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Redox Signaling Molecules

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  • Aaron
    ASEA Convention 2011 - part 1

    Originally posted by occy30 View Post
    You realize I could just drop dead tomorrow and never know how the increased dosages affected you!!!

    Ok - this was the first 2 days of the trip.
    ASEA Convention 2011 - Part 1 - Blogs - Redox Signaling Molecules Forum, Articles, Blog and ASEA

    Nothing too exciting but the brief tour of the headquarters was really cool.

    I averaged 15-20 ounces a day. Make note that before I took the trip, I was in the emergency room 10 days prior because of an injury and I couldn't walk. Right after the hospital - I went to a BBQ then went to a dinner/dance that same night. Didn't dance but was on my feet 4 of the 6 hours I was there. Was supposed to be laid out in bed for a whole week before getting up to walk around. I drank about 15 ounces the day of the injury and the next day when I was in the hospital - super recovery time!

    I'll post about all that later.

    Anyway, I'll post about the rest of the trip soon.

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  • occy30
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    lol - I'll get to it, just been going non stop since I've been back. I averaged 3.5 to 4.5 hours of sleep per night from Aug 23rd Tue to Aug 29th the
    following Mon. This is a super human drink. I'll give details.
    You realize I could just drop dead tomorrow and never know how the increased dosages affected you!!!

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  • Aaron
    supplements after ASEA

    Originally posted by Roland View Post
    I have recently just gotten interested in getting healthier. I have conclude that ASEA is pretty incredible stuff.
    I'm 50 & have never really been health oriented, other than playing soccer & ultimate semi regularly, I don't do much for my health. I have in the past used some supplements to gain weight/mussels, and at times taken somethings to help with ADD.

    I would like more energy and better focus. I do plain on juicing once a day. Do you have any other suggestions for other supplements to take along with the ASEA?
    Hi Roland,

    I'd take ASEA on an empty stomach upon waking. Then wait 10 minutes before eating or drinking anything (or taking other supplements). I'm investigating a few things but I'd recommend liquid ionic trace minerals. Liqumins ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops, Low Sodium, 8-Ounce Bottle: Health & Personal Care

    Concentrace is the best - use ionic instead of colloidal, chelated, etc...

    Trace mineral deficiency is one of the biggest problems because we don't get them in the normal food supply anymore and it is a panacea on its own. However - because of what I know now - ASEA first then trace minerals.

    For about $6/month for those trace minerals at that price on Amazon, hard to beat. That 8oz bottle is about a 3 month supply for 1 person at the full dose, but build up slowly and take it in orange juice or something unless you're ok with with the taste - it is VERY concentrated and is so conductive it will complete an electric circuit.

    There are some other supplments worth taking but after ASEA, trace minerals are a must unless all your food comes from mineralized soil.

    A multivitamin and fatty acids would be at the top of my list.

    Redox Signaling Molecules
    Trace Minerals
    Fatty Acids

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  • Roland
    I have recently just gotten interested in getting healthier. I have conclude that ASEA is pretty incredible stuff.
    I'm 50 & have never really been health oriented, other than playing soccer & ultimate semi regularly, I don't do much for my health. I have in the past used some supplements to gain weight/mussels, and at times taken somethings to help with ADD.

    I would like more energy and better focus. I do plain on juicing once a day. Do you have any other suggestions for other supplements to take along with the ASEA?

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  • Aaron
    my experience

    Originally posted by occy30 View Post
    Awe come on! Don't leave us hanging. I've got my popcorn out ready to see what larger doses does. You can't leave us hanging like that
    lol - I'll get to it, just been going non stop since I've been back. I averaged 3.5 to 4.5 hours of sleep per night from Aug 23rd Tue to Aug 29th the
    following Mon. This is a super human drink. I'll give details.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by brenie View Post
    Hello Folks, all very interesting. However I think Ash makes a very important point re cost. $200 per month ! For many people it may as well be a $1000 a month! Aaron if your saying cost will drop as it gets accepted elsewhere, the tell me, how much it now costs in USA ?
    And if now in Italy how much there ?
    I am not on a knocking campaign, but we have to find a way to this too those folk who really need it, and often can't afford these prices.

    Regards Bren.
    It is not officially in Australia so getting it in Australia is a special circumstance. It is $140 USD ONLY FOR THE SHIPPING 22 pounds (2 cases). Seeing this as the real price is really taking it out of context I believe.

    I didn't say it was in Italy yet but will be going there first - as early as October and possibly as late as early 2012.

    If you have govt and customs connections where they can rapidly approve
    a product and company, get in touch with me. Otherwise, it is a slow
    process. They're focused on Italy and the EU for now but will be
    obviously expanding after that. These things take time normally.

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  • occy30
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    I do want to share about my personal experience on this trip drinking
    15-25 ounces every single day from last Tuesday until this past Monday
    but will have to post some of that soon, still catching up from the time
    I was gone.
    Awe come on! Don't leave us hanging. I've got my popcorn out ready to see what larger doses does. You can't leave us hanging like that

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  • brenie
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    Please keep in mind that is when the company is unable to send it direct.

    For example, I would have to order it, pay tax and shipping to my location.
    Then I would have to turn around and send it with intl shipping on top of that
    and that is why the price is higher.

    When it is officially in Australia, it will be substantially less expensive. It is
    just a matter of time.

    It will be in Italy in a couple months! That is the first international
    country outside of Canada.

    Anyone that wants to be notified about international expansion needs
    to join this list: ASEA International
    Hello Folks, all very interesting. However I think Ash makes a very important point re cost. $200 per month ! For many people it may as well be a $1000 a month! Aaron if your saying cost will drop as it gets accepted elsewhere, the tell me, how much it now costs in USA ?
    And if now in Italy how much there ?
    I am not on a knocking campaign, but we have to find a way to this too those folk who really need it, and often can't afford these prices.

    Regards Bren.

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  • Aaron
    amazing experience!

    Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
    There was a single mom with two young boys, both born with multiple challenges. One of the boys was born with a broken leg and could not walk properly. He mostly crawled and sort of dragged himself using his elbows. Within a few months of taking Asea, he started to be able to walk, run and play for the first time. In fact, at the receptions he was actually dancing the whole nite!
    Hi Pamela,

    Thanks for posting about that!

    I want everyone to know what happened to that boy that couldn't walk
    so they know very clearly what kind of challenge he went through.

    When his mom was pregnant with him, the father kicked her in the stomach
    so hard that it broke the legs and hip of the unborn baby boy!

    He was crippled since birth obviously and has been in a wheelchair his
    whole life. He is 7 years old and is about as small as a 4-5 year old.
    In his entire life, 5 minutes is the longest he was ever able to stand
    on his own. In 3.5 weeks of drinking this, he was able to stand for
    5 HOURS!

    5 Minutes to 5 Hours!
    This is not just some "supplement" and I hope everyone gets that.

    To see the joy in this boys eyes to be dancing all night long with all of us
    was a sight to behold. The entertainers were imitating the Rat Pack and
    the Sammy David Junior was singing Mr. Bojangles and that little boy was
    Mr. Bojangles. He was spinning around on the floor, dancing, and even
    doing somersaults! From standing 5 minutes at the longest during his
    entire 7 years to this.

    When we say that this is helping people get their lives back we mean it, but
    for that boy, he is able to have a life that he never knew he had.

    His own brother never spoke more than 3 words during an entire month
    throughout his whole life. He must have been within 1-2 year of age of
    his brother that was born with the broken legs. After a short time, he is
    talking so much that they "can't shut him up". I can't say what condition
    he has but the number of children that get this are growing at what seems
    to be an exponentiation rate. But from 3 words per month to talking
    A LOT in just a few weeks - ask any parent in the world what it would
    mean to them to have their child in the same condition have a turn around
    like that.

    Anyway, I literally have tears rolling down my face thinking about what
    I saw and who I met this past weekend. These are just 2 boys out of
    countless people that came from all over because of what this has done
    for them, their family and their friends.

    I know with immovable conviction that I made the right decision to risk
    everything to back this company and this product. Everything has led
    to this for a reason!

    Anyone that wants to challenge the reality of what this is about will
    meet the same challenge as a naked man trying to climb a wall of ice.

    Before, I was already through the roof with my enthusiasm about what
    we have our hands on and after this past weekend, the language doesn't
    even exist to describe where my heart is at with this.

    My moral obligation to spread the word about this to every human being
    I know has been increased a hundredfold - there is so much more that I
    want to share but I don't even have the words for it.

    I do want to share about my personal experience on this trip drinking
    15-25 ounces every single day from last Tuesday until this past Monday
    but will have to post some of that soon, still catching up from the time
    I was gone.

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  • Aaron
    ASEA International

    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    Hi ALL

    I heard its about 220$ per month to take if in Australia
    Please keep in mind that is when the company is unable to send it direct.

    For example, I would have to order it, pay tax and shipping to my location.
    Then I would have to turn around and send it with intl shipping on top of that
    and that is why the price is higher.

    When it is officially in Australia, it will be substantially less expensive. It is
    just a matter of time.

    It will be in Italy in a couple months! That is the first international
    country outside of Canada.

    Anyone that wants to be notified about international expansion needs
    to join this list: ASEA International

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  • ashtweth
    Hi ALL

    I heard its about 220$ per month to take if in Australia, i think if its going to be at that price i should apply it as a medical supplement , this way patients could get it on MEDICARE (a subsidy of our health care system). I would hate to see people suffer in pain cause of a high price that's all


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  • Aaron
    ozone, h2o2 and catalase

    Originally posted by geotron View Post
    Ozone is toxic in very small quantities, therefore it is something I would
    avoid drinking.

    The ionized water technique, breaking down clusters of h2o2 molecules into
    smaller groups - good suggestion!
    Ozone in small quantities is exactly what our mitochondria produce and is in a perfect balance with the reduced species molecules that activate antioxidants that will neutrailize any oxidation caused by the ozone. It's a perfect system.

    The redox signaling molecules supplement - that is also a perfect system and is what makes it 100% non toxic and ultra effective - while containing small amounts ozone.

    To break down h2o2 into smaller molecules (water and oxygen), that is the job of the catalase enzyme. This supplement increases the amount of catalase enzyme the body produces - again - part of the perfect system.

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  • Aaron
    reactive oxygen species

    Originally posted by geotron View Post
    An antioxidant such as hydrogen peroxide is able to enter into more
    intimate contact with cells in the body than is the chlorine dioxide
    molecule partially due to its natural production by cells on which
    it will take effect in response to varying conditions.
    Hydrogen peroxide is actually a reactive oxygen molecule - the opposite of an antioxidant.

    The mitochondria in the cells to produce various chlorine molecules as well and they are reactive oxygen molecules.

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  • Pamela Vicik-Smith
    I just got back home from the Asea Convention in Vegas and I met a couple of people there from this forum. It is nice to have a face in mind to go with a name

    I just have to share some of the first-hand testimonials I heard - stories that could only be called miraculous!

    There was a man who had many medical issues. He had not worked in years and in 2010 he was on over 60 prescriptions! He started taking Asea this year and since March 6 has not had a single prescription!

    There was a single mom with two young boys, both born with multiple challenges. One of the boys was born with a broken leg and could not walk properly. He mostly crawled and sort of dragged himself using his elbows. Within a few months of taking Asea, he started to be able to walk, run and play for the first time. In fact, at the receptions he was actually dancing the whole nite!

    A woman had some sort of growth in her throat for several years making it difficult to talk and impossible to sing (which she used to love to do). She started drinking Asea and about 3 months later she got into a coughing spell one nite. The growth dislodged and she coughed it out. She sang karaoke at the convention.

    There was a woman who had a severe degenerative muscular disorder. She rather young, perhaps 40. Her entire left side had become numb from the disease and she stopped talking because it was too painful. After taking Asea she can now walk with the use of a cane and it no longer hurts her to talk. In fact, she also sang at the karaoke party and she said that by next year, she plans on dancing with her husband at the convention.

    Les Brown, the great motivational speaker, was there and talked to us. He shared that about 15 or 16 years ago he had prostate cancer. He beat it but it came back last year far worse than the first time. His PSA (or PST, whatever they are called) levels were over 1,500! He heard about Asea from a friend and started taking it. His levels are now less than 1 and he is healthy.

    These are just some of the stories I heard and want to share.

    Before hearing these, I thought Asea was a good product. Now, I know that it is a great product and there is nothing in the world like it!

    As for me, my back issues are still history!

    I did a lot of walking at the convention. One day Aaron and I had lunch with a large group of people at the Harley Davidson Cafe across the street from the convention. Although this was across the street, we probably walked at least 3/4 of a mile to get there. We started off at one end of the convention area and had to walk to the other end, down a couple of levels, out to the street and up three flights of steps to a walkway across the street. I was doing fine until I saw the three flights of steps. I thought that I wouldn't be able to climb those and almost told Aaron I would take the elevator instead. However, I didn't want to slow us down so I didn't say anything and decided to at least try. Though I was a tiny bit winded at the top, I did it! And absolutely no back pain at all the entire trip!

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  • AetherScientist
    Thanks for the info of Dr. Howenstine,
    I have to say that I drink 2 to 3 liters of ozonated water a day and the only things I've notice are small benefits. My swear smells very hard, and the only things that have worked for me are:
    1) Distiller water, drinking 3 liters a day
    2) Any kind of water, including distilled, ozonated.

    The really thing I've heard is depending what machine you use to make ozone, it can be more or less dangerous. Not for the ozone itself, but for other substances that could be created during the process.

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