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Are you seeing improvements? PATHS RDT Technology

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  • Are you seeing improvements? PATHS RDT Technology

    The following article is from the PATHS website and may be helpful in understanding why certain individuals see improvements very quickly and others see improvements over a longer period of time.

    Rapid Data Transfer Protocol


    A tremendous breakthrough in the area of subconscious life enhancement, R.D.T. or Rapid Data Transfer allows high speed communication with the human subconscious.

    Specialists who attempt to develop self-help systems, and behavioral enhancement solutions have long underestimated the hyper retention and sorting capabilities of the subconscious mind. While the effectiveness of subliminal suggestion is well documented, R.D.T capable technologies are light years ahead, actually having the ability to enhance a person by delivering millions of instructions to their subconscious in short periods of time. The result is a safe and selectable system that features enhancements controlled by the end user on both a conscious and subconscious level.

    All individuals are equipped with hyper retentive subconscious ability, but like most other aspects of the human being, the level of the ability varies from person to person. Using R.D.T., the strength of ones retentive subconscious ability is judged by the speed in which certain selected enhancements take effect. Testing has yielded two groups. Those with Low Subconscious Retention or LSR, those take longer to incorporate the enhancements, and those with High Subconscious Retention or HSR who quickly retain and act on the enhancement.

    The acuteness of ones retentive subconscious ability directly contributes to the experience each subject has, for example it was found that in the beginning subjects with HSR often described feelings of being overloaded and experienced mental fatigue. Symptoms were usually relieved with a combination of supplements such as the amino acid rich Spirulina and regular multi vitamins. LSR users in most cases showed no mental fatigue.

    There has been no data to suggest that R.D.T. was ineffective in subjects with LSR, but an extended time period was usually required for the enhancements to take effect. Individuals who felt that the enhancements weren't going to work further hampered retention and incorporation. A general acceptance that the program would be effective appeared to quicken retention in a large percentage of those tested.

    Low Subconscious Retention (LSR) is the inability of an individual to quickly manifest the R.D.T. protocol. Varying the speed of the R.D.T information delivery system has not appeared to boost retention in individuals believed to have LSR. Only repeated exposure over time increased retention and incorporation. Data suggested that subconscious retention could in fact be boosted as subjects are repeatedly exposed to R.D.T.

    While it may take 1 to 2 months for the average LSR user to experience change, HSR subjects can see manifestation quickly, sometimes immediately following exposure.
    Energetic Forum Administrator

  • #2
    Yes, but WHY?? Why is it that some peeps ARE LSR and some are HSR?

    Enquiring minds need to know.........



    • #3
      Enquiring minds


      Ahh, that is the big question! I do not know. That would be a good thing to TRV! There may be a variety of reasons, or one commonality.

      It is now on my "things I need to TRV" list.


      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link


      • #4
        Thanks Kevin

        Sorry for sounding like a spoilt brat

        Now you have raised another question for me what is TRV?

        p.s. Do you have any idea of how difficult life is when you are a Gemini, always searching, seeking, asking questions LOL!!


        • #5
          Hiya Barb


          You don't sound one bit like a spoilt brat--You sound like a wonderfully curious person, excited about all there is to know!

          I am not a Gemini, but as you will see, I am very excited about being curious, seeking out answers, and wanting explanations to how and why things are the way they are! What an exciting adventure life is!

          AND, that leads right into what TRV is all about! I think you will find it funny what you posted about being so curious when you read this article!!!

          What is TRV?

          Now you are going to be jumping out of your skin in excitement at all there is to know! lol

          Have fun!!!!!!!


          PATHS For Healing
          Energetic Science Ministries
          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

          ESM Forum Support Link


          • #6
            Wohoo Kevin

            This is very interesting, mind you I was interested in the "course" until I saw that most people drop out because it's too hard ........mmm....that would be me I see you are some kind of TSV PhD, but how does that tie in you being a LSR with PATHS? Wouldn't your brain be more open to PATHS in fact?

            TRV is a very specific repeatable, duplicatable, predictable and learnable system that allows virtually anyone with discipline to get results even if they are "psychic as a box of rocks."

            This is an interesting comment from Aaron as I consider myself to be about the same psychic wise as that box of rocks too!

            I printed a heap of stuff off this morning and read it on my morning commute to work and although I can't pretend to understand a lot of it, it was very interesting nonetheless. I will await your next installment.

            BTW that was very interesing about you and your wife moving from Mississippi to Maui based on TRV, that must be one beautiful place to live


            • #7
              Would LSRs benefit from .....

              Hello wonderful people

              Thanks so much Admin, for posting the information on this!

              I was wondering if LSRs could benefit from watching the theatre more often - every day, maybe even more than once a day?
              What if they started watching every day, and then if they're still not seeing a difference, increase to twice a day etc?

              Admin: "Only repeated exposure over time increased retention and incorporation. Data suggested that subconscious retention could in fact be boosted as subjects are repeatedly exposed to R.D.T."

              It would be interesting to know
              Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
              Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
              Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


              • #8
                Mental vs. physical instructions

                I find that I respond almost immediately to the behavioral or mental instructions, but the physical instructions are a lot more subtle in their effect.

                What does this mean?


                • #9
                  I have been on the PATHS program for 5 days now and have seen big improvements from day one> I have felt more energised and confident, I know this sounds funny but even my shoulders are straighter!
                  I have ordered some Spirulina and it will arrive this morning not before time because I am getting some headaches and I think this is due to the large amounts of brain activity.




                  • #10
                    belle99 ~

                    It seems that your conscious and subconscious are very much in synch with what they want to accomplish. Therefore, behavioral and mental prompts encounter little, or no resistance, and are implemented quickly.

                    The physical body, on the other hand, must go through it's normal processes of regeneration/building/retraining muscle memory, etc.

                    Sounds like you are having Fantastic Success!

                    PATHS For Healing
                    Energetic Science Ministries
                    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                    ESM Forum Support Link


                    • #11
                      Lsr Vs Hsr

                      I am not sure if this info will help, but here goes........

                      Years ago I quit smoking via hypnosis in a group of 10 or so individuals. Before the first session they had us take a written test which divided us into two groups. I fell into the group of "easily hypnotized". It has been many years, but I remember that the ones that had a hard time were the more skeptical folks. I finished the fist session (there were 10 more) and never smoked again. Others in the group took a few sessions longer.

