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DCA - Cancer Cure - (No profit = no research)

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  • DCA - Cancer Cure - (No profit = no research)

    DCA is a drug that has been proven to kill cancer, but since the pharmaceutical industry can't profit from it (because it was discovered in a university, and therefore cannot be patented) they won't fund any research, or start the development process

    YouTube - ‪DCA - Cancer Cure - (No profit = no research)‬‏
    We need our own clinic funded by philanthropist


  • #2
    How To Use DCA & How To Store DCA


    • #3
      Uploaded by UniversityofAlberta on May 12, 2010
      YouTube - ‪Cancer Breakthrough at the University of Alberta‬‏
      Here a representative of the university reverts the focus of the real breakthrough of this therapy which was originally intended to eliminate Chemo and Pharma drugs. Among the distractions is that DCA (Dichloroacetic Acid) can help to make a patient more "radiation and chemo sensitive" and to Quote " so what that means in principle one could take a standard drug that perhaps works moderately well in a common cancer and potentially in the presence of DCA that DRUG would work better". This is completely the opposite of what DCA is intended to do. It is intended to eliminate other drugs and Chemo.


      • #4
        Hi Ash, let us spread the word, you can watch 'Burzynski movie' for free 11/13 june on.. Burzynski the Movie
        Great information on supression of cancer treatment.

        Regards to you and Family, Bren.

