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  • Chromatherapy

    Let me begin with an introduction by letting you know of my intentions with this. I am interested heavily into conspiracies. Let me continue this post later after my hands are unfrozen(weather). Mods please do not delete.

    Continued 11:39pm today:
    Note: I am not a doctor. Do not take this as medical advice!

    The frozen hands of mine were due to me living in a more "natural environment" without heat in my room. The whole point of me going into alternative medicine is to help me live better as in exert less effort and live with less dependence on artificial money. I want to be able to live more off the land, for free without having to go out and work a mandatory job at a business like Hewlett Packward or etc. I live for free. I would be more attractive in everything.

    I am thinking on buying some books off for chromatherapy. Chromatherapy sounds like chemotherapy and aromatherapy, but it is different. I think it may be possible that chemotherapy could also be positive or negative, but it's negative cancer treatment stereotypes it as negative. Aromatherapy is greatly used in eastern traditional therapy and involves the nasal tract for positive chemical dispersion. The nose has a very high absorption rate, and aromatherapy is like gases, which are more closer to a smaller molecular size. The smaller the size, the better it is absorbed.

    Here is what I wrote to an engineer as I am working on helping him create the perfect technology:
    I am still working on more research to suggest better ideas for you to start getting working on immediately

    You must know that emf is not the only thing that is creating harm when using the computer.

    There is chromatherapy subject that is very important.

    In my opinion, the lights of the computer work to overstimulate the human brain and blue light is shown as harmful. They are not all the same as a certain wavelength in infrared radiation that is perfectly vibrationally compatible with human life energy (see sunlighten infrared sauna techn ology)

    So in my opinion it is best in a person's health interest for them to be able to switch to a better lighting like grey and black light shades similar to that found in certain eyestrainless tablets (will look it up for you). or SOMETHING. I don't know everything on this. Just try to keep an open mind.
    I may just instead search for a filter like a filter that filters everything under red light spectrum.

    Chromatherapy in my opinion DOES play significance. I believe perfect dark is the perfect color, and there is a perfect wavelength for us to live like dormant states.

    Think. This implies
    perfect chromatherapy and other therapies combined => drastically diminished cost of living!
    Last edited by sunrise07; 02-15-2012, 07:20 AM.

  • #2
    I can attest from my brain experiences that this really does indeed work after I changed settings. I am so happy I figured this all out. I can use the computer super long periods of time without feeling anywhere as tired. I wish I could show you image of my graphics card settings as well as the light settings in the physical monitor. I own a Dell 1810INI monitor and it is pretty decent when you know how to use it, but when you don't, expect brain pains esp if you use the computer a lot or play fast shooter action mmo or have any brain stimulating activity while using the computer. I turned the green level all the way down, had the contrast to like 60?, the brightness to 30?, and blue down to zero, I use blue color filter off, and a homemade emf filter (used kantek filter from lessemf), and the red up to 100. I also changed the graphics card settings (this is less powerful in effect, but gives aesthetic feel of change). Boosting gamma is not necessary good all the time, esp in the game I play which is always a dark environment or many cases difficult to see. Also the brain pain impacts my gameplay as well simultaneously along with visibility difficulty.

    It's my anecdotal evidence but I definitely notice it. You need to use the computer long term, so this is the solution.

    Here are some notes I have written down from my journal.

    "More evidence in case you discredit:
    1) self human experimentation experiences
    2) brain chemistry change
    2a) brain turns more rigid with colors lower end of visible spectrum but higher wavelength than blue
    2b) brain activity level and environmental temperature are important variables that effect
    2c) stiff vs. relaxed state of the brain
    2d) aulterra and its impact on brain
    Last edited by sunrise07; 02-15-2012, 04:41 PM.


    • #3
      Another idea to support chromatherapy as a valid therapy that is very significant to all computer users everywhere:

      brain controls the rest of the body and it's functions. No brain => dead body
      It makes sense that a healthy brain functioning, will imply a healthy body.

      Much of the body is controlled heavily by the brain. The heart receives signals from the brain to regulate how much it beats.

      overstimulated brain is out of tune from idealness.

      Better brain means you can better protect yourself. DNA conformation videos.
      I can post it later.

      One can be better in tune with reality as in you can dodge people's hits better in martial arts combat and etc.....That is the larger scale of one being more able to defend themselves against their environment and preserve their life and life energy.

      Next thing one will need next is the shades to block out all light so that their room is 24 hr most of the time dark, and getting new windows that are 100% opaque and light blocking.


      • #4
        Brain stimulation:
        Stimulation comes in several forms: playing a fast action shooter game, sound, visual, visual combination, sensory, drug use/sexual orgasm, and pornographic/romance. I always notice the effects of brain during mental stimulations from using computer
        and with that stimulation, I get corresponding brain pains.

        There is scientific topic regarding the gray matter of the brain. Scientists suggest that by usually age 25 a person has reached maturity of brain. The brain neural connections are higher, and also the
        Catabolism involves brain cells digesting other brain cells to continue surviving.Impulsivity is controlled as the brain is more reserved of its energy usage.
        What we once thought of as "Psychological maturity" of reservedness is attributed to this principle of gray matter. Brain uses less amount of effort to get the same thing done.

        This is also a beneficial and pertinent tool for hardcore university professors and hardcore students, those that use their mental energy far greater than "average". I have secretly disliked them for their arrogance thinking they're better than children because they are more "mature" or whatever have you! I get mad at that.

        it is important in my opinion to conserve on the gray matter and make sure it is high and healthy and pure fat. Brain requires that for energy. You turn uglier with the fat. Brain fat decreases => you need to eat more to replace, and the body is disproportionalized in terms of fat. Fat does not burn off the same for the entire body due to this complex interaction of bodily occurrences. You get heavy facial fat in other words. This applies for hardcore university professors and or students who overuse their brains.
        Realize that this is not the end all of this subject.
        There is a brain supplement sold on called neuro1 or so to help.

        Low gray matter => you feel more sensitivity and are more easily able to feel the effects of brain pain using computer monitor (computer monitor has higher levels of those light luminosity => greater brain excitation)

        find some articles on gray matter, and watch the videos on neuroscience.
        Last edited by sunrise07; 02-15-2012, 07:19 AM.


        • #5
          Last edited by sunrise07; 02-15-2012, 07:22 AM.


          • #6
            additional supporting detail:
            I get these urges to lie down in bed in painful positions to slow down blood flow into the brain. It makes sense. Less oxygen rate going in => the brain slows down in metabolism and really catabolism since my gray matter in my brain is extremely low. The brain metabolism is faster than the energy I get out of me eating my food now.


            • #7
              topic related website links (to be updated)

              Introduction to color
              Color Subtraction


              • #8
                Please comment and let me know what you all think of my findings!


                • #9
                  Thanks for posting this! It's going to take me awhile to read it all but it's a topic I have been interested in for quite some time now. I have been trying to avoid blue light after sundown and have had good results.

                  I'm using some freeware called F.lux to change the color settings on my computer based on the time of day.


                  • #10
                    Hello everybody,

                    As my knowledge, Chroma therapy is the last treatment for curing cancer. I have no idea about chroma therapy. What is chroma therapy and why it is used? Please give some basic knowledge abut chroma therapy.

                    Thanks and regards
                    Ademola Okubena

