure about how I felt about this one, but I continued nonetheless and completed the painting. Once finished, I took a pic of it and sent it off to a dear artist friend, telling him that I was unsure about this one... He responded by saying "You Know I Love It!!! Deep, Dark, Drama, High Contrast..." and I guess it was because of his response that for the first time since I started it, I began to look at it with new eyes...

      I have noticed recently that as I create a painting, I go through all the technical necessities...chosing the reference pic, making the drawing, always conscious of planning each step along the way. And during the act of painting, I am very, very Present. Some passages are relatively simple and I am able to even have a phone conversation while working, but most passages require my complete attention and this "being in the Now" while the painting is in progress is something that I embrace more consciously than ever before. But I have realized something quite new is occurring during, as well as after this act of creation and CeCee, your poem has helped me to realize this more profoundly.

      I am beginning to realize that with this collectiion of paintings that I am creating, (inspired by Eckhart Tolle's first chapter in "A New Earth", The Flowering of Human Consciousness), while I am in the process of painting, I am subconsciously painting things within the piece itself that are reflecting many different aspects of my own spiritual journey. And I most often do not realize what I have done until AFTER the painting is completed. I remember speaking to Keoi, Sharyn and CeCee as they were looking to my painting "Knowing", and they were pointing out things that I had not consciously painted while the work was in progress. That was way back in December when I was just beginning to embark upon several unpleasant months of my own personal journey into The Dark Night of The Soul , and it was rather astonishing for me to hear them say "Oh, do you see the face in that part of the flower?" and "Oh...Pamela, look over at that part...Do you see the eye?"

      I was speaking to Aaron not too long ago and we were looking to some of the newer paintings that had a rather "sensual" theme and he pointed out OTHER sensual features of parts of the paintings that I had not consciously been aware of, but I could then see that they were were VERY obvious!!! I thought to myself..."Where did THAT come from?" and "How did I MISS it?" When speaking to Grace about these features of those particular paintings that Aaron pointed out, she made it clear to me that SHE had noticed them as well!!! And Then...last night Grace told me that she has seen in this new painting the transforming serpent... (Grace...I'll let YOU elaborate on THAT, but it sure looks like my subconscious is going WILD!!! ) I think what I am trying to say here is that through all of this, I am NOW beginning to REALLY remember a great deal about Who I Really Am through the process of my painting and then looking even deeper after completion. It is most enlightening and brings me much fulfillment as well as delicious surprises!

      My CeCee... As I contemplated the completion of "Contemplation" and then looked to your poem that it inspired, I realized that what you have written is a perfect statement about MY journey and that this painting is a representation of EXACTLY where I Am in this journey... I went through that Dark Night of the Soul over the wintertime, and managed to emerge from it this springtime with an abundance of feelings of Joy, Gratitude, Peace, Oneness, Accceptance, Compassion and Love... Those feeling are growing as each day unfolds and those "tears" I have depicted are indeed tears of joy! How interesting and delightful that this becomes apparent to me, and YOU, my soul sister, with THIS painting! Thank You, my Beautiful Friend, for your gift of seeing the world through my eyes with your eloquence with the written word.

      One last thing, my Wonderful Ones... There are many many ways to describe what art IS and WHY it is art. For me it is the ability to use and develop the talent that God has given me to create what is aesthetically moving and beautiful and healing. If looking to my painting can assist in elevating another's consciousness, calming someone's soul or brightening someone's day, even for a fraction of a moment, than I have succeeded in fulfilling an important purpose in this lifetime!

      Bless You All...In All Ways...

      With Much Love and Gratitude,


      My PATHS Website
      My Art Website
      My Paintings As Prints
      My Facebook


      • Pamela

        Originally posted by Pamela View Post

        After reading your last post, I started going back through your paintings and taking a closer look at them... Well a deeper look at each of them... Okay, I only got as far as this one, but this is very cool, because here I see a set of Angel Wings and I see them taking you to that place you so desire to be!

        Isn't it awesome to be an artist and be able to paint/create exactly what we need in our lives. A perfect set of wings to soar upon higher than the eagles!

        Blessings and HUGS Sallyjane


        • For the fabulous Pamela, and the Masterful CeCee!

          Originally posted by CeCee View Post
          "Contemplation" Watercolor on 300 Lb. Arches, 13 x 10


          A gentle tear drop streaming down upon the grace of a flower unfolding
          In the comfort of glorious colour contemplating life
          Reviewing the joys in the bubbles of past strife
          Each drop revealing healing essence as it touches my heart
          Opening up to Source
          In the splendour of nature’s kiss
          The dewdrops gently roll
          In tenderness and love
          Caressing my being with promises
          Of blessings
          From above
          Where fairies dance in a melody of bliss
          For someone coming to remembrance
          Of all that is
          Gratitude and joy envelops my being
          True knowing
          Ultimate Healing
          It is

          I just had to write something for this one, dear Pamela!

          Your poem is Magnificent! It is so PERFECT for Pamela's (once again) AMAZING work of art , Contemplation!

          The moment that I saw this Painting I saw the head of a snake. To me Snake medicine is very powerful healing energy. It is why the double snakes entwined is the symbol for Doctors (caduceus).

          The color purple is also perfection! It is the color that represents wisdom, and so much more. This Painting calibrates on the Hawkin's Map of Consciousness at 726 when I muscle test. Whomever is fortunate enough to hang this fabulous work of healing art on their wall, will indeed have a powerful tool for transformation at their fingertips on a daily basis!!



          • Calibration of "Contemplation"...

            My Grace...

            As you know, I have just finished reading Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins and found it most enlightening and rewarding. His statements in Chapter 14 " Power in the Arts" reinforced my understanding of how looking to art that moves us aesthetically is not only healing, but contributes to raising the consciousness of those that view it.

            He states:

            "The fine arts have always provided the venue for man's highest spiritual strivings in the secular realm. From as far back as the time of the ancient Greek sculptor, Phidias, it has been the role of the arts to realize, in physical media, the ideals of what man could and should be. Art sets down a distilled expression of human spirit, one that's tangible in form and accessible to all.
            Great art not only brings forth the ordered essence of human experience, but of the world we live in, too...this is what we call beauty.
            The bequest of the arts to mankind is internal, too: In beholding realized beauty, a sensitivity to art and love are man's greatest gift to himself; and there can be no art without love. Art is always the making of the soul, the craft of a human being's touch, which can be corporeal or of the mind and it has been since Neanderthal times, and so it will always be."

            Grace...when you tested and calibrated this painting over the energy level of 700, I felt somewhat overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude as well as peace in the "knowing" of my own sense of purpose in this lifetime. We all are given our gifts when we come to this planet... My gift was a seed of artistic talent which I have cultivated for more years than I want to say... At times over the years, the act of cultivating my gift produced torment and frustration, but for the most part, it has produced within my being feelings of joy and wonder as it flourished and blossomed. I am so very grateful to be able to lovingly give my gift back to the world and KNOW that doing so brings people joy and encourages a sensitivity to love within their consciousness. Thank you so much for your beautiful words, my Graceful One!

            With Much Love and Gratitude,

            My PATHS Website
            My Art Website
            My Paintings As Prints
            My Facebook


            • For Sharyn...

              Hi My Lovies!

              I have created a new painting and it is dedicated to my Darling Sharyn!

              One evening not long ago, I was having a conversation with her and she showed me a sneak peek of her new, soon to be released, Theta Healing website and I was drawn to the high-energy, cool colors that represent the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Have a lookie to her fabulous Theta website now, but DO be on the lookout for the new one which will offer even more! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact her for a Theta Healing as I KNOW you will be more than delighted with what she can do! Sharyn...You Are A Gift to the planet!!! Here's the link so you can see the colors: Theta 4 U - Transform Your Life with Theta Healing

              I am not surprised that Sharyn resonates to these colors as SHE is undoubtedly one of the most intuitive, loving, light-filled and divine souls on the planet! While I was going through my own Dark Night of the Soul, Sharyn was ALWAYS there for me and helped me through it with not only her inherent gentleness and unconditional love, but she graciously attended to my Being at a moments notice with her expert Theta Healing skills. I cannot express how deeply Blessed I am to have Sharyn in my life and I wanted to honor her with a painting created especially for her. I used iridescent watercolors in this painting to reflect the Light that IS Sharyn and I wanted also to convey her Very Powerful quiet, calming, loving and healing essence... Sharyn, My Beautiful Friend... for all you have done for me...I Love You Deeply... This one is for you...

              "Moonlight Meditation", Watercolor on 300 Lb. Arches, 10.5x14

              With Much Love and Gratitude,

              My PATHS Website
              My Art Website
              My Paintings As Prints
              My Facebook


              • Pamela,

                I love your latest painting. The flower seems to be dancing with joy, and has almost a human form. I love it...Your work is so uplifting to look at!!!


                • sighing...AGAIN!!!

                  Beautiful Belle...

                  You Bless me with your wonderful words and friendship...

                  Thank You, Darling Girl!

                  With Much Love and Gratitude,

                  My PATHS Website
                  My Art Website
                  My Paintings As Prints
                  My Facebook


                  • I'm speechless!

                    Thank you so much my Dear Pamela! I truly don't know what to say - you have brought me to tears.Thank you from the depths of my heart for your generosity of spirit, beautiful words & wonderful painting.

                    I wish that I had the facility for expressing myself as you do! I
                    haven't had time to post on this thread for a while but I always love to come visit your paintings. I love them all! As you know flowers are my favorite theme in paintings & in "real" life but this painting 'Moonlight Meditation' is my absolute favorite & will be perfect to meditate by. It is so peaceful & tranquil & the colors are just perfect! I do seem to keep resonating to these colors through my various websites, & again, as you mentioned, in the current one that I am working on!

                    Now, don't forget Dear Pamela to be on the call for my abundance workshop on my Sunday at 11:00am. Don't get too carried away producing your next masterpiece & forget the time!! Or else, I will come energetically tapping at your window.

                    Abundance comes in many forms & is not just imited to financial matters. I am abundantly blessed to know YOU Pamela & have you as my soul sister. I regard you as a special part of my family, along with everyone else here at ESM.

                    Thank you once again for dedicating this painting to me & your beautiful thoughts.

                    Love, Light & Blessings to You Pamela
                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • awesome vibes

                      Very BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL Pamela!!
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Sharing the beauty of my homeland

                        As many of you know, I manifested the perfect spot near my home to enjoy nature. I feel so blessed. Acres of unspoilt wilderness, visited by few! It's also teeming with wildlife, from butterflies, dragonflies & ladybirds, to buzzards, owls, wild horses & their foals. It hosts a wide spectrum of wild flowers that give vent powerful scents into the breeze meaning every turning corner is a beautiful experience and an overwhelming sense of peace

                        Here are a few photographs from this year. Today is the first time it hasn't rained in a few days & it was glorious sunshine so the dragonflies were out in force! This area is rich with big jewelled dragonflies of many colours.

                        Watching them hunting this afternoon was a real treat! I laughed myself silly trying to get a shot of one flying around me lol! Yet I managed to get a shot while one rested - pleased as punch about these!

                        I know it's not the same as being there, yet I intend the beauty of the place touches everyone who sees them & leaves them feeling vibrant.


                        • SJ,

                          THank you for the wonderful pictures. Such brilliance...My favorite is the bee next to the lavender and my other favorite is the horses.


                          • My Sharyn...

                            It fills me with great happiness that Moonlight Meditation moved you enough to bring tears to your beautiful eyes... It was more than a delight for me to create this for you, Darling Girl!!! And YES!!! I so much want to be on the Theta Healing call on Sunday!!! But wait....maybe I will be just a wee bit late so I can enjoy the pleasure of having you come and energetically tap on my window!!!

                            And S.J.... Honey...WELCOME BACK to the Healing Through Art thread!!! It's about TIME you graced us once again with your Incredibly GORGEOUS photography!!! Hmmm... It's difficult for me to choose a favorite because I Love them ALL, but I know that I want to jump into the one with the horses... That scene just looks so inviting and serene... Now...Do you think I can convince you to start posting your pics on a REGULAR basis, or am I going to have to come and energetically tap on YOUR window and read you the riot act???

                            And Aaron... Thank You SO much for popping by again and having a lookie at what's coming through my soul... Your beautiful comments always make me sigh...

                            With Much Love and Gratitude,

                            My PATHS Website
                            My Art Website
                            My Paintings As Prints
                            My Facebook


                            • Oh My!!!

                              Originally posted by Pamela View Post
                              Hi My Lovies!

                              I have created a new painting and it is dedicated to my Darling Sharyn!

                              One evening not long ago, I was having a conversation with her and she showed me a sneak peek of her new, soon to be released, Theta Healing website and I was drawn to the high-energy, cool colors that represent the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Have a lookie to her fabulous Theta website now, but DO be on the lookout for the new one which will offer even more! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact her for a Theta Healing as I KNOW you will be more than delighted with what she can do! Sharyn...You Are A Gift to the planet!!! Here's the link so you can see the colors: Theta 4 U - Transform Your Life with Theta Healing

                              I am not surprised that Sharyn resonates to these colors as SHE is undoubtedly one of the most intuitive, loving, light-filled and divine souls on the planet! While I was going through my own Dark Night of the Soul, Sharyn was ALWAYS there for me and helped me through it with not only her inherent gentleness and unconditional love, but she graciously attended to my Being at a moments notice with her expert Theta Healing skills. I cannot express how deeply Blessed I am to have Sharyn in my life and I wanted to honor her with a painting created especially for her. I used iridescent watercolors in this painting to reflect the Light that IS Sharyn and I wanted also to convey her Very Powerful quiet, calming, loving and healing essence... Sharyn, My Beautiful Friend... for all you have done for me...I Love You Deeply... This one is for you...

                              "Moonlight Meditation", Watercolor on 300 Lb. Arches, 10.5x14

                              With Much Love and Gratitude,

                              OH MY!!!

                              Sharyn is the luckiest Woman in the world as this Painting is MAGNIFICENT!!

                              Sonora, your Photographs are SPECTACULAR!! The Dragon Fly picture impresses me the most!

                              IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                              • Pamela!!

                                Dear Pam,

                                Your work is GORGEOUS!!!! I am in total awe. I really mean that!!

                                You are soooo talented!!!!
                                Blessings and Peace to All --Val

