Guys i got sent this from a friend, the youtube got taken down so he uploaded it for us, this is the info i got
wanted to show you some footage of a clip of an inventor in iran that invented a machine that uses electromagnetic waves (signals) to repair eye conditions , he repaired his own near sightedness with the device and you will see he has been helping a lot of people with all sorts of eye conditions , by looking into the transmitter he sends a signal to the brain and the brain repairs the error in the eye condition, this clip is about 3 to 4years old , when I saw it I was pretty amazed , this device is surgery free and is a direct threat to every eye surgeon , laser surgery and prescription glasses provider,
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
wanted to show you some footage of a clip of an inventor in iran that invented a machine that uses electromagnetic waves (signals) to repair eye conditions , he repaired his own near sightedness with the device and you will see he has been helping a lot of people with all sorts of eye conditions , by looking into the transmitter he sends a signal to the brain and the brain repairs the error in the eye condition, this clip is about 3 to 4years old , when I saw it I was pretty amazed , this device is surgery free and is a direct threat to every eye surgeon , laser surgery and prescription glasses provider,
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service