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Redox Signaling Molecules

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  • Aaron
    chlorine dioxide

    Originally posted by Majestic81 View Post
    Oxidative stress???
    That not something i've read in Jim Humbles book or website.
    If you have chlorine dioxide - you have a serious reactive molecule.

    What is the method of action in the body? If you spell that out, you
    already have the answer.

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  • Pamela Vicik-Smith
    Hi Mick ~ I am so excited that you are trying Asea and I am looking forward to reading about your results.

    You mentioned that you have floaters in your eyes. I know of a lot of people who had the same condition. If you have a small glass bottle with an eye-dropper attached, you can fill it with Asea and place drops directly in your eyes. Just make sure the bottle is very clean inside first.

    I put Asea drops in my eyes as I would love to have improvement in my reading vision.

    I hope this helps

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  • ss1
    UK trial of ASEA begins!!

    Hi, I have now received one of my ASEA cases yesterday, here in England. I see the other is currently awaiting customs clearance.
    Thank you to Aaron for all you did to arrange the delivery.

    This is a trial of 2 months and has cost approximately £222 inclusive of the shipping.

    I am a 58 year old male who is 6' 2" weighing 12stone 6lb, I have a relatively good diet of fresh food and all meats, though not organic or processed. I consume 1/2 to 1 bottle of red wine per night (13%) And i'm a non-smoker.

    My hobbies are cycling, fell walking, sailing and DIY which I do on my day off.
    I work Monday to Saturday 8:30am til 6:00pm, though not manual, but doesn't leave much leisure time.

    Reasons for this trial:
    I suffer from Ostioarthristis in both knees and my back (confirmed)
    I have Floaters in my eyes and I am always tired.

    Dosage: 7am - 2fl oz before cleaning of teeth and fluids (on an empty stomach).
    5pm - 2fl oz 1 hour before my evening meal.

    Will follow up in 1 weeks time.

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  • ashtweth
    Originally posted by toranarod View Post
    i have been taking Asea for 5 weeks now going on 6.
    i would like to make a comment one very simple comment. I feel Amazing.
    i have been able to do things i thought was passed for me. I am 50 years of age
    and am running again every morning before work. i have lost 10 Kg in weight.
    because i now have the energy to exercise again. i feel fit and younger again.
    Thanks for the updates and reports Pam/Rod

    Rod make sure you dont get back on that dirt bike brother have had enough heart attacks this year Thats great news for cancer suffers who dont feel the need to exercise, Also Rod try Blueberries for the old man with Alz, its clinically proven to have anti brain aging effects, also medical THC has been used by many to combat Alz, we have a letter and volunteer on our page who used it effectively.
    Last edited by ashtweth; 09-22-2011, 11:36 PM.

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  • Pamela Vicik-Smith
    Woo Hoo!!! That is fantastic news, Toranarod!

    Each day I am astounded at the energy I have! And at the end of the day, I have never slept better and soundly.

    I also just got back to the gym for the first time in ages. After a very challenging workout, I found I was not even sore the next day.

    I think I never realized how sub-par I was feeling until I started to feel great again!

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  • toranarod
    i have been taking Asea for 5 weeks now going on 6.
    i would like to make a comment one very simple comment. I feel Amazing.
    i have been able to do things i thought was passed for me. I am 50 years of age
    and am running again every morning before work. i have lost 10 Kg in weight.
    because i now have the energy to exercise again. i feel fit and younger again.

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  • Majestic81
    Oxidative stress???
    That not something i've read in Jim Humbles book or website.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by occy30 View Post
    Really?!? Someone needs to give this to some amputees to see what kind of potential is here.

    So basically, this stuff gets your body's natural abilities a super boost? Which implies cancer will no longer be an issue, immune diseases will not be a problem, etc...

    If true then this stuff is more amazing than implied (and it has been implied to be quite the miracle stuff)
    I don't remember his name but he is a long time friend of a lady I work with.

    He was up in the air in a bucket and there was a long cord - something
    happened and that cord went zipping, wrapped around him, threw him out
    of the bucket, cord rebounded and threw him 50 feet into the ground and
    killed him. He was dead for 7 minutes and his son gave him CPR and revived

    His wife starting giving it to him while he was in the hospital after he was
    conscious enough to sip it down so the injury was fresh when he started
    taking it. His son found 2 inches of bone from his elbow and other stuff
    shredded from his elbow in the jacket like a few weeks later. 2 inches of
    bone grew back in his elbow, literally.

    Also, he was unable to move his foot because the sciatic nerve was
    shredded. Doctor said it takes (can't recall - something like 1.5 years to
    regenerate an injury like that) - well, his regenerated in like a couple
    months and he has full range of motion in his foot and can walk without

    The redox signaling molecules did not regrow bone - it aided the body's
    ability to support itself. No medical claims here.

    We all know bone can regrow. Many doctors think it is impossible for
    osteoporosis to reverse when it can for a fact. I have seen it over and
    over for many years. My mother had osteoporosis developing - started
    taking the right calcium like MCHC (microcrystalline hydroxyapetite calcium)
    and in months, it reversed to the point that the density was back to that
    of a 30 year old. Walking or any weight bearing exercise on bones causes
    the bone to uptake calcium and with the right calcium available, the bones
    will assimilate it and reverse the osteoporosis. This is a bit different from
    regrowing the bone from bone that has been completely removed but our
    body does have all the information to regrow it and when the body can
    communicate properly, it can do amazing things.

    But what happened to this guy was a miracle - even though we know the
    science behind why - it is still a miracle. He is lucky to be alive. He seemed
    to have full range of motion in his elbow as well. I destroyed my left
    elbow in the 9th grade and destroyed the nerves and broke the "funny
    bone" bundle of nerves connected - that was pure torture. Anyway, had
    surgery and they held everything together with pins and I had a cast for
    many months. 25-50 times a day, if I curled my arm, it would trigger the
    nerves as if I hit my funny bone - that was excruciating. After a while,
    my nerves, cartridge, etc... repaired itself - seems his damage was far
    worse and healed quicker than mine - and I normally heal pretty quick.
    Last edited by Aaron; 09-24-2011, 02:16 AM.

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  • occy30
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    I met a man at a potluck 2 weeks ago who was dead for 7 minutes from
    a logging accident. When we was at the hospital, found out he lost 2 inches
    of bone in his elbow (which his son found in his jacket later on) - and he
    couldn't move his right foot.

    His elbow regenerated and he can move his foot after months!

    Really?!? Someone needs to give this to some amputees to see what kind of potential is here.

    So basically, this stuff gets your body's natural abilities a super boost? Which implies cancer will no longer be an issue, immune diseases will not be a problem, etc...

    If true then this stuff is more amazing than implied (and it has been implied to be quite the miracle stuff)

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  • Aaron
    redox signaling molecules

    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
    Aaron, oxidation stress from MMS is easy to manage

    In a study funded by the National Cancer Institute, 20 participants were encouraged to eat 1 to 2 cups of cruciferous vegetables a day. After three weeks, the amount of oxidative stress in their body was measured. Then, after a three-week wash-out period, the study participants were told to take a multivitamin with fiber. Again, the oxidative stress was measured three weeks later.

    I'm all for a healthy diet and eat my cruciferous veggies all the time.

    However, the subjects of those studies were not deliberately giving
    themselves doses of extremely potent reactive oxygen species like
    chlorine dioxide.

    From what I know now, I'd never use a single sided approach again.

    I have no doubt that this kind of diet can help neutralize some of the
    oxidative stress but the body is competing with some seriously reactive

    There are some documents that can be downloaded on the redox signaling
    molecules here: Redox Signaling Molecules

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  • Aaron
    amazing stories

    Originally posted by Pamela Vicik-Smith View Post
    What a remarkable story about your friend, Aaron! I am continually amazed at some of the stories I am hearing.

    I have a few more personal experiences and experiences from people I know that I will post later.
    I met a man at a potluck 2 weeks ago who was dead for 7 minutes from
    a logging accident. When we was at the hospital, found out he lost 2 inches
    of bone in his elbow (which his son found in his jacket later on) - and he
    couldn't move his right foot.

    His elbow regenerated and he can move his foot after months!

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  • ashtweth
    oxidative stress

    Aaron, oxidation stress from MMS is easy to manage

    In a study funded by the National Cancer Institute, 20 participants were encouraged to eat 1 to 2 cups of cruciferous vegetables a day. After three weeks, the amount of oxidative stress in their body was measured. Then, after a three-week wash-out period, the study participants were told to take a multivitamin with fiber. Again, the oxidative stress was measured three weeks later.

    And the results? Oxidative stress in the subjects' bodies dropped 22% during the period when they were eating lots of cruciferous vegetables. But the change during the multivitamin segment was negligible (0.2%), says lead researcher Jay H. Fowke, PhD, an assistant professor and cancer epidemiologist for the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.

    Chop up (the salad dressing will mask the taste)

    Carrots (if possible purple also)
    brussels sprouts
    bok Choy

    any sprouts

    Salad dressing:

    1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
    1/2 lemon juiced
    1/4 cup olive oil
    3 table spoons of raw organic honey
    1 tea spoon of himalayan salt

    (Other safe salad dressing -Balsamic vinegar,olive oil and lemon)
    Last edited by ashtweth; 09-20-2011, 07:27 AM.

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  • Pamela Vicik-Smith
    What a remarkable story about your friend, Aaron! I am continually amazed at some of the stories I am hearing.

    I have a few more personal experiences and experiences from people I know that I will post later.

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  • Aaron
    Montana meetings

    If anyone is in the Kalispell, Missoula or Bozeman Montana area this Thur, Fri or Sat, (Sep 15th, 16th & 17th), let me know - there are meetings you can go to in order to see a presentation by a man that is personally responsible for helping thousands of people all over North America get their lives back.

    PM me for details.

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  • Aaron
    immovable hand moves first time in 6 years

    Sunday the 4th, a friend, Lawrence who first gave me Stan Meyer and other vids about 10 years ago got a case. He took 1 ounce a day for about 4 days.

    He had a stroke 6 years ago and his left arm is swollen like a swelled up sausage. He could only slightly move 2 fingers all those years. When I saw him 4 days later, I could see the skin on his arm was slightly wrinkled - the swelling was already decreased.

    He came to a meeting on Saturday (with the founders and atomic medical physicist) - he drank 12 ounces that day, since is was available free sitting back by the water and coffee.

    That night, went to sleep without oxygen in the first time in years and he didn't wake up with any kind of panic from not getting enough oxygen.

    AND, he woke up with his left hand in a fist! He was able to open and close his hand over and over for the first time in 6 years!

    He and his wife went to Peter's to pick up some batteries we were working on for them and he showed this to Peter - he was over the moon.

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