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Pamela Sweda talks about Consciousness Science

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  • Pamela Sweda talks about Consciousness Science

    Pamela Sweda has written a great paper entitled "The Implementation of Consciousness Science into My Life".

    The entire paper is attached to this message for you to download.

    Following are the first couple of paragraphs:

    When I became aware of the Law of Attraction in November of 2006, I embarked upon a spiritual journey that, even at the outset, I knew would change my life. While I immediately realized that I had been applying the principles of LOA by default throughout my entire life, I also realized that in order to apply them in a beneficial way, I would have to go within, become keenly aware of, and work to change, the negative subconscious beliefs that had been deeply ingrained since my childhood. This led to a desperate desire to read as many spiritual and self-help books that I could get my hands on, and in doing so, I knew that the first step in this process required me to consistently and consciously observe my emotions and thoughts. Imagine my feelings of disconcertion as I discovered through this observation, that I seemed to be filled to the brim with negative thoughts, fears and doubts that were thwarting me in achieving my desires and hindering me in my own personal awakening!

    As I look back on those first few months of embracing this new knowledge, I remember many moments of frustration as I worked to eliminate those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. I became an Affirmation Goddess!!! And, much to my chagrin, despite the constant affirmations, it became nearly impossible for me to be able to consistently “Live in The Now” and appreciate the moment. But I began to find a new hope when a series of synchronistic events began to occur after spending much time in meditation and I started to seek out more information to aid me in my quest.

    Attached Files

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  • #2
    Oh Pamela, what an ispiration, she is to all of us!! I love how she encourages me to share my poetry and my writings as well and our conversations are always such fun. It has been wonderful to have called this forum and these great like minded friends into my life.

    Well done!!! Pamela.
    Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
    Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

    My Mystic PATHS Website
    Word Whisperer
    My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


    • #3
      Thanks So Much!

      Thank, Maggie and Kevin!

      What is interesting is that before, during and after the time that I was writing that essay I was noticing some peculiar emotional and physical issues which were causing me some concern... They seemed to intensify while I was visiting with Grace during the first 2 weeks of August and grew stronger when I returned home on the 16th. I happened on an article from the Intention Experiment while I was at Grace's and shared it with her. Apparently when one is experiencing consciousness expansion, there are several physical and emotional experiences that occur and finding this article made some sense to both Grace and me and also made us feel a bit less disconcerted. And since then I have been talking to several of you Sweeties who are ALSO experiencing some of these consciousness expansion "symptoms". I would like to share an even better article that Maggie sent to me the other day and maybe it will allow some of you Perfect Beings who are also experiencing some of these symptoms to feel a bit of ease.

      Here's the article: Scroll down for the afflictions...


      Quite an assortment of disconcerting afflictions, don't you agree, My Sweet Ones?

      Yep...I got that BAD headache while at Grace's house....and it WASN'T from too much wine! Remember that, Grace? Grace was making a Gazillion corrections on me that day and it FINALLY lifted, but I NEVER get headaches and that one was a doozy! Whew!!! (Thanks my Darling Grace! And Thanks for teaching me to make those Powerful CEM corrections on myself!)

      I also have that sleep thing going on and I seem to be tired more often than ever...I'm sure that the PATHS Extra Strength Sleep Boost kicked in a few months ago, but now I am desiring a nap in the middle of the day... VERY unusual for me to desire a nap and when I DO sleep, I sleep VERY deeply! Day AND night! Keep in mind, this is coming from a life-long insomniac. I also do that 3:00 AM wake up as described in the article, but I am able to easily drift back to the Land of Nod with little problem.

      I don't think this is mentioned, but I know that a few of you Darlings are experiencing this feeling of a "stuffed-up" head. Kind of like a sinus infection without pain. I felt this for several months when I first started PATHS back in January and sometimes I thought it was Spider Brain Syndrom, but increasing the spirulina intake did nothing... After a few months it cleared up, but now it is back. I do notice that LOTS of water seems to help this a bit!

      I am experiencing on and off that extreme sensativity, feeling spacey, have the fluttering heart, energy surges and have gone through many moments of feeling emotionally vulnerable, but I believe I am experiencing a breakthrough. After a week of feeling a GIANT fear in my solar plexus, I have taken a turn in one day and the fear is GONE!!! POOF!!! Fear is such a naughty emotion and I thought it had past completely after running Successful Living 1 way back in January, but this summer it returned on and off and then last week it decided to stay like an unwelcome houseguest! But with constant CEM corrections, relaxing meditations and powerful intentions, I do believe that I have frightened that nasty fear away for good! YIPPY!!!

      But wait...Here's something wild... I made my computer fry! I DID!!! I woke up yesterday and the thing started making a burning smell as soon as I approached it.. When I shut it down, it wouldn't turn on again and it was professionally diagnosed as "fried computer". I immediately made some corrections on it before and during the time it went to the computer hospital for fixing and now it is working just fine... But I wonder if this might happen again? I guess I better continue making corrections on it as well as my being as my consciousness expands further. But I do hope that this whole consciousness expansion thing does not cause my head to grow large!!! THAT would be SO unattractive!!! Grace and I saw a guy with a REALLY BIG head at a restaurant in Florida and I couldn't help but wonder if the cause of it was consciousness expansion! Grace said she didn't think so, but I'm pretty sure that she made corrections on him anyway!

      Much Love and Gratitude to You All,


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      • #4
        Hi Pamela!

        Great article! Good job!! I agree, it's not always an easy ride to enlightenment! I've gone through several stages of feeling very "uncomfortable" I call it "chemicalisation" now, just means things are changing for the better and at times it just plain feels "wrong!" I've come to understand that even when it "feels" wrong, doesn't necessarily means it means somethings wrong

        loadsa love and hugs,

        SJ xxx


        • #5
          Consciousness Expansion

          Oh My, Oh My! Isn't this a grand adventure. When I found the article, it was so good to see that every single thing talked about and what had been happening with me all made sense.
          Like you, Pamela, I have had most of the same things going on for a while now.
          I have 'fried' one computer and then had trouble with the sound on both my new computer and my laptop - until we did some - backwards time travel to when I didn't and restored the sound - cool!!! Now I set my intention to have a cooperative, perfectly operational computer
          As we discussed the other day I have had the headache, stuffy sinus thingy, sensitivity, spaceyness, etc. etc. - but just knowing what it is all about has made all the difference along with Reiki and CEM
          The part that is so comforting is knowing I am not alone in this and it is rather exciting to see the wonderful things going on, inspite, or because of this expansion.
          Writing has certainly helped me as well, as have the skype conversations.
          What a fantastic time we are living in!!!!
          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy,
          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

          My Mystic PATHS Website
          Word Whisperer
          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


          • #6
            Pamela's Fabulous Essay!

            Your Essay Pamela is PERFECTION!! Nothing brings me more joy than to read your posts and now this Paper and all your other writings. I am so happy and grateful now that I have you living this wonderful journey with me!! WE ARE ALL TRULY BLESSED TO HAVE YOU IN OUR LIVES!!



            • #7
              Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful paper Pamela. Your words resonated with me on a deep level and made me realize, once again, how blessed I am to have you in my life and how blessed we all are to be sharing these experiences together
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