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Mysterious new strain or...just another experiment

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  • Mysterious new strain or...just another experiment

    Bean sprouts may not be to blame

    Peter Walker, Abby D’Arcy Hughes and Adam Gabbatt
    The Guardian
    June 6, 2011

    - "An investigation into a deadly outbreak of E coli has been thrown into chaos after laboratory tests showed that bean sprouts grown near Hamburg, which had been identified as the likely source, are possibly not to blame.

    German officials had said they were confident that sprouts from the organic Gärtenhof farm in Lower Saxony were behind the spread of a particularly virulent strain of the bacterium. There were “strong and clear indications” that the farm was involved, the federal health minister, Daniel Bahr, said.

    However, Lower Saxony’s agriculture ministry said 23 of 40 samples from the farm had now tested negative for the E coli, with 17 more tests still being done".

    Forensic evidence emerges that European E.coli superbug was bio engineered to produce human fatalities

    Learn more: Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities

    Another assault attempt on organic food or perhaps something way more sinister. It is reminding me of vaccine material from Baxter which contained all three strains of flu. Accidentally.

    Just reading this makes me sick!

    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower

  • #2
    Thanks man, sprouts from the organic Gärtenhof farm in Lower Saxony , hmm maybe that was intentional so all organic farms will have to be"GMO" in future , would not surprise me ...


    • #3
      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
      Thanks man, sprouts from the organic Gärtenhof farm in Lower Saxony , hmm maybe that was intentional so all organic farms will have to be"GMO" in future , would not surprise me ...
      Spot on. Remember that this outbreak was first blamed on Spain. Why Spain? Well, you may recall that Wikileaks revealed that Spain resisted the introduction of GMOs into its agricultural system. Retaliation
      EU is not so welcoming to the GMO idea in general but at the same time there is a strong push towards banning of medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements.
      It's all part of the same agenda. Keep people sick, infertile, deny them access to healing herbs and supplements, then profit from their suffering.

      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

      General D.Eisenhower


      • #4
        Food Wars

        Food wars: How European health authorities are using the e.coli scare to wage economic warfare against vegetable farmers

        (NaturalNews) Monday, June 06, 2011
        by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
        Editor of

        - " Even as hospitals in Germany are now filling up with people sickened by a super-powerful drug-resistant "superbug" strain of e.coli that looks like it was bio engineered. European health authorities are leaping at the opportunity to spread fear about organic foods while ignoring the obvious true cause of the contamination in the first place -- the widespread abuse of antibiotics in animal farming operations.

        The e.coli blame game has become a circus of musical chairs. First, they blamed the Spaniards as a form of retaliation for Spain's resistance to accepting GMOs - Wikileaks cable reveals U.S. conspired to retaliate against European nations if they resisted GMOs. This act drove Spanish farmers into bankruptcy through a savage campaign of rumor-mongering. After ravaging the Spanish vegetable farmers, they began to randomly instill widespread fear about a variety of vegetables: First it was cucumbers, then lettuce and then finally tomatoes. And now, the blame has come full circle and is now being cast upon organic sprout growers in Germany!

        This has all been nothing more than despicable rumor-mongering that has now reached the point of economic warfare against vegetable farmers. And now it turns out even the latest round of blame cast upon sprouts was completely fraudulent: New tests reveal that the organic sprouts are NOT contaminated with e.coli.

        The Wall Street Journal is now reporting:

        "The Lower-Saxony state agriculture ministry said 23 of 40 samples from the sprout farm suspected of being behind the outbreak have tested negative for the highly aggressive, "super-toxic" strain of E. coli bacteria... In a surprising U-turn, German officials said initial tests published Monday provided no evidence that sprouts from an organic farm in northern Germany were the cause of the country's deadly Escherichia coli outbreak." (

        Huh? Weren't these sprouts being blamed as the source of the outbreak up until yesterday?

        Economic warfare and irrational fear-mongering
        The truth is that we are witnessing an economic blame game run amok as health authorities destroy trust in one vegetable crop after another. It has become an episode of Godzilla, with the monster of German health authorities rampaging through the city, crushing vegetable farmers left and right by merely uttering the name of what they grow.

        CUCUMBERS! No, wait. Now it's TOMATOES! Hold on, nope. It's actually SPROUTS! Wait a sec. Nope, not that either...

        This has all become a circus of nonsense that translates into the economic devastation of vegetable growers. And that's the whole point, actually: To demonize fresh vegetables and convince people that the only safe food is dead food. So through this campaign of destructive rumor-mongering, European health authorities can steer people away from eating the very things that help keep them healthy: Fresh vegetables and sprouts, all of which contain natural medicines and phytonutrients that prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's.

        By scaring people away from these fresh vegetables, they are pushing people toward less healthful options: Processed foods, dead foods, pasteurized beverages and fumigated or irradiated vegetables. Across both the EU and the USA, this is what health regulators have been deviously pushing for the last few years. All it takes is a few engineered e.coli scares to convince the public to avoid nearly all fresh vegetables!

        Already, sales of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and sprouts have plummeted across Europe... even though there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that these vegetables are the source of the e.coli contamination. Astonishingly, virtually the entire public is now increasingly convinced that the only SAFE foods are processed foods!

        Yep: Beware of fresh veggies because they might kill you! Instead, eat your GMO-contaminated, pesticide-ridden processed dead foods because that's safe! This is the incredible conclusion of the war being waged against fresh vegetables -- a war that is now using bioengineered weapons in the food supply to create fear and cause fatalities among innocent consumers.

        Last edited by blackchisel97; 06-08-2011, 03:26 AM. Reason: not working link
        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • #5
          Acidic Water has a high rate of success in eliminating E.coli:

          A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of electrolyzed acidic water, 200-ppm chlorine water, and sterile distilled water in killing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria monocytogenes on the surfaces of spot-inoculated tomatoes. Inoculated tomatoes were sprayed with electrolyzed acidic water, 200-ppm chlorine water, and sterile distilled water (control) and rubbed by hand for 40 s. Populations of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and L. monocytogenes in the rinse water and in the peptone wash solution were determined. Treatment with 200-ppm chlorine water and electrolyzed acidic water resulted in 4.87- and 7.85-log10 reductions, respectively, in Escherichia coli O157:H7 counts and 4.69- and 7.46-log10 reductions, respectively, in Salmonella counts. Treatment with 200-ppm chlorine water and electrolyzed acidic water reduced the number of L. monocytogenes by 4.76 and 7.54 log10 CFU per tomato, respectively. This study's findings suggest that electrolyzed acidic water could be useful in controlling pathogenic microorganisms on fresh produce.
          ingentaconnect Effectiveness of Electrolyzed Acidic Water in Killing Escherichia...

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #6
            Hi I like what you guys are saying.

            I'm puzzled though, I thought this type of bacterium needed an animal gut or fermentation vat to grow successfully. Of course natural fertilizers can contain such bacterium but they die and are washed off by rain.

            It looks like a Bio-weapon false flag event to me.


            • #7
              Invented excuse may be prerequisit of worse. Be carefull, while raw vegetables is being blamed real attack may not come from them. There some cases of slipping trough the guard during h1n1.

              I read that ecoli come from manure. maybe the manure is not completely processed? I wonder why this has become a great deal?

              Not bio weapon or anything. Just passing by people or dog dumping **** at the farm right before harvest....
              Last edited by sucahyo; 06-07-2011, 02:27 PM.


              • #8
                I think meatrix like treatment to meat cutting will also package ecoli to the meat sold at supermarket. If you already immune to this kind of meat, I don't think ecoli ridden vegetables will change anything.....

                CDC | E. coli | Questions & Answers: Sickness caused by E. coli
                E. coli is a common kind of bacteria that lives in the intestines of animals and people.

                Bacteria can get accidentally mixed into ground beef before packaging. Eating undercooked meat can spread the bacteria, even though the meat looks and smells normal. E. coli can also live on cows’ udders. It may get into milk that is not pasteurized.

                Raw vegetables, sprouts, and fruits
                that have been grown or washed in dirty water can carry E. coli O157:H7. It can get into drinking water, lakes, or swimming pools that have sewage in them. It is also spread by people who have not washed their hands after going to the toilet.

                Bloody diarrhea and stomach pain are the most common signs of E. coli O157:H7 sickness. People usually do not have a fever, or may have only a slight fever.

                Some people, especially children under 5 and the elderly, can become very sick from E. coli O157:H7. The infection damages their red blood cells and their kidneys. This only happens to about 1 out of 50 people, but it is very serious. Without hospital care, they can die. See a doctor right away if you think you may have gotten sick from E. coli O157:H7.

                New laws have helped keep food from being contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. They keep meat safer during slaughter and grinding, and vegetables safer when they are grown, picked, and washed. But there is still a chance that E. coli O157:H7 could reach your food, so you should take the precautions listed below.

                What can I do to stay safe from E. coli O157:H7?
                During an outbreak: Carefully follow instructions provided by public health officials on what foods to avoid in order to protect yourself and your family from infection.
                Cook all ground beef thoroughly. During an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7, vegetables should be boiled for at least 1 minute before serving.
                Cook ground beef to 160° F Test the meat by putting a food thermometer in the thickest part of the meat. Do not eat ground beef that is still pink in the middle.
                If a restaurant serves you an under-cooked hamburger, send it back for more cooking. Ask for a new bun and a clean plate, too.
                Don’t spread bacteria in your kitchen. Keep raw meat away from other foods. Wash your hands, cutting board, counter, dishes, and knives and forks with hot soapy water after they touch raw meat, spinach, greens, or sprouts.
                Never put cooked hamburgers or meat on the plate they were on before cooking. Wash the meat thermometer after use.
                Drink only pasteurized milk, juice, or cider. Frozen juice or juice sold in boxes and glass jars at room temperature has been pasteurized, although it may not say so on the label.
                Drink water from safe sources like municipal water that has been treated with chlorine, wells that have been tested or bottled water.
                Do not swallow lake or pool water while you are swimming.
                Last edited by sucahyo; 06-08-2011, 02:38 AM.


                • #9
                  Simple washing has worked for thousands of years for removing dog poo etc. This bacteria seems to be IN the veggies, not so much on it It is resistant to the 8 different antibiotics and the DNA seems to be manipulated. What use is there for a bacterium with these properties other than a weapon?

                  H1N1 and sars were both man made, so is this. It was speculated that these GMO,s were released to promote the use of vaccines, has a new antibiotic been released? If not then one can only come to the conclusion that it is a weapon.

                  In the news in the UK they have warned of alCIAda releasing bio weapons, well they have, only it isn't Arabs in caves that created this. Do some research into what Dr David Kelley was doing at Porton Down in the UK Ministry of Defence | About Defence | What we do | Health and Safety | Porton Down Volunteers | Porton Down - A Brief History , he threatened to spill the beans on this as well as the imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Next he was found dead in the woods. Death of David Kelly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  I'm just connecting dots.

                  Sorry for the rant


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sekme1
                    I think all of this it is just big deal when it is not. Media is always looking for something to - that is the work of media. There are always all kinds of bacteria around us. Some bacterias are good for us - like raw cows milk. We clean so much that clean all the good stuff out too.
                    Did I read you correctly? Not big deal?
                    One prematurely lost soul is one too many. We're talking 24 deceased and close to 2,500 ill with many of them facing kidney failure. Are you aware what are the consequences of kidney failure and how long you have to wait for transplant while having dialysis three times a week? There may be an organ available but your current condition will not allow to transplant. You'll miss a chance.

                    I don't care what media is vomiting, never did but I do care about the truth since it is something very precious and equally hard to come by nowadays.

                    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                    General D.Eisenhower



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                      I think meatrix like treatment to meat cutting will also package ecoli to the meat sold at supermarket. If you already immune to this kind of meat, I don't think ecoli ridden vegetables will change anything.....

                      CDC | E. coli | Questions & Answers: Sickness caused by E. coli
                      You are right, ecoli is the most genetically engineered bacterium. Take a look at how aspartame is made, ecoli poo.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                        Simple washing has worked for thousands of years for removing dog poo etc. This bacteria seems to be IN the veggies, not so much on it It is resistant to the 8 different antibiotics and the DNA seems to be manipulated. What use is there for a bacterium with these properties other than a weapon?

                        H1N1 and sars were both man made, so is this. It was speculated that these GMO,s were released to promote the use of vaccines, has a new antibiotic been released? If not then one can only come to the conclusion that it is a weapon.

                        In the news in the UK they have warned of alCIAda releasing bio weapons, well they have, only it isn't Arabs in caves that created this. Do some research into what Dr David Kelley was doing at Porton Down in the UK Ministry of Defence | About Defence | What we do | Health and Safety | Porton Down Volunteers | Porton Down - A Brief History , he threatened to spill the beans on this as well as the imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Next he was found dead in the woods. Death of David Kelly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        I'm just connecting dots.

                        Sorry for the rant
                        I try to do the same - connect the dots and evidence. Paper bag can hold some nails for some time but when there is too many it will eventually break open and reveal its content. Sometimes it isn't even that hard to "see" through the bag as long as one pays attention.

                        H1N1 and sars were both man made, so is this
                        I would add a few more to this list.

                        Last edited by blackchisel97; 06-08-2011, 03:05 AM. Reason: edit
                        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                        General D.Eisenhower



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                          I try to do the same - connect the dots and evidence. Paper bag can hold some nails for some time but when there is too many it will eventually break open and reveal its content. Sometimes it isn't even that hard to "see" through the bag as long as one pays attention.

                          H1N1 and sars were both man made, so is this
                          I would add a few more to this list.

                          I could too but for most people its too much for them to handle


                          • #14
                            Damage is done to Spain
                            YouTube - ‪Spanish Farmers Give Away Veggies in Madrid [AlJazeera]‬‏

